Showing posts with label Vision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vision. Show all posts

Monday, January 06, 2020

Updated User Community Vision...

And we’re back, 2020 has a nice ring to it and I look forward to what should be the most interesting year we’ve had so far in the history of our project. To all those that have read People, Ideas & Objects user community vision, you have my apologies. I’ve now rewritten the document to be more readable, if you made sense of it before there will be no need for you to reread it. There are no content changes as the vision stands as it was when I first published the document. I originally completed the writing of the user community vision in early 2014, soon after writing the Preliminary Specification. I had not read it since, I reread it over the holidays and I found it to be of poor quality and needing to be heavily edited, which has now been done. The three key points that provide the user community with the power necessary to ensure that producers and industry are provided with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations are;

  • People, Ideas & Objects developers only look to the user community for their input. We are deaf, dumb and blind to all others. 
  • Only user community members are licensed to make changes to the underlying Intellectual Property of the Preliminary Specification and its derivative works. 
  • The user community have their own budget. “They are not blind sleepwalking agents of whomever will feed them.” Habermas

It is these three attributes that provide the power to the user community to affect the changes that are necessary in the oil and gas industry. This is not the typical user community that has been established to make it appear like an ERP system has adopted some buy-in from its users. This is an effective user community that will form the basis of how the industry will operate when the Preliminary Specification is implemented and for the next several decades as it is expected that the developments of the systems and business models necessary to ensure that the oil and gas industry remains dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable will fall permanently within the user communities domain. User community members are provided with their part-time revenues from People, Ideas & Objects and will generate most of their value through their service provider operations which they will earn through our initial software development. Ensuring that not only is the software but also the services are provided to the industry.

It was during my review that I also undertook to rewrite parts of the following pages.
Once again nothing needed to be changed from a content point of view. Only readability was addressed.

To say that I’m looking forward to 2020 would be an understatement. The issues we identified many decades ago have manifest themselves into an industry that is worthless. The demand for cash to support this long term destruction of the industry continues and fewer sources of financial support are being realized each passing day. The time when serious action will be required is upon the producer firms. People, Ideas & Objects expect that these bureaucrats will do what their history has shown them to be quite competent at. Leaving, of which we began to see the initial exits of some key figures in the fourth quarter of 2019.

A cashless and valueless industry does not need to have its leadership walk out on it. But that is what we’ll be faced with as the solution to the problem is beyond the scope of what the current bureaucrats can accomplish. The situation is untenable for them and therefore they’re only holding on for what additional compensation they can personally prosper from. I would suggest one of the dynamic changes as a result of the shale era will be that the leadership of the industry will not be sourced from the engineering and earth science disciplines. But form in the hands of those leaders that can make the industry profitable. The future oil and gas industry's leadership will therefore be regenerated and exercised through this user community. This will be the means in which the industry regenerates itself, profitably, not as an out of control spending machine. If this appeals to you then you should act, as actions based on individuals working in collaborative fashion, driven by an overall vision such as the Preliminary Specification is how we’ll solve this.

The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Telegram @piobiz or Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Back To Our Priority and Focus

Our planned diversion away from our focus on the user community ended late last week when we realized that the oil and gas investor was too passive to involve themselves in People, Ideas & Objects. They are employing a cut and run strategy away from oil and gas and from the look of most stocks, who can blame them. One of our favorites, in that we mentioned them here late last year is Penn West Petroleum. They had the misfortune of having to restate their financials for a number of quarters based on the fact that they had previously capitalized royalties. Anyway, at the time their stock was as high as $10.19 last year with a market cap of approximately $5.1 billion. Last week the stock touched $1.30 with a market cap of $650 million. Thats a loss of $4.5 billion, or 88%. I have held to a principle in the stock market that if a company loses half of its value in an “event,” then that company can effectively be seen as dead. There is no return for a firm that has taken a hit of that calibre to its stock. The event that has hit Penn West of course is the decline in oil prices and there does not seem to be the resources or capabilities, as far as the market is concerned, for Penn West to survive. I wonder how many other half dead producers there are out there. It is clear to me that we are involved in a disintermediation of the oil and gas business based on the creative destruction of the current infrastructure.

Anyway our priority and our focus is the user community and its involvement in providing the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. We need to refocus on this priority as this is our means of being involved in the development of our product the Preliminary Specification. If we had our budget in the bank today, our priority and focus would be on the development of the user community and therefore we are not wasting any time now as a result of being unable to fund our budget. The ability of our message to be broadcast across the industry exists due to the capabilities of the Internet. And the ability of like minded people to communicate and collaborate exists when our budget funding does come into play. For now spreading the word and thinking about how the Preliminary Specification impacts your areas of the oil and gas industry are things that we can and should be doing. This gives us the time to be creative and put some energy, and the necessary quality of time that is needed for a high quality user community based product to be developed. Rebuilding the industry from the ruins that are starting to show, and as noted above, is very exciting from this side of the fence.

Most producers are now starting to make cuts to their staff. Such that staff were the problem that caused the profitability issues the producers are facing. We have been hounding the producers for over a decade about the work that we are doing here. Trust me the failure of the industry is the bureaucrats fault. They have provided less value to their shareholders than if the investors had put their money in the commodity markets. A sad commentary on the performance of the industry over the past ten to fifteen years. Those that are being let go from the producers should find hope that they can be seen as valuable again by joining this community and being part of this revolution. Thats a good word for what we are doing here.

To have the Preliminary Specification operating in the oil and gas industry would provide a lot of value for everyone involved. Those that participate in the user community are the main benefactors and will hold a special seat in the way that the revitalized oil and gas industry operates. Through our user community vision it is the user who has control of the business model that is contained within the software that operates the industry. If there is need for a change in the business model it is the user community that has the power to make those changes. It won’t need to ask anyone for permission or consent. And the user community will have the software development capabilities of People, Ideas & Objects available to implement those changes when they are required. This is a new way of running an industry. One that if you read the current business literature, is becoming somewhat the prototypical organization of the future.

The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here

Monday, January 12, 2015

Our Focus

We enter 2015 as the beginning of our second full year of user community developments. These developments are the primary focus at People, Ideas & Objects. Being user community based software developments is the only software that is useful and worthwhile, in my opinion. There is too much that the user is involved in that is not captured in most ERP systems that render them ineffective in today’s environment. I think that software in the future will be much different. If it is not crafted by the user for the user, it will not be used. Therefore we have set about making our priority the developments of our user community. A step that in most ERP integrations is skipped due to the time and costs of having the user involved in the developments, and is therefore the first thing that is cut. People, Ideas & Objects however have the time and have made the budget commitments to their development.

