Oh My! They Don't Have it Covered
As we noted yesterday the banks have cut the funding that they were providing to the industry. I’m sure those bottom feeder investors that jumped in when the oil prices leaped 50% are regretting their impatience now. That the bureaucrats didn’t have it covered after all is making even them look bad. These sources of funding will now have to come from somewhere else, or we’ll have to wait the seven or so years for the banks to have confidence to invest in the industry again. With the bureaucrats talking about the normal process of market rebalancing while their “Titanic's” are taking on water. It will be a while before anyone has confidence in what’s going on in the industry. We know now that it didn’t have to be this way, that the Preliminary Specification was available in a timely fashion. We just needed to consider the bureaucrats self interest first.
It will be these bureaucrats who are the first to the lifeboats when the water becomes obvious to everyone. Watch out for their sharp elbows. I’ve stated here many times that leaving the place in shambles is the history of the bureaucrats in other industries. The oil and gas industry is a lost cause and they know that there is nothing that can be done. They are essentially saying so by not offering any solutions. Being constructive and proceeding with the Preliminary Specification is suicide for them. They won’t do that if there is the possibility of one more day's pay. And there will be some who do stick around for lack of anything better to do. They know that the banks will need someone to run the day to day. Very strategic.
This is what happens when a business model fails. Its seeds were sown when the SEC began their full cost and successful efforts adventures in creative accounting. Blowing up the balance sheet and never recognizing the costs in a capital intensive business will inevitably lead to overproduction. That’s because it always appears that everyone is making handsome profits in that industry. The over investment leading to the inevitable overproduction. The shale reservoirs just make it obvious that no one can make money in the oil and gas business. As the weight of those that are failing eventually pull everyone else down. This industry will “muddle along” like it is for a decade or more. Although I don’t know where the cash will come from, and believe me the cash is so critical right now. Then it will eventually turn around and oil will be at $400 and gas at $45 due to the shortages. But that’s in 2026 and think about all the damage that has to happen before we get to that one golden year.
There is a different way. The Preliminary Specification. It deals specifically with the issues of today and provides for the basis of operations for the next 25 years. Where the consumers can rely on a steady and stable supply of oil and gas at reasonable prices. Investors can bank on reasonable returns on a limited risk basis. And people can pursue their careers with slightly greater job security than the starting laborer on a construction site. Running a business like a business provides such things. Today only the bureaucrats are happy. Well not completely happy, there is the never ending issues they have with me.
It's the investors, the bankers, the people who have been working in the industry and in the service industry that need to start working together to remake the new oil and gas industry. That’s how this nightmare is going to end. Creative destruction is a process that has worked to wipe away the old, tired and nonfunctioning methods and to bring in the new ones. Today however we live in a world where nothing works without the software being in existence first. We have to deliberately make that first step, plan it and execute it. That is People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.