Friday, January 04, 2013

Access Control In the Joint Operating Committee

One of the technical issues that need to be resolved in the Preliminary Specification is the manner in which access control to the data and information is managed in the Security & Access Control module. With the corporate model access control is simple, anyone within the firm can share the information that is developed and used within the corporation. Within the Joint Operating Committee, information may be developed from a variety of sources that specific access control to various members of the Joint Operating Committee need to have. This sharing between participants, or pooling as we call it in the Preliminary Specification, would normally not be permitted in the corporate model as the risk of some proprietary loss would be assumed. Our research has determined this risk of loss is immaterial and inconsistent with the needs of an innovative oil and gas industry. The Joint Operating Committee is the representation of the partnership that has been formed to maximise the profits from the property and assets in which each of the participants share. If a pooling of the contributions can not be conducted it will be because of the bureaucrats managing their turf, not from the loss of any proprietary information. What the Security & Access Control module strikes is a balance between harbouring data and information vs. deployment of the right information, by the right people at the right time.

Politics aside we still have a technical issue with respect to the access control of data and information within the Joint Operating Committees a producer / investor may have an interest in. Organizing around the Joint Operating Committee helps by making it the structure that we are focusing on. We are using the Joint Operating Committee as the basis of determining who has and who hasn't the access control rights. By doing this, it is the Joint Operating Committee that determines who has what type of access control rights. An individual that operates in the oil and gas industry, who uses the People, Ideas & Objects application modules would then be granted the necessary access control rights through the Security & Access Control module to the many Joint Operating Committees that they may be authorized by.

In addition to the specific access control privileges People, Ideas & Objects provide two additional levels of security that offer the producer with additional control. The first is the Military Command & Control Metaphor (MCCM) that was developed in the Preliminary Specification and the Oracle technologies that are used to provide the high levels of security in which all of the modules are operated under. The MCCM provides a means for a Joint Operating Committee to implement a command and control structure over the people that are working within the operation. This span of control includes the service industry representatives when they are conducting some operation. The MCCM includes a definable structure, a Job Order system and a manner in which all operations are documented. Again this structure will span the multiple organizations that the people are represented from.

We have talked about the division of labor and specialization that is used to deal with the various issues in the oil and gas industry. How the producer firm is a highly focused earth science and engineering capable organization. That many of the other aspects of the firm or Joint Operating Committee is sourced from service providers who specialize and bill for their services. These people may also need access to the data and information of the producer or Joint Operating Committee and it is with Oracle technologies that we can provide them with the limited access that they require. With Oracle we can grant that limited access to just the one element of data that they need access too, if that is all that is required. We also have high levels of security and specific access privileges that enable the firms most sensitive strategic and planning data and information is kept secret and for only certain users. All of this information can be determined by reading the Security & Access Control module of the Preliminary Specification.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Choice is Good.

As I stated yesterday, what People, Ideas & Objects provides is an alternative business model for the oil and gas investor. A choice between the current corporate model which is in use exclusively in oil and gas, and the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification. It should not be assumed that because the corporate model is in use everywhere that is the choice of investors. It has been until now the only choice. Now with alternatives like the Preliminary Specification, we will have to see how the corporate model stands up to some competition.

What this new year also brings is the second phase of our marketing program. Our first phase documented the fact that the producers will be sticking with their corporate model. And that is to be expected, they have a vested interest in the status quo. Our appeal is to the oil and gas investor who may be frustrated with the corporate model and may have been looking for alternatives. This second phase of our marketing program will determine if they have been looking. It is with this noted change in our marketing that I have rewritten the Revenue Model. Part of that second phase of our marketing will be the promotion of the Preliminary Specification in this blog. What are the differences between these two models and why does the Preliminary Specification provide value to the oil and gas producer / investor.

So let’s begin. One of the key differences between the corporate model and the Preliminary Specifications use of the Joint Operating Committee is that the Preliminary Specification relies on the marketplace for the majority of its needs. Whether that is for the administrative needs of production or royalty accounting, or for the drilling of wells in the field. It is well known that the marketplace is the best place to look for the needs of the oil and gas producer. The reason for this is the scope of the technical demands are so great that the ability of any one producer to obtain all of the skills necessary in-house is impossible. This however hasn’t stopped some of the current producers using the corporate model to try. Many try to provide the services of any and all oil and gas needs within their own firm. This is how bureaucracies thrive.

