Exploding Myths, Part XIV
To help the reader form their own point of view it may be helpful for them to understand some of the detailed history between People, Ideas & Objects and these bureaucrats over the past almost two decades now. Since September 2003 when I published my proposal to the industry. A proposal to research the use of the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the oil and gas industry.
Research Proposal:
Organizational and Technical change in Canadian oil and gas. Critical case research on innovation, a method of prediction and competitive analysis of corporations to effectively position themselves for innovation.Bureaucrats laughed at me and said “we don’t hire small research firms.” I therefore undertook the research myself and published that in May 2004. What I found then was surprising. The absolute anger at what I had done was expressed by all those that I had contacted in late 2003. The common question that everyone was asking was “who paid for the research.” I innocently stated that I had myself. Then subsequently in the month of June 2004 I was shown a Decision Brief from Cambridge Energy Research that was dated April 2004 that emulated everything that I had done except the one missing element was the conclusion that the Joint Operating Committee was the key organizational construct of the producer and industry. I had beat them to it, and these bureaucrats have never forgiven me. I have not worked in oil and gas since that time, persona non grata, is the term. Which ironically gave me the opportunity to complete the research which at that point only scratched the surface. What I didn’t know was it would then take me until December 2013 before it was complete and the Preliminary Specification was published.
There were four other occasions that this research and the Preliminary Specifications copyright were violated through major research organizations hired by these oil and gas bureaucrats. None of these were successful in establishing any foothold as they were all derivative and as a result went nowhere. It has been a knockout brawl between People, Ideas & Objects and the bureaucrats all throughout this time and as I’ve indicated I’ve enjoyed it more than I think they have. It is clear to me that these people are formidable. Comfortable in their station in life. And will fight to keep it that way to anyone who thinks otherwise. They are very smart people who I give a wide berth too. You can conclude from these facts and the actions, myths and arguments put out since September 2003 what you think the producer bureaucrats are, the state of the oil and gas industry as it stands today is the best indicator, I know I have my opinions. The question is where is this dogged fight they’ve displayed when it comes to managing their businesses?
It’s not that they were unaware of what I was doing. The key innovation in the 20th century was the Internet in my opinion. An innovation that is only in its infancy in terms of the impact its implementation will eventually have. The innovation in oil and gas blog is fourteen years old. There has not been any deviation from its focus since the first posts were made in December 2005. It documents the ten years of research that was undertaken to determine what the industry and producer firms needed to look like in order to fully exploit the use of the Joint Operating Committee and the Internet. This research was consistent with the producer bureaucrats intuition that they would be the odd man out in such a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable world. They therefore needed to make sure they did what they could to “make hay while the sun shines.” Which if you think that natural gas prices collapsed over ten years ago, they’ve been effective and efficient in that endeavour.
People, Ideas & Objects are fully committed to raising our full budget prior to having any development undertaken. We do not expect any of our user community and service providers to take any career risk on behalf of solving producers problems. The bureaucrats approach has always been to identify those that work against their best interests and remove them from employment in the industry. Our development will not be a process for which the producers can identify candidates for that. We will have the financial resources to ensure we can work through the development process to complete our task. Secondly bureaucrats wouldn’t therefore be able to stop the funding in the middle of our developments and have everything fall apart due to their well established lack of attention spans and focus. I have also demanded that I am paid up front as I’ve worked for the better part of 30 years and will not be the sole individual that is capable of making this a success or failure. I’ll have my money, which for me will make this project a success. There is only one way in which these developments will achieve the success that the industry needs and that is through the hard work that producers need to do with our user community to figure out the fine details of the Preliminary Specification. If I have my share of the proceeds of this development then the industry will finally have some skin in the game. Lastly with little to no cash in the industry. With no financial capacity available anywhere to any of the producers People, Ideas & Objects and our user community are not going to be one of the future candidates in which producers will be able to stiff through the process of defaulting on their obligations. This is no one but the producers' fault. And producers should get used to the lesson being taught here of having to pay all their vendors up front before any work is done.
People need to understand the scope and scale of the damage that’s been done. This is an existential issue. It’s not something that can be muddled through as has been done many times before. Producers are at the top of the food chain. Yet all they can do is blame others for the fact that their revenues are not fully realized. Meanwhile they don’t even care about the devastation in the service industry which is the only means in which they can carry out their field operations. It is their capabilities and their capacities and they just ignore the fact that they’re deteriorating. It’s been 10 years in the natural gas market that things have fallen apart catastrophically and nothing has ever been mentioned or done about that. If someone raises a point, no one wants to talk about it. Run away and stick your head in the sand. Investors are watching and they see nothing redeemable in the industry that compels them to return. Yet the investors imminent return is the only expectation of the producer bureaucrats. What we can conclude for certain is that bureaucrats will not do anything now.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.