Our Priority, the User Communities Development
I’m confused, when a CFO or a CEO touts their earnings numbers in an investor meeting, do those numbers include a deduction for the costs that the producer incurred for overhead or depletion? Someone should ask that question directly because I think that in most cases the investors assume that the overheads are deducted, and in nine cases out of ten, the bureaucracy has not included the deduction for overhead when they are promoting their next big program. What they are selling is just the revenues less royalties less the operating costs. And that’s it. The overhead and the costs of capital are things that will be eventually accounted for in the Annual General Meeting that will spill all the bad news at once. And say “things didn't turn out like we expected them to.”
And these are the earnings of the industry according to the bureaucrats in power. What came into one pocket, and left the other pocket, leaves what's left, which is my profit. Why would an industry operate on such a basic level? Think about it for a minute. It makes things so easy. There is no hard work in an environment where all you have to do is count the money that’s left at the end of the day. No planning, no budgeting, no thinking about the things that you should do right. Its just what you have in hand at the end of the day. For a bureaucrat it is a great business.
Some investors have become wise to the ways that the industry has operated. They see the bars fill up at 4:15 each day and have stopped wondering where these people are coming from. The party is almost over and there will be a reckoning for those that participated in this charade. Or alternatively, I'll get even fewer invitations for lunch. At some point the industry will need to account for the actions of the past decade and the value that has been destroyed.
What needs to happen is for a proper accounting of the properties performance begin to be provided. That is the revenues less royalties less operations less the overhead costs, a return on investment, and depletion of the capital be accounted for. And in that way if there is no profit recorded questions can be asked as to why. Because there is no reason that the producer should be producing losses at this time. Particularly with the industry wide capabilities in the Preliminary Specification to make the natural gas prices what are necessary for profitable operations. This shrugging of shoulders and shaking of heads that “its not my fault that prices are this low” isn’t going to fly anymore now that a solution has been proposed. A solution has been proposed and the bureaucracy has done nothing to work with it to make it viable in the industry! How does that work when you go to ask for more money?
It will be the user community that provides the alternative to this charade. And its development is our priority at this time. Real profits are what make the industry operate for the short and the long term. And real profits are the hard thing that an industry has to do. That is why the bureaucracy has avoided the topic. Its the hard work and they are not accountable to anyone, so they have let the profitability slip. Therefore its time to hand the reigns of the administrative power over to someone new and that is the user community who are defined in their own vision.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.