My Last Kick at This Dead Horse, For the Year That Is
People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification provides oil and gas producers with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Who would have thought focusing on profitability would make us pariahs?
Our White Paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale” documents the state of affairs in the oil and gas ERP market. A summary of that discussion would reflect that Qbyte, which is owned by P2, and SAP have the largest market shares in the industry. Qbyte began life in the 1980’s and its life cycle has been extended repeatedly due to the lack of any serious competition being fostered in the market. SAP, as I suggest in the white paper, sells an ERP solution in the oil and gas industry however do not have an oil and gas solution. Their market is the multi-tiered manufacturing concerns where revenues from one of those implementations dwarf what they earn from oil and gas. We note that IBM, the prior owner of Qbyte left as a result of a lack of support from producers in 2005, and Oracle with their Oracle Energy solution did the same in 2000. It needs to be asked if P2 and SAP were adequate for the oil and gas industry, would the industry be in the disastrous condition that it currently finds itself? I don’t blame these software vendors, they like People, Ideas & Objects have been used and abused by their alleged “customers” and it is the starvation diet they’re provided by producer bureaucrats that keeps their offering as lean as they are. My point is, if you were responsible for what People, Ideas & Objects has alleged as a scam and a fraud you might be able to argue the difference if you had pristine accounting and systems in which to argue the point. Oil and gas, as I’ve commented here many times, does not have pristine accounting and systems. The question that none of the producer bureaucrats can answer is, using actual revenues, depletion, operation and overhead at the property level, which are their most profitable properties? Or here is another good question, what is the corporation's gross overhead costs? Therefore, why would you accept any of the major vendors like Oracle or those such as ourselves who are offering solutions focusing on real profitability and standardized, actual, factual accounting to provide the facts to offset People, Ideas & Objects allegations?
When I began this adventure in 2003 it was inconceivable that any business would redevelop their ERP systems from scratch. My belief in the necessity of a “rip and replace” method was a result of three factors that forced its justification. First there was the fundamental change that’s introduced in the Preliminary Specification as a result of the use of the Joint Operating Committee, the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, innovation and strategic framework of the industry. Secondly the pending failure of the producers as I saw it, as a result of the specious accounting methods used in the industry at that time and still used today. And finally, the quality of the systems of the producers are predominately manual, are inadequate and incapable of being rehabilitated to satisfy the needs of basic compliance and governance. Which begs the question of how did any of this financial and operational disaster we’re witnessing today pass muster with the professional accounting firms annual audits? This in no way should be taken as a criticism of my ERP competitors who I feel have done excellent work with no financial or moral support from the producers throughout their life cycle. As an ERP provider, incremental change was the only way for them to have proceeded from a financial scavenger point of view.
Now, in 2020 “rip and replace” has become the only method for all industries to approach the development and implementation of new ERP systems. “Rip and replace” is now seen as the manner to strategically manage the enterprise and build real value. This task however does not form part of any ERP client organization's distinct competitive advantage. Development of ERP systems and their implementation are conducted on a decades long cycle. Purchases from vendors is the proven method for success, particularly in the cloud era. Producer bureaucrats criticize People, Ideas & Objects for undertaking the scope and scale of both the Preliminary Specification which is a comprehensive and integrated business model, and implementing it across the oil & gas, and service industries and our service provider organizations. Yet, they will approach the internal development and implementation of software that will undertake the same scope for their own organization with their budget, and think nothing of the viability or success of the task. We have argued consistently that the unshared and unshareable costs of the non-competitive attributes of oil and gas administration and accounting, being replicated in whole within each and every producer firm, is another reason for the lack of current and future profitability. We hear nothing but the complaints of the complexity and difficulty of managing oil and gas from the bureaucrats as an excuse to justify their excessive personal financial compensation, yet People, Ideas & Objects use of specialization and the division of labor in order to move the fixed administrative and accounting costs of the producer to the shared, variable administrative and accounting costs of the industry in order to deal with these high costs is refused to be considered.
