The amount of time that is necessary to develop the Preliminary Specification is wholly dependent on the producers within the oil and gas industry. The need for the investors in the oil and gas industry to apply the pressure and compel the producers to develop this product in a timely manner is the priority that I am working on. When the opportunity costs are at $67 billion per year, and we have many years ahead of us, it is imperative that we begin as soon as possible. And right now we are not progressing in terms of the further development of the Preliminary Specification.
There are other developments that need to occur as well. The development of service providers and the organization of their service offering will need to be designed and developed during the next few years. The relationship with the service industry is impacted as well by the Preliminary Specification. In short there is a lot to do to address the issues in the industry and reorganize for the future of a dynamic and innovative oil and gas industry.
These are the time issues that we have to deal with. If it was just a time constraint based on software development deliverables the timelines would be estimable. Unfortunately these are not the critical points that will impede the development of the industry towards the changes to use of the Preliminary Specification. The changes that need to be undertaken by those within the industry will be the impediment to timely deliverables. However, what we are doing is moving closer, and by that I mean very close, to the cultural norm of the industry. People will be able to logically determine the location of an item when the Joint Operating Committee is the key organizational construct of the innovative and profitable oil and gas producer. It should therefore take less effort and time to make the changes noted above.
And these are big changes. No one has ever reorganized an industry, or two. The industry faces a critical decision. Either it must change or it will not prosper. And it has shown no capacity to change. No capacity to create a vision for the future. No capacity to even identify the issues that it is facing. It has stagnated for decades and this is proof that it will not change to address the demanding and difficult future. If we are calculating the opportunity costs of natural gas price declines in a decade then we’ll know that muddling along is the only strategy of the oil and gas bureaucracy.
I see things differently. To attempt this a decade ago would have been a failure. Both technically and from a business point of view. The technical risks have been mitigated since then. The business risks are still present, however, they are far more prevalent on the producer side if they don’t act. It is time that the industry considers the need to implement an Information Technology architecture and software development capability that will serve it for the next three decades. That is the Preliminary Specification and People, Ideas & Objects.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.