The scope and scale of the Preliminary Specification involves the entire oil and gas industry. Within this specification there are thousands of individual jobs that take months to learn. This learning is based on years of experience, education, knowledge and understanding. Turning to our software developers they will be very good but to assimilate that knowledge and understanding without access to the people that make up those thousands of positions. Garbage in, garbage out. That is why we have budgeted 2,000 man years of user community time in determining what is required to make the Preliminary Specification exactly what you need. We expect to access this information from a population of approximately 3,000 users. None of this is permanent full time work for any of the users, however there are significant opportunities for users in the People, Ideas & Objects environment.

Specifically user community participants are those that we look too to form the service provider firms that will manage the administrative and accounting processes on behalf of the oil and gas producers. In the decentralized production model all the administrative and accounting resources of the producer are stripped out and reorganized into service providers who are focused on one process and bill the individual Joint Operating Committees for their services. It will be these service providers that will replace the G&A expenses that are currently incurred by the oil and gas producers. Creating a revenue stream for the service providers in the range of $40 to 60 billion for the North American marketplace. A significant business opportunity for the user community participant. The ability of the service provider / user community participant to then have changes to the process that they manage can be easily accommodated through the software development capability provided by People, Ideas & Objects. Providing a constantly improving process based on improved specialization and division of labor efficiency, changes to the underlying business model, or other necessary business changes to the software. Providing the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations.

It is the user community participant that is the source of the quality of our software offering and the services that are provided. We are all focused on providing the producer firm with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations as our key competitive advantage. A stark contrast to the current regimes chronic losses and self interested, self dealing. If this business opportunity is of interest to you then you should read our user community vision and follow the processes that are provided there.

Information Technology is disintermediating all industries. We are the oil and gas solution. The bureaucracy will be around for a while longer and will provide its own opportunities. If your comfortable there and you have plans to retire, or technology is not your cup of tea, then we might be the wrong choice for you. In fact I know we will. We expect that our users will all have high levels of Information Technology education that includes up to five or six university level course in Java and Relational Databases. If you don't have those, now is the time to register as there is plenty of time to get these behind you. You'll need them no matter what you do in the future. Its just becoming a different world in which to work.

The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative and profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here

Friday, November 28, 2014

Where we Stand Today

We're heading into the Christmas season and a new year will be upon us soon. Its time to look back on 2014 and see what it is that we have accomplished, where it is that we are headed and what our plans are for 2015. Final editing of the Preliminary Specification was completed on December 20, 2013 so it is timely to say happy first birthday to our completed product. We started first thing in January of 2014 to begin the development of our user community. Therefore it is reasonable to state that we have now completed the first year of our three year plan to put the user community in place for the development of the Preliminary Specification. People, Ideas & Objects are committed to user based software developments. This commitment should be starting to show.

With respect to the development of the user community we were able to specify and publish our development budget. Although the budget details a range of what our costs will be. It has been determined that we will only commence developments with the full budget of $4 billion in place. It terms of the character of the user community we were able to determine a variety of specific positions within our leadership team. These positions number upwards of thirty and we have been actively recruiting for these positions throughout the year. Stay tuned for more information on these. If you have an interest in any of these positions please contact me through any of the contact information below. We have also seen a number of people that are interested in participating in the user community begin to make their presence known. These people do not have the desire to be part of the leadership team, however are interested in the work that we are doing and / or are interested in the work of the service providers. Lastly we were able to publish a user community vision that identifies the reason that this user community is not what has typically been a software development user community. And we will continue to build on these developments throughout 2015.

These efforts have to be undertaken and would be our priority even if we had the development resources in place. Our approach is different and therefore we have to educate the market to this difference. Therefore we are already incurring time and energy in efforts that would need to be incurred during our development. And as a result we are not wasting anytime as long as we stay focused and committed to our primary objective of developing the user community. It is important to note that we are not constrained in the development of our software deliverables by physics or anything tangible. It is the development of the user community and the ideas that will be generated within that domain that are our primary constraint. The abilities and capabilities of the user community are the constraints that we must live within. And those constraints are limited in the physical world by the speed of electrons. Therefore the need to start this work now is critical to the success of our entire initiative. Since we are working on that, it is therefore reasonable to state that we are in development.

People, Ideas & Objects have become very lucky as our decentralized production model has driven our value proposition into the stratosphere. And that was before Opec stepped in. I’ll be recalculating our value proposition in the new year but its probably safe to just start saying that its valued in the trillions. The downside of this is its just one issue. We provide so much more value for the dynamic, innovative and profitable oil and gas producer beyond just enabling them to be price makers. On top of all that the Preliminary Specification does do. We enable them to become organizationally flexible to address the future issues that will need to be addressed in similar ways through organizational changes in either the industry, producer or Joint Operating Committee. Something that they will be able to address through participation in the user community and its vision.

As we have discussed we'll be looking in early 2015 to the possibility that we can get some attention in terms of our solution in the marketplace. Attention that could enable our budget to be funded by the investors in the oil and gas industry directing their producer firms to fund our budget. This is an opportunity as the short, medium and long term commodity prices look terrible in North America and the bureaucrats think they are in the catbird seat. We need to at least get the attention of these investors to let them know that there are alternatives to the bureaucrats and they don't necessarily have to take the continued losses that they provide. This opportunity might provide us with the ability to reduce our development time by one year. Therefore it is something that we will make a reasonable attempt at. Otherwise we are sticking with our plan of developing the user community up to January 2017. At which time expect that the user community leadership team will be able to prove to the investors that we offer a viable alternative to the existing bureaucracy and our budget can be funded at that time.

In an earlier posting I noted that I would be taking six weeks off returning January 12, 2015. 2014 was a very good year for us. I think 2015 will be even better, so we'll see you then.

The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative and profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

How to Deal With a Persistent Bureaucracy

One thing we did not mention in yesterday’s calculation of opportunity costs for Encana Corporation was the firms extent of bureaucratic infestation. With so much value on the line this will inspire a shrug and a head shake from those pious beings who occupy that rarified air. Losing money is their claim to fame, and no one will steal their thunder. It is with that in mind that we know that they will never come knocking at our door to work with People, Ideas & Objects and the user community. And that’s ok, we have a different plan.

And it is the user community that is our primary focus for the next five years. Developing systems for oil and gas producers is an exciting business to be in. However, no one has ever developed user based ERP systems for oil and gas producers. And that is what we are doing by focusing on the user community in these next few years. Developing the user community to the level necessary to be able to drive the development team in the direction of the systems that the users want and need.

