Authored by;
Jereker Denrell, Institute of International Business,
Christina Fang, Department of Management The Wharton School and
Professor Sidney G. Winter, Department of Management The Wharton School.
February 2003.
Continuing on with the review of the LEM Working Paper series, Winter et al wrote "The Economics of Strategic Opportunity" to address the interesting topic of how strategic opportunities arise. This article has many worthwhile points and is available here. During July 2006 I also wrote a blog entry on a similar topic from Harvard Business School Working Knowledge series. Review of these three articles is highly recommended.
Winter et al start off their working paper by noting that the ability to earn exceptional returns is contrary to what is assumed to be the instance in business. The Efficient Market Hypothesis assumes that all knowledge is available to all. In the Abstract they write;
"As emphasized by Barney (1986), any explanation of superior profitability must account for why the resources supporting such profitability could have been acquired for a price below their rent generating capacity. Building upon the literature in economics on coordination failures and incomplete markets, we suggest a framework for analyzing such strategic factor market inefficiencies. Our point of departure is that a strategic opportunity exists whenever prices fail to reflect the value of a resource's best use. this paper examines the challenges of imputing a resource's value in the absence of explicit price guidance and suggests the likely characteristics or strategic opportunities. Our framework also suggests that the discovery of strategic opportunity is often a matter of "serendipity" and access to relevant idiosyncratic resources. This latter observation provides prescriptive advice, although the analysis also explains why more detailed guidance has to be firm specific." Abstract
In energy I have seen many people who assume their role and responsibility is to spend the money on exploration and development. The inexperienced assume that the act of doing is all that is required. These people stay in business for the approximate same period of time they have a positive cash balance. On the other hand, I have seen how individuals who are given an opportunity and struggle to lay in wait for the right time, develop sophisticated business strategies, engineering or geophysical ideas that can only be proven through a methodical and painstaking process. A process they have learned through several decades of experience and study. Needless to say, the latter groups are far more successful in any type of financial metric comparison to the former.
I have also written about the reckless acquisitions some CEO's pursue and am reminded of Carly Finorina's failed attempt to acquire PriceWaterhouse Coopers technology group for $19 billion. And the subsequent purchase of these same assets a year later by Lou Gerstner at IBM for $3 billion. Is this luck that provides these people with their enhanced returns? Anyone can spend money, and the amount of money available for any transaction is truly unlimited. Self delusion comes into play and a contagious enthusiasm for the failed theory can support any size of investment or any size bank loan. Because the banker has provided you with the resources to purchase a house, doesn't mean that you do it. How the Efficient Market Hypothesis fails is somewhat based on the discussion that Winter et al write about in this article.
1. Introduction"Barney sets forth what might be called the "bad news" about resource valuation: in general it is difficult to purchase things for less than they are worth. The interests of both the seller and rivals should stand in the way of such an accomplishment. This paper sets forth the good news about resource valuation: our stance is that "the good news is that the bad news is wrong". (Or at least, the bad news is valid only within it proper sphere.)" pp. 1
"Whether the opportunities seen are actually seized is, however, an important question. We argue that the discovery of a valuable strategic opportunity is often a matter of "serendipity" in the strict sense - not just luck, but effort and luck joined by alertness and flexibility." pp. 1
"To appreciate these points it is necessary to break out of the equilibrium mindset that dominates so much of economic theory - including, of course, the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)". pp. 1
I would also ask how much does time play in making the superior returns. If one is to compete on assets based on the EMH, with its staunch believers, one will be forced to acquire the assets they need at or near the market top. The timing, effort and finding yourself going against the grain are the keys to long term success and exceptional returns. As in my case on this project, I have kept the powder dry and the candle lit and have waited for the puck to arrive, as Wayne Gretzky would say. Now that the puck has landed on my stick, it would take a significant amount of money to purchase a similar strategic opportunity / position / asset. My costs are marginal.
