Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Dr. Rebecca Henderson on soft standards.

Another MIT Video. This one presented by Dr. Rebecca Henderson, MIT's Eastman Kodak professor. She prepared an excellent paper "The Next Tech Boom" in 2002 that I referred to in my Plurality, May 2004 document. If you can source her document, I would highly recommend it in combination with this presentation.

Dr. Henderson's presentation talks about the open standards vs. closed proprietary systems or soft standards. Answering why the push for public open standards, and why most markets have, or will, move toward public open standards. This is a particularly interesting discussion when taken in the context of the open source software development models.

Of particular interest, the XML ontology or metadata for the Genesys portal will be a private open standard on a basis that is derived by, and similar to that of the Java programming language and its associated community and environment.

Pros and Cons of open standards.

Here in Canada many of the government initiatives have embraced "open standards" over the history of the oil and gas industry. This openness provides an understanding of the value of open standards and their commercial application, but mostly it's benefits in terms of competitiveness.

Oil and gas wells drilled in the province of Alberta are the commercial interests of the individual oil and gas producers. The information regarding the well that has been drilled is publicly available. The data contained within this information is comprised of the work completed down-hole, access to the engineering methods that were used are public domain. When a well is classified as an exploration well, it can obtain tight hole status for a reasonable amount of time after rig release, to ensure that no valuable secrets are disclosed to soon. For the majority of the development wells, I can review the methods of completion, the footage drilled, casing set and all manner of data and information about what was done down-hole. I can also review the production, its history, on a consistent and updated monthly basis.

What I am discussing in this entry is an extension of these concepts and associated data models of a producer. Note we are talking about data models and ontologies, not actual data, that remains proprietary and is never published.

It is my understanding that in other regions, the information is unknown by anyone other then the producer and the government of the jurisdiction the well was drilled in. Has this provided any benefit to the producers that operate in the "open standards" of Alberta? I think it has, and as a result much of the associated risk in drilling within a certain region can be mitigated by the amount of public domain information. Learning from others mistakes, building off what was successful in the past and being innovative are easier with the availability of this information.

The access to this public information has sponsored a less secretive mindset in the culture of Alberta vs. what operators in other countries experience. Many American firms have come to Canada's oil and gas industry to determine how this fundamentally different system operates. Of note, many of the foreign firms fail!

So open standards do not on themselves provide the ultimate competitive manner of operations. It helps, and I have to say that the amount of information that is shared in the engineering and geo technical areas are always subject to, and will be so in the future, a vale of secrecy. The amount of sharing in the Genesys portal environment will require a higher level of collaboration then what is currently done, that is a given.

Future competitiveness will not reside on what one individual or producer can do, but on the basis of what a cluster of companies can do in order to attain greater reserves and deliverability. There is too much information and specialization in the sciences of engineering, geology and physics to keep ones cards to close to the vest.

These changes are cultural and the industry needs to understand that there really is not too much value in maintaining a secretive position. As much as we need to progress in terms of our innovation based on the science, we have to deal with this cultural issue of sharing of information.

It is ironic to me, that to a large extent the majority of the oil and gas industries technical advances are not learned through the organizations where the scientist works. Most of the discoveries are learned through the associations within the industry, journals and word of mouth. Little outside the manner of how the process of drilling and completion within the firm is learned within the firm. The majority of what is learned is how to get the things you want to do in the "business" environment of the organization.

It is this business environment that needs to change. The copyright act only provides authors protection for works that are published. A secret is useless to any scientific discovery. The journals that are used for peer review and publication are used by the scientists to attach the copyright to the overall concepts developed. Firms that have unique methods of discovering oil and gas should also realize for anyone to copy their methods, overall they will learn very little. This cultural secretiveness is counterproductive to the future of the oil and gas innovations and needs to change. It is the business environment that holds on to these myths and the business environment that has to change. The scientific community has been at the forefront of copyright law since its beginning. The freedom to access others concepts provides the real scientific discoveries today.

One of the immediate advantages of the commercial open standards is the different competitive offerings can inter-operate effectively. Although I can foresee the entire energy industry using the Genesys system, the reality is that other systems, based on different organizational models will be developed. Producers using either system need to inter-operate in this new scientific frontier. The need for the commercial system to understand the information in other systems is critical to the overall progress of the industry. Sharing within the scientific communities is not a cultural issue, I don't think, as much as it is a business requirement. Scientists are well attuned to the value of sharing of information, it is the business people that need to learn the value of scientific sharing. Hopefully the Genesys system will be the beginning of the understanding and application of this concept. Otherwise both this system and / or the industry may fail. These failures not necessarily being mutually exclusive.