You’ve read in this blog a number of times the time frame that I’ve personally been working on this issue of bringing appropriate oil and gas ERP systems to market. People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification is a well researched and functional business model that addresses and resolves the issues that exist in the marketplace today. As a result of the behaviors of the producer bureaucrats over the past number of decades, not only have their ERP systems atrophied through a lack of financial support. The number of offerings in the market have also atrophied. To the point where the only solution that addresses the points of concern of the industry is the Preliminary Specification. This is due to the fact that we have Intellectual Property as one of our key competitive advantages, and a foundation of our organization. But also that there is and has been no money in it for any of the ERP software vendors. These software vendors have learned the oil and gas industry in North America is small in terms of outright numbers and a difficult, technical business that once again, no one makes money in. Therefore I would ask, who would be able to satisfy the need for oil and gas ERP systems if the Preliminary Specification didn’t exist? Or maybe you could ask who would want to? You could say that I’ve been persistent. Others would have other adjectives. Who would be the one to step up with a solution that provides a resolution to the issues at hand in the current North American oil and gas industry? They would have to do so without the inclusion of any of my Intellectual Property. And they would have to undertake the same onerous and difficult task of researching how a solution would operate in a functional business model. Knowing the bureaucrats in power today, that decade of research may be timely.
The producers expectation today is that oil and gas investors are just going to resume their investing. This “muddle along strategy,” is well outside the range of reasonable. The destruction that has been undertaken by their current administration is comprehensive. They feign to have no concept of what “real” profitability is or how they’ve betrayed their prior investors. Some people outside the industry have even alleged that this betrayal of the oil and gas investors was undertaken on a deliberate basis. Yet producer bureaucrats expect to be handed the investors cash once again so they can recommence the wild, uncontrolled spending in order to crash commodity prices even further? They will belittle People, Ideas & Objects budget as comical and out of context. Yet incur on behalf of the greater oil and gas economy hundreds of billions of dollars in actual losses each quarter, and hundreds of billions of dollars in opportunity costs to make their argument. We have priced the Preliminary Specification on the basis of the value that it provides industry. We believe that it holds a value proposition in the range of $25.7 to $45.7 trillion dollars over the next 25 years. Yet these bureaucrats feign once again not to understand the basic business principles that support the Preliminary Specification. The investors that would otherwise be interested in oil and gas, if not for the obtuseness of the bureaucrats, will not be investing in an industry that has no capacity or desire to invest in its own profitability. Spending is not a distinct competitive advantage outside of oil and gas, and there are many opportunities in which investors can invest profitably elsewhere. Unprofitability and the inability to address its chronic shortfalls is not changing anyone’s mind.
How many times do you see such a united, unanimous and symetrical front being put forward across an industry such as what these bureaucrats are doing at this time. Usually that’s an indication of a scam and when one of them breaks their discipline, they’ll all scatter for shelter. I think that day is near. The motivation for bureaucrats to stay has to come into question more and more each day. Which if they did leave, which has been the historical fact in these situations, it will be done as a herd so that no one remembers any of the individuals names, then all of us will be left with the issues that we know and are aware of today, but also what we’re unaware of. It’s nice to know that the bureaucrats are able to reap the past weeks benefits of oil price increases. If we review the reasons for the recent increases we see that OPEC+ has settled on a much smaller production increase than was originally scheduled. There are a number of vaccines that are coming onto the market that should be available which will remove the government imposed foolishness that has caused the decline in demand. Nonetheless we can congratulate the producer bureaucrats on doing absolutely nothing to earn any recognition for these rewards. My question is, doesn’t now look like a good time for them to execute that exit? With a mild upswing in commodity prices, end of the fiscal and calendar year, end of the virus in sight and an undecided Venezuelan style election that may set the United States down a tragic road.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Parler or Twitter @piobiz, anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.