These Are Not the Leaders We're Looking For, Part XIV
A Call to Action
A direct call to action is needed. Every opportunity has been provided, yet none have been seized. Why has this proven so difficult?
Investors need to establish the oil & gas industry on the principles of preservation, performance, and profitability by funding the Preliminary Specification. They must choose and support the vision viable for the future.
Officers and directors
Officers and directors need to accept responsibility and mitigate the risk they pose to shareholders of destroying considerable value and overlooking their waste.
Prospective user community member.
The license to the Preliminary Specification and its development will provide significant value to this critical community. Participation will pave the way for resolving industry issues and establishing a future, long-term role for each member.
What can and will be done in oil & gas has to happen and begin now. The market is becoming more unhinged and unpredictable as we proceed. Boom / bust will be accepted as the reason for the extreme volatility of the market. Volatility is the precursor to substantial market moves. Which direction it moves clearly does not matter. Either direction will lead to further chaos and the inability to function as an industry. That's one man's opinion, it’s time for others to make their opinions known too.
People, Ideas & Objects have highlighted many of the difficulties that are now apparent to most people in oil & gas. These have been the concerns of ours for some time and we have been able to act upon them to provide our solution, the Preliminary Specification. One of the distinct difficulties today is the persistent culture that is best captured in “muddle through.” It is a belief that given time, oil & gas will resume its prosperity and will make up for any difficulties being experienced today. It has fostered a culture of inaction and acceptance of loss as a common everyday occurrence that is of no concern. Working with this culture has not been an opportunity that People, Ideas & Objects have been provided. We were perceived as a threat to the status quo from the moment we published our Preliminary Research Report. What can now be seen as a benefit to us as we’re uncontaminated by the status quo.
The issues we’ll be discussing today are:
Culture & Industry Dynamics
- People, Ideas & Objects have consistently highlighted the prevalent difficulties in the oil & gas sector, advocating for a shift from the passive “muddle through” culture to one of preservation, performance, and profitability. The industry has failed to address these existential issues for decades, necessitating urgent action beyond mere press releases.
Information Technology Infrastructure
- The current IT infrastructure fails to support dynamic, innovative, accountable, and profitable oil & gas production. Individual producers' reliance on complex, outdated ERP systems has led to opaque organizational structures. Shared, industry based development and deployment through People, Ideas & Objects Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas, which uses the Preliminary Specification, is the preferred cultural choice to “muddle through.”
Oil & Gas Commodity Markets
- The market dynamics of natural gas have become more global and complex, rendering old attitudes towards it as a mere byproduct of oil obsolete. The substantial financial losses due to pricing differentials highlight the urgency for a strategic reassessment, which the Preliminary Specification addresses.
- People, Ideas & Objects began documenting the value lost from natural gas price differentials on October 11, 2023. There is a distinct lack of urgency regarding the need to act on these issues. Natural gas prices averaged $2.59 in 2023. Substantially greater than 2024s prices. 2023 generated $464.5 billion in revenue losses, what does 2024 have in store. These are the issues that are addressed within today’s post.
People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification proposes changes to the organization of producer firms and the industry itself. Taking the distinct competitive advantages of the producers and making those their primary concern. Whereas accounting and administration are organized on an industry basis to achieve two significant benefits not attainable from the current business model. Converting overhead to establish an industry based capacity, capability, and variable cost. Variable on the basis of profitable production. The second is to employ Professor Paul Romer's Non-Rival Cost theory to the development of these capabilities. Such as cloud computing provides the infrastructure available to conduct any computing for a small hourly charge. People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and service providers are eliminating the need for each producer to be concerned with developing and maintaining their accounting and administrative capacities and capabilities. Producers accounting and administrative resources are reorganized through hyper-specialization and division of labor and applied to the North American producers scope and scale. Establishing production discipline throughout North America, and enforced through the discipline of the capital markets. If a producer chooses to continue to lose money by overproducing, then their performance will be uncompetitive.
The culture we’re creating is designed to replace the inactive, non-participatory culture that exists today. Incurring losses on natural gas of $4 trillion since July 2007 must be an industry record that reflects this persistent culture. A time in which natural gas prices began to break down from their traditional heating value basis to the price of oil. Yet nothing was done despite this blog's first mention of our solution, the decentralized production model, on January 5, 2007. This culture is not only persistent, it is also defensive and known to treat disruptors harshly. Creating a climate of going along to get along. If People, Ideas & Objects were to fight this culture we would ultimately expire from exhaustion in the long run.
Therefore our Preliminary Specification is based on establishing an alternative culture based on preservation, performance and profit. Providing the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas producer with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always. It has a cultural foundation of seven Organizational Constructs that define and support it through our ERP software, the Preliminary Specification. These constructs include the Joint Operating Committee, hyper-specialization and the division of labor, Professor Paul Romer’s Non-Rival Costs, Intellectual Property, Markets, Information Technology and Innovation. Without the software being built to define and support the producer organization in these cultural objectives, it will not otherwise happen in the 21st century. Serendipity, creative destruction and spontaneous order have been constrained by a firm's software definition and support of the status quo. If the officers and directors continue to choose and define the ERP systems used in the oil & gas industry, there will be no cultural change from what we see today.
