Wednesday, January 16, 2008

MySQL it is.

Sun Microsystems today announced the acquisition of MySQL database. Therefore this project will move to that database platform. The reasons are fairly straight forward and include;
  • MySQL has the Open Source community fully engaged in its development.
  • MySQL has a feature rich offering proven in both the critical web and enterprise marketplaces.
  • Sun is committed to Open Source. Java with MySQL offers opportunities for further integration.
I also am in receipt of a recommendation from one of the readers regarding the GlassFish Server. Apparently there is a version of GlassFish that is designed for light weight deployments. Named the HK2 (Hundred KiloByte Kernel) it was suggested that this could provide some significant opportunities for the developers to use HK2 on the client side with embedded MySQL.

I have revised the Draft Security & Access Control Module Specification to reflect these changes. The revised specification includes these changes reflected in blue text, and the V2 of the specification is downloadable on the wiki.

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Thursday, January 03, 2008

A test of Hayek's theory of spontaneous order.

I have referenced Professor Russell Roberts on this blog before. He is an economics Professor at George Mason University, and a Fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institute. His best work is available freely through his blog Cafe Hayek, and podcast EconTalk. I highly recommend subscribing to both feeds.

One of the concepts that Hayek developed was "Spontaneous Order". In the last month this blog has morphed from somewhat of an academic exercise of extending the thinking of my thesis, to a project that is actively searching for funds, Users and Developers. Over the past year the number of people who subscribed to this blog grew slowly into a handsome audience.

Since I published the call for action in December, it is clear this community was waiting for me to exercise this change. That I may have been limiting the response is obvious to me now. The numbers of people who share an interest in these writings continues to increase. And I can now see that Hayek's concept of spontaneous order is possible. Professor Roberts provides clarity on the interaction of "spontaneous order."
When we talk about spontaneous order, the adjective is trying to capture the fact that no one is in charge, controlling the economic system - the order we see around us is spontaneous, organic, emergent, rather than controlled, directed or managed.
But I've been thinking lately about a different sense of the word spontaneous. It's the ability of the modern economy to deal with our spontaneity as economic actors, or, it's how order re-emerges in the face of our spontaneity as economic actors.
What happens when there's an unanticipated, essentially spontaneous change of behavior?
What should spontaneous order mean to Users and Developers? Action! Action not only in proceeding with the development of this software, but also learning what could be done. Action on behalf of the producers to sponsor this development, action on behalf of the Developers to get involved and action for the User groups to form and move forward.

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

McKinsey on Business Technology Trends.

As we embark on the development of these software modules. The technologies that we are using bring new dimensions and new opportunities to those that use them. Pursuing technology for technologies sake has proven to be a path of disappointment. This doesn't mean they are to be ignored, and I think if they are ignored, then these dimensions, opportunities and possibilities can and will be missed. Each of us should take the time to understand the technologies and apply them in this development in the most creative and value adding way. This is an opportunity for each of us to make this industry as profitable as possible for all concerned. The market, the producers, and the people who will earn their living in applying these software offerings to their day to day businesses.

It is in that vein that McKinsey has and is developing a competitive advantage. The application of technology is a cornerstone of their offering and much can be learned from their perspectives and research. This article, to me, reflects some of the opportunities that exist in today's marketplace. I hope that my readers see how they can capture some of McKinsey's ideas and incorporate them into these software components.

8 Business Technology Trends to watch.

McKinsey starts with noting;
"Technology alone is rarely the key to unlocking economic value: companies create real wealth when they combine technology with new ways of doing business."
Since we are calling for the industry to be re-organized in a manner that explicitly recognizes the Joint Operating Committee (JOC). Recognized as the key organizational construct of the marketplace. A place where the market and firms are well defined and have roles that are actively supported in the software we are building. McKinsey continues with eight trends that I think are very pertinent to the work that we are doing here.

Managing relationships.

1. Distributing Co-Creators

Again McKinsey hits a home run with their first sentence, reflecting the possibilities we have in this time and space.
The Internet and related technologies give companies radical new ways to harvest the talents of innovators working outside corporate boundaries. Technology now allows companies to delegate substantial control to outsider - co-creation - in essence by outsourcing innovation to business partners that work together in networks.
And hence, why we have begun development.
By distributing innovation through the value chain, companies may reduce their costs and usher new products to market faster by eliminating the bottlenecks that come with total control.
Software products that will make the oil and gas producer able to move faster and more innovatively.