We are doing this on the basis of the user community vision that has been established here at People, Ideas & Objects. A vision that provides the community with the tools and means in which to affect the changes within the oil and gas industry. They will have the money and the power necessary to implement what it is they need. Never before has there been user driven ERP systems in oil and gas. And never before has a user committee had the tools and means at its disposal to make the changes within industry that this user community has.

The first step that we have undertaken to initiate this user community is defined a leadership team consisting of approximately 28 positions. These people will be responsible for both leading the user community as an organization, and leading the product development from the Preliminary Specification into the software that they want and need. These people are being actively recruited today and will be the founding members of the user community, and the associated service providers who are a critical “sub-industry” that we are establishing to provide the services necessary to support the software in its commercial release.

Taking the time that we have set out here to develop the user community is critical to its development. This phase of development can not be rushed. People need to understand the implications of the Preliminary Specification. How it affects their organization and how it will affect the job that they do in the industry. Once they begin to fully understand the implications then they can begin to feel comfortable with it and start to use the model to better accommodate their surroundings. With so many people contributing in this way, and People, Ideas & Objects providing a software development capability to support the user community. The dynamic, innovative and profitable oil and gas producer will begin to see the results in a flexible, accountable, speedy, innovative and profitable organization.

If this is the place that you think the industry should be headed then you should stay tuned and watch as things develop. The method that we are using to change the industry is that we are providing an alternative means of organization to the oil and gas producer. Providing a choice for the oil and gas investor and to those that work within the industry. Your participation will be a key part of the solution. And then we can chose to move away from the muddle along strategy of the current bureaucracy and make the industry dynamic, innovative and profitable.

 The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here

Friday, June 06, 2014

Users Operating the Infrastructure of the Industry

What the members of the dynamic, innovative and profitable oil and gas producer will be focused on is their competitive advantages of their earth science and engineering capabilities, and land and asset base. What the member of the user community will be focused on will be the providing that producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. It is through the organizational structure of the industry that the producer will earn their profit. Granted it is highly dependent on finding commercial quantities of oil and gas reserves. However finding the reserves is not enough these days. How the industry is structured and operated will be a determining factor in the producers ability to earn a profit. With the Preliminary Specification the industry is structured and operated through the user community and its users are able to effect the changes necessary to ensure that the oil and gas producers are provided with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations.

If it were the 1850’s where buyers and sellers could be discovered serendipitously then we wouldn't need software or the user community. Producers would be able to produce their product and sell it out the back door of their office. But its 2014 and the complexity of our society dictates that we stand on the shoulders of giants and work within the systems and procedures that have been put in place over the past many decades. It is the operation of this infrastructure that the bureaucracy has put on automatic. Not allowing any opportunity to introduce any change within the system to provide for different outcomes. This is particularly noticeable in the case of natural gas prices. The bureaucracy are price takers, accepting any price that the market is providing. Giving up any hope or any opportunity to influence those prices.

With the user community the users are able to implement the changes within the systems to make the changes that are desirable to the oil and gas producers. In the case of prices, the Preliminary Specification and the users enable the producers to shut-in natural gas without any penalty of additional losses on operations, or too high of G&A. Producers are able to shut-in their unprofitable production and realize the higher prices as a result of the markets response to lower production. This infrastructure is a result of the software and users that are provided through People, Ideas & Objects and the Preliminary Specification.

Being proactive with the variables within the industry. As opposed to muddling along until something may or may not happen as in the bureaucracies way of dealing with things. Is the future of the oil and gas industry. The bureaucracy has other plans, and it doesn’t include a vision, profits or anyone other than themselves. What is needed is for the people who own those oil and gas assets is to sit down and ask themselves are they really being served by the manner that things are managed today. And is there a better way.

There is a robust future for the North American oil and gas industry. With the endowment of the oil sands and shale reserves, energy self sufficiency is a viable and worthwhile opportunity and goal. If left in the hands of the bureaucracy it will continue to be produced at a loss and be further wasted for the purposes of having them in power. We offer a viable alternative. A sound vision that works, is innovative and provides the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. The user community is a necessary element of the success of People, Ideas & Objects and they are key to the future of the industry. It is this vision and resource that provide a real alternative for the oil and gas investor and the people that work within the industry.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Looking Forward to 2019

If we look retrospectively at the changes that have been made as a result of the Internet. And the pace of those changes on our daily lives. I think we see a dramatic level of change that makes what had come before the Internet pale in comparison. If we look at just those changes that have happened since 2010, that can be quantified to be “cloud computing” and the impact it has had. We are in a particularly interesting time in terms of human history. Now I may be seeing things from a different perspective than some of my readers. But if we extend these trends out towards 2019, who would doubt that things will be very different from what exists today. And who would doubt that the type of organizations that we use today will be the same that we have used for the past one hundred years.

Its probably a bit embarrassing to state that I can do three hours of my work in the morning without having to get out of bed. Its not that I do that every day, but some days I do. Is there any reason that anyone else can't do the same? I am sure that most bureaucracies demand attendance at 8:00 AM be taken and therefore this is something that will not be happening in the short run. The fact that I can start my day at 4:00 AM in bed is the advantage that the bureaucracies are unable to comprehend.

I chose 2019 as the day that we should look towards. As that is the year that we begin the developments of the Preliminary Specification. That will also mark the fifth year of user community development. It will be that time that we have the vision, the details, the community and hopefully, the oil and gas investors and the resources behind us to begin the developments of the organizational model for the future oil and gas industry. It will also be a time when the Information Technologies have moved society even further than it has today.

During the next five years the user community will be able to take the vision that is the Preliminary Specification and make it into the type of organization that will be managing the oil and gas industry for the next 50 to 60 years. Based on the Joint Operating Committee, using the decentralized production model and all that can be, added to it by the many contributors that will have joined us. This will be how the industry is managed. Using the user community vision where the people who work within the industry have the means to affect the changes in ways that they work within the industry and provide the most profitable means of oil and gas operations.

What we are seeing today is that the Information Technologies are finally having an effect on our lives. And it is to the betterment. I think we can expect that these trends will continue and should soon begin to accelerate. However, they will accelerate much quicker in the hands of those that will be the benefactors. With the way the user community is established. It is they who have the power and the resources to effect the changes that they want in how they do their jobs. Our priority is to provide the oil and gas producers with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. How and what we do to bring the producers with those profitable operations is within our control. So if something strikes us at 4:00 in the morning we can deal with it then, and not have to wait until the mandatory 8:00 attendance.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.  

