I Say We Want a Revolution!
Bureaucrats have been rewarded with three vaccines that have increased the prices of oil and gas, and hence the value of their shares. I was saving this gift for the bureaucrats' Christmas however since they're now in the holiday mood and are being rewarded for doing nothing, I thought I’d indulge them. The gift that I find keeps on giving is the one we documented last summer. The two Calgary Herald articles “OPEC can see Economic Destruction” and “Return to Glory Days Unlikely.” Recall these articles documented situations in the industry that mirrored the events of today, however they were written on July 26, 1986! These can be sourced from Newspaper.com (paywall) and are listed on the front page of the business section or page 33 of that day's paper. The quotes that best reflect the situation that exists today are.
Qatar's oil minister has called on both OPEC and non-OPEC nations and industrialized countries to cooperate with OPEC to work out a policy aimed at restoring stability to the world oil market or face grave consequences.
He said that continuation of the current situation would lead to destruction of the economies of both oil producing and oil consuming countries.
“OPEC has no choice but to continue the current policy of capturing a fair share of the market until non-OPEC producers discern the importance of co-operating with OPEC.” Oteiba was quoted as saying.
However, what those [OPEC] ministers do at the International Hotel on the shore of Lake Geneva could help decide a lot: Whether gasoline and heating oil prices will continue to drop or rebound instead, whether the devastated economies of oil producing states and provinces like Oklahoma, Texas and Alberta will continue to crumble and whether the debt problems of Mexico will get more severe.
Only Saudi Arabia, which started the price plunge by boosting its output so it could protect its market share, has gained revenue amid the price war. That oil rich country is earning 10 to 15 percent more oil exports than last summer.
Amid lower prices, the number of active oil rigs in the United States and Canada has plunged.
As we noted in August these symptoms of overproduction and oversupply have been the case since at least July 1986 and have been evident each and everyday since. It is the reason I began this journey in May of 1991 to build a system where producers could just shut-in production. Something they were unable and unwilling to do in that era of the industry. And as we see since that time there has been nothing done about a critical, global, existential issue to all of those involved in oil and gas. It is only today we find the radical change of the producers moving out of the business to pursue their lofty dreams of clean energy and zero carbon emissions. As we noted in our “radical” recommendation on Monday, let them go, or have them spin off the oil and gas exploration and production to their existing shareholders. We could also just kick the bums out. That clean energy future with zero emission is what the bureaucrats have bought into, we should free them of these oil and gas assets and allow them to travel unconstrained into their new quest. This is what everyone else has been denied over the past four decades due to their bureaucratic mismanagement and let's admit it, fraud, corruption and self dealing.
Corporations are structured so that directors and officers of that corporation are held personally accountable for any and all shortcomings that occur knowingly or unknowingly by the principles in these organizations. People, Ideas & Objects is another attempt by myself to take “another kick at the cat” after prior failures in the oil and gas ERP market. This attempt began in August 2003 with the commencement of our comprehensive research into what a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable producer would need in terms of using the Joint Operating Committee. This research took the better part of a decade with the result being the Preliminary Specification being published in its final form during December 2013. It's been since that time the officers and directors have been well aware of this solution in the market. Even if I was the only one that was aware of the published Preliminary Specification it doesn’t matter. There existed a published solution in the market as of December 2013 that the officers and directors should have been aware of and that fulfills the standard for shareholders to meet the demand of the courts to prove these corporations should have known. This is the law of torts and we’ll be discussing this more on Friday.
How this particular part of our journey began was with the publication of a series of blog posts on June 2nd, July 6th and 8th of 2020, and subsequently, that detailed the manner in which insurance companies managed risk in their portfolio of officer and director liability insurance. That insurance companies will force the cancellation of coverage if the individual continues to work for the company they deem as too risky for them to continue. Forcing the individual officer or director out the door of the producer in order to maintain their insurance coverage. It’s in the July 6, 2020 blog post that I note the Reuters article stating that increasing officers and directors liability insurance coverage was a trend they’d noticed. People, Ideas & Objects asked explicitly if this is implied guilt and culpability?
After six months has passed a quick update in terms of People, Ideas & Objects activities. Shows that none of the North American based producers have contacted us in any way shape or form. And why would they, I’m just a guy behind a keyboard. The only action that we can document on the bureaucrats behalf is the wholesale exit from the oil and gas industry into clean energy and zero carbon emissions. I have stated here throughout my writing that bureaucrats can’t, won’t and will not ever do anything to resolve their issues. They’re genetically predisposed to avoid action unless it involves covering their personal compensation or risk.
Whether we have the investors force a spin off of the oil and gas assets into new corporations or summarily fire the bureaucrats is a choice that someone needs to make. Either way let's make Christmas just as special for these individuals as they have for everyone else. It’s time for action and I’m one guy with a keyboard, but I also have the solution to what ails the industry. There is no reflection of any care or concern being expressed for the profitability of the industry, other than what it can do for these individuals' pocketbooks. Take these oil and gas revenues away from them before they declare ever larger annual bonuses for the job not done. We never want them using oil and gas revenues to support their activities in an unrelated industry which has repeatedly proven itself to be uncommercial even with substantial government subsidies. I’m now calling for a revolution within oil and gas to clear out the bureaucracy.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Parler or Twitter @piobiz, anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.