The Capacity to Spend and Degrade Deliverability
Chesapeake laid off 400 people last week. Which means earnings season is upon us with the first of our sample of 23 companies reporting last Friday. The need to appear active by reducing the headcount always looks good just before a bad earnings report. We’ll have our usual summary of the state of affairs in oil and gas when everyone has issued their financial statements. It’s just that it doesn’t seem to matter as much this time. No one seems to be believing what the producers are saying about their business. Commodity prices rise and the producers are out spending as fast as they can once again. We’ve seen this movie several times now and know how it ends. It will be fatal again for all those that depend on a healthy and profitable oil and gas industry. The only people who never seem to be affected by these downturns or general malaise are the bureaucrats and their Ferrari dealers.
Of course what I’ve prescribed in the Preliminary Specification is nothing but painful, hard, difficult work for those involved in the industry. Some might argue that our budget is an impediment to overcome too. I think that our value proposition of $668 billion for 2017 alone, and each of the next 25 years is where the real costs are, in bureaucratic inaction. The bureaucrats may be searching for that 15 minute solution that they believe will resolve their trillion dollar issues. And there is always the possibility that they will find it. I’m not so foolish as to suggest that these issues can be resolved easily or with a fist full of dollars. If this overproduction and oversupply issue is not currently the biggest issue in the history of the oil and gas industry, then I am not aware of what greater peril could be faced by the producers. As a bureaucrat it’s easy, in a capital intensive industry, where your investments are returned to you constantly, to make up the cash flow necessary to keep yourself happy, the lights on and rent paid. There is however so much more that the oil and gas industry has a responsibility to.
We documented the obligations that our $668 billion / year value proposition is responsible for and to whom. The royalty holders, Federal and State income taxes, the service industry representatives who are so critical to the success of the oil and gas industry, and the people who work in oil and gas who are made to suffer unnecessarily under this self interested bureaucratic regime. These stakeholders are all having difficulty financially and otherwise, and unnecessarily so as a result of the inability of the oil and gas producers to act. Producers who spend money as the core of their business strategy have an inward looking perspective where the rest of the industry is of little or no concern. It’s a simple matter of determining what the cash balance is at the beginning of the day and be sure to have that spent by the end of the day. Repeat for each working day. So when the commodity inventories bloat and the prices collapse it’s obvious to everyone that these events have nothing to do with that producer. They are innocent of any involvement or responsibility. When others, such as People, Ideas & Objects makes recommendations such as the Preliminary Specification, it is these internally focused spending machines that work to ensure that no one recognizes that any issue exists and do everything to silence those that upset the status quo.
This situation has been the day to day operation of the oil and gas industry for the past decade. Nothing has been done to resolve any issue whatsoever. Stories and fables have been told as to what the producers were doing to resolve the situation throughout those last ten years. Clearly nothing has been effective. Producers have created the phenomena of “market rebalancing” to reflect the activities they “undertook.” This term reflects their inaction, and desire to let the productive capacity of the industry degrade to the point where it “balances” again. Deliberate destruction. Brilliant! Usually when commodity prices rose during these past ten years my audience on this blog would fade noticeably. Only to return when the commodity prices collapsed again. This time seems to be different in that the commodity prices are up, yet so is my audience. I’ve also noticed in the past that when prices rose the producers stock price rose. And when prices were declining this led to the decline in their stock prices. Now stock prices just go down based on any direction the commodities are moving. It just seems to me that no one is listening to the producers anymore. We’ve seen this movie so many times and there is so much destruction, why are we believing those who choose to do nothing about it?
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.