To The Oil & Gas Investor
Bureaucrats will never change. Until you put in place a system that replaces the current bureaucracy you will continue to receive news of record oil production in the U.S. as of January 2015. There is a well established history here. Even after five years of financial losses in Natural Gas there is record production in that commodity. They will continue to destroy the commodity markets until such time as someone such as yourself takes the keys to industry away from them. It is almost like they don’t care, isn't it? People, Ideas & Objects are providing you with a tool in which to manage your oil and gas assets once you have taken control of those assets. But the software needs to be developed first. We have kept our powder dry and our candle lit for the day in which we can begin developments and take the responsibility away from the bureaucracy. If you can't see the end of the oil and gas industry at this point, then I can’t help you.
Recently Goldman Sachs suggested that there needed to be maximum pain to be realized in the oil and gas marketplace before a turnaround would happen. The BBC was quoted as saying that the creditors of the oil and gas companies were the targets of the Saudis actions. They, the ones who loaned the shale producers the money to drill, are the ones who have to be taught that the oil and gas producers are too high of a credit risk. If its the creditors they're trying to teach a lesson that means that you, the investor have been eliminated from the landscape.
What is it that you expect to come from the situation as it stands today? What possibly positive outcome is the result of today’s oil and gas industry? I can not see a viable industry in the North American marketplace under the current management and their strategy. Their inability to produce profitably will continue as long as someone else’s money is on offer. We clearly see that everyone is on to the game and its about to be seen as the ponzi scheme that it has been. If you were a bureaucrat and you knew where all the skeletons in the industry were, what would you do? Would you stick around? Or would you have been harvesting what you could for the past few years while the going was good and make sure that the exit plan was well in place? And don't act so surprised at the thought.
What this situation requires is action. I think it has required action since the financial crisis of 2008. Which I think was a warning that our system of organization wasn’t working. Just as the former Soviet Union’s system of organization wasn’t working. We complain that there’s no growth. Bureaucracies are finished, they can no longer provide for the needs of society and the writing of that should have become more and more evident to those that are operating in the investor class. New models are needed for the oil and gas industry to deal with the issues and opportunities that it faces. The way that it is organized and the manner in which people interact can't be on the basis of hierarchies and stuffing paper into printers. There are better ways and they have been detailed here in the Preliminary Specification with our user community, and the service providers. Someone recently referenced the term “Network Society” as the direction society was moving towards. That’s where we are heading. We just need your money.
And we can wait, certainly there is nothing urgent calling us to action that brings us to a life or death situation. Unlike what the oil and gas industry is facing. We'll be here in the years to come no matter the state of the industry. But understand it will take time to develop our solution. We have received none of the industries resources from the bureaucrats. We were weaned off of oil and gas when we first came up with the idea of using the Joint Operating Committee in August of 2003. As it was clear then the bureaucracy had to get rid of us, because if you use the Joint Operating Committee it is pretty clear that you don't need a bureaucracy. That would have been the time, if I were a bureaucrat, that I would have started planning for the escape from the industry when everything inevitably fell apart.
Its easy to write this dissertation off as one looney tunes rantings. I would agree. But I would also take a good close look around this earnings season and tell me how things will improve from here. How will this ship right itself? When will the captain jump ship? And how shallow is the water? Are People, Ideas & Objects offering you the opportunity to shift the makeup of the oil and gas industry in a manner that enables you to control the industry more effectively? If so then you'll need to contact me and we can go from there.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative and profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.