How's the Weather?
What Ben Bernanke did in 2008 and subsequently was needed and brilliant in my opinion. The continuation of that however beyond 2011 has been unnecessary and damaging. I would go on to say that it might be that the Fed has been politically motivated in continuing without raising interest rates for so long. Whichever, the time has passed and we need to get to a normal economic environment as quickly as possible.
The thing that changed my mind is this short video from Bloomberg. We’ve all known about the events that are being discussed in the video however, I didn’t realize the extent, frequency and significance of each of these. Obviously the transition from the current false economy to the one that we need to get to is not going to be as smooth and as natural as we would think. If there is this much turmoil in commodity, equity, bond and currency markets, and it has been building for the past five years, there will be a day of reckoning. I think the day of reckoning will be triggered by the inaction of the Fed to make the necessary changes to increase interest rates. They say that they will be making the change in December, but they have been saying they were making the change for years. And when the time does come they make up an excuse not to act.
The great depression was, in most of the history books, a result of a failure of government. We have had a lot of change in the past seven years. None of it positive in my opinion. The New York Attorney General is said to have launched an investigation into Exxon's climate change practices. Essentially looking to prosecute it for what it knew and what it believed. Students at Yale are protesting free speech and dedicated people are thrown out of their jobs for not acting decisively enough in Missouri. Hope and Change successfully implemented. The failure of the Fed to have acted in the objective manner that is required has been questioned by many people. I can’t be the only one looking at the United States with a curious look on their face. If a failure of government were to occur, in my opinion, the federal government of the United States would be my choice as the prime candidate.
We need to focus on the elements that are important to our future. Ensuring that society is provided with the energy that they demand. The only way to do that is to have a healthy and profitable oil and gas industry. What we have today is at least ten years away from being in the position of contemplating that. Thank your bureaucrat for that. If we have a downturn as a result of the disruptions in the commodity, equity, bond and currency markets. What else is there? It won’t be just the oil and gas industry in need of a fix. We’ll be starting over from an economic base that is at a pretty low level of economic operations. Energy will be how we continue on. There is a lot of pain being experienced in the oil and gas industry today. People are paying the cost for the inaction of the bureaucrats regarding the overproduction of the commodities. As bad as this storm is, and it is the worst storm we have experienced in oil and gas. I think the forecast is for even worse weather.
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