2. Some Fundamentals "Financial performance and profitability. In the strategic management literature, business success is generally equated with financial performance, and financial performance with "sustained abnormal profitability". pp. 2
And here is the key to a long term competitive financial performance. If the cost of the asset is overpriced at the time of acquisition, the amortization of the assets cost over the life of asset / business will consistently lower the returns realized. Winter et al take this concept further with the following;
"Our view is that net present value - or expected net present value, where risk is involved - is the basic measure of success in the quest for strategic opportunity. It is "basic" in the sense that it stands at the limit set by Einstein's famous dictum that "everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." It is possible to employ more general or sophisticated measures that NPV, and to invoke NPV in more sophisticated ways. It is difficult to make basic economic sense with a simpler analytical apparatus than the NPV concept provides. Hence, our discussion of "strategic opportunity" relates to opportunities for positive NPV undertakings, with merit understood to be measured by the amount of NPV." pp. 3
"In this "basic" economic approach, we set aside some considerations, such as organizational survival, which might make something other than the NPV of an isolated opportunity matter to management. We also set aside more important complications associated with the long term interdependency among opportunities that arise from, and affect the development of, the same set of underlying capabilities and competences." pp. 3
The importance of this discussion is of particular interest in the energy industry. The reason is that almost all metrics of valuation of what is "real" are subjective. As I stated before the costs can be comprised and reflect only the ability to spend money. That does not find or produce oil and gas. Intellectual property is the key asset of an oil and gas firm. The producers capability and capacity to find and produce energy is the key metric. How to value something that is in the ground with many possibles and probables are unknown. What one man sees as garbage, another may see is gold. The subjective nature of the industry leaves the cost based measurements as meaningless. NPV when compared to these historical cost metrics will provide the superior returns that an effective management team provides.
"These consideration do not, of course, rule out a purely cost-based approach to valuation. With some effort it is possible to measure the investment involved in the creation of a particular complex resource, although the result is partly determined by luck. Cost data, however, clearly cannot answer by themselves the question of what the resource is worth. The demand side information is missing." pp. 4
3. Market Completeness and Strategic Search
Not to harp on the theme of the plodding along approach is the better method. The experience of the management staff that are able to "plod" along generally know that they are in a long term battle with the market. A battle for the type of results they know that they can achieve, and at less cost (and higher returns) then other methods. This model of business development is borne of a significant period of understanding and education in essentially the school of hard knocks. This struggle continues unabated irrespective of the monetary success that is achieved. These authors appear to be commenting about what the majority of successful companies have experienced.
"In summary, a realistic appraisal of market systems compels recognition that markets are incomplete, and drastically so in the domain of currently untried activities. As a result, since the value of existing activities may depend on untried activities, it cannot be guaranteed that existing activities are priced correctly. Thus when markets are incomplete, the prices prevailing in an apparent equilibrium do not preclude the existence of valuable unexploited opportunities. To exclude strategic arbitrage, a much stronger condition than market-clearing prices is necessary - we might call it "exhaustive entrepreneurship." It would have to be that for each good, traded or un-traded, there has to be someone who has considered the value of this good in all possible uses. As discussed in the next section, such a condition imposes a massively implausible information requirement on the actors in the system. Moreover, although actors can probably learn to identify the value of some of these resources, we argue that the local and decentralized character of the learning process implies that certain strategic opportunities are likely to remain. The challenges of the learning process also suggest some clues about the likely characteristics of such remaining opportunities." pp. 6
Or, in other words, irrespective of the market dynamics and the quality of the NPV, the strategic opportunities exist despite the market successes and failures. If a market participant eliminates themselves from the game before he / she even tries, then he / she will have lost for certain.
4. Valuation of Complex Resources: The Challenge of Imputation.When I think of Google, I think of the resource that it provides me. I have 7,000 of maybe the smartest and most competent development and business people, and possibly the top 50 super computers all working actively to provide me with better processed information. A level of, essentially, artificial intelligence that has never before even been imagined. The dynamic that these Google resources provides everyone in business will allow generations of prosperous entrepreneurs. And that is maybe the point, Google's resources are available to everyone and to not use them at their optimal level eliminates you from the business environment of tomorrow.