2. Using Consumers as Innovators

Users are the consumers of the applications developed here. The Users are the ones who will use the applications to do their job in the most optimal fashion. The tacit knowledge of the industry resides in the people who make it work and get the job done. To exclude them from the development process makes no sense, and here McKinsey captures why.
Consumers also co-create with companies; the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, for instance, could be viewed as a service or product created by its distributed customers.
3. Tapping into a world of talent.

The Users as consumers hold the tacit knowledge and talent necessary to make it valuable. This combination, when aggregated by today's collaborative technologies, can solve any problem in the oil and gas industry. These tools and technologies have to be developed by the Users. And like the developers, compensated for their time and efforts in the development. The use and services of the People, Ideas & Object applications modules must be provided to them free of charge, and that begins here with these software developments. It is the producer who will fund these development costs.
As more and more sophisticated work takes place interactively online and new collaboration and communications tools emerge, companies can outsource increasingly specialized aspects of their work and still maintain organizational coherence. Much as technology permits them to decentralize innovation through networks or customers, it also allows them to parcel out more work to specialists, free agents, and talent networks.
4. Extracting more value from interactions.

And as McKinsey so eloquently states;
As companies improve the productivity of these workers, it will be necessary to couple investments in technologies with the right combination of incentives and organizational values to drive their adoption and use by employees. There is still substantial room for automating transactional activities, and the payoff can typically be realized much more quickly and measured much more clearly than the payoff from investments to make tacit work more effective. Creating the business case for investing will be challenging - but critical - for managers.
Managing Capital & Assets

5. Expanding the frontiers of automation.

The four cornerstones of People, Ideas & Objects technical vision consist of Wireless Networks, Java, Asynchronous Process Management and IPv6. These four technologies combine to provide and enable higher levels of automation in ideas, data and information.
Companies still have substantial head-room to automate many repetitive tasks that aren't yet mediated by computers - particularly in sectors and regions where IT marches at a slower pace - and to interlink "islands of automation" and so give managers and customers [Users] the ability to do new things. Automation is a good investment if it not only lowers costs but also helps users to get what they want more quickly and easily, though it may not be a good idea if it gives them unpleasant experiences. The trick is to strike the right balance between raising margins and making customers happy.
6. Unbundling production from delivery.

The examples cited in the McKinsey document don't necessarily apply to the situation in oil and gas. Unless I am missing some key point here, however, this certainly applies to the joint industry development model proposed in People, Ideas & Objects.
Unbundling is attractive from the supply side because it lets asset-intensive businesses - factories, warehouses, truck fleets, office buildings, data centers, networks, and so on - raise their utilization rates and therefore their returns on invested capital.
Leveraging information in new ways.

7. Putting more science into management.

Studies have shown consistently that the truth lies within the data. Using intuition and luck as the keys to a competitive advantage have been soundly defeated. Education and data analysis has proven superior in making decisions. With more data and information soon to be available, this trend will need to be met with more effective and efficient tools, and, knowledgeable Users who are well equipped with the software they need to do their jobs and make the right decisions.

8. Making businesses from information.

This last point makes it clear how I see many of the Users and Developers of this system will launch new and innovative businesses within the oil and gas market. They will be able to create an ecosystem and environment in which to earn a living from this development and software application. How their relationship with producers may change and where they will find the demand for their skills.
Accumulated pools of data captured in a number of systems within large organizations or pulled together from many points of origin on the Web are the raw material for new information-based business opportunities.
What is possible at this time and age is reflected well in this McKinsey article. It begins the process of discovering what can be done to make oil and gas producers more innovative, and faster at what they do. There are also economic principles that originate with Adam Smith in the 1700's. Economic growth is accelerated by defining ever-greater divisions of labor and organizational models. Join me here.

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Monday, December 31, 2007

Draft - Security & Access Control Module

I am pleased to present to this community the draft of the Security & Access Control Module. This is the first of eight modules that will be developed for People Ideas & Objects. This critical first module will provide the collaborative, security and access enabled components for the remaining seven modules development. This allows people to become familiar with the tools, processes, the means and methods of developing open source software. I am providing copies of the specification in .pdf format. Please download it from the wiki or email me to get a copy.

The process will follow this schedule:

- Open for Community submissions and nominations to Expert Group and Executive Committee until May 30, 2008.

- Final Draft approval by the Expert Group, August 31, 2008.

- Executive Committee Approval, September 30, 2008.

- Commence development October 1, 2008.

Further time-lines and deliver-ables will be specified by the Expert Group.

To participate please review the first section of the Specification entitled "Innovation in oil and gas" and review the Developer and User tasks. The community should then nominate candidates to fill the Security & Access Control Module Expert Group and the Developments Executive Committee. Review of the time-lines and commence development. I will be spending my time securing the financial resources necessary to pay for these developments. Writing the specification for the Petroleum Lease Marketplace Module. Assistance in these would be greatly appreciated.

