OCI User Community & Service Provider Competitive Advantages
The following is a brief summary and description of the distinct competitive advantages shared between our user community and their service provider organizations. These are the accounting and administrative resources that will be redeployed from the producer firms to be headed up by our user community members in their service provider organizations. These resources will be used to manage oil & gas and associated industries processes. Each advantage shows the unique nature of the competitive environment we seek to build. This is to ensure that North American oil & gas producers are provided with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always.
Overall the reallocation of producers' administration and accounting resources in this manner provides several advantages. First it enables People, Ideas & Objects decentralized production models price maker strategy. Establishes a sub industry between producers and the Information Technology community. Employ Professor Paul Romers' non-rival New Growth Theory by sharing administrative and accounting resources industry-wide. Producers will no longer need to build and maintain redundant and costly infrastructure for accounting and administration. Producers will share industry-wide capacity and capability. These competitive advantages eliminate ERP constraints that cement organizations into unchangeable structures. Enabling specialization and division of labor, spontaneity, serendipity and creative destruction to return as powerful tools for competition.
We purposely create these distinct competitive advantages in administration and accounting. Delivered to the industry by our user community members and their service provider organizations. It is this unique configuration that enables these major economic forces to be applied and iterated upon. This creates substantial value and is responsible for the majority of our identifiable, tangible value proposition. When producers are prosperous, all those associated with the industry will realize that prosperity. The proof of that statement is in today's chronic downturn.
Accounting & Administration Expertise
Having acquired extensive experience and training in their fields, our user community members will provide administrative and accounting expertise. This applies to their service providers as well. We offer Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas as a sub-industry between technology and oil & gas. Filling a gap between the two as we feel they’re not communicating effectively.
Analysis of Conflict & Contradictions as Analytic Tools
Conflict and contradiction indicate where the issue's source is. Analysis of these two factors will reveal alternative solutions. When we apply these to the business environment, behaviors, communication methods and other factors, they can provide insight and understanding into issues and their resolution. These are some of the more advanced tools that will be needed to handle the incredibly large volume of issues the industry and our users will have to resolve in the future.
Application of AI & ML
Artificial Intelligence is overrated in the marketplace at this time. AI is a module in the Preliminary Specification where we can establish effective and efficient algorithms from our user community. These algorithms can be shared across the industry. Offsetting the inordinate cost of each producer involved in the difficult business process of developing, testing and proving AI algorithms. And draining the market of valuable resources to be used elsewhere. Machine learning is a far more effective tool that will be valuable to our user community due to the distinct perspectives they'll have on industry data. They’ll have data sets of the individual processes they manage. That processes data for the entire industry. This data set would be interesting to analyze from the point of view of its unknown unknowns.
Automation will be implemented to ensure that the most effective and efficient operations are provided to producers participating in these developments. Relieving administrative and accounting resources to pursue higher level, value added opportunities. Reduction of costs in this sense is worthwhile as it implies high automation levels. Automation doesn’t just reduce costs directly it does so indirectly through error reduction. Error reduction reduces time. What admittedly is becoming a critical resource as we proceed through the 21st century economy.
Accounting data sets for producers are inadequate for automation purposes. As well as for general financial reporting purposes. The need to organize and manage the firm's data in appropriate formats is a necessary first step before automation or Artificial Intelligence can be applied.
What information consumes is obvious. It consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.
- Nobel Laureate and Professor Herbert Simon.
A collaborative, collegial environment would be the basis of a competitive environment between our user community and service provider organizations. The basis of collaboration and cooperation is the importance of the work they're undertaking and their critical role in rebuilding the oil & gas industry on performance and profitability criteria.
Licensing of our user community and their service provider organizations provides the exclusive right to manage an individual process. This is on behalf of the entire North American oil & gas industry. The potential tangible and intangible benefits from service providers will be substantial. To compete on price circumvents the long term value generated from pursuing specialization & division of labor, sharing more broadly and other methods that take time and investment to materialize. Value that is realized by all producers.
Finding solutions in a world of difficult and complex issues requires creative solutions that meet the needs of those parties. Although we are rebuilding brick by brick and stick by stick there are established industry methods, regulations and processes that need to be adopted. We need to create effective ways of implementing and organizing them. This demands that our user community members offer industry solutions that work for all concerned.
Creativity & Design
Some may struggle to imagine creativity in administration and accounting. However there is nothing that will be more critical in the discovery, testing and implementation of effective and innovative procedures that provide value to the oil & gas industry. We published the Preliminary Specification in August 2012 and soon after, in March 2014 began the development of our user community. As a result people within the larger oil & gas industry have had the model in the form of the Preliminary Specification and our user community vision in their minds for the better part of a decade. Understanding what their involvement could be, should they decide to join our user community based on the principles set out in these documents. Enabling them to prepare themselves, both directly and indirectly for our development and implementation to begin.
Creative Destruction, Spontaneity & Serendipity
Each of these is an established economic principle that has been eliminated from the 21st century business landscape through ERP software. The unchanging methods and procedures that software defines in organizations, and particularly ERP systems, lock organizations into rigid and unchangeable situations that only serve the status quo. People, Ideas & Objects have established through our user community and service providers that they can make the effective changes necessary to ERP systems. These changes will be derivative of the Preliminary Specification. Establishing a permanent user community and software development capability is necessary for businesses to evolve throughout the 21st century.
