Gain Some Here, Lose Some There
There is a gaping hole in the oil and gas industry. The destruction of value has carried on for decades in unchecked fashion with the oil and gas industry now worth essentially nothing or worse. You would need to pay someone substantial amounts in order for them to get involved. When the industry consumes cash in the manner that it does then no one wants to take on the task of feeding the beast. The real issue is no one seems to care or understand the point and therefore continues on with the same behaviors that brought about all of this destruction. The destruction doesn’t stop there. The producers are involved in a primary industry and circumvent the flow of cash to the secondary and tertiary industries for their own benefit. These sub-industries are wholly dependent on the oil and gas industry and have no alternatives other than to absorb the hit. They’re extending the pain and suffering across the provinces and states where oil and gas was once active. Royalty holders are being short changed for their fair share when commodities are sold below their real value. Governments are not collecting the tax revenues they once were and are paying out in terms of higher levels of social services. Here in Alberta during the last four years, in a province that proudly claimed an almost $35 billion savings account, we now sport a $95 billion debt. This is all plain as day to anyone who lives in any of the towns or cities that oil and gas occupies. Yet in the rarified air of the oil and gas producers bureaucracy, it’s a situation that they’re unaware of. Primarily due to their lack of concern or caring.
The investors and bankers should be the last on our list of groups to be concerned about, however, I think what we have here is the perfect example of the failure of socialism. An uncaring bureaucracy who are financially secure and are fine, thanks for asking. While the rest of the economy is being ripped apart as a result the of inability to properly account for the value that is being destroyed. Investors and bankers signalled long ago that this was not acceptable and the bureaucrats have insisted they don’t understand, and will employ no remedial action. We are therefore seeing the effect of capitalism when it is not existent in the marketplace. Where the bureaucracy has no means of measuring their performance and wouldn’t care either way if you could. What we hear from those in the media and those that are directly affected in the primary industry is the endless cheerleading of tomorrow will be a better day. “Muddle through and it will be better in six months, that’s the nature of the business.” That this has become the accepted manner in which the industry is operated is intolerable in the 21st century. It’s also a lie when the five good years of the last thirty three were only experienced by the producer bureaucrats with their litany of new and innovative forms of compensation.
Let’s not kid ourselves or anyone else. We’re not talking about complex concepts to some kindergarten class. The bureaucrats are fully aware and only feign ignorance in order to claim they’re doing the best that they can. The beatings of People, Ideas & Objects and our Preliminary Specification were for the exercise, not because we have them in our sites. They know we will be terminal to their party and good times and as such must be silenced at whatever cost. Having an $8 billion budget, and our Intellectual Property are two aspect of our offering that make our life difficult. Producers never have, and I guess never will, pay for anyone’s IP. They want to steal whatever ideas are about and wash them amongst the industries producers at little to no cost to them. That was the deal in IP’s wild west days. It’s now the 21st century and the time to pay the piper is here. The same goes for our budget. The fact that two thirds of the budget are to my benefit are enough to cause a heart attack in any mild mannered bureaucrat. The fact that they won’t accept is that it’s the only way in which I get paid. Their past behaviors in the ERP marketspace have been such that they’ve used and abused any and all goodwill to the point where they now have no choice. Besides the Preliminary Specification has a value proposition in the $25.7 to $45.7 trillion range. Should I be paid the new minimum wage of $15 / hour for the work that I’ve done? What would you do?
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.