Monday, June 02, 2014

Leadership in the User Community Part V

Looking at the overall scope of what can be accomplished by the leadership team and the users in the user community. It is important to remember that the user community has the wherewithal to make this happen. This is documented in our user community vision and includes the money and power that the community has at its disposal. So it is one thing to define broad strokes of a vision of what is possible, as I did in last weeks posts. And another to provide that community with the means to undertake that vision. And I think those mechanisms are within the domain of the user community and its leadership team.

The Preliminary Specification provides a solid vision and workable framework of what an alternative means of organization could be for the oil and gas industry. It works in that there is no deficiency or major failing where there is a breaking down in logic or implementation. It is a result of my vision of what could be, and a decade of very painful research. It is also incapable of providing the industry with the ability to be operated upon, as it stands today. It needs the input of thousands of others who work and understand what and how the industry operates. It is now time for these people, the users, to have their input into the process and build on the framework and vision that is the Preliminary Specification. I have nothing more to add.

This is the job of the leadership team as well. To guide the further development of the Preliminary Specification from its current framework to a comprehensive understanding of what and how the industry operates. With a detailed understanding of what jobs are required, what those jobs consist of and how those jobs are done. And how the software will be developed to serve those users. This needs to be done from stem to stern in terms of the number of people that work within the oil and gas industry. Earth science and engineers, land, legal and support people that are employed within the oil and gas producers. Administrative and accounting people in the service providers. And those people that are in the field and their head office resources of the service industry. This documentation needs to be comprehensive and complete.

And this work will be done with an eye to the understanding that the overall business models of the industry are under the user communities control. That to earn a profit and to be efficient is inherent in the software that the producer uses. That our societies today are structured and defined by the software that its people and organizations use. And that the user community is how the people within oil and gas and the producers use the software that the user community are responsible for. With this immense power comes immense responsibility for the leadership team. Oil and gas producers may own the oil and gas assets. However without access to the software that makes the oil and gas asset profitable, they have an albatross around their neck.

When the Internet came about in the mid 1990’s people saw the potential that this technology could have on society. As a result we had the technological boom in the late 1990’s that saw business models being rewritten by anyone with the ability to host a website. What subsequently happened is well known as the .com crash and the Information Technology field has not been the same since. There has been little in terms of employment opportunities. Businesses have not spent money in this area as it is perceived as a lost cost. And people don’t go into the field due to the generally negative feeling they get that technology is not necessarily the place you want to spend a career. What we do know about change is that change is always overestimated in the short term, and underestimated in the long term. We are definitely at the underestimating stage of the changes brought about by the Internet. What we are doing with People, Ideas & Object and the user community is what is necessary but also what is possible as a result of the maturing of the technologies in the past decades. The power has shifted, when will you.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here

Monday, May 05, 2014

My New Job

That’s right after all that talk about the history of what I have been doing the past 22 years and the next thing I do is go and accept another job! Yes but its a very good job and one that I think I can do very well. Its the new Chairman of the user community. I don't know if that is a board of governors or directors yet, as no one “owns” the user community as an organization so there are no shareholders. Maybe the shares of the user community are just held in trust with People, Ideas & Objects and the board of directors operates in the best interests of the user community. We'll figure it out.

A few days ago we discussed some of the leadership roles in the user community and for the product, the Preliminary Specification. My taking the Chairman’s position is an extension of that definition of the leadership roles and the beginning of establishing the leadership in the organization. I am making my appointment to the Chairman’s position a condition of the license that authorizes the user community to access my Intellectual Property. Other conditions include the right of the Chairman to hold two votes and that there be only six directors in total, including the Chairman. The Chairman also appoints two other directors.

As we proceed with the development of the user community the other leadership roles will be filled in. If you see yourself in one of the many roles that has been discussed here please contact me. We have much work to do in the user community. Building an alternative means of organization for the oil and gas industry is a large task. Putting together a leadership team is the first step in making that happen. In total there are approximately 28 positions in that leadership team.

Other than the directors roles, these roles are paid and all of them are full time, long term employment. That is when the financial resources are secured and the developments begin. Before that we have to prove that we are capable of providing the industry with an alternative means of organization to the current bureaucracy. And that needs to be done on the basis of an investment by each and every one of the members on the leadership team. What exactly that proof consists of, and how we go about providing it to the industry is unknown at this time. What we do have is the technological base in Oracle Fusion Middleware and Applications. The product vision in the Preliminary Specification. And now we need to build the means in which to provide the oil and gas producers with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations within this user community.

If not us then who. If not now, then when. And how will the bureaucracy be removed from the industry if not by force. Without an alternative being presented to the marketplace then there will never be an opportunity to select anything other than the bureaucracy. This is how we must choose to remove them from the landscape. They are not leaving, and they are not doing their jobs. It is therefore time for them to go.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

An Individual Plan

Cash starved producers are probably looking at the natural gas prices and the associated storage volumes and thinking that this summer is their chance to get some cash in hand. Although the prices are not that great, at well over $4 they provide the opportunity to pay the bills and have a little left over in the cash flow game. If they can spin that argument for six months, the time it will take to replace the storage volumes, maybe they'll be able to build some breathing room in the winter of 2014 / 2015. Lets face it, its been a brutal few years in the natural gas business. With these prices, it offers a slim opportunity to keep afloat.

If only there was a way in which the industry could allocate its natural gas production. So much pain and frustration would be eliminated. But it can't and most definitely it won’t. That would involve going hat-in-hand to People, Ideas & Objects and beginning with their developments. And we know that would require accepting that there are $705 billion in opportunity costs from what is being done today. And that just can’t happen. No one will ever admit to that.

There are just so many reasons that the bureaucracy will never proceed with our developments. We would be fools to think that we have an opportunity in working with them to make this initiative real. We are the ones that are going to have to make it real. Probably with the bureaucracy jumping on our back and standing in our way. I say bring it on and lets have some fun. So much of this is dependent upon the individual decisions that will be made by the people who work in the oil and gas industry. Decisions of when and where to join the user community. Decisions of how to drain the energy and life out of the bureaucracy as you keep that paycheck. I did mention this was a revolution didn’t I? A revolution where it shouldn't cost you anything.

It is the development of the user community that is our focus and our concern over the next five years. Keeping the day job during this time is of critical concern. What we need to be doing is providing an alternative means of organization to the oil and gas investor. Whatever an alternative means of organization actually means is something that we will have to define in the next five years. We have already set out the objective for the people who want to participate. And that objective is to provide the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. We have talked about the leadership roles that need to be developed in the user community as well. The CEO, CFO, COO, and other roles within the user community itself. And other roles that are involved in the leadership with respect to our product. The twenty or so Product Owners that make up the modules, marketplaces and business models of the Preliminary Specification.