On the other hand, how the structured hierarchy exists in this environment is of question. If individuals are provided with these opportunities in a fast pace economy, how can the structured hierarchy prosper? It would be my assertion, the longer that businesses exists under the structure of the hierarchy, the harder the change will become and the greater risk of total loss increases. These risks being the market dynamic that Winter et al are heading toward.
"To be capable of accurate calculation of this sort, an entrepreneur would require not only vast computational capacity but, more important, extensive knowledge of the transformation that are possible in the economy. Obviously, in many cases, individuals do not have immediate access to this knowledge. This raises the important question of how resources are valued in incomplete markets. In particular, when and for what types of resources can economic agents, on the basis of search and learning from experience, determine the value of resources and thus the basis of search and learning from experience, determine the value of resources and thus recognize any arbitrage opportunities? Formulated differently: when will the condition of "exhaustive entrepreneurship" be satisfied? Formally, this learning challenge is equivalent to the problems of learning to identify the value function of a large dynamic programming problem without initial knowledge of the set of possible transitions or the costs and rewards associated with each transition." pp. 8
In a nutshell the number and volume of arbitrage opportunities is incalculable. The time to be an entrepreneur and apply these principles exist as in no time in the history of mankind.
5. The Character of Strategic Opportunity. The Architecture of Strategic Opportunities.Staying with the way that Google does its business, if we look at this weeks announcement of Google Apps for your Domain, these products provide completely different metrics for the computer user. Microsoft Office has had its way with this market since it dispatched Lotus and Word Perfect to the scrapheap. Now they find that Google Apps will be offered at a fraction of Microsoft's prices. This is the heart and soul of Microsoft's revenues and profits. If at the same time Microsoft experiences similar difficulties on the operating system market. Say if Apple were to provide a better product for far cheaper. Microsoft would have effectively lost the lion share of their revenue and the profits will disappear in rapid fashion. Google has now effectively done this by becoming the worlds largest advertising firm. A business model that is far more resilient and valuable then Microsoft's, in my opinion.
Many might say that Google has been lucky, and there would be general agreement that it was. It is now ten years into their existence and they now have new revenue being generated through the sale of their software and services. One that strikes deeply into the competitive framework of Microsoft and provides better value to the consumer. How could someone be so bold, be so farsighted and be that smart. Well in my opinion Google is, and they got there on the basis of Winter et al's discussion here.
"Based on the above discussion of market incompleteness and the challenge of imputation, it is possible to say something about when and for what type of resources strategic opportunities may be located. As emphasized by Shleifer (2000), any systematic theory of market inefficiency, which simultaneously acknowledges the competitive forces that push markets towards efficiency, needs to answer when and why inefficiencies can occur and remain in the presence of competitive forces and the search for arbitrage opportunities." pp. 9
"The above arguments suggest that part of the answer lies in the complex, combinatorial, character of strategic opportunities. Specifically, it is unlikely that a valuable strategic opportunity can be seized simply by trading in existing resources. It is much more likely that a strategic opportunity can be found if the strategy involves trading in resources whose values are contingent upon one or several other resources being used in a new or different way, including the creation of novel types of complex resources. Unless several other actors have already recognized the opportunity and acted, resource values will not be aligned with the new uses. If these other resources are of an entirely different character or used by a completely different set of firms, identifying such an opportunity can be very challenging. Thus, there can be no presumption that this has already occurred." pp. 10
It is not to say that driving a truck through Microsoft's Office revenues and profits is something that was not considered by many. It is the foresight to see these opportunities and build, over the long term the solution that is necessary. Trading stocks based on the Efficient Market Hypothesis is a fools game, not a business. Building a business with customers and revenues and profits is a long term fight that can only be secured in the discovery of the strategic opportunities that Winter discusses here.
