These Are Not the Earnings We're Looking For, Part XIX
The one thing that we know for certain at this point is that there will be no further oil price upside due to the production sharing agreement being renounced by OPEC and Russia. The situation has also become very fluid and dynamic with China being severely affected economically by the U.S. tariffs and attempting to shift supplies away from the U.S. What was believed to be a spike in prices, to as high as $200 by some analysts, has now settled back to the same old, same old in terms of future prices. Commodity prices will not be moving up substantially from here in the short, medium or long term that I can see. What we know from our review of our sample of 23 producers is that the run up in prices from the $30 range to $74 has not healed what ailed the industry as the bureaucrats claimed it would. People, Ideas & Objects have always asserted that prices would need to be much higher with our calculated necessary oil price of $141 for the last quarter. And with cost escalation in the second quarter, the remaining 2018 prices will be needing to be in the low $150 range in order for the industry to begin profitability.
In a world of economic tightening, where the past decade has seen phenomenal expansion of the money supply. Oil and gas producers are faced with the luxury of a hypercritical cash crisis and bloated balances of property, plant and equipment that are supported by unreasonable and unsupportable levels of debt. Who would have thought? Producers may technically have good debt to equity ratios on their pristine balance sheets however if those balance sheets are bloated, then their debt is bloated as well. Investors, who have recently caught on to the annual dilution of their interests in these producer firms, are electing to pass on any further investment. Maintaining their current percentages of ownership of the firm instead of investing more and ending up, as a result of the dilution, with less. Banks are spooked too for the better part of the next generation or until they recover their money by poaching the bank accounts of any cash that comes in from the producers. So yes as we move into a normal interest rate environment where competition for the investment dollar will be very stiff, spendaholics with no “real” performance, plans or strategy but a stack of unaddressed issues to show for themselves will be having difficulties.
The more that today’s producers hold to the “profitability” and superior performance of their organizations the more fearful the investors become. The delusion that the industry is profitable when the capital asset values continue to bloat completely outside of anything that would be considered reasonable. Where the discussion of profitability at $40, $50, $60 then $70 oil was alleged to be boom times for the producers. With the producer organizations quickly dispelling the myth that they’ll be profitable at those prices as soon as those prices are achieved. Hanging on to these myths and fallacies that the industry is doing well in order to hope to have the investors return with their annual cash infusions into the producers is only frightening to those that would have participated. The industry appears to be the only ones that don’t understand the situation that they’re in. They’ll not be making it to Christmas at the rate they’re going and as I see it, the banks and investors are beginning to demand more cash returned before the ultimate, inevitable collapse.
What to do? The producers could provide the investors and bankers with a plan and strategy on how they would turn the industry around and move forward with profitable operations everywhere and all the time. By adopting the Preliminary Specification the investors and bankers, who are businessman and see the long term future, will accept that this plan will give a new and better future to the industry. One that is viable, profitable in the real sense and prosperous for all within the society that are affected by the industry. They would act in the best interests of the producers and fund their current shortfalls until such time as that future was here. I’m preaching to an uninterested and uncaring bureaucracy, I know, but I’m concerned for what I’m seeing. The reason I’ve been doing this for so long and so hard was to avoid what I think this issue could manifest itself as in very short order.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.