A Tuneup For Its 10th Birthday
As People, Ideas & Objects have expressed throughout our history. Our concern was that the value in the oil & gas industry was being eroded away due to the lack of “real” profitability being earned throughout the industry. That this would ultimately lead, we believed, to a diminished capacity being realized in the producer's ability to function from a capabilities perspective. Leading to producers being unable to meet their primary objective of providing an abundant level of affordable oil & gas to consumers. The most powerful economy will also be the largest consumer of energy. North American society and standards of living would be severely diminished in terms of its opportunities if energy wasn’t readily available. A risk that is evident to most people today. This is People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service providers legacy and we’re proud of the work that we’ve done in working to mitigate this outcome.
As with all things oil & gas there is a boom and bust cycle that is prevalent in the market as a result of the bureaucrats inability to appreciate their role in creating it and their lack of a response to eliminate it. What they’ve described as their “muddle through” strategy has been successful for five of the past thirty six years and we should have no doubt that it will be successful for up to another five years out of the next thirty six. 2022 appears to be the beginning of a potentially good year, the first in over a decade; however, the cycles of boom / bust are much more violent, rapid and short term on the boom side in comparison to the protracted periods of bust. The propensity and capacity to mess things up is undiminished as is my faith in these bureaucrats' capabilities to do so. These are not issues however as the bureaucrats are paid throughout the cycle and we’ll no doubt see the phenomenal innovativeness that we’ve always seen from them in the past in their form of innovative executive compensation.
The question that may be answered in 2022 is how extensive the financial damage is that the producer firms have realized? Are the capacity and capabilities in the service industry resolvable in the short term? These and similar questions that have been unaddressed in the market are far more extensive than what’s realized today. And we understand that most people are concerned. “Muddle through” may be the only position to take as the ability to address their issues in superficial ways, in the very short term and with their limited resources will make their transition to clean energy appear to be the more viable strategy from a bureaucratic compensation and active management presentation. To suggest they don’t understand the issue reflects they have no plans or understanding on how to deal with these problems. When the leadership of the industry is this stale, uninvolved, focused on clean energy, uncaring and possibly unaware I don’t hold out much hope of these larger issues being resolved.
These boom time era’s, where cash is filling the bureaucrats pockets, puts People, Ideas & Objects on our back heals again while the boom works its way into its ultimate disposition. I personally look forward to August 2022 when we’ll celebrate the decade of the Preliminary Specifications existence. Where we see the quality of that work being more relevant today than at any time during this past decade. It is therefore incumbent upon me to undertake a review of the Preliminary Specification to see how much of the clarity and meaning can be enhanced through application of some editing.
If there has been a miscommunication on my behalf it is that I’ve been too focused on the chronic overproduction of oil & gas issue as it’s the cause of the disaster we’re experiencing. The title of this blog is innovation in oil & gas and that is also the basis of the structure of the industry we are proposing is necessary. It’s one thing to be profitable, but it is also necessary to ensure that the consumers are provided with an abundant source of affordable energy. These two opposing ideas are the dichotomy of the Preliminary Specification, the oil & gas producers and what is resolved in our solution and necessary in a science and technology based industry. Some may find it convenient that I can hammer bureaucrats for any reason as a result and I’ll certainly be doing more of this. Review of the Preliminary Specification shows that innovation isn’t a happenstance occurrence in organizations. Innovation is a purpose built feature of organizations and industries that demand specific elements be available and are required to fulfill these opposing objectives of the producer firms. Providing oil and gas producers with the most profitable means of oil and gas production, by establishing a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable producer and industry. If you believe that today’s producer firms will be able to innovatively resolve the problems they face then you may be mistaken. They’ve at best ignored the opportunity to enhance their innovativeness and profitability for the past ten years and did nothing but try to silence People, Ideas & Objects. They’ve ignored their investors since 2015. And worst of all they’ve ignored the needs of their business for the past four decades.
We know from past experiences with the bureaucrats that they are always on their best behavior during these boom times. For the first couple of weeks anyways. These are the times when they’re waiting to ensure the ground they're standing on is firm enough for them to return to their most natural pose in terms of how they deal with things.
Someone needs to make the decision to live with the consequences of “muddle through” or change it to what we have developed here at People, Ideas & Objects. My case has been made and we await the appropriate decision. The Preliminary Specification will be a decade old in August and I’m now reviewing and editing it for the purposes of clarity and any enhancements we may be able to make. Although 99% of the editing will be for clarity purposes, I will be attempting to enhance the area of where accountability is raised as I believe that area has fallen further in terms of what bureaucrats have done, there has also been a significant amount of change in the world of business since 2012 and although the oil and gas producers are still in the 1950s and 1960s organizationally that doesn’t mean we have to stay in the teens. I don’t see much occurring here either, as the precedent of using disintermediation was well established, little has changed in that arena and the Information Technologies were certainly mature at the time we originally published. I hope to be surprised and since we’ll have the time I’ll use it in the most effective way I can think of using it.
My intent is to continue with this editing until August and I’ve begun with the Organizational Constructs page, have a look. As I update them I’ll post the results when completed and any major changes, of which I doubt. There will be some research involved however more just to catch up then any new areas. Ideally September of 2022 would be a great time to start with this project however that possibility is slipping from our fingertips as we speak. Possibly the best news that I can say at this time is that postings during this period will be lighter and sporadic in terms of timing, I’ll always keep them sporadic in terms of content however.
Those interested in joining our user community are People, Ideas & Objects priority and focus. The Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence, everywhere and always. An industry where it will be less important who you know, but what you know and what you're capable of delivering, what the value proposition is that you’re offering? We know we can, and we know how to make money in this business. In addition, our software organizes the Intellectual Property of the exploration and production processes owned by the engineers and geologists. Enabling them to monetize their IP for a new oil & gas industry to begin with a means to be dynamic, innovative and performance oriented. Providing a new investment opportunity for those who see a bright future in the industry. A place where their administrative, accounting, exploration and production can be handled for the 21st century. People, Ideas & Objects. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.