Those Annoying Fees Are Due.
A key element of People, Ideas & Objects value proposition is that the costs associated with software development are allocated across our population of subscribing producers. The more producers we have subscribing to our development, the greater the allocation of these development costs across a larger denominator. Our cost - plus method of charging the producers the costs associated with development, and allocating these costs across a large base of producers provides a substantial value proposition in comparison to the traditional means of billing by software vendors.
Another element of our value proposition is that with a large subscriber base we quickly acquire the resources necessary to approach engineering the appropriate software solutions. When the traditional software vendors are developing one-off solutions they are usually unable to allocate the costs beyond one or two subscribing customers, therefore the costs to engineer the solutions quickly exceed what those customers can tolerate. With People, Ideas & Objects value proposition, our ability to engineer the solution to the ideal level on behalf of our entire subscribing base is easily attained as no one individual producer is asked to disproportionately incur intolerable engineering costs, and all of our subscribing producers are able to acquire highly engineered solutions.
The following is a quick summary of the fees and penalties that are due for producers subscribing to People, Ideas & Objects.
Recall that 2010 was the year in which we began our policies of assessing our fees and penalties. Effective 2010 all subscribing producers, irrespective of the date in which they subscribe, are required to pay all fees and penalties from January 1, 2010 forward. 2010 was also the year in which we implemented our policy of assessing penalties on any outstanding fees after March 31 of the assessment year. These penalties are assessed at 300% of the years fees. (Please see our recent post entitled Free Riders and the Participation Bonus)
Therefore producers wishing to subscribe to People, Ideas & Objects are subject to the 2010 $1.00 fee and $3.00 penalty per barrel of oil equivalent per day of production.
Fees for 2011 have been determined to be $1.00 per barrel of oil equivalent production.
Therefore to become a fully subscribed producer member of People, Ideas & Objects the producer would take their daily production volume of x boe / day x $5.00 (total fees and penalties for 2010 and 2011) = producers subscription fees.
It is now time for producers to act. Review of our Revenue Model will inform producers how they can participate in the development of People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification. Producers can contact me here for further information, or to begin the process of their participation.