Virtual Assets are Inflation Resistant
This blog post is a direct appeal to those people working within the greater oil and gas economy as to what People, Ideas & Objects user community has to offer them. Throughout the Preliminary Specification and our user community vision the use of Intellectual Property as the value that is the foundation of what is deemed to generate prosperity within our software and service ecosystem. We begin by establishing that it’s no longer enough to own the oil and gas asset. It’s also necessary to have access to the software and services that make the oil and gas asset profitable. Which can only be attained at this time through the implementation of the Preliminary Specification that will be further developed by our user community, implemented and managed through their service provider organizations. That is the future of the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer and industry. The Intellectual Property that makes up the foundation of the Preliminary Specification can only be enhanced through derivative works by those within our user community. Only they have the power through our user community vision and the licensing provided from People, Ideas & Objects to make any changes. Our developers only see our user community members as the source of their input. They are deaf, dumb and blind to all others. They are also not licensed to recognize anyone else. Our user community is the only point of contact for anyone in the industry to have their issues and opportunities addressed in the Preliminary Specification and their service provider organizations. No one else is authorized to entertain any other input. If the industry needs to have changes made, they’ll know exactly who to discuss this with, and will be quickly pointed to the specific user community member responsible. User community members will be the responsible ones and the only ones authorized to make the changes to accommodate the industry needs. People, Ideas & Objects sees our user community as our primary focus, our key competitive advantage and our customers. What follows is a list of their key competitive advantages that we’ve identified at this point. This is a summary list at this point, and is not limited in any way by this.
Quality, specialization, division of labor, automation, innovation, leadership, integration, tacit and explicit knowledge division between humans and software, design, planning, thinking, negotiating, compromising, observation, reasoning, judgment, ideas, research, collaboration, creativity, issue identification, issue resolution, the use of conflict and contradiction as analytical tools and of course decision making. Unlike bureaucrats we’re not of the belief that we can compete against computers in terms of storage and processing.
The method in which this ecosystem is managed is through the licensing of the IP that is contained today within this blog, the Preliminary Specification and their derivative works. I have licensed these to People, Ideas & Objects to be commercially exploited. They in turn have and will license the IP to our user community and service providers to operate in the method that has been defined within our user community vision and service provider definition. This license forms the virtual asset that our user community members can build as the foundation of their value proposition to industry and their personal value generation. In the future of work you will be working through one of three methods in terms of accessing IP. Either the development and deployment of your own IP, direct access to IP through a license or working directly for someone who has a license to some IP. This fact will entitle the individual to the rights and privileges of the earnings they can generate based on their proximity to the original IP. It will be IP that defines and enables what a firm will be able to conduct, and most importantly, what it will be precluded from. This has always been the case, however, in a world where IP is the foundation of the firm and industry, the security of the IP will become more established. The question therefore becomes where is it that today’s individuals in the oil and gas industry want to be in the near future?
A quick refresher to define the revenue generating capabilities of our user community members as the principle behind the service provider organization, which are established under separate licenses, in the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification. First as a user community member the work that they will do is high level analysis that will define the needs of the industry and relate that information to our developers in a manner that they’ll be able to produce the software our user community member wants. [Please note. Once the assignment of process rights of the individual processes to each service provider has taken place and the service providers have been licensed to exclusive domains over the process they manage.] Our user community members will be able to make the changes they see as necessary and as the industry demands. This will be observed and understood as a result of the day to day management of the service provider organization, post initial commercial development. Our user community members will earn an hourly fee for the time worked with our developers to analyze and define what they want. And the service providers will generate transaction fees from the Joint Operating Committees and producers on the processes they manage on behalf of the industry. We have discussed the competitive advantages of our user community and the need to have this structure on many occasions.
