These Are Not the Earnings We're Looking For, Part XXXVII
Imperial oil CEO Rich Kruger, September 17, 2019
Marathon CEO being pushed out by Elliott Management, September 27, 2019
BP CEO Bob Dudley, October 4, 2019
Obsidian CFO David Hendry October 21, 2019
Apache SVP Worldwide Exploration Steven Keenan October 23, 2019
Pengrowth Energy bailing out through company sale for 5.4% of their 52 week high, and 0.192% of their all time high. November 1, 2019
Chesapeake providing the cover story that they’re not a going concern. Enabling the exits of their bureaucrats. November 5, 2019
You have to consider the sacrifice that these bureaucrats are making. Giving up on the gravy train that has kept them well compensated for the past number of decades at the expense of pretty much everyone else in society. That, and we should not concern ourselves with what it is they’ve been doing, they’ve done nothing constructive for the past few decades. As for the service industry, after financing the producers field activity for the past 18 months, at fire sale prices which cannibalized their fleet and now with little hope of collecting their accounts receivable. It’s not that they knew they were financing the producers activity, it’s just that they thought they were dealing with reputable firms who would pay their bills. They of course will be fine, they have a lot of equipment that can be cut up for scrap metal and sold. When you consider the financial damage everywhere, the disastrous situation in the field with diminishing capabilities and equipment, the nonchalant attitude of the producers parroting that this is how the business is. You have to wonder how the expectation that investors will just return and make everyone whole again is based on any foundation of reality. Investors look to the future, to industries that provide plans and opportunities that intrigue and excite them. Industries that will provide profits and cash with as minimal risk as possible. All you have in oil and gas is guaranteed high risk and never any return.
If we think back to the 2008 / 2009 financial crisis. And I would recommend that everyone watch the movie “The Big Short” for a refresher on the history of that period. What are the parallels to the oil and gas industry today? I see many. Mostly the denial that is rampant throughout oil and gas, assuming that things will turn around, as it has done many times before. We are far beyond just a financial crisis. We have been losing money and destroying value in oil and gas since the late 1970’s. The inherent residual value that exists in the industry is inadequate to support itself financially. The situation has carried on to the point where the capabilities of the producers has diminished. This is represented best in Calgary by having greater than ⅓ of all office space empty. The service industry has been for all intents and purposes destroyed and will require a dedicated effort by the producers to rehabilitate it. A rehabilitation based on the understanding that the service industry exists for no other purpose than to provide capacities and capabilities to the oil and gas producers. Universities in the faculties of engineering and geology have been cleared out of any interested students. People in general don’t like working in remote dirty areas that are far from their families. People are now working in other industries that provide them with adequate compensation and a lifestyle that makes them never want to return to the “big money” days of oil, of which they have nothing left of anyway. How is this pain going to be solved and where are the financial resources coming from to make the industry whole again? Where is the plan?
As during the financial crisis no one would stand up and say there was a problem until it was obvious. Only a handful of people were seeing the situation correctly and hence were benefiting from their foresight. Yet those individuals were run into the ground by those insiders who refused to listen and change their ways in the face of such obvious issues. We see this same situation in oil and gas today and just as these crisis don’t start at the drop of a dime, they take decades of dumb regulations to manifest themselves. Just as Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Country Wide and AIG’s collapse eventually brought the house down around everyone. I think we are eerily close to a similar triggering point today. What is it that we’re waiting for, is there any clearer sign that our trajectory is downward, steep and unrecoverable? Has it not been proven that the current configuration of producers can’t, won’t and will not ever change?
When I suggest that we need to rebuild the industry on the vision of the Preliminary Specification so that producers, the industry, the service industry and everyone associated with it can begin the process of putting it back together. A new North American oil and gas industry that provides for the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Real profits, not the ones of the past 40 years. Then we’ll have a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry that will provide for the needs of society in a competitive and exciting world that is what our future promises. What is it exactly that the current producers are offering that’s so compelling?
People, Ideas & Objects continue with our plans to raise our ICO in what will soon be two and one half years time. Review of our white paper will show that this is the only reasonable method in which we’ll be able to access the resources necessary to build the Preliminary Specification. At the same time this is not a positive period for the cryptocurrency market. These plans are also well beyond the time frame the industry has and as a result put many greater unnecessary risks into play. Our dealings and our competitors dealings with the producers regarding the development of ERP software over the past thirty years is documented in our white paper. I’m not deviating from our plans to raise the ICO in our time frame. I am certainly open to suggestions on alternatives that may reduce our timelines to deliver our products and associated services.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.