So we have much to do. We have a big adversary. We have more value to generate for the oil and gas industry than they’ll know what to do with. And we will have strong advocates, eventually. Ones who will be willing to bankroll our initiative. They're watching now and I think they like what they see. And if we add this user community to the vision of the Preliminary Specification, both of which will sit on top of the technological infrastructure of Oracle Fusion Middleware and Applications. They will believe that we do have an alternative to the current bureaucracy and will move to support us financially and provide us with the opportunities that we need. So this is what we need to do. Have a look around, if you like the way the industry is operated, we're probably not for you. But if you think there is a better way and the Preliminary Specification is a good start, then you'll know what to do.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Our Priority, the User Communities Development

It is our current number one priority at People, Ideas & Objects to be developing the user community. The user community is the third pillar of our offering to the innovative and profitable oil and gas producer. As we develop the user communities capabilities to provide the oil and gas industry with an alternative means of organization. We can then challenge the bureaucracy and its hold in the administration of the industry. We do this on the basis that there are significant issues unaddressed. Primarily the financial performance of the industry. Capital is being destroyed at a remarkable rate and there is no plan, no hope and no prayers to do anything about it. The bureaucracy are satisfied that they are in control and expect to remain unchallenged. Their interpretation of “earnings” is an example of the disrespect and slack approach they take to the business of the oil and gas business.

I’m confused, when a CFO or a CEO touts their earnings numbers in an investor meeting, do those numbers include a deduction for the costs that the producer incurred for overhead or depletion? Someone should ask that question directly because I think that in most cases the investors assume that the overheads are deducted, and in nine cases out of ten, the bureaucracy has not included the deduction for overhead when they are promoting their next big program. What they are selling is just the revenues less royalties less the operating costs. And that’s it. The overhead and the costs of capital are things that will be eventually accounted for in the Annual General Meeting that will spill all the bad news at once. And say “things didn't turn out like we expected them to.”

And these are the earnings of the industry according to the bureaucrats in power. What came into one pocket, and left the other pocket, leaves what's left, which is my profit. Why would an industry operate on such a basic level? Think about it for a minute. It makes things so easy. There is no hard work in an environment where all you have to do is count the money that’s left at the end of the day. No planning, no budgeting, no thinking about the things that you should do right. Its just what you have in hand at the end of the day. For a bureaucrat it is a great business.

Some investors have become wise to the ways that the industry has operated. They see the bars fill up at 4:15 each day and have stopped wondering where these people are coming from. The party is almost over and there will be a reckoning for those that participated in this charade. Or alternatively, I'll get even fewer invitations for lunch. At some point the industry will need to account for the actions of the past decade and the value that has been destroyed.

What needs to happen is for a proper accounting of the properties performance begin to be provided. That is the revenues less royalties less operations less the overhead costs, a return on investment, and depletion of the capital be accounted for. And in that way if there is no profit recorded questions can be asked as to why. Because there is no reason that the producer should be producing losses at this time. Particularly with the industry wide capabilities in the Preliminary Specification to make the natural gas prices what are necessary for profitable operations. This shrugging of shoulders and shaking of heads that “its not my fault that prices are this low” isn’t going to fly anymore now that a solution has been proposed. A solution has been proposed and the bureaucracy has done nothing to work with it to make it viable in the industry! How does that work when you go to ask for more money?

It will be the user community that provides the alternative to this charade. And its development is our priority at this time. Real profits are what make the industry operate for the short and the long term. And real profits are the hard thing that an industry has to do. That is why the bureaucracy has avoided the topic. Its the hard work and they are not accountable to anyone, so they have let the profitability slip. Therefore its time to hand the reigns of the administrative power over to someone new and that is the user community who are defined in their own vision.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Brick by Brick, and Stick by Stick

People, Ideas & Objects have ambitious plans in terms of what we are setting out to do. Using Oracle Fusion Applications with the Preliminary Specification as a vision of what the industry could operate as, and the user community vision providing the means in which it would operate. How is it that this user community is going to develop, and particularly without the help or resources of the industry as it stands today? Well the long and short answer is I don't necessarily know. It hasn't been done before, and what we are setting out to do will have never even been tried before, anywhere. What I do know is that it will be built brick by brick and stick by stick over the next five years, and lead into the time we start the software developments in 2019. Thats the plan.

What I am finding is that there are not a lot of people in oil and gas that are using Twitter. That is both a good thing and a bad thing. I assume they are using Facebook as their social network and the majority of that use would be for personal reasons. For us to use Facebook would therefore interfere with the personal nature of that medium and by using Twitter we are establishing a purpose built network for the user communities needs. Therefore your first step should be to set up a Twitter account and Follow @piobiz as the beginning of this user communities development. Then we can have a means in which we can communicate with other members of the user community and the beginnings of the collaborations can begin. Don't expect too much at first, this is just the beginning, and we have a lot of work ahead.

Our objective is to establish the capabilities necessary to provide the oil and gas producers with the means of organization for the oil and gas industry. If the bureaucracy was to fail completely in the near future. Or if they just decided they had had enough and quit. Not something to take lightly, that has happened before. Then our capabilities would be something that the industry could turn too to provide a solution the industry found itself in. And in turn would find a group of like minded people committed to providing the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Complete with a technological base in Oracle, and a product vision in the Preliminary Specification. This is what I think it will take in order to make the change away from the current muddling along strategy and the mindless, self-centered bureaucracy.

The need for change in the oil and gas industry has been evident for many years. And it hasn't happened. Low natural gas prices are not even seen as an issue by the bureaucracy. They certainly have no plans to deal with any of the problems that the industry is facing. And technology is used in its most basic and elementary way. I have been an outcast for over ten years now since I published the idea of using the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the innovative producer. Plenty of time for industry to have acted positively. But they never will as it eliminates the bureaucracy as its key side effect. That and we use the Internet which also reduces the demand for the bureaucracy. Two good reasons that the bureaucrats will never fund these developments. They will either fail, as a result of their inability to deal with the speed and complexity of the business, or they will quit through attrition, retirement or greener pastures. They are more dangerous than useful at this point in time.

And that is why we need to organize ourselves now. To ensure that the industry will be able to continue to function. This all sounds quite surreal and probably a bit on the crazy side of the scale. I however would prefer we had a solution available for the marketplace to pick up when the bureaucracy does decide to take that permanent vacation.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

The Three Building Blocks

The power in which the industry is operated. That is who is running the show is currently held within the bureaucracy. That low pitched hum which is occasionally interrupted by the grinding of gears is the quiet droning on of our favorite people. If you want to make a change to the business model in which the industry operates? You'll have to talk to, well there is no one. And there is no way in which you can make any changes. It is what it is. You muddle along and hope for the best. The industry has always survived and will be around tomorrow, so just carry on. The problem is it isn’t working anymore. Now that may just be my biased opinion, but the industry has a problem with its profitability. And the bureaucracy has no answers.