"This does not imply, however, that it would necessarily take a heroic effort to identify such opportunities. If a firm has preferential access to the missing piece of the puzzle, identifying the opportunity might be easy. In general, firms can be expected to differ considerably in the information they possess, even in the absence of deliberate effort to create the sorts of informational advantages that Barney referred to. Such differences in information - and differences in complementary assets - typically imply differences in positioning relative to new opportunities. Thus, in contrast to financial markets where blatant arbitrage opportunities are rare, we submit that the discovery of strategic opportunities is a normal occurrence in the product markets." pp. 10
"As emphasized above, in such situations, strategic opportunities are possible, although not guaranteed. Restated in this way, the argument of Dierickx and Cool suggests a class of resources whose values are very difficult to identify and thus could represent a strategic opportunity." pp. 10
"While such examples of accidental discovery may seem to be unlikely, we argue that the character of strategic opportunities implies that they should be expected in accounts of business success. More precisely, we argue that given that a strategic opportunity is only first discovered after some time, the discovery of this strategic opportunity is likely to have been serendipitous." pp. 11
Serendipity, as I mentioned in July of last year is a good thing. With this project coming up on it's 15th year in May, I have struggled in defining what it is I was trying to do. I started on the basis of the fresh knowledge that the Alberta Governments "Royalty Simplification" initiative would be the opportunity to provide the market place with new and better applications. I quickly promoted Oracle into following my lead and we partnered up. They decided to rename the product Oracle Energy and I was left with relatively angry shareholders. Along came PriceWaterhouse who was unhappy with their partner for Oil and Gas and we had a new deal almost right away. However, Coopers and Lybrand owned Qbyte, the market leader, and their merger with Price Waterhouse left me out of business to say the least. Stumbling as I did into what the optimal organizational structure for oil and gas was the consummate definition of
I think that Winter et al are on to something here. I want to go back to an entry that I made late last year about Abraham Lincoln.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said something in his eulogy that strikes me as incremental to what Winter et al have been able to state. The quotation is...
"The ancients believed in a serene and beautiful Genius which ruled in the affairs of nations; which, with a slow but stern justice, carried for-ward the fortunes of certain chosen houses, weeding out single offenders or offending families, and securing at last the firm prosperity of the favorites of Heaven. It was too narrow a view of the Eternal Nemesis. There is a serene Providence which rules the fate of nations, which makes little account of time, little of one generation or race, makes no account of disasters, conquers alike by what is called defeat or by what is called victory, thrusts aside enemy and obstruction, crushes everything immoral as in-human, and obtains the ultimate triumph of the best race by the sacrifice of everything which resists the moral laws of the world.' It makes its own instruments, creates the man for the time, trains him in poverty, inspires his genius, and arms him for his task. It has given every race its own talent, and ordains that only that race which combines perfectly with the virtues of all shall endure."
Words to live by. Winter et al take much of this point and clarify it and categorize it in the following:
"Rather, it is likely that the necessary subsystems were only available to or considered valuable by the firm that discovered the opportunity. There are, at least, four possible reasons for this. First, only this firm had the strategic insight into the eventual value of these subsystems. Second, by deviating from existing practice, only this firm had the complementary set of activities that made these subsystems valuable. Third, this firm is "pre-adapted"; it was endowed with the subsystems by its previous history, for reasons unrelated to their application in the new opportunity (Cattani, 2002). Fourth, this firm made a mistake and thought that these subsystems were valuable by themselves even if all reasonable firms would agree that they were not. Although all of these reasons are possible, we suggest that the complex character of the strategic opportunity makes the first reason less likely than the others. Furthermore, although mistakes are not uncommon, we would argue that the second reason and third reasons are the most important." pp. 11
"Overall, this argument suggests that strategy process leading up to the discovery of a strategic opportunity is likely to have had the following characteristics. By deviating from existing practices, perhaps by intentionally choosing an unusual strategy or by necessity due to a lack of resources required to compete in the established manner, a firm develops a set of idiosyncratic resources. Although perhaps not very valuable by themselves, these resources could be used profitably in combination with other resources. By being the only firm with access to these components the firm is thus much more likely to discover the value of this combination." pp. 12
"In a similar way, when a firm has assembled many of the necessary components, it may be able to see that these resources could be valuable if complemented with some others. As a result, the search for the last components will be intentional rather than serendipitous."
