Showing posts with label Sales-Commission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sales-Commission. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Disintermediation of Oil & Gas, Part II

 People, Ideas & Objects occasionally provide updates on our activities in the greater oil & gas community. These updates focus on how people in the industry can become active and turn it around. Using the Preliminary Specifications vision. There are business opportunities available in the North American oil & gas marketplace regarding our disintermediation efforts.

Producers' officers and directors have not listened to investors and bankers. Additionally, their unwillingness to invest in their organizations' profitability, which is undisputedly the most profitable investment they could make, raises further concerns among investors. As a result, People, Ideas & Objects allege previous market failures, along with those that precipitated Oracle and IBM's exits. Were due to the inability to source support for appropriate ERP systems development from any corner of the North American producer population. This lack of support has extended into its third decade and today's oil & gas ERP systems reflect that fact. Producer firms provide little financial support to our competitors. If appropriate governance and accountability had been implemented, would the industry have fallen into the current situation? We suggest that ERP system failures and producer actions are no more than the convenience of not having to deal with investors' accountability demands.  

As People, Ideas & Objects have demonstrated through our legacy of pursuing profitability based on the Joint Operating Committee. An unwavering commitment to oil & gas since August 2003 seeking to avoid industry issues today. A protracted conflict between ourselves and producers, officers and directors that began with their giggles. Has resulted in the complete destruction of a primary and all its secondary industries. That statement may elicit more giggles from the bureaucrats' sycophantic entourage. However we’ve seen no evidence of trust, faith or goodwill from anywhere towards the producer firms' officers and directors. Producers must play a vital role in actively rehabilitating the service industry through direct philanthropy. And the inventories of work-in-progress, which we suggest may be as long as a seven to ten year timeline, have been cannibalized to the point where they're counted in months instead of years. This occurs as all U.S. basin production profiles decline. A giggling leadership group that doesn't understand profit, why it's so crucial, or how to earn it. It sits atop cultural manifestations of this lack of understanding. Of course we are unaware of the effectiveness of their investments in clean energy, retail, iPhones or space exploration. 

Granted others may not see it the way I do. The most accurate analogy I can suggest is a gigantic log rolling down the mountain. It’s now half way down and threatens to level the town. What do you do? The first thing I suggest is that we don't ask industry leaders. 

In an unrelated manner we’re adding two new logs to the fire in the form of further discussion of our user community. This includes their service provider organizations and Profitable Production Rights. I will also highlight any notable changes. Secondly we announced our Sales Commission program that will have this community actively involved and benefiting financially from the sale of People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification. Please see the Wiki for further details. And the other recent announcement was our Whistleblower program which has details available here.

These remind us that Oracle CloudWorld 2023 is September 18-21, 2023. Registration for the free “On Air" conference may still be available. If not, the presentations will be available after the conference for a month. We don’t know what will be the focus of this conference. I would anticipate a further extension of the change in direction founder Larry Ellison and CEO Safra Catz took the company at last year's conference. Having filled out the full scope of enterprise needs in operating systems, databases, development, ERP and other enhancements. Making them as secure, robust and accessible on Cloud ERP as they are today. The next logical step was to work with partners to enhance the level of automation possible with such a strong foundation. Last year's conference was about movement in that direction with a few examples of Oracle Cloud ERP new features. 

Oracle's pursuit of these automations will benefit North American oil & gas producers with enhanced value generation. Although many appear to be intangible gains in value it is not too difficult to see the overall benefit of reduced time spent filing, checking and approving expense reports, etc. Oracle is seeking to build value for their global customer base through generic business processes. If producers joined People, Ideas, & Objects they would gain the intangible value Oracle has generated. If they continue to persist in their obstinance, they’ll only be set up with even more structural disadvantages than all the other industries that compete on North American capital markets. Which at this point may be their motivation. In addition to Oracle's advantages, this community would bring similar advantages from automation to the North American oil & gas attributes of the Preliminary Specification.

Lastly we would reiterate that investors are disappointed in the performance and lack of action by oil & gas leadership. They see opportunities and feel excluded from the market due to past performance. However, knowing that past performance is unacceptable. Producers who supported the development of communities focused on developing the Preliminary Specification. And fully fund these development needs. Investors may support producers' capital structures in anticipation that change arrives soon and future performance makes today’s investments sound.

