Leadership in Our User Community
The first element of our user community in terms of its needs is leadership. Effectively our user community is a separate organization that is independent of both People, Ideas & Objects and the industry itself, driven by its own vision, purpose, community and leadership of providing oil & gas producers with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations. Although our user community will have People, Ideas & Objects as its sole source, by license, of part-time user community participation revenue, user community members are the principles in the service provider organizations who provide the accounting and administration process management through the delivery of our software and their services. Our user community members will have their service provider(s) as their primary source of income and value generation. It is People, Ideas & Objects objective to focus on our organizations competitive advantages of our user community, research and Intellectual Property. Therefore the leadership in our user community is an aspect that needs to be developed from those who commit to the overall vision of the Preliminary Specification and desire to provide oil & gas producers with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations.
There will be two types of leadership provided by our user community. There is organizational focused leadership that focuses on the needs of our user community. Secondly there will be overall industry wide leadership of the oil & gas business model. This is discussed in detail in the next section. Our user community includes the necessary organizational support that will be demanded of it, including the approximate thirty Product Owners who are responsible for either a specific module of the Preliminary Specification or an element of its development. Involving the hard work of developing an organization that meets the needs of the software, the industry, the service providers and most importantly the people in the industry. To build an application on Oracle Cloud ERP can be done by anyone with the money to do so. To add a vision as compelling as the Preliminary Specification to the mix adds a lot of value to the process. However, building a user community to define and support both Oracle Cloud ERP and People, Ideas & Objects software with the vision of the Preliminary Specification will ensure that this environment becomes successful for all concerned. These software applications will deliver the explicit knowledge that is captured by our user community and codified in the software they develop, and their service provider organizations will deliver that software in combination with their tacit knowledge as a service offering to the profitable oil & gas producer. Providing oil & gas producers with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations.
This leadership group contained within our user community should not be confused with the role of our user community itself. It is a supporting role, not a defining or traditional organizational structure to provide guidance to the organization. It is purely to provide our user community members with the support they need in order to perform their role in providing the oil & gas producer with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations. To suggest our user community is independent, then to continually state that they are People, Ideas & Objects competitive advantage with its own leadership structure is counter-intuitive and contradictory. I don’t see it that way. The Intellectual Property of which is the basis of what everyone is working and building is derivative of People, Ideas & Objects and our ultimate ERP software. We are seeking to build the highest quality software possible for today and to continue to do so. User based developments are the only method in which we can achieve that objective. It is more of a value to us that fits within the method that we’ve chosen to provide our solution. The leadership team of our user community is supportive. Looking to mitigate the issues and exploit the opportunities they see our user community being faced with. User community participants are focused on the demands of the producers' needs. That is where they’ll focus, seek and obtain their calling.
McKinsey Consulting published a good article on the topic of leadership entitled “Change Leader, Change Thyself.” And within it they have an exhibit that I can’t reproduce. You can download the article and view the Exhibit for yourself. It's the one that details the roles and responsibilities of the CEO, CFO and COO. Their focus of attention, their source of power and their sweet spot. It is these roles that need to be filled in our user community leadership as an organization.
Other roles that will need to be filled are the approximately 30 product owners we mentioned earlier. These are intriguing roles that take a premier seat in the software development team. They are the ultimate representative of our user community for the scope of the team's development authority. Therefore, for the team developing the Partnership Accounting module, the Partnership Accounting Product Owner would ensure that our user communities' needs were understood and implemented in the software by the People, Ideas & Objects software development team. Having expert knowledge in the area, in this case Partnership Accounting, the Product Owner is able to read our user communities needs and preferences and increase the effective communication between our user community and the development team. Ensuring that no misunderstandings or confusion between the groups causes delays or faulty software. These are just some of the obvious leadership roles that are necessary in our user community. As we proceed we will begin to put more elements of what is required and how we expect things to develop.
We have consistently asserted that we provide greater value to the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas producer over what the bureaucracy is providing today. Our focus on developing our user community, its leadership and the associated service providers as our primary task. We do this as we are striving to provide an alternative means of organization to the oil & gas industry in order that the oil & gas investor, and the people who work in oil & gas can choose the bureaucracy or People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers as the method to manage their industry. Organizations don’t change, people do. Therefore without alternatives we are stuck with the bureaucracy. If we don’t work towards building an alternative, nothing will change. And this is the place where people can begin the process of changing the oil & gas industry from a tired, poorly performing, muddling along behemoth to a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable industry.
