What is the Long Term Outlook for Commodity Prices?
Natural gas prices have declined and found a new pricing structure around 20 to 1 in terms of its valuation to oil. This is as a result of the shale gas production that began in 2008 and has flooded the market with almost 38 bcf / day in current production. That’s just in six years. Producers continue to develop the shale gas fields, and with their prolific production flood the market with new sources of natural gas. We should expect that this increase in shale gas production to continue as there has been no characteristic change in the behavior of the producers.
Oil prices began to decline in the summer as a result of Opec not wishing to continue to be subject to the loss of indirect market share from the U.S. shale oil producers. Saudi Arabia began to identify the U.S. specifically as the issue in terms of their justification for continued over production. If the U.S. shale producers can produce unprofitably at capacity, so can Opec.
So now we have a situation where the U.S. producers will see their fourth quarter financial results showing losses on all of their operations. The response to this situation by the bureaucrats that operate the producers is the classic shrug. Who is going to do anything about it. And they're right, without People, Ideas & Objects, the user community and the service providers the investors in the industry would have to sit and listen to this garbage.
If we advance this oil and gas pricing scenario forward any material amount of time, what happens? On the natural gas pricing side of the business the bureaucrats were granted their prayers with a cold winter in 2013 / 2014 that caused the prices to perk up a bit. However the shale gas producers have been able to reestablish those storage volumes during the 2014 summer season and now are producing more than ever. Assuming we get through the winter with a balanced supply and demand situation what will happen when the storage volumes don’t require the rebuilding that they traditionally need and the market is well supplied? Will the natural gas prices find a new market pricing structure around 35 to 1? What is the long term outcome of the natural gas producers strategy of producing at 100% capacity?
Pushing forward the oil and gas pricing scenario on the oil side sees a similar outcome. Recently the producers were found to be stating that they could continue to produce at much lower prices in the face of stiff Saudi opposition. Such is the need of the bureaucrat to ensure that they are seen as superior. Maybe I should have more respect for our potential customers as opposed to calling them fools and foolish. But they are fools for thinking that they can sit there and taunt the Saudis by saying they can make money at lower prices. The only people you are scaring are your investors. They have seen this behavior before when the natural gas business went under, they don't want to see the oil business go the same direction. The point being that continuing to lose money on production when you are producing at capacity is a fools game.
In both the oil and gas situation the market looks like more of the same to me. And the bureaucrats think that the situation is too difficult to change so they will remain in the position of power for the foreseeable future. Certainly long enough to complete that expansion on the cottage. “So why bother with anything, its not our money, lets just keep the show moving.”
This is why the investors need to read the Preliminary Specification. Become familiar with the user community and the service providers. They should be particularly interested in our value proposition and how we provide the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative and profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.