Within the Preliminary Specification there are three marketplace modules. The Petroleum Lease, Resource, and Financial Marketplace modules. Each dealing with one of the three critical resources or things that make up an oil and gas producer. It is within the Resource Marketplace module that the service industries are provided an interface to the innovative oil and gas producer and Joint Operating Committee. Developed with the research into how innovation is a result of the efforts of many, spanning many industries and professions, the Resource Marketplace and Research & Capabilities modules enable the innovation to develop within the oil and gas industry. Enabling collaboration between the service industry and producers, this can be done as simply as service companies posting new ideas or producers expressing their needs within the interfaces of the Resource Marketplace module. These interfaces are detailed in the Preliminary Specification and are the seeds of an innovative oil and gas industry.

To draw a stark contrast to today’s marketplace where producers blame the high cost structures of field operations on the service industry. What really is at issue is there are no innovations occurring due to the manner in which new ideas are treated by the producers. They are not respected, but passed along to the originators competitors as if they were free. Instead of working with those that developed the idea, the producers will take it and use it for themselves. Eventually what happens, and what has happened, is that no new ideas come in due to the disrespect the producers have shown to the marketplace. No new competitors arrive in the marketplace and the high cost structures become permanent and the producers are left with their only option, and that is, to complain about the high cost structures of a non innovative service industry. There is another way and that is through the development of the Preliminary Specification.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

2013 Here We Come!

2013 marks the eighth year that we have been writing this blog. And since it is still relatively early in our marketing, that is seven full years of research that went into the Preliminary Specification. All of it contained here in this blog, and all of it having to do with using the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the innovative oil and gas producer. Who would have thought so much could be written about just one idea. As I mentioned in my last post, I’m looking forward to what 2013 provides us. Marketing the Preliminary Specification to the industry will take on many forms and we are uncertain and unknowing what those will be. A truly exciting time.

Ideally we will be tasked with developing a system with the focus on North America and the Gulf of Mexico as its geographical scope. Developing a system for this region presents a level of technical risk that is manageable with today’s Information Technology, and is something that fits with the objective of making this region energy self-sufficient. To expand beyond this scope does not present any business justification that warrants taking on the additional IT risks. And to leave areas within this region unaddressed would cause producers to have to manage multiple systems in order to cover off their domain of operations.

This objective shows the scope of the projects ambition. I am satisfied with the levels of technical and business risks that it presents. If we look at the future of the industry I think it will be seen as a reasonable approach to the issues that we face. We have seen many industries being disrupted by technology in the last few decades, why would oil and gas be immune. And what exactly is the compelling vision that is keeping the bureaucracy in place today? What People, Ideas & Objects provides is a means in which the oil and gas investor can choose how they manage their oil and gas assets.

The choice we provide the oil and gas investor is between the current corporate model and the Preliminary Specifications use of the Joint Operating Committee. The corporate model is proving to be unsustainable and unprofitable. This puts the oil and gas investors investment at risk. In the corporate model the investors are the ones that are the last in terms of attaining any value in a breakup. The management leave to pursue opportunities elsewhere and the banks and bondholders end up with the assets. Leaving just the losses for the oil and gas investor. Under the Preliminary Specifications use of the Joint Operating Committee the oil and gas investor has the opportunity to manage their assets in a manner that is consistent with their needs. And contrary to the corporate model, those decisions will be made with a vested interest in those assets.

This is part of the vision that is inherent in the Preliminary Specification. That an oil and gas investor can operate their oil and gas assets themselves. That their ownership of interests in a variety of Joint Operating Committees can be managed through the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification. Where they could have a hands on control of their assets and manage them in the best interests as they see fit. Having the expensive, slow and un-accountable management of the corporate model doesn’t fit in the future of the innovative oil and gas industry.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Closing Out 2012

As we close out 2012 I have to say that I am pleased with the status of this project. We have made some significant leaps forward this year. The completion and publication of the Preliminary Specification is both timely and provides the users in the oil and gas industry with a vision of how better to operate the industry. We also have this vision as something material and tangible to market to these users, the producers and our primary target for funds, the investors in oil and gas properties. What we offer all of these groups is an alternative means of oil and gas organization. One that is more natural than that which is offered by the current bureaucracies.