There are many benefits that are and can not be quantified which are gained from implementation of the tools of specialization and the division of labor. Ours is a new way of operating the oil & gas industry, and as we’ve stated here before, even if the bureaucracy could park their self interests and wanted to proceed with our developments we would not begin until our user community is fully formed. The Preliminary Specification is a fine vision of what the industry can operate as. However without our user communities involvement in the software developments it will be a great vision without the appropriate implementation. There must be robust user community involvement in the software development of the Preliminary Specification. It is mandatory, and as I have pointed out our user communities development is our number one focus and priority. We are an existential threat to the bureaucracy who are challenged by the Preliminary Specification. They are eliminated from the landscape by it and therefore don’t want to be part of it. Therefore they have not and will not support us. And we'll therefore have to build our user community brick by brick and stick by stick. And that takes time, of which we have and the producers don’t appear to.
The ultimate configuration of the leadership positions of our user community will be determined by those within the community. Industry after industry is being disintermediated by Information Technology. And that is what is being done to oil & gas through the Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations. And it is timely from a business point of view. The prolific nature of shale reserves is demanding a new business model be generated for oil & gas. A business model that deals with the resource abundance and price destroying nature of producers over-producing unprofitable production. A business model that deals with allocating production fairly across the industry, based on profits and doesn’t damage a producer with excessive G&A costs when production is shut-in. A business model that defines and supports a basis of innovation in the producer and industry to ensure that consumers are provided with abundant energy at reasonable costs. There are significant opportunities that lay ahead for the people who participate on the leadership team and our user community in general. They will have a hand in developing the organization that defines the manner in which the oil & gas’ business model is defined and supported.
The opportunity to take today’s prototypical producer firm and convert it to the one that operates under the Preliminary Specification and our user community doesn’t exist within today’s cultural configuration. The scope of change necessary is beyond what's humanly possible for us to do. The forces of cultural inertia from the bureaucracy would need to be fought at every step and our energy would be wasted in such battles. We’ve chosen not to concern ourselves with such battles and instead rely on the forces of creative destruction to make the choice between the performance that the bureaucracy provides, and the solution that we present here with the Preliminary Specification and our user community.
The transition from the bureaucracy to the Preliminary Specification may be due to successful producers buying out laggard firms that refuse to change, or their assets. That is the normal course of change as a result of creative destruction. We don’t know and we certainly don’t care how the industry configuration ultimately changes. What we are concerned with is that we provide the most profitable means of oil & gas operations. And with the Preliminary Specification we already have a material difference in our value proposition. This will be the focus of the development of our user community and particularly its leadership. One area of our value proposition that we’re unable to quantify is the value that we will be able to provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable producer due to the toolset which we implement within the Preliminary Specification. And that toolset currently consists of items such as automation of the business process, specialization and the division of labor.
Looking at the overall scope of what can be accomplished by the leadership team and our user community. It is important to remember they have the wherewithal to make this happen. This is documented in the three structural components of the community which include the money and power needed to complete their tasks. It is one thing to define broad strokes of a vision of what is possible and another to provide that community with the means to undertake that vision. And I think those mechanisms are within the domain of our user community.
The Preliminary Specification provides a solid vision and workable framework of what an alternative means of organization could be for the oil & gas industry. It works in that there is no deficiency or major failing where there is a breakdown in logic or implementation. It is a result of my vision of what could be, and a decade of research. It is also incapable of providing the industry with the ability to be operated upon, as it stands today. It needs the input of thousands of others who work and know what, how and why the industry operates. It is now time for these people, our users, to have their input into the process and build on the framework and vision that is the Preliminary Specification.
User Community Business Leadership of the North American Oil & Gas Industry
The questions that need to be asked is how does the North American oil & gas industry avoid the disaster it has become from recurring? Why did the business leadership fail? Why hasn’t it been corrected? Did producer firms adopt the cultural, Information Technology and organizational changes demanded of it? If not why not, and what motivation stopped these changes from happening? Has the dynamic of business leadership in oil & gas itself changed? Has it taken on a broader, industry focus and away from the individual organization? Or is it that producers today have just lost the script in terms of business performance? What is the meaning of business leadership and why has the loss of it been so devastating for all concerned? Why hasn’t the science and technological leadership of the industry expressed their dissatisfaction with all the others? Or are they satisfied with just doing enough to get by?
