A Finer Point
I’ve realized that I’ve made an assumption in the Preliminary Specification that may not be evident to everyone. When we’ve discussed the profitability of the Joint Operating Committee it has mostly been from the perspective of the producer corporation. Noting that shutting-in the unprofitable properties production would cause the producers corporate profits to rise as a result. Losses would no longer be diluting the earnings of the producers other profitable properties. We see this in most businesses where they shut-in or stop producing products or services that can no longer be produced profitably until such time as the market provides different opportunities. What I haven’t realized is that we’ve never discussed this from the point of view of just the single, stand alone Joint Operating Committee. A Joint Operating Committee can consist of a single well, just land, a gas plant or a unitized facility. Any asset(s) managed by a Joint Venture agreement establishes a Joint Operating Committee. Therefore it is also possible that we can treat the assets and facilities within a Joint Operating Committee as its own unique reporting entity as that is exactly what the Preliminary Specification does. Therefore, assuming a property consisted of fifty wells held through the Joint Venture agreement that would include the interests of, for purposes of this example, four producers.
Within the Preliminary Specification we will be breaking the data down to the finest levels possible. Which means the well data at a minimum. Each well will then have its own fully identified financial statements available for each of the four producer owners to review, as well as the financial performance of the well as a whole. These will detail the capital, operating and overhead costs of each well. Note each of the producers will have a different set of financials that are unique to their share of assets characteristics and costs. For example one of the producers may have purchased an interest in the property and therefore will have far different performance criteria in which to evaluate the property. Alternatively a producer may have custom processing or an interest in the processing facilities that other producers don’t. The Preliminary Specification takes the Joint Venture Agreements determination of production allocation and applies that at each location. This technical flexibility is enabled through the highly engineered process we will be undertaking in the software development of the Material Balance Report. Each of these four producers would therefore be aggregating their specific revenues for each commodity based on the distribution defined in the Joint Venture agreement.
Each producer's financial performance may vary materially from the point of view of profit or loss. Therefore the decision to shut-in the individual well to enhance the Joint Operating Committees performance may be conflicted. Within the Preliminary Specification we have dealt with this conflict from the Joint Operating Committee by way of the following. The Joint Operating Committee is the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication and strategic framework on an industry wide basis, and is its standard. In the Research & Capabilities module, as it is throughout the Preliminary Specification we have moved the knowledge to where the decision rights reside. As Professor Richard Langlois pointed out.
The question then becomes: why are capabilities sometimes organized within firms, sometimes decentralized in markets, and sometimes coordinated by a myriad contractual and ownership arrangements like joint ventures, franchisees, and networks? Explicitly echoing Hayek, Jensen and Meckling (1992, p.251) who point out that economic organization must solve two different kinds of problems: "the rights assignment problem (determining who should exercise a decision right) and the control or agency problem (how to ensure that self-interested decision agents exercise their rights in a way that contributes to the organizational objective)." There are basically two ways to ensure such a "collocation" of knowledge and decision making: "One is by moving the knowledge to those with the decision rights; the other is by moving the decision rights to those with the knowledge." (Jensen and Meckling 1992 p. 253). p. 9
It will therefore be within the Joint Operating Committee, where the knowledge of the financial situation at each of the producers, their abilities and capabilities and their rights to make their decisions in their best interests come into play. These are detailed in the Research & Capabilities and Knowledge & Learning modules. Within the Joint Venture Agreement it has been established within the Operating Procedure what the necessary criteria are and how decisions are to be made. The voting rights of each producer and the percentage ownership necessary to pass a decision will dictate the outcome of these decisions. As it is with the corporate decisions to shut-in an entire unprofitable property, People, Ideas & Objects believe it would be in the best interests of those producers to take the global, or gross working interest, perspective of the wells ownership interests financial performance in determining the outcome of these decisions.
