My Argument, Part XXXVIII
“People are worried about the future,” says Janet Weiss, president of BP’s Alaska division. “It’s a lower-for-longer world, and we’ve got to find a way to adapt to that.”
People, Ideas & Objects have the way in which we can adapt to the current situation, we call it the Preliminary Specification. Which if we did adopt it we would be able to put energy independence back on the table. The objective of the Preliminary Specification is firstly to turn all of the North American production profitable. Then when that is achieved, we can look at the ways and means that we can expand the industries throughput through the further development of the Preliminary Specification. Answering the question of how we’ll expand the resource base of engineers and geologists for the mid to long term. How we can repair and replace the aging oil and gas infrastructure. Then we can apply ourselves to expanding the throughput of the industries oil and gas production profile so that we are reliant only on ourselves. We know the reserves are there but there is so much more that needs to be in place. That’s how you would conduct yourself if you were serious about an ambitious plan such as energy independence.
What oil and gas producers and the brokers are selling today I don’t understand. It’s all sunshine and rainbows as far as they can tell. It’s as if the producers financial statements are irrelevant and only provide their accountants with something to do. Financially 2016 was a disaster for all producers. Far worse than 2015 in almost 100% of the cases. The worst year on record. There is no cash anywhere in the industry. No working capital with producers owing every service industry provider many year's worth of past work. Revenues are down and no one is generating any cash flow. So producers are looking for any source of cash that they can find. Stock prices of the producers are all highly overvalued so now would be a good time to be issuing stock. Yet there is little activity there and not one bank is participating in the industry that I can see. The only source of cash is the diminishing revenues of the producer. Diminishing due to the price declines from chronic overproduction and the producer's own decline curve.
If you tell the lie enough times people will begin to believe it. That is the new strategy of the bureaucrats. As an oil and gas investor looking at the producers they see the desperate need for funds and the legacy of the past four decades of accounting deception. Bloated balance sheets stick out in outsized fashion today in comparison to revenues that are single digits of the capital investment. In other words the opportunity for returns will be slim to none in the next ten years. You also have to stand behind the thousand and millions of existing shareholders who are also waiting in line for something out of these companies. That assumes of course that the producer has either serviced their debts where interest payments are in some cases one third of revenues, or paid the debts down by selling the crown jewels. As an investor which fire do I throw my money onto?
I know one group that has determined that they’ve had enough. Our user community. Activity there is at an all time high. It appears to me that people are turning their back on the oil and gas producers and saying enough is enough. People don’t expect to see the days when they work directly for an oil and gas company again. And if they’re committed to the industry they’re looking for ways in which to stay employed in the industry. People, Ideas & Objects user community is seeing 775% increases over 2016 in our numbers of people inquiring about our community. The light certainly has turned on for the people who work in the industry. There is no question about that.
And that is why we hold energy independence as the objective that is possible through our technologies. It's the first step. Then profitability has to become the religion of the industry. The investors response to this current downswing in the price of oil and gas is unknown at this time. If they’ve determined that they’ve had enough it will be a long time before they come back. And when they do it will only be on the basis that the industry is proven to be profitable from stem to stern.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.