Its been several years of research that have gone into the Preliminary Specification. This has been conducted without the support of any revenues. Now that we have started our marketing program, we can not only look forward to generating revenues but to begin the developments of the software that is defined and supported by our user communities. I think we will look back at 2012 as one of the most critical years in the firms development.

We can look forward to an unknown future in 2013. It would be nice to budget some developments and set some definitive plans. However, outside of marketing, we have no resources for those types of activities. It will, however, be through our marketing efforts in 2013 that we will be able to set our plans and developments in the very near future. Until then have a Happy New Year and we’ll see you in 2013.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Solution to Natural Gas Prices.

The most unsustainable element of the current producers business model has to be natural gas prices. Selling gas at well below cost is a fools game, yet it continues. The only solution that has been tried has been a decline in the number of wells drilled. And that has not had the desired effect on prices. Reducing capital expenditures is at best a very blunt instrument in the current natural gas business environment. So what is the solution. Information Technology is the solution to the Natural Gas Pricing problems. Specifically the Preliminary Specification will provide the producer with the ability to remove their marginal production from the marketplace until the prices return to the point where production would be profitable.

The Preliminary Specification uses the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the innovative oil and gas producer. Operational decision making is one of the frameworks of the Joint Operating Committee and therefore making the decision to shut-in marginal production due to low natural gas prices falls within that framework. These decisions will have the effect of eliminating the operational losses that the producer incurs due to the fact that the Preliminary Specification also employs the decentralized production model. The decentralized production model allows for better matching of costs and revenues, and eliminates the production and associated overheads during periods when production is shut-in.

Eliminating losses from low natural gas prices will have the effect of increasing the value of the producers reserves. Increasing the fixed costs of the reserves, by the losses that are incurred, has a detrimental effect on the economics on the field. These losses can in many instances remove the expected return from the property. By using the Preliminary Specification and the decentralized production model, where production overheads are not incurred during times of shut-in production, only the costs of capital are uncovered, and will eliminate the losses during times of low natural gas prices.

If the Preliminary Specification was shared throughout the industry the potential declines in natural gas prices would be eliminated. If each producer were able to limit their losses on production by shutting in marginal production then prices within the industry would never drop below the marginal cost. As an industry the capability to remove the marginal production would ensure that prices remained at a point where producers remained profitable.

The solution to the natural gas pricing issues is Information Technology. The ability to remove the marginal production as described here in the Preliminary Specification on an industry wide basis is the only solution to the overproduction that can occur as a result of prolific multi-lateral and multi-stage fracing. Production discipline will need to be implemented by way of the marginal costs. The innovative oil and gas producer can innovate based on the lowest marginal cost. Unprofitable producers will need to be dealt with harshly by the marketplace. Competitive drainage by unprofitable producers will not be considered a risk. That will be the future of the oil and gas industry.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Use of Marketplaces.

In yesterday’s post I mentioned the Preliminary Specification has three marketplace modules. These consist of the Petroleum Lease Marketplace, Resource Marketplace and Financial Marketplace modules. In the future the oil and gas producer and the Joint Operating Committee will have a greater reliance on the marketplace for its needs. This is in contrast to today’s manner of having everything brought in-house and under the management of the producer. Having everything under the domain of the producer is part of the unsustainable business model that is the reason that the Preliminary Specification needs to be built. 

The reason that this current business model is unsustainable is the same as what we noted yesterday for the geologists and engineers. The division of labor and specialization, which are needed to increase the capacity and capabilities of the industry, would require the producer to expand the number of people they employ to cover off the scope and scale of their operation to the point where they would no longer be a viable going concern. The need to rely on service providers from the marketplace that are focused on the process and servicing the industry at large, which is what is needed. That way they can organize themselves in a manner that is the most efficient and effective, and at the lowest costs for their clients the Joint Operating Committees. 