Industry Response
Recent actions by firms like Chesapeake Energy, which plans to suspend a portion of its production, reflect the broader industry's slow and politically complicated decision-making processes. These practices underscore the need for the systemic changes that the Preliminary Specification advocates.
The objective of removing 20% of Chesapeake’s production as previously reported may be as late as the end of the year. Involving only new wells being drilled.
Claiming the shut-in production was using reserves for the purpose of storage. Returning the reservoir to production upon new demand as reflected in a higher price.
Looking toward the future where market expansion from LNG would influence prices.
Planning to remove 20% of their production by the end of the year does little for today’s price. Who knows what price natural gas will be at during the end of the year. Or if it will be necessary to shut-in any production. What is evident are the capabilities of the producer firm are such that they’re too slow, too politically conflicted with the Joint Operating Committee and unable to discern where they earn their profit. Does shale gas not qualify as profitable? Or is it their Joint Operating Committees voting in majority not to shut-in. In either case it's a reflection that none of the necessary speed, dynamism, accountability and profitability is attainable with the current model.
If the Joint Operating Committee is obstructing the process of shutting-in a property. Doesn’t that prove the key organizational construct of the Preliminary Specification is a bad choice to organize around? On the contrary if there is an inability to make these decisions in the Joint Operating Committee it reflects two issues. The division of operational decision making in the Joint Operating Committee and compliance in the operator firm, such as Chesapeake. A point that the Preliminary Specification reconciles by aligning the compliance and governance frameworks to the seven frameworks of the Joint Operating Committee. Which therefore increases accountability. Everyone will therefore know who made the decisions. And the extremely poor quality of any and all accounting information providing differing performance metrics will cease.
Competing Visions and the Path Forward
The contrasting visions between current industry practices and the transformative approach of People, Ideas & Objects highlight the critical need for reform. The Preliminary Specification offers a structured, innovative, and legally compliant framework to guide the industry towards sustainable profitability and growth.
People, Ideas & Objects vision includes seven Organizational Constructs as a foundation of the culture we seek to establish in the industry. Where people who work within the greater oil & gas economic structure can understand and imply the cause and effect of what their disposition and action should be.
Joint Operating Committee and its Seven Frameworks
Where the Joint Operating Committee, which is the industry standard for joint operations and partnerships. Its frameworks consist of the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, strategic and innovation framework of the industry. Aligning compliance and governance frameworks of the producer firms with the seven frameworks of the Joint Operating Committee will bring about speed, accountability and profitability. Will consolidated producers continue with this conflict between compliance and operational decision making? Sacrificing accountability for another generation?
The Preliminary Specification has three modules that define and support markets. The Petroleum Lease, Financial and Resource Marketplace modules. Market participants or consolidated producers are the two choices being offered through these competing visions. Every industry since the development of the Internet has been subject to decentralization, disintermediation and released the power of the market economy. Only the status quo has stood in the way of this progress, as it does today against People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification. Will continued consolidation of producers provide any value generating capabilities, and if so how?
Specialization and Division of Labor
Specialization and the division of labor have been credited with all incremental value generated since they were developed by Adam Smith in 1776. His research in a pin manufacturer increased productivity 240 times through the division of labor, specialization and mechanization. We stand at a point where automation can contribute to the economy in terms of productivity as the maturity of Information Technology is available and the Preliminary Specification has adopted it.
Hyperspecialization is at hand to augment these developments on an industry-wide scale, and are inappropriate within the producer firm. Hyper-specialization is defined in this Harvard Business Review article. Can consolidated producer firms apply hyper-specialization across their domain to reap any value or benefit?
Endogenous Technical Change or Non-Rival Costs
Building off of the tremendous value generation possible from specialization and division of labor is Professor Paul Romer’s Endogenous Technical Change. The sharing of Non-Rival Costs such as Cloud Computing provide massive incremental value generation to its users at cost metrics that were unheard of otherwise are shared. It is here that People, Ideas & Objects apply these three cultural influences to reorganize the administrative and accounting resources under the Cloud Administrative & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service which provides the Preliminary Specification. Eliminating the time, effort and cost of each individual producer building and maintaining the dedicated accounting and administrative capacities and capabilities in each firm. Slashing overhead costs in the process. While at the same time offering them as a variable cost based on profitable production. What will today’s culture provide?
To unanimously declare themselves innovative is the common theme that officers and directors have a propensity to do. Yet I am unable to identify one development from them. Shale is the result of the service industry, and only after decades of knocking on producers' doors in an attempt to have them try their technologies. Would an industry that declares itself innovative be surprised by the $4 trillion natural gas revenue losses People, Ideas & Objects documented? Or have basic business principles such as “free on board” or “netback pricing” be finally understood after the fact? There can be no claim to innovativeness when people who seek to provide greater profitability are subject to ridicule and abuse for 33 years. People who are providing solutions to serious difficulties in the industry.
People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification is structured to identify and support innovative producers and service industry organizations. There are also mechanisms for the structure of innovation across the industry. Innovation is not happenstance. It is a deliberate process that is inherent from the structure of the organization. Without this structure organizations have confusion and waste. Has the current culture identified any of these issues at this point?