Producer bureaucrats may be jumping up and down at this point saying that this is exactly what it is that they do. Which may be correct except for three distinct differences that the Preliminary Specification implements. Until recently producers have refused and objected to shutting in any and all production. Prior to the virus they were adamant that formation damage would cause production losses to be material for the long term. This they now admit will not be the case. Secondly, the financial statement granularity that is provided by having the service providers re-engineering all of the processes of the producer to ensure they’re optimal and the data is captured at the lowest possible level. This provides for the direct overhead costs to be charged directly to the Joint Operating Committee enabling the decentralized production models price maker strategy. This can only occur with complete financial statements that detail all of the costs of exploration and production. Currently all of the overhead, however much is incurred, is recorded at the corporate level in property, plant and equipment of the producer. And woefully inadequate overhead allowances are charged to the properties. Actual, detailed and accurate financial statements are not currently prepared on any asset in North American oil and gas. If any decisions are currently made in this manner they would be woefully inadequate as they’ve left the major costs of overhead and depletion out of the decision. Lastly, the Preliminary Specification has eliminated the operator designation and replaced it with the pooling concept at the Joint Operating Committee. Decisions being made by one producer as operator introduced the conflict. Moving the decision making to where decisions are authorized removes the conflict the operator has had with the Joint Operating Committee.
Bureaucrats always jump up and down at this point and suggest that neither the way the Preliminary Specification operates or what is suggested here is viable due to the fact that there are contracts of various kinds that need to be considered. Which of course there are. However, for the sake of a contract they’ll terminate discussion and destroy the industry on a wholesale basis. Contracts are written and rewritten everyday. If the producers do not engage any lawyers now might be a good time to begin a review of these self imposed constraints their contracts are having. Having their operations so severely constrained by a series of contracts might be considered foolish in the oil and gas industry that People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations are building. A greater flexibility needs to be built into the industry and that is one of the benefits of the Preliminary Specification.
Nonetheless there may be some wells within a specific Joint Operating Committee where the performance is not adequate to continue with its production. Within the Preliminary Specification there are two specific modules that will assist in the review and analysis of all of a producers Joint Operating Committees and the individual assets within these. They are the Analytics & Statistics module which provides analysis of the producer and the Performance Evaluation module for the analysis of the Joint Operating Committee. Let's look at two aspects of how People, Ideas & Objects enable different performance trajectories over what is available today. First, the Security & Access Control module seeks to provide the right people with the right access to the right information with the right authority at the right time and at the right place. We know the need for this access in the market is much greater today than just last year. It is not that I’m hedging on this ambitious goal set out in the Preliminary Specification. I know that Oracle has the technologies to provide this. I know that we’ve budgeted the right amount of financial resources to engineer the solution. I know that user driven software development such as People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification demands that significant input from the sponsored community needs to be provided to our user community in order to achieve what is possible. This input or support has not yet been evident. And indeed it has been woefully inadequate. Having our budget funded may have producers change their minds on how to get involved by “having some skin in the game.” The commitment of the industry is the missing ingredient at this point. With the amount of losses being incurred at this point, and the history of losses we would assume this is satisfactory to the bureaucrats and this may not change until such time as their removal.
The second aspect of how these modules provide a different performance trajectory is, we provide a division of labor between computers and people that is in stark contrast to what is implemented in the industry today. Computers will be used to store and process data. People will be employed in the efficiency and effectiveness of their organizations, quality, specialization, division of labor, automation, innovation, leadership, integration, issue identification and resolution, creativity, collaboration, research, ideas, design, planning, thinking, negotiating, compromising and financing to name just a few of the key points. Analyzing and accessing the data and information in the Joint Operating Committees and producer firms will enable new perspectives and understanding of how these financial statements can be used to generate new forms of value. A tool set that will be a blank slate that is provided to each of the producers in the form of advanced capabilities that have not been available before. Rendering a means of distinct competitive advantage that has not been available within the industry to date.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Parler or Twitter @piobiz, anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.