Our User Community

Those who are new to People, Ideas & Objects, they may be unaware of the developments of our user community and their associated service providers. They are our primary focus, competitive advantage and we have been active in our user community development since March 2012. Our user community is unique because of three structural components. These include 1) they are licensed to make changes to the underlying Intellectual Property. 2) People, Ideas & Objects developers are licensed to only take input from our user community. And 3) they have discretionary control over their budgetary processes. They work part-time on the Preliminary Specification development. Gaining an understanding from their ownership of their service provider, industry input and their knowledge from the years they’ve worked in oil & gas administration and accounting. They’re able to make the changes to their ERP systems and processes that are necessary to ensure producers remain dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable, everywhere and always. 

Specialization, the division of labor and sharing of the administrative and accounting infrastructure at the industry level are three among dozens of distinct competitive advantages for our user community service providers. They’ll specialize in the development of a process and in doing so, earn the service provider license to manage that process on behalf of the entire North American producer population. (In most instances.) Service providers are a reallocation of the producer firm's administrative and accounting resources into the various service providers to achieve the three noted distinct competitive advantages. Service providers will be the source of the majority of these individuals' income beyond the part-time income they earn as our user community members. Service providers are expected to be of reasonable size and maintain revenues from which our user community members can build substantial value. 

Service providers conduct process management and bill the various Joint Operating Committees for their services. In this way, producers who are unable to profit from a specific property can shut-in that property. The service provider then receives no data for that property, no work will be conducted by them and the Joint Operating Committee will record a null operation. At that time, it will be able to apply its innovations towards moving the property back into profitable production as soon as possible. The benefits of doing this across the industry are documented throughout the Preliminary Specification. They fall under the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production model’s price maker strategy. 

The point I'm making is that our user community is a substantial career choice for those in the administrative and accounting areas of the oil & gas industry. To provide for producers to begin to build a prosperous and profitable future for all concerned, including themselves.

Profitable Production Rights

Long ago we realized producer officers and directors would never fund the Preliminary Specification as they would be highly conflicted with their personal best interests. Therefore to raise the budget that we feel is necessary to develop the software and support our user community we would need an alternate means of raising money. We also knew that the only method that would prove valid in the long run would be that it has to come from oil & gas production itself in some form. If the industry did not pay for it, they’d show no respect or interest in it and the exercise would become futile. The logic behind how we came up with Profitable Production Rights and Flexible Profitable Production Rights developed on the following basis. 

Investors expressed disappointment and displeasure with the producer's officers and directors. Producer officers and directors had not participated in appropriate governance and accountability and have today no comprehension of what is meant by profit. They don't know how to earn it, why they can’t and are culturally constrained to make the changes necessary to be truly profitable. What People, Ideas & Objects see as a dead end for the current officers and directors. Outside of what is available in the oil & gas ERP marketplace it’s a simple matter of you getting what you paid for. And since at least the mid 1990s the producers have participated in nothing. The only alternative offering that identifies today's issues and resolves them is the Preliminary Specification published in August 2012. It is based on ten years of research into what, how and why the solution needs to be. Therefore we believe we have the only solution to industry issues today. 

In order for the industry to rehabilitate itself, it will require a rebuild on a new culture of performance and profitability. What the Preliminary Specification focuses on. A rebuild, not a situation where we listen or consider what the current culture or officers and directors expect of their environment. The Preliminary Specification is a full on disintermediation of how computers, iTunes, the iPhone, Pixar and the many other industries that Steve Jobs disintermediated.

Profitable Production Rights simply grant access for each boe to be processed through our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service facility we are building through this community. There are approximately 35 million boe produced each day in North America and therefore there are equal numbers of Profitable Production Rights. Each sells for $600 and entitles the owner to process one boe through the facility. Producer firms will need to license or rent the Profitable Production Rights necessary to process their production. In order to acquire that capability they’ll need to negotiate with the Profitable Production Right holder for monthly access to their rights. Or…?

