Price Maker vs. Price Taker, Part IV
Spendaholics running around spending money, calling them assets and declaring they’re making money will go down as reinforcing a number of previously well understood and hard earned lessons. Spending money, under the guise of cost control is not a business model and is only a small percentage of the business. Excelling on the spending of money is a valuable skill for any industry however it’s about 10% of what a business does, not 100%. Bringing on these other business skills will need to be done in order to rebuild the industry. The first area has to be in the area of the business called revenues. Not to be sarcastic but revenues are production times price. The bureaucrats maniacal focus on increasing production relates they understand the production half of the formula. Prices are driven by the fundamental economic principle of price makers. Demanding that bureaucrats pull their heads out and think about this last half of the revenue formula for at least five minutes. How has the conclusion that oil and gas commodities are price takers provided them with any value over the past 34 years? Does that amount of time qualify as enough to consider other options? What the bureaucrats have done since December 2005, the time I started writing about this issue and researching our solution, to this industry is truly legendary. Describe to me any other industry that has been deliberately destroyed when the product that is produced is so critical to the consumer? None, maybe coal, however that has been displaced by oil and gas. It wasn’t deliberate stupidity.
Producers don’t know which properties are profitable. Yet they claim that Artificial Intelligence will be providing them with breakthrough thinking for the future. This has now been their claim for at least two years, which doesn’t say much about Artificial Intelligence in the hands of bureaucrats. If they don’t have the basic information such as the properties profitability how is it they’ll determine any future from that?
My therapy continues.
It’s remarkable at this time to hear the revised strategies coming from the major integrated producers. Understanding they too have an issue that is affecting their business. Source @SoberLook
They need to come up with a means to deal with these issues and a vision for the future, just as much as say Chesapeake does. In a nutshell this class of producer is now pursuing the “low carbon footprint” business model if I could summarize their press releases. BP is even going to the extreme to say they’ll be carbon neutral. I guess that means they’ll be destroying everything including their reserves and production profile. These are the leading lost souls that the remainder of the industry bureaucrats find their inspiration. And I wonder how things have become as they are, maybe it's as I mentioned the other day, the fish stinks from the head down.
Back to the solution at hand. The price maker attribute of the organizational change to service providers is even more valuable in ways that have not been described here, and in ways that have not even been discovered, yet. If a property based on this actual detailed accounting is not performing then the producer can shut-in the production for the production month. Doing so will save the reserves for when they can be produced profitably, ensure that the cost of the reserves are not increased by successive losses from continued production, provide the producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas production by not diluting their profitable operations with unprofitable production and removing the marginal production from the commodity markets. This is enabled when a shut-in property doesn’t produce any data that goes through the People, Ideas & Objects task & transfer network which triggers the service providers to complete their work for the month. With no data there will be no work done and no billing to that Joint Operating Committee from any of the service providers, creating a null operation, no profit but also no loss at the property. Providing the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. The service providers may at any time find that they are facing a drop of 15% of their revenues due to the volume of shut-in properties. Which is something they can plan for and budget. Enabling producers for the first time to have the indirect ability to control their overhead costs.
That is certainly what is known and can be taken to the bank. There are a myriad of undiscovered benefits that this reorganization to the Joint Operating Committee brings. Our user community and their service provider organizations, as independent providers of standardized accounting and administrative processes will be able to innovate based on this new perspective of using the Joint Operating Committee. And they’ll have access to the People, Ideas & Objects developers and therefore be able to implement changes and innovations in their process as they and others within the industry who inform them, see them. Enabling the producers to benefit from a new era of accounting and administrative performance. This will be above their enhanced and evolving specialization and division of labor that forms part of People, Ideas & Objects and our user communities unquantified portion of our value proposition of simply doing more with less. Enabling the industry to expand its productive output from the same resource base.
As an example of one of the other things that will change, and will become a given is as follows; in an asset sale the administration and accounting does not change when legal title changes. When the closing date is effective the time is noted on the purchasing producer and everything is then available under their producer ID and not on the sellers ID. No accounting integration necessary. Instant and full implementation of all the historical data, accounting and administration will continue as it was in its standardized manner. Only the owner has changed. Consuming all of $0.005 worth of electricity in the process. Or another benefit the user community might come up with is that the Preliminary Specification is consistent with the major integrateds revised strategies. The decentralized production models price maker strategy provides only profitable production everywhere and always. Which is consistent with the corporate objective of maximizing shareholder value. And reduces the amount of the commodities on the market, essentially helping these producers to achieve their carbon neutral objectives. Who would have thought? There are many benefits such as this that will be revealed through the process of development and subsequent iterations.
The following graph spells out one thing. Oil and gas commodities are price makers. Source @SoberLook
Any arguments on that point are now moot, in my opinion.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.