A quotation from one of my favorite authors Victor Davis Hanson in his recent book The Second World Wars.
Thucydides’s ancient warning that “it is a habit of mankind to entrust to careless hope what they long for, and to use sovereign reason to thrust aside what they do not desire.”
Nonetheless I don’t think I’ve been able to get to the beginning of the discussion that needs to be undertaken on the difficult topic of leadership. What I do know is that the miracle of Information Technology has made oil & gas organizations sink into a comfortable, fixed configuration that works for one small group of people at the expense of everyone else. These producers' decision makers are conflicted and self-absorbed to the point of caricatures of responsible, accountable and authoritative business leaders. Unable to make the necessary changes due to the conspiracy of the Greta Thunbergs, their investors, Joe Biden's and the monsters under the bed… They’ll “muddle through” as they always have, which has proven to be lucrative, for themselves, and somehow acceptable in the past. There is no demand for change as there are no issues.
Will our user community as configured be the means in which to provide the business leadership in terms of the governing business model for North American oil & gas? We’re suggesting here that the difficulties in organizations making changes to deal with their environment are catastrophically constrained by ERP software. When ERP software defines the process management the only method to make changes is to change the software first. This knowledge has been used in the current producer firms to ensure that nothing can challenge their methods of management and ensure their positions remain secure. Therefore a method is necessary to change the software that is used in the industry to deal with the business issues and opportunities as they arise. What People, Ideas & Objects are recommending in the Preliminary Specification is a permanent software development capability be established for our ERP system in addition to our permanent user community and their service provider organizations. Our business model is based on change and has discarded the traditional means and methods of ERP software firms to generate their revenues. Post commercial release of our Preliminary Specification will see People, Ideas & Objects generate the revenues necessary to support our developers and our user community through the changes that we make to these systems. These will be funded through an assessment made to the producers based on the prior quarters costs etc.
This change in funding brings about a number of fundamental differences between our offering and what is traditionally undertaken. The first is that our user community remains wholly independent. They will not, and never will be “blind, sleep-walking agents of whomever will feed them.” They will be driven by what is necessary in order to ensure that the industry and all of its secondary and tertiary industries are provided with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations everywhere and always. The capital markets will then be able to assess the producer's performance on the basis of its understanding and implementation of their science and technology of engineering and geology. Those producers who are unable to perform financially will be unable to succeed, unlike today’s bureaucracy. Secondly, People, Ideas & Objects itself will not be constrained by what we believe to be the two major ERP software providers funding constraints of code and customers. As the customer base becomes larger over time scale becomes more of an issue, software code therefore also becomes exponentially more complex and difficult to manage. Neither of these costs are fully covered in the Service Level Agreement from the point of view of support costs. And they leave nothing in terms of financial resources for changes, and certainly nothing for innovation or improvements. If our user community determines that some software process is redundant through a higher level of specialization then they’ll have little to no vested interest in supporting it and therefore will make the change. The producers will generally be unaware and rightly unconcerned for any of these transactions. People, Ideas & Objects cost model distributes these costs across the producer population based on the North American production profile that participates in the development. Otherwise, as they do today, each of the producer firms will face these same costs of changes themselves, individually within each of their own empires. Each producer's independently replicated, unshared and unshareable overhead costs is the secondary reason for their lack of profitability. Our solution to that is we are enhancing the cloud computing paradigm by establishing our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas. Taking a highly complex and difficult process, that is capital intensive to build and maintain, that is costly to operate, is not in any way a producers competitive advantage and turning it into a shared and shareable variable cost. Variable based on profitable production.