Some comments on People, Ideas & Objects' handsome budget. I have worked to solve this problem since 1991 and have experienced a number of costly failures in the marketplace to date. I have worked since 2003 to bring about the opportunity for industry to resolve the damage and destruction it has seen at the hands of these officers and directors. My value is earned, in my opinion. My value is not determined by the past 32 years at minimum wage in terms of back pay. I feel I can deliver a substantial value proposition to the oil & gas industry and it is packaged with a big bow at the moment. I have traded one third of my earnings and one third of my Intellectual Property royalties from this to subscribe to 33% of the Profitable Production Rights in what are called Flexible Profitable Production Rights. Which indemnifies the Profitable Production Rights holders from any production being shut-in due to a lack of profitability, with the caveat that the producers are actively looking to bring it back into production. Any suspension or abandonment of the property releases the Profitable Production Rights holders to seek other production. I know that since 1991 I’ve worked as hard as humanly possible to solve the problem. If this is unacceptable, I am fine with that.

This is a brief summary of these rights. They are being rewritten as we speak and will be published in three blog posts starting October 4, 2023. Again they are stated here as a means to show the various ways that we are actively disintermediating the oil & gas industry and setting in place the solution, how this community can participate in doing so and the value they can earn from these activities.

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Disintermediation of the Oil & Gas Industry, Part I

 People, Ideas & Objects will update the oil & gas community on the efforts we are taking to disintermediate the North American oil & gas industry. Progress in the marketplace supports our efforts and we appreciate that fact. There are many initiatives under way and our ability to communicate their status will be done in blog posts under this title and the disintermediation Label.

North American oil and gas producers continue to lose the faith, trust, and goodwill of all those involved in the industry. An inability to respond to investor demands for change since 2015. An inability to recognize the need for "real" profitability, what that is and why it's different, how to earn that, and the changes needed to make this a reality has passed them by. Excursions into unauthorized areas such as clean energy show they'll take any opportunity to divert oil & gas revenues from those who worked so hard to establish them. They have proven uncompetitive on the North American capital markets. Unaware that they needed to compete in capital markets, and believed that "building balance sheets" and "putting cash in the ground" would stand up against today's modern day shredders. They are fools and if we believe they'll leap tall buildings in a single bound, we are even bigger fools. 

Each week we see another loss of around 10 rigs in the United States. Why? Last week World Oil reported that producers were scaling back to accommodate global demand declines. Chronic lying continues. The reason these rigs disappeared is unknown to me and I cannot find an answer. Are they moving offshore, or are they being cannibalized to keep the fleet operational? The fleet is barely 25% of its high water mark. The DUC's (Drilling and Uncompleted) inventory has shrunk markedly. And all U.S. basins, including the Permian, are declining. The most tragic aspect of this is that the service industry has been completely destroyed by these producers in the past eight years. And producers can only "muddle through."

If there is one take away from this blog post today it would be this. We recently noted that we felt liberated by oil & gas investors' actions that favored People, Ideas & Objects. Our concern was that if we began developments and investors began financially supporting producers we would lose all credibility and have a failure on our hands. Producer officers and directors would have no reason to listen to us again. A detrimental situation we sought to avoid and one we now consider passed. A career risk that would have been catastrophic for those who followed us.

To ensure this risk has passed we are implementing actions we feel are necessary to begin the developments in the community necessary to force the issue. We are forcing the issue to ensure that investors never consider investing in oil & gas producers. This is unless producers are fully subscribed to and fund People, Ideas & Objects software developments and associated communities. When there exists a community of individuals who are actively working to resolve the oil & gas industry issues that investors have also identified, investors' actions would not be against us. This is the leadership position we are taking. This is the calling I'm asking individuals in the industry to consider. To become the solution.

Oil & gas investors want to participate in a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas industry. They see opportunities in the market and are disappointed with the status quo's performance and inability to change. Undertaking a cultural change for officers and directors of this scope and scale demands a rebuild in the form of the Preliminary Specification. If investors saw progress in that direction, where independence and funding for this community was secured, would they return? Would that allow producers to reinstate their capital structures? Would this enable the rebuilding process to be more effective with People, Ideas & Objects? Would this enable the communities described here to be confident in their success? I see it as a win, win, win. 