Dr. Henderson notes that one of the things that Moores law is making possible is the transactions and interactions can maintain their uniqueness, yet still maintain elements of commoditization. Operating in the future will require a somewhat "standard" means of interaction from a business point of view.

To discuss this point further I want to put the topic in the context of how I see the future oil and gas worker. An engineer logs into the Genesys portal, and is available for work on one of many of the open projects she is responsible for. The interaction volumes are tremendous. Operating for a variety of producers the engineer has specialized in completions of Viking sand formations in southern Alberta. Working for the majority of the producers that operate in the region and zone, the engineer has been able to successfully develop her own capability of completing the well's more successfully then others. Working for over 50 different producers and operators, the engineer is able to access the information on over 200 joint operating committees, representing almost 1,000 wells. The hand picked group of service companies are familiar with the engineers methods and have also specialized in servicing these completion concepts throughout the province.

This volume of theoretical interactions needs to be managed as effectively as possible. How, with the current demand for drilling activity necessary to sustain the production deliverability, is the engineer able to communicate effectively with all the producers, suppliers and others in this environment without standards. If the expectation that the need to alter the methods in order to meet the needs of one special producer, the requirements of dealing with one exception has created the proverbial stick, and has broken the first of many spokes. All efficiencies are lost due to the inability of one producer to be on the standard. Dare we begin to discuss the implications of non business standards within the renewed focus on exploration?

When standardized, the scope of interactions grow exponentially. This was noted in Sir Tim Berners-Lee's discussion on MIT video. As I also stated in my earlier entry entitled Sir Tim Berners-Lee, I will license the ontology, or metadata, of the interactions and make the standard open. This will ensure that all competitive parties will be available and able to interact with the Genesys system.

Private ownership of the standard is maybe an unforeseen consequence of copyright law. I certainly am not going to renounce the copyright or do what many would assert as the "right" thing to have the ontology as a standard. I have spent to much time and money, and the costs are too high, both past and prospectively, to take that road. However, as I mentioned in the Berners-Lee entry, I am not a troll and the license will provide the effective "public" face on this private standard. Openness of the ontology and the source code are not debatable. Access will be provided for security and most importantly for standardization of the XML metadata, this will be done.

The efficiencies of doing this are financial as well. For Genesys to be the focal point of the W3C standard reduces the industries costs of membership to the W3C. As the soon to be released monthly budget and wish list note, the $6,500 cost of basic membership is realized by each of the producers.

Both Java and Genesys are open private standards that are modeled on the Java programming languages environment. Encouragement of the ecosystem, embracing and extending public standards is the Genesys business model being used here. I will ensure that any user of this system can innovate on the engineering and earth sciences, as a business oriented system that is our key competitive strategy.

Having an open and public standard does not eliminate our competition, based on other organizational structures, from interacting in these data items. In fact it would actively encourage the different competitive offerings to interact on the data producers data elements. It also doesn't in any way permit an encumbrance against the copyright that I have earned.

Some of the other highlights and take-aways of the presentation that should be noted are as follows.

Exploring Soft (private) Standards:

  • A "soft" standard is a specification that is completely compatible with current public standards but offers enhanced functionality and performance. What is stated here is workable and functional and largely irrelevant regarding ownership of the standard as far as a producer is concerned.
  • It offers customers the security of knowing that they have avoided being "locked in" and an upgrade path to the public standard exists. Achieving the similar objectives from the producers point of view, without the need for me to "give up" anything.
  • Making available the functionality and performance of a more finely "tuned" technology. Someone, Genesys in this instance, will have the power and authority to act in the best interests of the industries metadata needs.
  • It may permit significant premium pricing and the generation of customer loyalty :-).
  • The move from "product" to "system" competitions raises both strategic and organizational issues. Addressed in the proposed solution of the Joint Operating Committee.
  • And increases the force behind the push for open standards.
  • Not all markets tip: but as network effects (connectivity, complementary services, tools, product) become more important, more and more will.
  • Fortunately there are ways to make money in an open world - either through "complementary assets" or through "soft" standards.
  • Everyone wins.

Continental energy policies...

I have been meaning to write about the changes in the global energy marketplace for some time, President Bush's state of the union address makes this a priority.