We have been fortunate at People, Ideas & Objects to be able to quantify the differences between our method of organization and the current bureaucracies. Documenting the $25.7 to $45.7 trillion in our value proposition over the next 25 years goes a long way to making our case for change. These differences are made up by having the $20 - $40 trillion in capital expenditures funded internally through an appropriate business model instead of the expectations that investors will be available to continue to “build balance sheets,” and “put cash in the ground” which is the current officers and directors method. The $5.7 trillion is the differential between our determination of “real” profitability and the definition of profits used in the base case. The ongoing, never ending cash crisis, which will be resolved in our model, is included in those figures. Another area that is just as material in terms of the scope of change that we’re unable to quantify or qualify. Are the differences that are attributable to the toolset that we employ within the Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations of automation, specialization and the division of labor. These will be material in their value to the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas producer. Possibly of greater value than those benefits that we are able to quantify today. Lastly, what is the monetary value of establishing Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas? It's interesting that producer officers and directors expect investors to invest in them when they themselves can't invest in their own organizations in order to enhance their own profitability. This being the case after the disaster that stands from the past few decades of the producers financial record. And their leadership has suggested what to remedy this?
Recently we learned during Oracle’s 2022 CloudWorld conference of many of the same developments and features being provided. Finding “gaps” between offerings and filling them with automated processes is the direct application of enhanced specialization and division of labor that our user community is using and will be applying in this community. Oracle Cloud ERP has accelerated these same principles across the generic business function and process landscape bringing about even higher levels of value to the North American producers. Those producers who opt in to the Preliminary Specifications development will therefore have our user community developing this value adding process to the specific North American oil & gas attributes and therefore covering off the majority of a producers accounting and administrative needs.
To suggest that administration and accounting of the oil & gas industry are static is disrespectful to the word static. These are the foundation of the business which is where the business leadership is derived and exercised and is therefore static too. People, Ideas & Objects do not understand engineering or geology and don’t pretend to. The leadership in these areas is constrained by the lack of effective business leadership in these producer firms and the industry. Relegated to the task of complaining that investors won’t let them do this or that. If effective business leadership was enabled and permitted to flourish, where would the industries science and technology be today? What would North America’s production profile be? Would they be looking behind them as they seem to always be doing now? Why is this acceptable to them when it’s destructive to what they’ve built and provides them with inadequate resources to do what is necessary and more? Would the development of profitable oil & gas operations everywhere and always provide them with the resources, capacities and capabilities to apply their sciences and technologies in a more competitive manner? Instead of dealing with this situation they’ll vilify and ostracize those that are seeking to provide them with the very solution! We are not the enemy here.
Lets add a bit more of the dynamic nature to our user community and their service providers overall structure that differentiates them from the static business environment that somehow became so acceptable. We believe, and it is our opinion, that the lack of investment in ERP systems over the past decades has left oil & gas companies with very poor systems today. And this has nothing to do with those ERP providers who have worked miracles in impossible financial conditions as producer officers and directors felt the need to ensure nothing threatened their status quo franchise. With IT developments over the past decades unrealized we can imagine how it stands today, however the best description that I can describe is that people are busy working for computers. We believe the shoe should be on the other foot and the computers should be deployed to manage the storage and processing. Leaving the distinct competitive advantages of our user community and their service providers to do what humans do best.
Leadership, Issue Identification & Resolution, Creativity, Collaboration,
Research, Ideas, Design, Planning,
Thinking, Conflict & Contradictions, Observation, Reasoning,
Judgment, Application of Implicit & Tacit Knowledge, Quality,
Automation, Specialization & Division of Labor, Innovation, Integration,
And I’m certain there would be many more. It will be up to our user community to ensure that we employ this advanced toolset in the development of the Preliminary Specification and through to their service providers. This will be a challenging aspect of their work in terms of how it’s undertaken. With the reorganization of the industry and reduction in size of the prototypical producer. The service provider becomes a specialized provider who uses their division of labor to approach the entire oil & gas industry as their client base. This of course is an entire new way of organization and perspective of how things are done. The scope of change is tremendous. The size of the G&A resources that are being shifted in this reorganization are therefore estimated to be in the region of $10+ billion per annum in terms of their share of producer overhead costs.
It is these topics and areas of focus that will be the domain of the business leadership within our user community. Very high level, once in a century type of work that will be something an individual can highlight their career and establish a business in. The changes we are making are dramatic and will have a material effect on the performance, makeup and manner of how North American oil & gas operates for the next 20 to 30 years. Foundational work that is material to how the producer performs financially, and since all our organizations are a critical part of our society, healthy organizations lead to healthy societies which lead to healthy individuals.