These Are Not the Earnings We're Looking For, Part X
Having systems that are mission critical developed in the vision of the Preliminary Specification is difficult and risky. I would also agree with that statement if it were 1998, 2005 or even 2010. Today I believe the technical risks being incurred by the producers in developing the Preliminary Specification have been mitigated by the maturation of Information Technologies. Producers believe that their current systems, such as Qbyte, which was conceived of in the pre-Internet era of DOS, will continue indefinitely. At some point it is necessary to deal with these 30+ year old systems. When the business model of the producers and the industry has fundamentally failed, what better time to address this?
The industry and producers future demands will not be met by today’s software offerings. It is rumoured that iTunes, which is 15 years old, is in need of, and being rewritten, Qbyte which is 30+ years old is just beginning in its infancy in oil and gas. If a non-mission critical music application has had its best days and is being rewritten, why wouldn't a 30+ year old ERP application? In addition People, Ideas & Objects are providing the industry with a software development capability that is permanent and a key part of our business model. We are change based software developers. Changes in the Preliminary Specification are accommodated by the existence of the permanent user community and our permanent software development capability. If the Preliminary Specification needs to be replaced by a new business model People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and service providers will be the ones that make it happen.
Bureaucrats will no doubt look towards Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to solve their problems. Big data is the clue to the solution! Putting their house in order and getting organized profitably for the future is contrary to the health of the bureaucrats, which is why building the Preliminary Specification is more of a concern and priority for them to avoid than it is a wise strategy. It’s best that the bureaucrats remember that no one believes anything they say anymore. Their credibility is shot and if bureaucrats shop these Information Technology based ideas around then people will know their circus still has more dates on its calendar. “It’s the business, stupid,” Bill Clinton I believe once said.
If you were to build a bridge you wouldn’t expect the manager to initiate a corporate entity to raise capital and generate a business that will support the investment that needs to build the bridge. People, Ideas & Objects is a capital project where the vested interests, the producers, need to pay for our costs to enable their profitable future. This endeavor is not a commercial operation from the regular perspective of a corporation. It is very much a project with a business model to support the user community and software developments after initial commercial release. This is the manner in which the oil and gas industry has to be approached in terms of the development of ERP software. Building the Golden Gate Bridge on speculation wasn’t practical or necessary a century ago. Building ERP software for the oil and gas industry on speculation is not practical today. Only bureaucrats believe it to be necessary.
With our Preliminary Specification in place for 2018. We have calculated based on our sample of 23 producer firms 2017 fiscal years financial statements. That the prices necessary to be profitable were $135.67 / boe on average throughout the year. The industry generated actual industry-wide revenues of $430.8 billion, whereas if these same volumes were produced at our proposed prices, they would have generated $1.243 trillion. An overall differential of $812 billion. From this we would assume the following. 25% royalties of $203 billion on that differential. Gross taxes at 21% for $127 billion on that differential. Distribution to the Coin Holders that provide the funding to this project of $158 billion, or 33% of the net after taxes and royalties. Leaving the industry with an incremental $322 billion in net revenues. Industry wide capital costs of $215 billion would be fully funded. Leaving $107 billion in debt reductions and dividends. Of note 2017’s capital expenditures are down from about one half trillion only a few years ago. And the amount of industry wide property, plant and equipment is estimated to be $1.642 trillion. After all the bureaucrats and I are only arguing small differences on the margin. And they wonder why their having such difficulty in their business?
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.