What I have proposed is that we replace the bureaucracy and put in place the user community and People, Ideas & Objects. It will be this user community that will have the power to effect the changes to the business model that the industry operates on. What we have proposed is the Preliminary Specification and the decentralized production model as a start. The control of this business model will be in the hands of the user community. It is they who will have the power in the industry when the bureaucracy is removed from the landscape.

It is also the user community that the industry will turn to in order to have their changes made. They will be the ones to go to, unlike the bureaucracy who have no one. The user community will be able to take the industries input and effect the changes in the business model to accommodate the industries needs. That assumes of course that the industry and the specific producers participate in the user community. The user community is open to all within the industry, however, there are requirements of the participants.

The user community also has a budget. And not just any budget, a budget that is similar in its makeup to People, Ideas & Objects budget. Please review our Revenue Model for a better understanding as to the differences in our budgets makeup. In essence we are not blind sleepwalking agents of anyone who will feed us. The Revenue Model is based on the Intellectual Property of the Preliminary Specification which determines what is required in terms of software development, as dictated by the user community, and the user communities costs. It is those determining factors that set out the budget for both organizations and then determine what the fees will be for the producers to use the software. The software and user community that provides the producers with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations.

These three components make up the fundamental power that the user community has. Control of the business model, the key point of contact for changes, and their own budget based on its needs makes this user community not your grandfathers user community. With this power comes the associated responsibility of operating the industry. And providing the industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. One day the bureaucracy will be gone. They will either fail or just give up. Either way the industry will be looking for an alternative means in which to operate. I am proposing that we organize ourselves on this basis.

We have at this time selected the Oracle Fusion Applications and the complete Oracle stack of technologies as the technological base for our solution. We have a product vision contained within the Preliminary Specification. And now we have this user community vision in which to build the user community to operate the industry upon. I think we are a formidable alternative to the bureaucracy. We need to organize ourselves to make this opportunity real. The industry, I think, is in desperate need of a solution and the bureaucracy has no plans, hopes or prayers.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The #User #Community #Vision Part VI

I was in a record store the other day. No scratch that. There are no records and there certainly are no stores. Technology has disintermediated that business. Apple did it with iTunes their iPods and iPhones. Steve Jobs disintermediated a few industries. What People, Ideas & Objects, the user community and the service providers is doing is disintermediating the oil and gas business. Ending the life of the archaic business model that no longer supports any of its users needs and ceases to build value for its stakeholders. Disintermediation is necessary, no industry will be immune, and timely. We are scheduled to commence software developments in 2019 which gives us five years of user community development. Enough time to be able to provide an alternative means of organization to the oil and gas industry. And we will finish developments for our first commercial release in 2021 and be operational on the software in 2022. That is our plan and we have much to do.

Just today deep down in the Oracle organization a developer, using D-Trace solved a bug that had been present in the code of the Solaris operating system for over 20 years. This was done with no fanfare, no recognition other than a few high fives with team mates. The technological infrastructure that we are using as the base for People, Ideas & Objects has matured, I would say about five years ago. Matured to the point where something like what we expect of the technology can be done. To do it five years ago would have required superhuman strength. Today it could be done much easier, however it would still require a hope and a few prayers. In five years time kids will be assembling this kind of technology out of gifts that they get from Santa Claus.

A bit of an exaggeration but you get my point. There are no large technical issues that need to be solved. Everything that we need to do can be done with today’s technological infrastructure. There is no technical risk in our business. If you look at the last two keynote addresses by Larry Ellison at his Oracle conferences they reflect his absolute brilliance. Although there are no large issues to resolve it hasn't stopped him from moving the technology forwards in significant ways that will make our job faster, better, smarter and higher in quality. Five more years of this and we will be able to do anything that we as a community can think of.

I mention this as this technological infrastructure is what is enabling the disintermediation of the industry. It will be a new oil and gas industry. One that is limited by the user communities imagination. One based on the Preliminary Specification and built from there. This is the opportunity that we have in front of us in the next five years. The user community has the power as was documented in this vision. No one is going to grant you approval to proceed. We will act in our own best interests and provide the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Those are our limits.

Now for the relational database geek in all of us I provide you with the videos of the last two keynote presentations of Larry Ellison. These are very technical. And if you don't understand what it is that he is talking about I suggest you take some time to learn what it is that he is discussing. Understanding relational databases will provide any participant in the user community with a better knowledge of how the system is put together. It should almost be mandatory understanding. And the best place to get that understanding is from C. J. Date, An Introduction to Database Systems

Here are Larry Ellison’s last two keynote addresses.

And the url to the keynote on Oracle's site.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The #User #Community #Vision Part V

I suggested that the oil and gas industry should participate in the user community. And to do so quickly. When I mean the industry I mean the individual oil and gas producers. Participation is imperative for them if they want to proceed with the developments around the Preliminary Specification which includes the decentralized production model, the Joint Operating Committee, the three marketplaces and the eleven modules. And in turn achieve the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Non participation in the user community will preclude the producers from the benefits of the software, the user community and the service providers.

But there is more. Non participation will also make it that the producers particular requirements, your unique way of administration, accounting and operations are not accommodated or considered. That none of the software is built for the situations that your company has experienced. And that premier asset of yours doesn't have the software to handle the particular nuances of how it makes money. The bureaucrats will say they have it covered with their current administration, and they do, to the extent that it makes money today.

There is also the fact that your people are not participating in the user community itself. I expect the user community to be dynamic and fast paced with significant iterations being made over the business model that uses the Joint Operating Committee. Your people won't know what these changes are and they won't know what the implications are to the assets that you hold. As an analogy you're the four year old that has closed his eyes and covered their ears and shouted they're not listening. Yours will be a very effective strategy.

Your shareholders will be wise to your actions and wonder why you are not participating. Is their profitability not an issue with you? Or are you unaware of the technical progress that has occurred in the past 20 years. They will have questions and will need answers.

One answer might be that it is best to sit out and see how things develop. I think in this case sitting on the side lines will be the tragic choice. You should choose to be in or out and have your reasons, but to sit on the fence will be the worst choice of all. When the user community iterates on the model in the first phase of development the software will be quite advanced. More advanced than your organization can handle or understand. The user community and the developers will not stop iterating on the model. What you will find is that the ability to catch up doesn’t exist. The software will be bringing in new concepts and features on top of the previous features that you didn’t participate in, and therefore can’t understand or implement. Leaving you unable to make the transition.