In the Preliminary Specification I highlighted a few examples of the types of work that would fall under this category. These are only examples and it should be assumed that every position should be subject to the same process of determining whether it should be relied upon from the marketplace or can continue to be supplied internally. It is best to consider that the Joint Operating Committee will be populated by people who are seconded from the participating producers that own an interest in the property. And the producer firm will be a scaled down version of the existing structure focused on the earth science and engineering capabilities that are unique and a critical part of their competitive offering. Add a few other resources for finance and land; and that would make up the core of the producer with the majority of the producers processes being managed by service providers provided by the marketplace. 

One of the examples I used in the Preliminary Specification was the Production Accounting tasks that have traditionally been conducted in-house. Since these are processes that are recurring each month they are ideal for the marketplace to provide. And here it was noted that a service provider might establish their service in an area where there are a number of gas plants and service those gas plants in a “hands-on” manner. Conducting the production accounting tasks for all of the producers in that local area for those gas plants would be their area of specialization and they would be able to process and bill their services on the basis of some unit of work output. Therefore when wells were shut-in the production accounting service provider would have no production accounting service billing for those wells during that month. 

Another example that was used was Royalty Accounting that was specialized based on the jurisdiction that attracted a specific royalty. That service provider would be able to ensure their clients that they would process their production in the manner that ensured they paid the lowest possible royalties on their production. These specializations on local area for the Production Accountant and royalty jurisdiction for Royalty Accountant are not available to the producer in the current business model. The producers competitive advantage is in its earth science and engineering capabilities, and land and asset base. The more that it is able to focus on its core competitive advantage and less on the royalty nuances and production accounting requirements the more profitable it will be. That is the business model that will provide the oil and gas investor with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. 

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And Merry Christmas to everyone.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Demand for Engineers and Geologists

Another area where the current producers business model is unsustainable is in the concept of designating one producer as operator. As a result of each producer obtaining the capabilities necessary to be designated as operator. A hoarding of these critical resources occurs. In the Preliminary Specification the manner in which work at the property is approached is through the partnership represented in the Joint Operating Committee. A pooling of the resources of the partnership is a necessity due to the high demand for earth scientists and engineers.

When the producer is designated as operator they have to build just in time capabilities to deal with all contingencies within their organizations. This creates a surplus capacity within the geological and engineering capabilities of the producer firm. Taken across the industry this surplus capacity is unused and unusable. At a time when these resources are in mid to long term shortages, due to the retirement of engineers and geologists, and the increasing demands of these sciences in each barrel of oil produced. And there is a third aspect of these professions affecting the ability of producers to “operate” all of their properties. That is the need for specialization and the division of labor. In order to increase the output of the industry the need to organize these professions in a manner that is more specialized and uses a higher division of labor. This will increase the throughput from the same volume of resources. This will require that the producer who desires to approach the needs of being “operator” to hire more bodies to ensure that they have the full scope and scale within their operation. A situation that will be uneconomic and highly impractical. Therefore the operator designation will become a feature that past producers were able to pursue and something that is impractical and uneconomic in the very near future. However, approaching the specialization and division of labor from an industry point of view will not be uneconomic or impractical.

An alternative approach to the building of independent silo’s of “operators” within each producer is therefore a necessity. The Preliminary Specifications “pooling” provides this alternative approach in the following manner. Each producer develops their capabilities consistent with the needs of the industry understanding for specialization and an enhanced division of labor. Within the Research & Capabilities module of the Preliminary Specification they document these capabilities and publish these capabilities to the pertinent Joint Operating Committees that they have an interest in. There the people who are seconded from the various producers to work within the Joint Operating Committee are able to review the various capabilities of all of the producers who are party to the property. Then they can select the capabilities that are required to enhance the property in the fashion that is determined by the Joint Operating Committee. In addition these resources that are seconded to the Joint Operating Committee are able to organize themselves through the Security & Access Control module’s Military Command & Control Metaphor. This designates roles and responsibilities that each individual will have within the Joint Operating Committee and provides a cornerstone of the means of command and control of the property. Other aspects of command and control include the AFE and its budget, the Work Order system, and the Job Order system.

Having all aspects of the geological and engineering scope and scale covered off as a result of this pooling might not have occurred. The need to augment additional resources from the marketplace of engineering and geological service providers will probably be a necessity in the future. The demands of an industry that is relying on an enhanced division of labor and specialization will require a higher reliance on the marketplace. That is why there are three marketplace modules in the Preliminary Specification. This will need to be an element of how the Joint Operating Committees work is completed in the future. The Preliminary Specification will be the tool that supports and defines the Joint Operating Committee and marketplaces in meeting the consumers demands for energy.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

More on Unsustainable Business Models.