First up is the Oracle CloudWorld 2023 conference which will be held on September 18 - 21 2023. They provide an opportunity to participate in CloudWorld “On Air.” There are many worthwhile presentations and I would highlight all of the Keynotes as a must see. Any events that were oversubscribed for the “On Air” presentations, and you were therefore unable to see, will be able to be viewed in the next month through registration to the Free “On Air” conference located here

It was during Oracle CloudWorld 2022 that I saw Oracle's revised vision with its products and services. We noted these points in an October 21, 2022 blog post entitled “And Just Like That, Everything Changes” and subsequent posts. It also triggered our rewrite of the Preliminary Specification with Oracle's revised vision and changes incorporated into our product. Oil & gas producers would benefit from not only the Preliminary Specification but also the updated Oracle vision. Oracle was affected by these changes. Oracle's stock has increased from $67.02 to $120.68 since that conference. An 80% increase in share price for a company with a $327.24 billion market capitalization. This was a material event in their company's history. Check-in to see Founder, Chairman, and CTO Larry Ellison and CEO Safra Catz keynotes at a minimum. 

Our User Community

Our user community, research, and intellectual property are People, Ideas & Objects three distinct competitive advantages. Our user community is our priority and focus. That is for today and always. Our commitment to user-based ERP software development is unwavering. The only method in which to provide quality ERP software is through strong user community participation. ERP software traditionally has a committee representing users. People assigned to the task are asked to fill in an otherwise nonexistent vision. Budget and time restrictions soon generate demands for cuts and the first thing to be cut is the user committee. 

People, Ideas & Objects published the Preliminary Specification in August 2012. In March 2014 we published our user community vision with its three distinct characteristics. This ensures that quality ERP software is delivered to dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas producers throughout North America. Our user community includes:

  • Exclusive licensed authority to the Preliminary Specifications Intellectual Property. Only our user community members can change the software. Producers and all others have one source to turn to and resolve their difficulties. 
  • Only our user community members have our software developers' attention. They are licensed to look only at our user community for input. 
  • And finally, our user community members are in control of their own budget. They are not “blind sleepwalking agents of whomever feeds them.”

How does the industry make the changes it needs to make to become the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas producers that we need them to be? How will it remain able to accommodate changing business needs? We have structured our user community to lead the changes that are necessary. They’ll have the tools to define industry structure, processes and management through ERP software they develop. In addition, they will own and operate a service provider that will manage a process on their behalf. Participating in the development of the software will provide them with a better understanding of what the industry needs to succeed long-term. Through a long list of unique competitive advantages that include leadership, issue identification and resolution, research, ideas, innovating and automation user community members have the tools necessary to fulfill these tasks.

Confidentiality of participation is important to all early stage participants in our user community. We are all too familiar with producer officers and directors' retaliation methods. Application to our user community can be found here.

Whistleblower Program

Two weeks ago we announced the People, Ideas & Objects Whistleblower Program. What we know is that the Preliminary Specification has been actively discussed in the marketplace for over a decade. Some of our Intellectual Property has now permeated the industry in different ways. Primarily due to officers' and directors' disrespect for the Intellectual Property we’ve developed. This has obviously continued through their work with other ERP providers. Review of our Whistleblower program can be found here. The program maintains absolute confidentiality and proceeds from any actions People, Ideas & Objects take against producers will be shared 50 / 50 with Whistleblowers. 

Sales Commission Program

When we announced the Whistleblower program we also announced the Sales Commission program that we’ve put in place. Information regarding this program can be found here. It provides individuals in the oil & gas industry with the opportunity to participate in 15% sales commissions on the sale of the People, Ideas & Objects software. The ability to secure exclusive access to a specific producer is also available. 

Last Thursday People, Ideas & Objects completed the rewrite of the Request For Proposal and Discussion pages of our wiki. This is the information that fulfills the material differences in the Preliminary Specification compared to other systems. If an RFP were to be submitted by a producer the answers would be sourced from the RFP located here. The Sales Commission program should benefit from this, along with the Preliminary Specifications Wiki as sources.

The Whistleblower and Sales Commission programs are permanent additions to the way in which People, Ideas & Objects conducts business. We can affect change far more effectively through the opportunities we grant to oil & gas entrepreneurs who see them for what they are. Alternatively, sourcing, recruiting and developing capabilities in-house will deliver our software in the 22nd century. We reward performance and focus on the distinct competitive advantages we've developed in our Intellectual Property, our user community and research.