This sounds very similar to President George Bush’s claim that you're either with us, or against us. You have to chose. There is no middle road. And I am sure that the bureaucracy could all decide that they are against participation in the user community. Their reasoning would be financial they don't want to pay the fees to get to the point to where they can participate. But there will be a day when the decision is taken away from them and the investors can assert their needs for profits. And demand that the Preliminary Specification and associated business models be implemented in the industry. Until then we will keep building the user community that will eventually build the alternative means of organization to what the bureaucrats feel is acceptable. Then we won't need either. The producers in their unprofitable form, or the bureaucrats. Just the investors and the user community is all that will be required to establish a profitable oil and gas industry.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.

Monday, March 17, 2014

The #User #Community #Vision Part IV

As we get deeper into this user community vision we begin to see the amount of effort that needs to be undertaken to make this transition from the bureaucracy to the user community work. One thing we do know for sure it is a self selecting process in terms of keeping the bureaucracy out. For them its all about securing the pension, the bump in pay and the potential for bonus. Additional work is not what bureaucrats volunteer for. Therefore they will not be participating in this initial phase of organizing the user community as that would require them to actually do something.

It is with that little tirade that I bring up an important point about the user community. Lets assume for a moment that we have built the capabilities necessary to provide an alternative means of organization to the oil and gas industry. And the investment community, furious with our friends the bureaucrats, decide to proceed with our alternative. What would be their first step in dealing with us.

It would be to implement a service level agreement between the industry and People, Ideas & Objects for the providing of the systems, software and services. And it is at that point that I laugh and point out to them, I or People, Ideas & Objects only work for the user community. You’ll have to speak with them in terms of what you'll need. It would be hypocritical and condescending for me to entertain a service level agreement with industry when we have taken the efforts to build the user community.

It is the user community that is defining what and how the software needs to be and that is what People, Ideas & Objects is working towards. I will never have an agreement with the industry. I will issue invoices for the use of the Intellectual Property contained within the software, the services of the user community, and the cloud computing infrastructure. It may be that the industry will have service level agreements with service providers but I only have end user license agreements with those people for their use of the software, and no other business with them. That will be their choice as to how they run their operations.

If the industry wants to have elements of their organization included in the People, Ideas & Objects software then they will have to involve themselves in the user community. This is what makes the People, Ideas & Objects user community so effective, it has power. They are not a committee that have been established to make it look good for some purpose other than for good software. The user community first of all has revenues. A total of $333 to 667 million in the initial development phase. They will be able to budget what they do with that. People will be able to specialize in terms of being user community participants.

Secondly users will have the power to make the changes in the software. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model is based on change. Without change we would generate no software development revenues. We are oriented to change. Ours is a fundamentally different basis in which to base our software product on. Therefore the user community will have the software development capabilities of People, Ideas & Objects to affect changes that they need and want, when they want. They will be the ones who determine the configuration of the software. Not the technical architecture or some business cycle.

Thirdly the user community will have the power that they are the ones that are in control of the business model. Changes to the underlying Intellectual Property can be made by anyone and everyone in a model that allows free access to those that are licensed in the user community. Use of the Joint Operating Committee is a powerful model that solves the administrative, accounting and operational issues and opportunities of the industry. And it is in the hands of the user community.

And as we have justed pointed out the user community is the point where industry deals with their issues and opportunities. The user community is the exclusive point of contact for industry to deal with their administrative, accounting and operational issues and opportunities. There will be no other place for industry to go. People, Ideas & Objects is mute and dumb other than to the user community.

What we have configured here is a fundamentally different, far more powerful user community to deal with the way the oil and gas industry is operated. The oil and gas producers can certainly participate, that is their choice. A choice they should make quickly.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.

Friday, March 14, 2014

The #User #Community #Vision Part III

The Preliminary Specification defines a vision of how the oil and gas industry will operate in the most profitable manner. We are working on defining a user community vision that defines how that community operates in the most profitable manner. It is the user community that is the key to the success or failure of the oil and gas industry. Without the people necessary to operate the industry, the industry will not operate. Without a clear definition of the users needs and wants in the software, the People, Ideas & Objects software will be useless. The user community is the key to all of these elements success. This community, and I include the associated sub-industry of the service providers, will understand this responsibility and will expect to be compensated for it.

The value proposition contained within the Preliminary Specification has been quantified at $170 billion for the 2012 and 2013 calendar years. It will be determined what value it will provide in the future. With the characteristics of shale gas, I am suggesting here the annual value of the business model in the Preliminary Specification will only go up. For industry to realize the value proposition provided in the business model requires the user community and service providers. Their costs are an inherent cost of doing business and the value proposition is an increment of revenues. The producers get something of significant value for the normal course business administration and accounting costs. Therefore for the user community to expect to be profitable is therefore not an unreasonable expectation.

There will be a shift in power from the bureaucracy to the user community as a result of the work that we are doing. The bureaucracy that currently runs the industry is self serving in its desire to keep itself satisfied. It has long ago distanced itself from value accretion and the interests of others. The user community is being founded on providing the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Our costs involved in operating the industry, the user community and service providers will be single digit percentages of the industries total costs.

Our future and our value is derived through our financial health. If our members are satisfied in their work then their work will be their focus. I don't expect to see the service providers to be owned and operated by a small handful of individuals. I see them owned and operated by the people who are working within the service providers themselves. An allocation of ownership based on some value contribution to the organization. Each year an additional 10% of the stock of the service provider company being issued to the highest contributors as a bonus.

It will be these people who operate the industry on behalf of the oil and gas producers. It is they who the producers will rely on to deal with the administrative and accounting issues and opportunities that they as producers face. But that’s not what the Preliminary Specification does. It certainly addresses the administrative and accounting issues and opportunities. We however also see that it controls the business model of the industry. Therefore it can affect the operations of the oil and gas producer. Like the manner in which the decentralized production model allows the producers to deal with low commodity prices. It is a method to deal with the administrative, accounting and operational issues and opportunities that the industry will face in the 21st century.