I am frequently reminded by various events in the world that the American oil and gas service industry and producers are being pushed out of the regions where generally they are not welcome. The Chinese come into the areas where the Americans are not welcome and are able to pay the same for the leases and most importantly do not expect that the African, Middle Eastern or other countries adopt the moral and ethical standards of the U.S.

This has repatriated most of the global Houston based service industry to focus on North America. Is it any surprise that the Americans have also just recently noted the value of Alberta's tar sands.

President Bush's state of the union objective of reducing dependency on foreign oil is possibly not an internally generated expectation as it is a global reality. The Chinese and Indian demands for energy can be met within their own continents by the middle east, Russia and from the continent of Africa, what do they need the Americans for.

Traditionally the Americans technology has been superior to the rest of the world. This may be the case still, however, at what point does the rest of the world grow away from the U.S. technology and cultural expectations. The realization that now is as good as anytime is the current thinking throughout the world.

Now that the focus on oil can be given specific goals and objectives to meet the presidents demands, the gas industry needs to be given similar objectives. Watch for the arctic to become progressively more important in the next 2 years.

The point of this entry is the overall realization that meeting the energy demands of the U.S., China and India are difficult enough, the realization that it needs to be done on the basis what can be done on the North American continent only makes it more difficult. If Bush really expects that alternative energy sources will provide a buffer, then we really have a challenge in front of us.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

It's about the "individual"...

This summarizes what many of the public and private thought leaders around the world are thinking.

Business is in for some big surprises. The world has changed, and the organizations haven't. It is simply a matter of "Change or Die". Most organizations are gladly lining up for the later point. Dying is not an honorable choice, it is just the best choice for the individuals that make up that organization. Many are frightened by the prospect of the future, others are not so concerned. Either of these two groups sees their long term sustainability in their salary and benefits, and have chosen to ride these changes from a "safe" vantage point.

The source of innovation is individuals. As I noted in a prior entry everyone and anyone who is motivated to build better oil and gas ERP style systems, based on the organizational structure known as the joint operating committee, are more then welcome to participate here. They not only are welcome, they are desperately needed. A role for everyone exists during and after all of these changes.

These evolving and changing corporate organizations provide those that may be concerned about their future with a familiarity to this new world order. An opportunity to make a valuable contribution. It will be all of the individual contributions conducted during their "safe harbor" within the dying organizations, that will show them how they can and will participate in the future. They only need to see where they'll fit into this world.

Today I am noticing a trend that seems counter to logic. The majority of these changes are being orchestrated, motivated and driven by government policies and leaders. Not involved in a life and death struggle that the corporate institutions are involved in. They can see clearly the need for change. What they also see is the bureaucracy of the corporate organization is redundant and resisting the necessary changes to make their economies innovative and prosperous.

Here is the newly elected leader of Germany speaking at the World Economic Forum.

  • "What kind of order do we need so that all can benefit from the fruits of the economy? The Creative Imperative is the answer. Politicians must shape the conditions in which people can have the freedom to develop the best ideas which release the creative imperative. There is a need for a new social market economy. The most dignified market and social economy needs to believe in the mature citizen that can exercise responsible freedom to translate innovative ideas into action... Our target is to make Europe the most dynamic continent. But to turn the creative imperative into real innovation, that is something that we must not give up on as our future prosperity depends on it..."
  • Angela Merkel, German Chancellor
Cuts through a lot of bureaucracy and vested groups. The writing is on the wall for corporate leaders. Resistance is futile ;-) the corporate hierarchy is finished. I understand that president George Bush will be discussing this point in his state of the union address on Tuesday. This hopefully will be one of his stronger speeches, there is nothing like the American economy when there are looming economic, competitive threats.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Something serious to think about...

The article discusses a frustration on the over reliance on the use of the graphical user interface device, the KVM. (Keyboard, video, mouse).

I think that the Genesys systems that are we talking about building here, could be so much more interesting on the basis of "what" and "how" the interfaces could be developed for the users. Think about it.

Focusing on productivity...

The title of this blog will lead you to an article from McKinsey entitled "Capital discipline for Big Oil". I will also be referring to a report published by Raymond James for their clients. The article if you can source it from Raymond James is entitled;
  • The World Needs the Oil Sands of Canada, Global Oil Consumption of 60 billion barrels in the last two years, yet no confirmed giant oil field discoveries.
In this article Raymond James notes that consumption of energy vs. large discoveries are running at a factor of 10:1. An unsustainable situation. The one major discovery in Brazil would provide all the world's energy needs for only 8 days. The Knotty Head discovery by Nexen in the Gulf of Mexico is drilled to 34,189 feet, stands in 3,500 feet of water, and just to make things interesting, is subject to hurricanes. Remarkable and commendable.