Explicit and Tacit Knowledge
Providing software in the marketplace is a small part of the solution today. Software captures explicit knowledge and codifies it within process management. It is the service provided with that software that provides value. Tacit knowledge must be included in the service package. Where producers' accounting and administration are managed, such as our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas. Software and services must be able to make the changes necessary to proactively accommodate the accelerated pace of change of today’s market, and what we can only assume will be the case tomorrow.
The uniquely human element that will be in demand. An idea that generates a dollar today will produce a nickel tomorrow. The need to have exponential volumes of ideas will be a demand of the future in everything we do. How these are captured and implemented in our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and services will be a necessary part of our user community. And with the shared and shareable model these ideas, once proven, tested and appropriately implemented will be leveraged throughout the industry. Building value for everyone. We believe oil & gas needs to be efficient in process management. The accounting and administration of a producer firm are not distinct competitive advantages.
The Preliminary Specification and supporting services are based on innovation. Innovation is a defined and replicable organizational process, according to our research. These have been incorporated throughout the sub-industry we're building. Importantly our user community and their service providers can affect the changes needed to facilitate innovation in efficient and effective ways through the design of their organization.
Integration or implementation falls under the responsibility of our user community and service providers. These are the critical components and the final steps in ensuring the quality of software and services we’ll provide. Integration begins on day one of development in terms of planning and preparation. Our user community members will ensure that their service providers are appropriately implementing process management. As the principal owner of the service providers they’ll be duly authorized and responsible.
Issue Identification & Resolution
“Muddling through” is over. There will be no more ignoring oil & gas issues. People, Ideas & Objects provide the tools, methods and Organizational Constructs to address and resolve issues. We see that software is the issue in that it seals organizations in concrete. Which is commendable from a governance perspective, however it must be innovative and capable of change to achieve the high level performance trajectory of a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable organization in the 21 century. This will be an order of magnitude more difficult than what the oil & gas culture knows. As difficult as the industry situation appears today. Consider how much simpler it was only a decade or two ago. What will it be a decade from now in terms of the issues and opportunities these firms face? To be unprepared as we are today is dangerous and reckless.
Not a distinct competitive advantage of computers. A uniquely human characteristic that will be the basis of understanding for the remainder of this century and as long as we choose. Oil & gas is valued in the consumer marketplace. The threat of shortages and their impact on civilization is unfortunate. Setting the proper landscape for a more dedicated environment in which oil & gas can prosper and conduct its business operations. What is our judgment regarding the capability and capacity of current producer organizations to realize these opportunities? When each barrel of oil equivalent provides 10 to 25 thousand man hours of equivalent labor it is the consumer who benefits. This is the producer's value proposition, our focus and drive. Why would oil & gas ever be produced unprofitably when it is irreplaceable and limited?
I expect that our user community will provide leadership in the administration and accounting of North American oil & gas producers. Expectations that include the development and evolution of business models and "what, how, and why" profitability is earned. It will provide the industry with the tools to evolve at the speed and capacity required to meet future needs.
Negotiations and compromise on the basis of interactions between producers and our user community will be frequent. Compromises and negotiations on the Preliminary Specification however cannot and will not occur. The business model is integrated and dependent on that model functioning together. Changes at the Preliminary Specification level may have implications unknown in other areas of the system. If these changes are necessary, they can be analyzed and corrected based on the most comprehensive understanding, once developed. While we haven't fully comprehended all its implications, we should be cautious before disrupting it.
We are instituting a cultural shift in industry management. Moving away from “muddle through” to a culture of performance and profitability. There will be attempts to resurrect “muddle through” in its many forms by the status quo. We need to be wise to these and ensure that they are excluded from the Preliminary Specification.
Planning in a dynamic environment is futile. It however communicates to participants the information necessary to begin the process. It is the first step.
Define it, clarify it, communicate it and ensure its implementation. It used to be when you drove downtown to work in the morning, and returned at night. You would see 2 - 3 cars broken down on a 15 mile trip. Japan exploited this opportunity to enter the North American auto market. They introduced reliability. There has been a shift in software reliability in recent years primarily because of the cloud computing era that secured the environment of software and services. Phones are far more sophisticated than people realize since Steve Jobs started in the 1980s after being fired from Apple. And Sun Microsystems with Java’s commercial release in 1994. Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas, standardization, objective accounting and other methods will provide higher reliability on top of these technologies. A duly authorized, responsible, and capable user community can do so much more.
Primary research is abundant in the 21st century. We can choose to stand on the shoulders of giants, or recreate it again if we like. The amount of primary research unused at this point is probably larger than what has been implemented. There is rich ground here for value generation for those that can turn these ideas into reality in oil & gas. In light of all the competitive advantages listed under our user community, putting research under their domain is a natural fit. We see this as highly complementary to the research People, Ideas & Objects will conduct.
Specialization & the Division of Labor
It has been the source and generation of all economic value realized since 1776. However, software disables its natural development process of “gap-filling” when it has no capacity or capability to change, and the organization has a vested interest in the status quo. Producers have relied on “cost cutting” to generate value for decades and have nothing to show for it but a fundamentally destroyed service industry. Specialization & the division of labor in terms of the development of our user community and their service providers will continue to be a priority. They will introduce the same to the entire oil & gas industry.
The contrast between “doing” and “thinking” may grow more significant as we proceed through the 21st century. Writing is thinking. It is becoming increasingly difficult to provide basic services, such as oil & gas, in a timely manner. More may not resolve the issue. Getting ahead of the game may be a thing of the past and a luxury we can tell our grandchildren about. We live in an environment that will require testing hypotheses of various scenarios and assessing the results. Determine what is right based on what generates value for the firm. An environment where what an individual gets out of it is based on their value that they generate.