Intellectual Property
Poaching of another's Intellectual Property in the 21st century is theft. It’s been theft since the U.S. The Constitution includes some form of copyright protection since 1790. However, the vested interests are now on the side of those who own the Intellectual Property. And the Wild West in terms of ownership determination is over. The term I use for what I believe occurred in the 1990s. The Wild West determined IP ownership based on the size of the armament and the amount of ammunition one carried. Professor Richard Langlois wrote in his 2023 book "The Corporation and the Twentieth Century: The History of American Business Enterprise."
Producers will need to leave behind their wild west ways and begin dealing with Intellectual Property in the manner that is consistent with the law. Otherwise no one who owns any Intellectual Property (IP) will deal with them as they’ll believe their IP will be placed in jeopardy by officers and directors.
The Intellectual Property legal structure that is inherited is valuable for oil & gas. It provides two strong cultural influences. It ensures that those that want to break their back or their brain will be protected and compensated for their work. Producers will no longer be able to take the outcome from that work and pass it to the developers' competitors in order to sponsor price competition.
It eliminates the redundant and wasteful doubling and tripling of the same research each and every year. If the legacy of the product or service is published, a requirement, then it will be available for all to see and hire who owns that IP. Reducing the “me too” copycats that pollute the marketplace having incurred no research costs or any of the skills involved in research.
Providing value for the inventor and less waste when people are able to focus on their developments for the long term without fear of loss. Is the current oil & gas culture's approach to poaching IP sustainable? How will the oil & gas industry solve the challenging and difficult issues that stand before it? If those individuals who develop the innovative products and services have their customers, the producers, render them as simple price based competitors. As is done today, how does the consolidation model solve this critical issue?
Information Technology
Value exists in the infrastructure of Information Technology today. The Internet of Things, ERP systems, automation and a host of other proven value-adding technologies are in the market today. Producers, from an accounting perspective are in the dark ages, or at best the era just after the dark ages. These technologies define the structure of the organization and reinforce the policies and procedures that an organization stands upon.
To leave oil & gas producers in the condition that stands today will ensure the trillions of dollars wasted so far is only a beginning. I’ve often commented that the lack of accountability in the industry is purposeful to obscure the performance of the producers. And in 2023, the lack of accountability began proving to be the case. As it appears now that even officers and directors are unable to grasp the depth of their difficulties due to the opaque nature of their organizations.
Officers and directors will need to justify their vision based on their performance, their consolidated vision and literally the age of their fax machine. Whether it can continue to operate for much longer and provide value to a disbelieving investor community and public. Average natural gas revenue losses are in excess of $45 billion dollars per month in 2024. Far greater than People, Ideas & Objects development fee, making the Preliminary Specification the greatest value for money officers and directors could invest.
Conversely People, Ideas & Objects is far reaching and includes as critical elements these Organizational Constructs that make up its cultural foundation. Giving everyone in the industry an intuitive framework of how, what and why the industry needs from them. A culture that will be supported through the software we build, our user community designs and heads up in their service provider organizations that deliver our product and their service to producer firms.
Producers current Information Technology infrastructure is incapable of delivering on the promise of technology that is revolutionizing many disintermediated industries today. People, Ideas & Objects perceive the individual “Rube Goldberg” ERP systems being maintained in each producer firm as unsustainable. Officers and directors will claim that our scope and scale are too large to undertake. We agree that remedying trillions of dollars in waste will be a challenge. However, the scope of what we are undertaking in development of the Preliminary Specification is otherwise what would be necessary for each and every producer to bring their “Rube Goldberg” ERP systems into the 21 century operational infrastructure. And we see that as costly, but mostly just more waste.
Disintermediation introduces new business models that fundamentally transform the performance of an organization and industry. It is time for oil & gas to undertake this process by adopting the Preliminary Specification. What I particularly don’t understand is the reason that a fax machine and random press releases have the ability to circumvent these principles People, Ideas & Objects put forward. Our ERP software competitors are constrained by the second hand shoestring budgets these officers and directors provide. Ensuring they never attain an acceptable level of accountability within the producer firms. Our competitors never had a chance to correct the difficulties producers were facing.
These two competing visions need to be resolved for the future of the industry. It is evident to all concerned based on the numerous issues People, Ideas & Objects have raised and the scale of the damage we’ve documented. How these issues were easily mitigated if producers listened to their investors beginning in 2015. Accepted a solution that has been in the market space since August 2012.
Looking for solid ground to stand upon with the current officers and directors is difficult when the positions shift so frequently and violently. The press releases issued to set the record straight are being written every minute of every day. Yet no one makes the critical changes necessary to address the underlying issues. An industry that produces paper in the form of specious financial statements in a highly competitive game of who’s got the biggest balance sheet. A vision of the future you are guaranteed with the current producers. One that I clearly don’t see any value keeping.
An untenable situation that needs action. If the officers and directors can continue for the next few months without any disruption in their tenure. They’ll be there for as long as they want. They’ll be intractable and immovable. Knowing that there is nothing that anyone will be able to do about their continued administrations.