Globalized market demands for energy expect the producers to innovate from this base. The challenge is daunting. But oil exists in the minds of oil men. With the commodities prices today, the motivation to fulfill the needs of the market will be met.

Innovation is highly dependent on engineering and earth sciences. As with most engineering problems, time is the factor that determines the results. To increase the engineering problem solving performance, it is necessary to increase the number of engineers and geologists in the business. This will solve the energy shortages that we may see in the near future. But well trained scientists are at a premium due to the existing demand from all industries, not just energy. Therefore, where are the scientists going to come from.

I believe fundamentally in the collaborative environments that are available today. (Read about microformats and structured blogging here). People can solve problems that are difficult, better, faster and in ways that could only be imagined a few years ago. I believe this is a revolution in problem solving capabilities. A collective wisdom is built based on the collective understanding of the participants which quickly percolate to the surface and becomes obvious to objective observers and participants.

Whether the well is being drilled to 34,000 or only 3,400 feet, the amount of science that goes into the decisions made has to be cutting edge. It is the scientific cutting edge that will be advancing in the next 3 to 10 years at a pace that will truly astonish. How will a company, built on an organizational model designed to deal with the business issues of the 1930's, during a time when computers and calculators had not been concieved, sustain the necessary science and technical capabilities of this future environment?

Technical and scientific decisions made by the participants of the joint operating committee are the companies scientists and managers of the scientists. Aligned by the same financial motivations, what would it take to have them all tied together electronically? How significant would the time savings be over the traditional means? The time spent waiting for the meeting to be arranged through all the conflicting schedules. Aggregating to one physical location could instead being handled collaboratively. Decisions would be made quicker, more effectively and asynchronously using today's Internet technologies. How many more decisions and actions can be taken through a collaborative environment.

How much opportunity is lost in a scenario such as this;
  • Seeking approval to test a new idea or theory on a dry hole. The geologist realizes that the time necessary for the joint operating committee to meet and to decide if the theory should be tested, gives up realizing the rig will release in 5 hours. In the traditional environment, these opportunities are lost. Collaboratively, a learning experience is gained.
Before any of this can happen, the capability to write the software to support the JOC. And this requires a dedicated team of software developers to work with the scientists and engineers to develop the business tools within the software. I noted in a prior post how Oracle and SAP's technical specifications are being developed. How do they deal with these types of scenarios? What are they offering the oil and gas industry?

In addition to these types of time benefits of a collaborative environment. An effective environment would limit the amount of time engineers spent in their vehicles driving to work and back. Two hours a day is too much time that is being wasted when it is aggregated by all of the scientists employed in the industry. Synchronous telephone calls do not document these decisions or their associated transactions.

Oil and gas exploration and production operations are not operated on a 9:00 to 5:00 basis. The need for monitoring and managing of these operations in Genesys' collaborative environment will be managed more effectively. Based on the decision makers asynchronous availability, which is virtually any time. Genesys provides a dedicated oil and gas software development team at the disposal of those oil and gas scientists and engineers that need the software development support. The support of a system that documents these decisions, their results and the associated commercial transactions that are the natural implications of those decisions.

So if we assume that the Genesys portal is developed, in time, the decisions that are made electronically would manage much of the business attributes of those decisions. Complete accounting data about the assets and historical operations would be available to the authorized members as required.

Action-able items would also be part of the Genesys system. The ability to decide on the well location through interfaces with other systems like Accumap. Which wells should be drilled and when, capital budgets that were previously agreed to and subsequently generate the appropriate AFE's and begin the process of documenting the decision and collecting the costs. The contracts for the drilling and completion operations would be counterpart executed electronically by dully authorized officers. Operations would be monitored over key variables of interest based on the type of work being done, personal preferences and authorization level. All these attributes could then be reported to the engineer on an electronic portlet / dashboard. Wherever and when ever the scientists need the information.

I kind of side tracked there to get a vision of the systems capability out. What the McKinsey article discusses is the effective use of the surplus cash that is being generated in oil and gas companies. They suggest that like so many oil booms before this one won't be to much different. What they suggest is that oil and gas companies maintain their traditional capital budget discipline and either buy back shares, declare dividends or invest in future capabilities and capacities with the surplus cash. This last point really resonates with me for the obvious reasons.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, and the semantic web

The founder of the World Wide Web talking about the semantic web, on MIT video. Another video that is worthwhile viewing, requires a fair amount of technical understanding.