The purpose of this process is to get as much input as possible. Please do not hesitate to ask questions of myself and the other people who will be joining. Thank you.

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Sunday, December 30, 2007

A picture, and a thousand words.

Unsustainable! That is the only conclusion one can draw from this EIA Chart. Comparing the volumes of BOE (Barrels of Oil Equivalent) discovered to the capital expenditures expended by FRS (Financial Reporting System) companies. No one would want to extend this charts trend out further. Why have oil and gas exploration and development become unsustainable? I believe it is as a result of the engineering and earth sciences underlying the industry have become so complex, and the remaining reserves are skinny and difficult. That an annual acceleration of the amount of engineering and earth science effort needed per barrel of oil is increasing.

I don't believe the increase in the effort of these tasks can be conducted in the thick bureaucracies that have housed the engineering and earth sciences during the cheap energy era. What is required? The answer to that question is very easy and that is; more data, more eyeballs and most importantly exponentially more ideas. Implying a tidal wave of data and ideas will swamp the already constrained capacities of the bureaucratic energy industry. This projects vision of the future considers the increase in the volumes of data and ideas, and provides a solution that enables companies to employ the information and ideas in their optimal fashion.

Whether we call this changing marketplace peak oil, plateau's or valleys is not the point. It is a reality that faces those in the know within the industry. Where are tomorrow's barrels of production going to come from? I think from a lot of difficult and very hard work. My vision of how the industry faces these challenges is through the development of the software described in the archives of this blog. I will be publishing the Security & Access Module specification this week. People interested in this software development project will then be able to see how they can actively participate and make a difference in these systems developments.

There are no short-term solutions today. Just as there are no short-term solutions to climate change. People who need the oil and gas will just have to go without while the industry reorganizes and retools itself for the future. That process starts here with the People, Ideas & Objects software modules. I made the call for sponsorship of this project in mid-December. This call was followed by a similar call from ASPO-USA. Both of these organizations share a few similarities and differences. Both believe the time for their projects to be funded by the industry must begin. ASPO-USA has been a voluntary effort as have my efforts to date in this blog. This too is unsustainable and it is time for these projects to go forward, be funded, organized and built. Does anyone want to continue on with the trends reflected in EIA's chart?

I can't think of two more worthwhile projects for anyone in the energy industry to move forward with. Clearly since 2001 throwing more money at the problem hasn't provided, and never will be, a solution. The first thing we need to do is come up with better methods of organizing ourselves for these future challenges. Join me here in these tasks.

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Continuing on with my end of the year tradition, posting one of Ralph Waldo Emerson's works. This year is the "Divinity School Address". Enjoy.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Commercialization 101

Throughout the past three and a half years, the development of the theories surrounding the Joint Operating Committee as key organizational construct, have been developed based on my efforts and resources. To commercialize the development of this software has always been with two key assumptions. Users as principle consumers of the software would always directly and indirectly control the direction and quality of the software. The second assumption was that industry would financially support the development and ongoing needs of the software.

This time has now arrived and it is therefore necessary for industry to begin their involvement with resource commitments to this project. I have documented several dozen calls-to-action that show this type of development will become the mainstream business model. These calls have also included the dire warnings of our energy future from the National Petroleum Council and International Energy Agency.

I am therefore canvassing the producers in the Calgary, Texas and Aberdeen areas for sponsorship of this software development project that I call "People, Ideas & Objects". Sponsorship is open to any company willing to pay the fee of $10,000.00. These funds will go toward the development as I have described in this blog. Those companies that choose not to participate will not have a seat at the table and will be unable to influence the direction of the software, or use it. The past year has seen my time in terms of completing this work evaporate from the scope of this challenge. Any company not participating at this critical sponsorship stage will have difficulty in garnering the future attention of this community.

Contacting me at my email address will commence the process of registering your firm in the sponsorship round. The sponsorship round ends January 15, 2008.

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Thursday, December 06, 2007

YouTube video on Object Capabilities

An report update on the development of the Security & Access Module being developed for People, Ideas & Objects. Of particular note I want to highlight the work of Berkeley Professor David Wagner in the above noted video. (Click on the title for the YouTube video). At one point he indicates that he is very interested in securing alpha users for his research and use of "Joe-e" programming language. I will be emailing him soon and offering this module's development for consideration as an alpha-user of his research.