When we were discussing the manner in which production overhead was to be incurred and charged in the environment created by the Preliminary Specification. The contrast to what exists today is striking. Each producer has to develop their organization with the capabilities to process lease rentals, production accounting, royalty accounting and the various other production related overhead expenses inhouse. These costs are incurred whether there is production or not. This is one of the reasons that the marginal production is not removed from the marketplace. The need to cover off these costs at all times is a necessity. Under the decentralized production model that is used in the Preliminary Specification the costs associated with shutting-in of production are the responsibility of the service provider. They will need to organize themselves in a manner where they ensure they are providing the producers with the lowest cost services. Something that will be possible through the leveraging of automation, specialization and division of labor.

If the majority of the accounting and production overhead that is incurred by a Joint Operating Committee is being provided by a service provider. Then the implications to a producer will be greater than just the direct costs of these services. What would be the purpose in having office space and accommodations available for these people located at the producer firm? Would it not be more efficient for the service provider to include the costs of their office space in the service fee? Then the costs of overhead for the producer would be sizably smaller from a square footage footprint point of view, and the associated costs that are incurred there. What we will see with the use of the Preliminary Specification is the reduction of the producer firm to key individuals necessary to focus on the competitive advantages of the firm. Those being the land and asset base, and the earth science and engineering capabilities of the firm. Anything else can be provided through a service provider where they are organized to bring the process to the Joint Operating Committee in an efficient manner using the tools of automation, specialization and the division of labor.

The manner in which today’s and yesterday’s post are combined to make the producer’s business model unsustainable are two fold. First the inability to remove the marginal production from the marketplace enables the losses on reserves to occur. Secondly the high fixed overhead costs must be covered by constant production.

By removing the high fixed nature of the production overhead, and other overheads, of the Joint Operating Committee and the producer. The ability to deal with the reality that volatile commodity prices will remain for the foreseeable future is provided to the innovative oil and gas producer. If all producers exercise production discipline then there will be limited need to be shutting-in production once prices stabilize. However, having the capability to deal with the marginal production must be a capability that remains throughout the industry. And that does not currently exist within the producer marketplace. If it did we would not have the current natural gas prices.

What the Preliminary Specification provides the producer firm is the ability to better manage their overhead costs. By using the division of labor and specialization, the overhead related processes are managed much more efficiently and effectively when they are managed across the industry and charged directly to the individual Joint Operating Committees. This enables the producer to control their costs during times of shut-in production by not incurring costs of overhead. Ensuring the costs of capital are the only costs that remain uncovered during times of shut-in production. Overall this provides the producer with the ability to ensure that they incur no loss of earnings on their reserves. In the current environment, losses on reserves are costs that are fixed and have the effect of making the entire field uneconomic. Losses on reserves should be avoided at all times. The Preliminary Specification provides the innovative oil and gas producer with the capability to better manage their reserves in this fashion.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Unsustainable Business Models?

In yesterday’s post I made the claim that the current producers are pursuing unsustainable business model’s. That’s a rather bold assertion and one that will surely be argued or dismissed by those that are currently invested in that generation of producer. So what is it that I mean when I say that they are unsustainable. To detail the difference between the status quo and the Preliminary Specification can not be done in one blog post and as a result this comparison or critique of the current producers business model will take several blog posts under the Unsustainable label.

2012 is over and the verdict in terms of profitability is going to probably read that some companies were profitable as the exception, but not as the general rule. The destruction of capital, as reflected in asset write downs continues with the natural gas business continuing with depressed prices. According to the firms models this was all to have turned around by now. Yet nothing is done to mitigate the over production and loss of reserves. An unsustainable business model can best be described by selling natural gas well below costs for significant periods of time.