Sir Berners-Lee starts off with a definition of "Emergence" and its needs:

  • lots of individual things
  • simple interactions
  • common interactions
noting that standards are needed for these "needs" to let emergence occur. Stating that "emergence occurs when the individual things are organized to recognize and communicate with other things."

At the time of the development of the World Wide Web, Berners-Lee stated the following.
  • URI is global identifier, having one is good
  • URI schemes have different properties
    • HTTP scheme allows publish and lookup
    • HTTP allows many data formats
      • HTML is a language for hypertext
      • ... but links not typed (Refer back to my "Vision" entry here for an understanding of typing.)
      • RDF + OWL + etc for knowledge representation. (Italics noting these were added later)
Today, integrating the semantic web to enable and to integrate data across enterprises is the objective.

But ...
  • What about "typed" links?
  • What about help from machines?
  • What about data?
Establishment of the metadata Resource Description Framework (RDF) standards was passed by the W3C and is used throughout the web. It enables companies to deal more accurately with the data they have, to find associated data, and most importantly, the ability to interchange data between trading partners. Hence the importance of this blog entry to the general audience of the oil and gas community that is forming here.

I want to stress the importance of viewing this video. In it Berners-Lee states that standards are fundamental to the effective and efficient functioning of this opportunity. Noting specifically that the ability of certain individuals or groups to control the standard for their own benefit is a possible outcome of the process.

Being a troll is not what this blog is attempting to do. It is attempting to build the community in such a way that the joint operating committee becomes the central oil and gas focus of an oil and gas producer. That there are large vested interests aligned against this principle is another story. This community has to be built around the needs of the 3 groups that need such an application. That being the software developers, employees / workers / consultants, and producers / investors.

I don't want to leave anyone out of this community and would note. The large organizations have the Oracle Fusion and SAP applications to support their organizations. And they are motivated to continue with them. However, this community is about the individuals that are interested in developing the best applications for oil and gas and that includes the individuals that may be beneficiaries of the good salaries and vested pensions of the large bureaucracies.

With respect to the W3C standard ontology of the joint operating committee. The standard will be one of the initial deliverables of this communities efforts. They will also be public domain. Any copyright issues associated with me licensing my intellectual property to make that happen will be done. The only condition I will insist upon is that this community is supported by the producers by some form of long term commitments. Spinning these standards out with a perpetual license of my copyright is probably the most effective means of dealing with this for the long term.

One of the valuable points of the web discussion of Berners-Lee is his representation of how simple this really is. At least he makes it sound easy, and it is, and should be. This is an excellent educational video from the founder of the World Wide Web. One of the things that he does in his rambling style, is provide a good example of why these ontologies are so important.
  • XML - a registration document contains a single license number field
  • RDF - a car has a unique license number
  • Therefore, semantic data is much more reusable
He then states the critical difference between the web that most people know and use, and the one that he and I are discussing in the video and this blog;
  • "Making the web of hypertext links which is useful for people, to a web of concepts that is useful to machines"
Citing the possible scenario where an individual, who wants to find the best snow tires for his car, within 5 miles of his home, that fit his vehicle, and the costs and time necessary to have them installed. This query should be easily done on the semantic web with only two lines of text.

That to achieve this type of complex information aggregation only requires the "triple". A simple reduction of any "thing" and defining it in the ontology by "subject" "property" and its "value". So in the prior example the "car" "license" "HWX 149" defines the "thing", which is unique representation of a vehicle is HWX 149. But putting these definitions on the web, machines can derive information and understand the meaning or semantics of the information.

Berners-Lee goes on to note, that this metadata is not a relational database, its not a tree like what XML is designed to do, its a primordial soup, its a web of very complex data, and the concepts around that data. This accurately reflects the effect that Java has in "typing" of objects and why that language has such a strict requirement of typing. If this sound overly complicated or theoretically impossible. Consider that I see up to 10 dimensions that Java objects can represent. So yes a three dimensional web of data and concepts is a close representation of the possibilities.

With the combination of relational theory as defined by Dr. E.F. Codd, the semantic web by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and the Java programming language by Dr. James Gosling, one has the tools to truly change the world. Add the components of WiMax and IPv6. I think we can change the performance of an oil and gas producer in such a dramatic fashion that the world will have the energy it needs. So join this community, contact me through this blog, I'll send you my thesis that started all of this and then we can all go from there.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Tight gas supplies...