Establishing a New, Sub-industry

It’s one thing to start an enterprise. However, when the scope of the problem becomes as difficult as North American oil & gas, we will need a "bigger boat." People, Ideas & Objects have carved out the area where we can contribute the most. To suggest we'll build it is ridiculous. This will take the efforts of tens of thousands of people and we’ll be a relatively small part of it. Intellectual Property ownership and licensing, researching our IP's further development and using these tools to raise the financial resources to support the software development, its operations and our user communities needs is more or less the extent of our reach. Our user community consists of part-time members. They are well compensated for their work. However, the majority of their income and value is created in their service provider organizations which are a reallocation of the administrative and accounting resources of the producers. The long and short of this is, there are substantial money making opportunities involved in rebuilding the North American oil & gas industry. 

Closing Remark

Producer officers and directors will get less support from software companies if they continue to deny and abuse People, Ideas & Objects Intellectual Property. Even though they may have benefited up to this point. I don’t think they fully understand or appreciate the consequences of their actions regarding Intellectual Property. Who will provide better software products in the future when they see other vendors' Intellectual Property treated so poorly? Just a thought.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

People, Ideas & Objects - Sales Commission Program

People, Ideas & Objects are moving into the next phase of development due to the changes in the oil & gas market space. Our inability to move to an operational software development organization has been hamstrung due to what we perceived as an essential direction being communicated to us. This was necessary before we could advance. Although today we may be reading too much into this situation, we feel it is very late in the day for our software to have attained operational development status. We are therefore confident and moving forward. We believed investors were leaving the industry. With information contained within this graph, we feel it confirms what we suspected and supports what we believe is necessary to move forward. This graph is from @Soberlook on X.

Who could blame the investors? For over four decades officers and directors have used the industry to fuel what may yet become the greatest destruction known to mankind. Energy in the form of oil & gas is critical to our quality of life, economy and survival. To have it so ruthlessly destroyed as documented in this WorldOil article is only the beginning of the difficulties we’ll face as an industry. 

  • The Permian basin is expected to join all other basins in experiencing production declines. 
  • 2023 saw 135 rigs dropped from the fleet to now stands at 642 rigs.
  • Drilling and Uncompleted Wells, or DUC’s have declined. As the article states “the lower the count becomes, the longer it will take for shale supply to return.”
  • In any corner of the industry, producers do not command respect, integrity, faith, trust, or goodwill.
  • Others lack motivation to do business with producers' officers and directors.

How is this happening? We know it is the officers and directors, their “muddle through,” well built balance sheets and other nonsense that has brought us to this point. Why has this happened? There has not been a penny of profit made by a single producer in the industry since the late 1970s. Nothing but the expenditure of investor money gained from specious accounting reports that claim oil & gas reserves are valuable. If they’re so valuable why are they not produced profitably? What has been proven is that with willing investors, the useless spending machine of officers and directors destroys value. They used to proudly preach to me, "Who cares about profits? It's about cash flow.” They hardly understood why profits were necessary. They never recognized that they were not profitable. They never understood what was needed to earn real profitability in a competitive market. What they have proven is they have no understanding, concern or need to operate a profitable business. Since 2015 investors have given them ample time to figure out how to earn real profits. And what did they do? Declared shale was unable to be commercial and moved on to clean energy. It's time to say goodbye. Good riddance and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. 

There is a material difference between what officers and directors believe and their reality on the ground. We are therefore making a significant change in our posture and moving to an operational software company.

What we’re reading into this is a material change in the trajectory of investors' tolerance for oil & gas. The past eight years saw no investment money flowing in. Now with no action from producers and the disaster documented in the WorldOil article, investors are selling their positions and moving on. We see this as confirming the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification. Investors have lost patience with officers and directors and are leaving. Funds flow is relatively small at this time. We see the trend as our friend and expect it to continue after oil & gas took decades to get to this degraded position. People, Ideas & Objects believes the industry is at least seven years from stopping the log rolling down the hill. And we’ve only begun to witness it’s in fact rolling.

The reason we’ve waited for these indicators to materialize is that it provides us with a clear understanding of the future. Our concern was that if we began development without a clear signal from the investors as to what their future actions would be, we could have a terminally failed project on our hands. One that has no hope of rebuilding the North American oil & gas industry as we’ve proposed. We have represented our position to the investor community. If investors suddenly supported producers again, funding their capital expenditures with new funds. This would have been terminal for our organization and we would have failed spectacularly from a distinct lack of credibility. People, Ideas & Objects would have seen an action such as this as a betrayal by investors towards the future of the oil & gas industry and all those that expect and depend on a turnaround. If this wanderlust and spendthrift industry leadership regained their investors, People, Ideas & Objects would be sent back to the stone age in terms of our product horizons. 