The Joe-e programming language is an offshoot of the Java Programming Language, just as JavaFX and Groovy are. It incorporates a higher level of "Type Safety" as no "global" or "static" variables are permitted; it is single thread safe and has a number of other enhancements that make it ideal for the development of "Object Capabilities". What are "Object Capabilities" Professor Wagner points to two excellent papers that describe in detail the concepts. I will be reviewing these as both research and development of the module.

Mark Miller "Robust Composition: Towards a Unified Approach to Access Control and Concurrency Control." Johns Hopkins University 2005
Jonathon Rees "A security kernel based on the Lambda Calculus" MIT 1995
It will be worthwhile to look at the tie-in that we can make to Professor Carliss Baldwin's work on transactions. Recall the matrix's she introduced in defining the scope of transactions. And how "Vouchers" were how I would implement these elements of the transaction. Object Capability would define the access and concurrency of the interactions between users within that voucher as well.

In the process of this development it has become necessary to define the level of virtualization that is possible and needed for the operations of this application. Virtualization on Solaris provides the ability to have an instance of the OS and associated technology stack operate for one specific user-defined unit. The size of the unit could be the entire application, or I could define the virtualization level that would have each person, company and JOC have a virtualized OS and associated technology stack for each of those units. I would do the latter if it provided an enhanced level of security, and this will be determined through the research of this module.

What I hope to be able to do with Professor Wagner is to define the manner in which we layer the Military Command & Control structure of the Compliance & Governance Module over the Assets, People, Geography, JOC's, Companies, Disciplines etc. Much in the same way that the Military denotes in the "Sgt. 1st Class, Rick Emert, 1st ACB, 1st Cavalry Division, PAO". This definition is necessary for the application and the industry to function. The value and need of the end users to define these elements will be incalculable.

Lastly IPv6 is one of the cornerstones of the Technical Vision that I have put forward for this project. I want to review the impact of that technology on the policies and technologies mentioned in this post. Also, the level of encryption available in the Java Programming Language provides very high security. The cryptography available is well documented here.

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Open Office, not the software type.

The news (click on the title of this entry for the article) reported on a trend that is occurring at many of the offices in Silicon Valley. Companies such as Cisco, Sun and Intel, have been experimenting and implementing the "Open Office" or cubicle-less workplace. Unlike the cubicle world of before, the Open Office space provides work areas that can be transformed by any of the people assigned to the floor. The motivation for doing this is the company "saves space and money, and encourages collaboration among workers".

On any given day, said Neil Tunmore, Intel's director of corporate services, 60 percent of the company's cubes are empty because people are visiting customers, telecommuting, vacationing or in meetings. Employees work in assigned buildings only three days a week on average and spend 20 of the work hours telecommuting.
Already at Sun, about 56% of the workforce, or about 19,900 employees, work without assigned office space.
and possibly the most prescient comment of the article;
"My office isn't a space in a building", Livengood said. "My office is the space where I am."
I think this type of office layout would be ideal for the energy industry. In many of the same ways that the technology companies are experiencing benefits, the energy industry would as well. If we accept the reasoning that each incremental barrel of oil from this point forward will require increasing levels of engineering and earth science effort, then collaboration will be necessary. I wonder how long before employee demands begin to expect these types of working conditions.

According to the article, the companies that have been experimenting with this method of Open Office have experienced substantial savings, productivity increases, quicker decision making, and innovations from the collaborations. Cisco experienced a 40% increase in the number of people they could put on one floor. A savings that could help many of the major cities where oil and gas companies reside, relieve the demand on costly square footage.

The ways and means of work is changing. In oil and gas, using the Joint Operating Committee with collaborative information technologies, supported by a dedicated software development team, new office layouts enabling high levels of collaboration, ah the future.

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Monday, December 03, 2007

McKinsey on the Worlds New Financial Power Brokers

Authored by Diana Farrell, a director of the McKinsey Global Institute and Susan Lund, a McKinsey consultant. I have read many articles of Ms Farrell's and included a review of her October 2003 Harvard Business Review article in my original thesis. I find her articles to be on topic and earth shattering in their accuracy and scope. This article does not disappoint either. The global "money" business is changing rather rapidly. As witnessed by the anticipated losses in the U.S. housing industry, the financial resources that are available globally are jaw dropping. With the kind of money being discussed in this article, globalization faces a very bright future. (Click on the title of this entry for the McKinsey article, free subscription required.)

If as I had suggested here, the global oil and gas industries financial needs were pegged at $32 Trillion, this seems more then possible and well within the realm of reality based on the size of the global financial markets. This then begs the question, how best should the energy industry organize for this future? Should we stay with the structured hierarchy and its close cousin the bureaucracy? I think I'm going to continue looking for like minded people that want to joint me here.

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