The title of this blog will take you to the BBC where they are reporting that all gas supplies to Georgia have been cut off. Georgia is accusing Russia with sabatoge as a result of a series of explosions.

Also the politics of energy is being played, everywhere.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Oracle Fusion, a.k.a. as the competition...

Oracle has announced that the Fusion code base, the consolidation and rewrite of Oracle, PeopleSoft, J.D. Edwards and Siebel systems is half finished. That is, the specification for the applications has been finalized.

Noting the oil and gas specific application consists of;

  • "Oracle provides solutions for asset management, project management, and joint-venture accounting integrated with world-class financial, supply chain and customer relationship management. As a result, companies can impact costs and asset management regardless of fluctuations in oil and gas or refined product prices."

The competition, consisting of SAP, is alleged to have been ahead with its NetWeaver technology in that re-architected system. Their oil and gas solution provides the following;

  • SAP for Oil & Gas provides integrated, open solutions for more than 97% of FORTUNE 500 oil and gas companies -- and over 750,000 users -- supporting fundamental business requirements and upstream, midstream, downstream, and marketing processes. Plus, SAP for Oil & Gas is powered by the SAP NetWeaver platform, laying the foundation for new cross-functional business processes.
I'm sorry but I can't tell what either applciation is selling. Comfort in knowing that all of your competition will not have a competitive advantage based on their technology?

I would also be concerned about using a system that is supporting the internal bureacracy, and not even mentioning the interactions of the partnerships I have.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Cisco President, John Chambers

A worthwhile view of a successful CEO is John Chambers of Cisco. His presentation on MIT video is one that should be viewed. One comment he makes in his presentation, around the 15 - 17 minute mark is:

  • Productivity growth at 5% is doable.
  • What investment drives productivity growth greater then 2.2%, long term, 52% of the productivity increase is attributable to investment in networked IT with process change.
If productivity levels greater then 2.2% are attributable to networked IT with process change, then the capital budget should reflect this. Is this being done in oil and gas? Should it be?

Friedman, "The world is flat"

I have the following comments and observations regarding Thomas Friedman's presentation on MIT video. The video provides a summary of his book, "The world is flat." The MIT video site is providing lots of material these days, you should check it out.

Friedman's thesis is that the world is entering a new form of globalization that is in its third iteration. The first two era's established countries and then companies. This third era, the one we are in, is focused around the individual. This perspective shrinks the world from small to tiny.

Friedman suggest there are 10 days that flattened the world.

  1. The fall of the Berlin wall simultaneously with the development of computer graphical user interfaces.
  2. Netscape went public which commercialised open and standard protocols. Is also responsible for the .com boom, and bubble. A boom that saw $1 trillion in fiber cable laid around the world. This glut of fiber connecting more people together, enabling communications never imagined before.
  3. Workflow. Applications linking to applications. People are able to work together like never before. Multiple forms of collaboration being made available. This is a trend that I am attempting to bring to oil and gas. Elimination of the silos also known as companies.
  4. Y2K Outsourcing showed the world that other countries, such as India had comparable skills that were as close as the person next to you.
  5. China became a signatory to international trade agreements. Or as Friedman calls it, offshoring.
  6. Open Source, a form of collaboration. Friedman thinks this may be the most fundamental innovation the world will ever know. I tend to agree and would add, the fuel is the Java programming language, and Dr. James Gosling's brilliance that made this. (How he managed to develop this in a time when the universities computer resources had to be booked and punch cards read is another wonder.)
  7. Supply chaining. Optimization, such as WalMarts, continues in all industries.
  8. Insourcing. "UPS your world synchronized." Where UPS doesn't just deliver.
  9. Informing. Accountability and transparency, if you can handle the data volume.
  10. The steroids of the Internet, wireless and voice over IP. My vision including IPv6, Java and asynchronous interactions.
A convergence of these flattener's first occurred in 2000. Friedman suggesting that a global platform of commerce and capabilities was realized and fully operational.

A second convergence occurred that is making horizontal of the vertical. Organizations focused on the individual within a collaborative environment are more productive then the traditional hierarchical bureaucracy.

The third convergence is the realization that India, China and the former Soviet Union share structural competitive advantages that can and do directly compete with our best and brightest.

Three convergences makes this the "mother of all inflection points" Friedman stating that we have never seen the type of changes that will occur as a result of this. Nothing in history will compare. Quoting a conversation that he had with HP's Carly Finorina "everything we call the IT revolution, that was just the sharpening of the tools. What we are about to really see is the real IT revolution".