Therefore in order to keep the overall opportunity open we had to wait until we saw what investors would do. So we kept our powder dry and our candles lit until we knew where we were headed. We now have that. We would not waste our user community's time or money. We have a viable business model, a plan and a vision to deal with the issues at hand. We indirectly have the support of oil & gas investors who have not supported producer officers and directors since 2015. Investors who have tried to deal with dysfunctional leadership and are abandoning them. I see investors' actions as terminal to producer firms' leadership. There is no stronger message that theirs is a flawed and failed corporation than having their investors give up on them. 

I am therefore pleased to announce that People, Ideas & Objects are instituting a Sales Commission Program for our Preliminary Specification for North American-based producer firms. This program is open to those individuals in the oil & gas industry. Who believe they can close the sale of ERP software development, as defined in the Preliminary Specification, to North American producers.

Now is the time to offer this opportunity. Our perspective on the industry is expressed in our writings. Our vision, plans and Preliminary Specification resonate within the industry. What officers and directors ridiculed us for as “opportunity costs'' over the past decades materialized in the form of our substantial value proposition, irretrievably lost due to inaction. Our concern for the future of the industry if the issues were not addressed would be severely detrimental. This would harm the oil & gas economy. This is a turning point that calls for changes to be made. Changes such as those defined in our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and services. Inaction by producer officers and directors leads to others taking the necessary steps to resolve these industry difficulties. The first thing we need to do is organize ourselves in a manner that resolves these. In the 21st century, a software system that defines, supports and constrains an organization needs to be built first. We find ourselves at the point where sales must begin and our budget is funded.

Pricing for our solution is based on our value proposition. We assert that due to the implementation of the Preliminary Specification the greater oil & gas economy would realize $25.7 to $45.7 trillion in incremental revenue and profitability over the next 25 years due to its use. Our Intellectual Property provides this value, which is substantial, proven, and exclusive. Decades of evidence show that industry action cannot resolve these issues. Producer firms have chosen to do nothing, and others will now take it from here. 

The commission earned by the individual(s) who close the sale is 15% of the sales price to the producer. Producer costs will be based on the per barrel assessment plus 15% commission. We have raised the per barrel cost assessment to $600/boe. People, Ideas & Objects pricing is based on the value proposition we bring to the market. Without the Preliminary Specification the industry is only involved in the pursuit of waste and does not have any plans or vision for the future. Sales commissions are paid upon closing. 

The sales process will be long and complicated. This process will incur costs that are the responsibility of the individuals who participate in this commission program. People, Ideas & Objects are available and will support the process to the extent of our ability. Unlike the Whistleblower Program we instituted there is no exclusivity granted to any one individual. However, it is available for a fee of $5,000 U.S. which buys a two-year exclusive license to sell. License renewals are granted however they will lose the exclusivity of the initial license

With regard to startups and small oil & gas producers, two classifications of producers that People, Ideas & Objects et al Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and services are dedicated to. We do not expect sales interest in these producers initially. It is likely that they will join on their own or fall into the group towards the end. The Preliminary Specification provides enhanced and distinct benefits over other producer firms' classifications. Their participation will not be material to this Sales Commission Program unless an individual expresses otherwise. Possibly as an allocation for start-up or small producer firms with an aggregate production profile of X.

Although we've done what we could in light of the circumstances we were faced with. We were driven by a strong sense of urgency. I've seen exponential growth in that sense of urgency and am announcing our "First to Close Bonus" on these Sales Commissions. A "First to Close Bonus" of 2 X commission will be paid to whomever secures the first sale. The "First to Close Bonus" will be paid from People, Ideas & Objects sales proceeds.

I’m certain that I’ve caused confusion as to how this will be implemented and managed. The underlying premise holds that there are substantial conflicts and contradictions in the fact that we are seeking to secure funds from existing producers to rebuild the industry. What I see is an obligation on behalf of those who have willingly destroyed the industry to do the right thing and support this initiative. The fact is the detail of how these communities are financially supported is unknown to me. By putting this out in public I’m looking for feedback and pushback on these points. There is much we need to do and we need to do it quickly. No one has all the answers. Please review our RFP as a tool to support this process.