The structure and definition of this ecosystem, its operation and support all come about as a result of the contractual arrangements contained within the various IP licenses. Our user community member, as an entrepreneur, is fully engaged and responsible for providing the service and software to the industry that will ensure they are provided with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations everywhere and always. That will be their role and purpose as defined in the license. Profitability is not something that can be dismissed by the bureaucrats as irrelevant for four decades without the consequences we are experiencing today throughout the industry. It will take everyone who is involved in the greater oil and gas economy to pursue that objective for the long term, every day they’re on the job. If anyone needs to learn that they must be new to oil and gas. The damage and destruction has been devastating and consequential. But most importantly, unnecessary. The long term rebuilding of the industry will only be conducted through the revenues and profits that are obtained through profitable operations. All other sources of capital have been betrayed by the producer bureaucrats.
As with any business IP demands the daily tending of the garden. It is not a grant of value that will endow someone in the future unless they make it into the product or service that is possible as a result of the IP. It needs to be worked hard to make it as valuable and as profitable as it could be. In the wrong hands it will be worthless. And as in any business that is revenue generating, as a user community member who has a direct license to the IP. Those revenues will be generated on a nominal basis. That is to say these businesses will hold their value over five, ten or twenty years from now. Inflation is not going to diminish the value of the assets that are held by our user community members in the business they establish and build by way of a People, Ideas & Objects license.
Those looking around the investment landscape today may be confused with the market's offerings. Disintermediation of industries, crypto currencies, inflation and interest rates seem to be dynamics that were not in our vocabulary a decade ago. I learned long ago not to give investment advice. And I’m certainly not doing so to this audience, I’m not qualified to do so and am only representing the opportunity that People, Ideas & Objects have been promoting as our user community vision and service providers since the first quarter of 2014. As it is said in business, I’m selling my book. Our product being the user community opportunity to our customers.
People, Ideas & Objects will also be providing the following to the user community throughout development. Service providers will be licensed and will therefore be responsible for implementation within the producer firm. This will need to commence planning from day one. And it will be as soon as possible after that, that our user community, service providers and developers will have access to the Oracle tools and applications that we’ll be using in the development of the Preliminary Specification. One of the features that we’ll be using throughout our development period is hosting the Oracle technology stack including the Oracle Cloud ERP offering. That may be a redundant sentence as the Cloud ERP offering is the entire stack. I just want to highlight the use of Oracle Fusion Applications and Middleware. This will provide a real time understanding of the system in terms of the Oracle foundation and developments of the Preliminary Specification as they stand at any point in time and the results of individual and collective efforts. What I feel is an effective use of the new paradigm provided by cloud technologies.
It is within that context that we foresee at some point soon a time in which People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and service providers software and services will be needed in the oil and gas marketplace. Our application process for our user community is not onerous, however it’s also not easy. It takes time and effort to complete. We are looking for the specific people we think the industry will need in the role as we’ve defined them. What I want to do today is to step this process up a notch or two by saying two things. We need these people that we’re seeking to begin thinking of themselves as the leaders in the accounting, administrative and technical areas that our user community falls under and begin their application process. When confronted with issues and opportunities within the service provider organization by way of their use of the People, Ideas & Objects software and their services. Or brought to their attention by the oil and gas industry itself. These will need to be fully and completely reviewed by them before they are put into the software. It is our user community members and their service providers who have the responsibility and authority to make the changes and operate the process on behalf of the industry. Asking if it is innovative, is it correct, does it fit with the processes scope or is it the domain of another service provider, how will it be implemented, what effect will it have on the historical data of the producers? As only the beginning of the process of their review. It’s this responsibility that is mildly hinted at here that is paramount in the actions they take. The other point is that they’ll need to begin thinking about, not doing, some long term planning of their service provider organizations. When we’re asked to step up, we’ll all be expected to fall in line immediately and productively, which is an unfair and ridiculous expectation. However, sitting around like bureaucrats doesn’t help anyone now either.
The only solution as it stands today, from a creative destruction point of view, is People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations implementation of the Preliminary Specification. The natural forces of disintermediation and creative destruction are being obstructed through the diversion of industry revenues away from the development of initiatives such as the Preliminary Specification. And therefore are unnecessarily directly supporting the status quo behaviors that have been proven to be disastrous.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.