The word
entrepreneur means a lot of things to a lot of people. Generally it is considered a favourable term and one that is used by most people who do not describe themselves as one. It is not something that one can pick up a book and read about how to become an entrepreneur. It is not something that a college or university can teach. It is something that drives the person to continue the pursuit, irrespective of the costs and consequences. It is a drive to complete some part of their life that is well defined in this paper of Winters. To say that Entrepreneur's are different would be an understatement.
"This characterization also suggests that there may be little to learn from examining the strategic process of successful firms. At least for firms that discovered path - breaking strategic opportunities it is likely that they deviated from established practice by necessity or mistake rather than as part of a plan. To assemble the components required for spotting a path -breaking strategic opportunity, a firm needs to have assembled several components that individually are believed to be of little value. As a result, the firm needs to engage in an unusual amount of exploration. To be motivated to do so, a firm may need to be forced to adopt some of the elements or may need to adopt them by mistake (Denrell and March 2001). If this is so, the strategic opportunities of the most successful firms are likely to have developed through a process that it would be unwise to try." pp. 12
To close out this entry, I want to say this paper really resonates with me and the life that I have lived for the past 15 years. It is a tough and difficult struggle, but one that has defined me as Emerson said. These last few paragraph's display for me that the writers clearly have captured the essence of being an entrepreneur and related it well in these final words.
"...being the first in the know may enable an entrepreneur to create limits to post competition. Thus in this sense, ex post limits to competition may be a direct outcome of ex-ante limits to competition. Several examples of such situations have been outlined in the literature, including investments in over capacity to deter entrants (Dixit 1980) and tying up favorable locations and suppliers (Porter 1980)." pp. 14
"Although this analysis implies that detailed strategic guidance is necessarily specific to the firm and its situation, the notion of serendipity does have some general prescriptive force. While good luck may befall the inert or lazy, serendipitous discovery occurs only in the course of an energetic quest - a quest in which lucky discoveries of an unanticipated kind can be recognized through alertness and then flexiblly exploited." pp. 14
"This perspective on strategy is consistent with a large and growing body of evidence on the relationship of firm attributes to their entry decisions, innovations and other strategic moves, much of it recently reviewed by Helfat and Lieverman (2002) (see also Usselman 1993, Klepper and Simons 2000) In general the evidence shows that opportunities are specific and firms that seize them are usually specifically prepared for them by their "pre-history". This mechanism is the counterpart of "pre-adaptation" in biologic evolution (Cattani 2002). Our perspective is also well aligned with the discussion by (Sarasvathy 2001) about the characteristics of the thought process used by entrepreneurs. Using verbal protocols from experienced entrepreneurs faced with a hypothetical venture problem, Sarasvathy (2001) demonstrated that the thought process of entrepreneurs is more likely to start from the givens of a situation and to proceed by investigating the possible effects and market opportunities that could be created with these means. Goal directed thinking, which a market opportunity was identified at first and the means to achieve directed thinking, in which a market opportunity was identified at first and the means to achieve this opportunity were discussed later, was much less frequent." pp. 15
"The challenge of strategy is the challenge of assessing the opportunities that open to an idiosyncratically positioned actor in a changing environment. For this, the challenge of stock picking provides a poor analogy, because in the context actor idiosyncrasy plays a much smaller role. This assessment is clearly consistent with the central tenets of the RBV, but not with the discouraging words sometimes about resource pricing." pp. 15
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