In the Preliminary Specification the ability to remove the marginal production from the marketplace and maintain production discipline is one of the capabilities of the system. Through use of the decentralized production model and disposing of the high throughput production model currently used by producers. The Joint Operating Committee is able to shut in marginal production when the prices reach the point where the partners agree the production does not cover the costs of the operation. And since the producers are innovative and have their capabilities available to them through the People, Ideas & Objects Research & Capabilities module they can apply the latest innovative thinking to the property to bring those reserves back into production by reducing the costs of production. All the while the property is shut-in, the overhead that was incurred during production is stopped and these savings are realized during periods in which this or any property is shut in.

The ability to save the production overhead during times of shut-in production is one of the features of the Preliminary Specification. Through an advanced specialization and division of labor the administrative overhead of the industry is reorganized to be more efficient and effective. This takes the tasks and removes them from the producer and aggregates them and reorganizes them based on the processes across the industry. Therefore service providers are organized to provide lease rental services, production accounting services, royalty accounting services etc. In addition these services are not charged to the producer firm itself but to the Joint Operating Committee directly. Therefore during times when the production is shut-in the overhead costs associated with the service provider are not incurred and not billed to that Joint Operating Committee. Leaving the cost of capital as the only costs that are uncovered during times of shut-in production. This is the preferable situation as opposed to incurring a loss on the reserves.

Taken at the micro level the producer maximizes the value of their reserves. Taken at the macro level the market will not be subjected to the wild downward slides in gas prices that have been the norm in the past few years. By removing the marginal production from the marketplace in this manner the producers can employ production discipline and ensure that the marketplace remains healthy for future operations.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Doing the same thing, expecting different results...

… is a sign of insanity. One could argue therefore that our marketing program was a sign of insanity. Launched in September 2012 and focused on the CEO and CFO’s of the top 100 producers in the North American marketplace. This marketing program is similar to the ones that I have been involved in before. Whether that is through my efforts here in People, Ideas & Objects or my predecessor efforts in Genesys Software Corporation. Many times the industry has been approached and the result have been the same. There is a systemic and cultural predisposition for the oil and gas industry to summarily ignore Information Technology when it comes to ERP systems.

So why would we launch another marketing program to only run into the same systemic and cultural predisposition. The expectation, the purpose behind our marketing program, was to document the existence of this predisposition and therefore it was not a sign of insanity as it was not expecting to be fruitful from a funding point of view. We’ll get more into the logic that we would be doing such an illogical task in future posts, but stay with me until we get to that logic.

It is also at this point that IBM saw the writing on the wall in 2005 when they marketed a fairly significant development to their industry leading Qbyte application. When they were faced with the same predisposition in the marketplace from the producers they chose to leave the marketplace and sell the Qbyte application in absolute frustration over the inability of the producers to deal with this situation. I can appreciate their frustration and share their concern. The oil and gas producers will never involve themselves in any development of an ERP system, ever. That leads me to state that they also have an unsustainable business model, which we will also be talking about more in future blog posts.

People, Ideas & Objects face the same situation that IBM faced in 2005. People, Ideas & Objects have however two significant advantages in that we have a holistic vision as reflected in the Preliminary Specification, and we’re not quitting. This might seem futile however, remember the purpose in the marketing program was to document the predisposition of the systemic and cultural ways of the producers towards ERP systems. I now have that documentation. And we can as a result turn to our natural source of funding for the Preliminary Specification and its development, from the oil and gas investors.

Throughout the business community we have seen industries with unsustainable business models refuse to change. And those that have chosen not to change be disrupted by new technologies. People, Ideas & Objects are the technology that will disrupt the organizations that now operate within the oil and gas industry. They are operating in an unsustainable fashion. The alternative is the Joint Operating Committee owned and operated by the actual oil and gas investor. When we move the compliance and governance frameworks from the hierarchy to the legal, financial, operational decision making, communication, cultural, strategic and innovation framework of the Joint Operating Committee we achieve an alignment where speed, innovation and accountability are the result. We also obtain control over the operational concerns of the producer and are able to approach the issues of the day such as low natural gas prices and the shortages of key personnel such as geologists and engineers.

We will be talking more about the unsustainable nature of the current producers business model. We will also be talking about how People, Ideas & Objects provides the oil and gas investor with a means to manage their oil and gas assets. This series of blog posts will discuss the Preliminary Specification and the business model that the oil and gas investor will use, and why they should develop the Preliminary Specification as their alternative to the current producer firm. It’s a time of disruption. The producer will not change and the marketplace has changed.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.