John Hagel on Passion and Wisdom.
We have another excellent article written by John Hagel on the dynamic interaction between passion and wisdom. How these elements interactions increase organizational performance beyond what either can deliver in isolation. Hagel notes.
I want to challenge this belief. In fact, passion and wisdom amplify each other – each one alone has far less impact than when the two are combined. Rather than opposites, these two are powerful complements.It is my opinion, that the oil and gas industry has no passion; and is operated completely from the basis of wisdom. For that statement I would probably receive little argument and be perceived to not have insulted anyone. And I have not intentionally set out to insult anyone, its that the need to have a level of passion within the industry is something that is necessary, and that is what I and Hagel are arguing.
Wisdom in isolation falls prey to diminishing returns. No matter how thoughtful and creative we might be, we ultimately run up against the limits of current capability. The longer we work at it, the harder it becomes to find the next increment of value within current performance limits.Today we have an economy that is in a major transition, that is redefining the players in all industries and in all marketplaces. We also have a set of technologies, the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) redefining how business is conducted throughout all industries. These transition are also defining how the oil and gas industry is being conducted in fundamental ways.
In a world of mounting performance pressure where current limits become prisons that ultimately crush participants,effectively integrating wisdom and passion is not just an opportunity, it is an imperative.From my perspective little to no passion exists in the oil and gas industry. The wisdom that Hagel notes that can imprison organizations appears to have asphyxiated oil and gas firms with an overdose of paper. Over the past decade firms have been rewarded with higher commodity prices. However at the same time costs have escalated at substantially the same or even higher factors. Since 2005 world oil production has stalled with no substantial increases seen in any region, and no increases seen in the foreseeable future. Regions such as Canada, and others, are seeing steep declines in their natural gas deliverability. The industry is ripe with wisdom and lacking in passion at a time when the challenges are the greatest the industry has ever faced. If only the industry were to adopt the Draft Specification and commence the development of the People, Ideas & Objects software applications. Passion could begin to be effectively integrated with the wisdom resident in the industry, and affect the performance of the industry in the manner that Hagel notes in this article.
For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.