Focusing on Capabilities
The organizational question is whether new capabilities are best acquired through the market, through internal learning, or through some hybrid organizational form. And the answer will depend on (A) the already existing structure of capabilities and (B) the nature of the economic change involved. p. 21
What we currently have is a number of departments; Land, Legal, Land Administration, some Production and Exploration Administration and Accounting, that will become elements of the Petroleum Lease Marketplace. These departments will transition to new roles, some in new service provider firms, where they will be part of a marketplace environment. It will be within the marketplace they will provide their capabilities to those producers and Joint Operating Committees that are in demand for their services.
If a profit opportunity requires a configuration of capabilities different from what already exists in the economy, the Schumpeterian process of creative destruction may be set in motion. p.21
Its a marketplace, not a department within a bureaucracy. One within a dynamic, entrepreneurial and innovative oil and gas producer. A place where the act of buying and selling and trading leases or interests in properties, making deals or building companies can and will be done.
Seldom if ever have economists of organization considered that knowledge may be imperfect in the realm of production, and that institutional forms may play the role not (only) of constraining unproductive rent seeking behaviour but (also) of creating the possibilities for productive rent-seeking behaviour in the first place. To put it another way, economists have neglected the benefit side of alternative organizational structures; for reason of history and technique, they have allocated most of their resources to the cost side. p. 6
It is interesting that one of the roles of the firm, in this revised boundary of the firm and market, is the enhanced role that coordination will take on. This next quote states explicitly the need to enhance the coordination by way of routines and capabilities.
All recognize that knowledge is imperfect and that most economically interesting contracts are, as a consequence, incomplete. But most of the literature considers seriously as coordinating devices only contracts and the incentives they embody. It thus neglects the role - the potentially far more important role - of routines and capabilities as coordinating devices. Moreover, the assumption that production costs are distinct from transaction costs and that production costs can and should always be held constant obscures the way productive knowledge is generated and transmitted in the economy. p. 14
Since contracts are one of the key end products of the activities that are undertaken in the Petroleum Lease Marketplace module. It is these contracts incompleteness that will continue to demand the services of those employed in the marketplace and the firm. Services of “routines and capabilities as coordinating devices.” Making the “marketplace” a key interface of the Petroleum Lease Marketplace module.
We have noted the ability to build a company was one of the things that is being done while working within the Petroleum Lease Marketplace (PLM). Implying that the marketplace was an area where the active state of affairs was to build something as opposed to just fill file cabinets with agreements. This is the key point as to why the PLM has to be a marketplace. It must emulate the personality of the people who are building the firm. From Professor Langlois’ Industrial Dynamics, Innovation and Development.
Industrial economists tend to think of competition as occurring between atomic units called "firms." Theorists of organization tend to think about the choice among various kinds of organization structures - what Langlois and Robertson (1995) call "business institutions.” But few have thought about the choice of business institution as a competitive weapon. p. 1
The “Marketplace Interface” of the Petroleum Lease Marketplace module of the People, Ideas & Objects system provides the innovative oil and gas producer with the competitive weapon they need to build their firm.
On the other side of the ledger, an open modular system can more effectively direct capabilities toward improving the modules themselves (Langlois and Robertson 1992). Such a system harnesses the division of labor and the division of knowledge, allowing organizational units to focus narrowly and thus deeply; at the same time, it magnifies the number of potential module innovators, and thus can often take advantage of capabilities well beyond those even a large unitary organization could marshal. p. 19
The modular nature of the Preliminary Specification provides this ability to focus on the important attributes within the module. The Petroleum Lease and Resource Marketplaces are different just as the Financial Marketplace, Research & Capabilities and Accounting Voucher modules are unique. Each have their own unique people and activities that are separate and distinct from one another. Yet, they all interact to support the innovative oil and gas producer.
A complex systems product is underlain by an architecture: a set of parts and a way of fitting those parts together. An integral architecture is one in which the parts depend on one another in complex and often unpredictable ways: the system is a tangle of spaghetti. By contrast, a modular architecture is one that regularizes the dependencies among the parts, forcing them to interact only in relatively formalized and predictable ways (Lanlgois 2002b) p. 6
The point that I am struggling to get across is the interface in which users will access the marketplace in the Petroleum Lease Marketplace. It is the “Marketplace Interface” that I am highlighting in this discussion as to what I think is the value to an oil and gas concern. It is through this somewhat simple software representation of the market that much of the value will be gained.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.