It is therefore a mutually beneficial relationship that the industry will have with the user community. One in which the industry, if it were smart, should realize they should be part of.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The #User #Community #Vision Part II

Following on the brief introduction of a user community vision. We also need to discuss what types of work the users will be doing. We will be offloading a lot of the work that is currently being done in the industry to the computers. No one would dispute that fact. The time and effort in maintaining disparate databases of the same information, the reliance on paper and multiple layers of bureaucratic red tape will be gone. In addition using the Joint Operating Committee and aligning the compliance and governance frameworks with the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, innovation and strategic frameworks eliminates significant redundancies within the producer organization and their interactions between working interest partners. There will also be efficiencies of using the service providers who focus on their process on behalf of the industry, as their client base.

Therefore there will be significantly less paper used in the process. A lot of the jobs that were consumed in that task will be gone, as will many of the jobs that are involved in the inefficiencies today. So what will people be doing? The first thing they will be doing is providing the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. The industry will understand that it is an investment in its people that provides them with the best return in terms of how their money is managed in the oil and gas industry. Secondly, in the short term, they will have an alternative means of organization for the oil and gas industry to rely on for when the bureaucracy either ultimately fails or just quits.

Focusing on the business of the oil and gas business will be what is the mindset of those that are operating in the user community. The Preliminary Specification is an oil and gas ERP system that is designed for its unique character, and particularly the Joint Operating Committee. This user community is being built upon the Preliminary Specification.

Therefore it will be the decisions, the ideas, the collaborations, researching, the creative, and solving of problems that people will be doing. All focused around the oil and gas business. Now those that are in the user community will be working with the developers of People, Ideas & Objects defining what it is they need and want in terms of software to do these things. That is their job. Developers know how to write code and make systems work and need the explicit direction from users in order to develop the appropriate software. When we look at the Preliminary Specification we need the user community to be large and robust in order to capture the needs of the industry. That is the scope and scale of the effort that we are doing here in the user communities development.

It is therefore reasonable to assume that this will be different software from what is available today. And the reason that it will be different is that it depends on the Preliminary Specification which is unique to the industry but more importantly, it will have the user community that will have been developed over the next few years. The user community participants will have had the time to fully understand and appreciate the opportunity that this is. And they will be able to define what the software is, how it is different and what they need and want. The user community will have at their disposal, not just during the initial development period, but always, the software development capabilities of People, Ideas & Objects for the changes and improvements that they want and need.

In terms of portraying a user community vision this helps to show how this important work will be undertaken. I will continue in further posts to try to portray more of how I see what I think the industry needs from this new form of organization.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Vision of the Beginning of the User Community

Its difficult to lay out a vision of what the network, user community and service providers will look like when they are built. Its an entirely different way of working for pretty much everyone in the oil and gas industry. Instead of showing up one day at an office provided to you by someone else, with a desk provided to you by someone else with a computer provider by them as well. A brief introduction to those that are around you and the stack of papers that you will become more intimate with. You'll be faced with nothing but your toes at the end of the bed.

And that’s a good thing as Martha Stewart would say. You have those degrees, that experience, those skills you worked hard in building. You have the knowledge of the oil and gas industry and how it operates. Your own computer of which you're connected to the @piobiz network. This is sounding a bit better than a few minutes ago and then you'll realize its that specific thing that you have always wanted to do.

Its 2014 and what you need to do to enable yourself to do that thing that you want to do will require some time and effort and organization to put it together. Thankfully the People, Ideas & Objects developments are not scheduled until 2019 so you have some time, and you're going to need it. Thankfully you can drone on in the office we noted above for many more years while you configure this offering for the future. The question would be where do you start.

The first thing everyone needs to do is to read the Preliminary Specification and become familiar with the global scope of the application. And all of the other aspects of the projects. The more you understand the business model the better you will be able to fit within it and configure yourself with others. Then everyone will need to Think, Act and be Patient as first the network, and eventually the user community develops into what they need to be to provide the oil and gas industry with an alternative means of organization.

People will figure out the rest from this point. Collaborations will begin and the self organizing nature of the network should begin to start. That is how this works. No one will control it, no one will tell it what to do. It will exist to provide the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. It will have the software development capability of People, Ideas & Objects to build the software it wants and needs to meet that objective.

Collaborations and participation in this user community will be how the oil and gas industry is operated. The bureaucracy doesn't want to hear such nonsense. But as I noted yesterday they won't be around much longer. They will either quit or continue to fail. Our appeal is to the investors who are of like mind and will need the solutions that we are developing here. Both to replace the bureaucracy and to ensure that they achieve the most profitable means of oil and gas operations.

We have time and as more people join, we will gain mindshare. This is the way things will be operated in the future. In other industries as well. Bureaucracies are finished. Networks are taking over. And this is how they get started. With like minded people Thinking, Acting and being Patient.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Preliminary Specification Part X (PLM Part V)

This post will represent my last kick at trying to sell the “user vision” as something more then just a technological toy or an interesting thing someone wanted but no one would ever use. I could certainly see how the user vision could be perceived as being something that would fall in either of those two classifications. However, if either of those were the results of what I thought the technology would be used for. I would be guilty of mis-communicating what I think the value in having the user vision implemented in the People, Ideas & Objects marketplace modules was.

To have the interface operational and people using it to browse as they do with web browsers today. Would be somewhat limiting in terms of the potential of what I see. With so much data and information available now and particularly in the future, how do we represent this data’s use in a manner that is usable to the user? The first requirement of the data is that it has to be reliable and have meaning. If the data and information that is contained within the user vision and marketplace modules are populated by public and private databases for well information, lease data, vendor and supplier inventory, scheduling calendars, and other unstructured data. Then producers, suppliers and others could conduct actionable events on that data and information.

When I say that information was populated into the system these should be live links that could include some of the information from a firms accounting systems. The point that I am attempting to make is that the information would be of value and therefore impute meaning into the “marketplace” modules where the “user vision” was employed. This would take the technology aspect of the device and make it the secondary reason for its use. The primary reason for the user visions use would be the business purpose of the user. The reason the user would continually return to use the marketplace would be the accuracy of the data and information that they find, and the interactions within the marketplace.

To develop a new systems for the oil and gas industry is an opportunity that I think is a once in a life time, maybe a once in a century opportunity. To think that we will use these systems in the manner that we use systems today underestimates the possibilities. The user interface is the area where the most innovation will occur in terms of how people will interact with larger volumes of data. These and other types of issues should be considered in the Preliminary Specification. I offer the “user vision” and these posts to initiate the discussion and expand the scope of what is possible in terms of the research that is undertaken. I thank you for your patience.

For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.

Please note what Google+ provides us is the opportunity to prove that People, Ideas & Objects are committed to developing this community. That this is user developed software, not change that is driven from the top down. Join me on the People, Ideas & Objects Google+ Circle and begin building the community for the development of the Preliminary Specification. Email me here if you need an invite.