Readers should strap themselves in we’ll be travelling at a much faster pace than we did on our first post of this series. Today we’ll be reviewing two paragraphs of
Professor Giovanni Dosi’s paper
Sources, Procedures, and Microeconomic Effects of Innovation. Bringing the sum total of our review so far to three paragraphs! The richness of the content of this paper is astounding. It was also very hard work to get through. Which is probably why I went through the entire document a number of times. Each iteration building on the knowledge gained in the previous pass. As with yesterday we have a broad scope of understanding captured in a small number of words.
It is the purpose of this essay to analyze the processes leading from notional technological opportunities to actual innovative efforts and, finally, to changes in the structures and performance of industries.
Thus, I shall discuss the source of innovation opportunities, the role of markets in allocating resources to the exploration of these opportunities and in determining the rates and directions of technological advances, the characteristics of the processes of innovative search and the nature of the incentives driving private agents to commit themselves to innovation. pp 1120 - 1121
I wonder why it is that Professor Dosi raises the point about the “changes in the structure and performance of industries.” Just as the oil and gas industry and producer firm must reorganize themselves to enable
profitability they also need to structure themselves to facilitate and enable the innovations in the sciences and technologies that make up the industry. Both profitability and innovation can be achieved through the decentralized production models price maker strategy. Where the service providers are created from the producers current administrative and accounting resources. I think this is intuitive, or it should be. Yet the battle rages between the producers vs. People, Ideas & Objects. Is it truly worth the destruction that is being realized in oil and gas to remain opposed to the changes required in the
Preliminary Specification?
It is at this point that we meet the ultimate academic argument between
Hayek’s Spontaneous Order,
Schumpeter’s Creative Destruction and
Giddens Structuration Theory. And we have chosen the best features of each one to fit our arguments throughout the Preliminary Specification. I consider that creative license. The weight of our argument however would go to Giddens Structuration Theory and most specifically to
Professor Wanda Orlikowski’s Structuration Model of Technology.
Structurational studies of technology and organizations have been highly influenced by the social studies of technology. Initially arguing for a view of the "duality of technology," Orlikowski went on to argue for a practice-based understanding of the recursive interaction between people and technologies over time. Orlikowski (2000) argues that emergent structures offer a more generative view of technology use, suggesting that users do not so much appropriate technologies as they enact particular technologies-in-practice with them. The ongoing enactment of technologies-in-practice either reproduce existing structural conditions or they produce changes that may lead to structural transformation.
People, Ideas & Objects believes based on our understanding of all of these theories that software defines and supports the organization. It not only enables the “structure and performance of industries” as Dosi suggests, but in the case of oil and gas today, is a constraint on those structures and diminishes the performance of the industry and producer due to the inability to change the software as the industry and producer changes. This is why People, Ideas & Objects offer the
user community, our
service providers and the software development capabilities that are provided through Oracle developers as the means to not only accommodate the necessary changes but in certain instances to drive the changes to increase the
profitable and innovative performances of the producer and industry.
With respect to that third paragraph that we quote from Professor Dosi’s paper. The oil and gas industry is currently configured in such a way that the oil and gas producer does everything for itself other than the field operations. Having a geographically diverse operating theater makes it impractical to maintain their own service industry operations, although some still do. In terms of control, all aspects of the producers operations, governance and administration are under the producers direction. In the 1950’s this was not only possible but probably ideal. There is probably no one from that era to check with regarding the validity of that statement. In the 21st century it is ludicrous to think that a firm can concentrate their entire domain of operations under one roof. It was through the research that we conducted of
Professor Richard Langlois that we were able to determine that in the battle between firms and markets, markets would be the preferred choice in the 21st century. In yesterday’s post we mentioned the performance measurement in the Preliminary Specification of Revenue Per Employee. It is through a greater involvement of the market that a profitable and innovative producer will be able to positively increase their Revenue Per Employee trajectory.
The impetus of the
Preliminary Specification is for the producer to produce all of their production
profitably. Rarely would that involve their entire production profile. To attain the highest level of profitability the producer will seek to produce profitability throughout their production profile in order to maximize their profitability. That requires and demands that the producer innovate on the earth science and engineering capabilities that they’ve developed and deployed on their properties. To expand the sciences of geology and engineering is the frontier where they can expand their organization further with higher production volumes and profitability due to the innovations they deploy. At the same time striking an equally equitable balance between the consumers current consumption of the lowest cost, yet profitable oil and gas production, and the commercial conservation of energy for future generations.
I want to take a moment to comment on my concern for the financial health of the producers. In the second quarter I was surprised at the difficulties being experienced by our sample of 23 producers. I was expecting a very difficult second quarter to be reported and ended up thinking that there is a serious degradation of the financial foundation of the industry undergoing at that time. One based on the fact that, as we’ve stated here many times before, the only source of cash is production and most particularly new production. This was creating what I saw as enormous pressure on producers to increase production at all costs in order to increase their available cash. As we discussed in the second quarter the deterioration of cash and working capital was epic. In the third quarter I think it will have accelerated further as a result of this chronic overproduction creating differentials, particularly in Canada and to a lesser extent in Texas, that are higher than the commodity prices being realized. When over half of your revenue is going to be gone from the late third quarter and better part of the fourth quarter, this industry will have its day of reckoning before this year ends. The only choice is for the hamster to run faster…
People, Ideas & Objects puts forward our Preliminary Specification as the solution to the issues in the industry. It is designed to deal with the problems that are causing the producers so much financial distress. We believe that if the industry would adopt the Preliminary Specification investors and bankers could see a profitable and innovative future that would be of interest to them from an investment point of view. And may be motivated to carry the producers across to the point in time where the decentralized production models price maker strategy enables all production in North America to always be produced profitably.
Preliminary Specification, our
user community and
service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most
profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects
Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will
fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me
here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter
@piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email