Access Control In the Joint Operating Committee
One of the technical issues that need to be resolved in the Preliminary Specification is the manner in which access control to the data and information is managed in the Security & Access Control module. With the corporate model access control is simple, anyone within the firm can share the information that is developed and used within the corporation. Within the Joint Operating Committee, information may be developed from a variety of sources that specific access control to various members of the Joint Operating Committee need to have. This sharing between participants, or pooling as we call it in the Preliminary Specification, would normally not be permitted in the corporate model as the risk of some proprietary loss would be assumed. Our research has determined this risk of loss is immaterial and inconsistent with the needs of an innovative oil and gas industry. The Joint Operating Committee is the representation of the partnership that has been formed to maximise the profits from the property and assets in which each of the participants share. If a pooling of the contributions can not be conducted it will be because of the bureaucrats managing their turf, not from the loss of any proprietary information. What the Security & Access Control module strikes is a balance between harbouring data and information vs. deployment of the right information, by the right people at the right time.
Politics aside we still have a technical issue with respect to the access control of data and information within the Joint Operating Committees a producer / investor may have an interest in. Organizing around the Joint Operating Committee helps by making it the structure that we are focusing on. We are using the Joint Operating Committee as the basis of determining who has and who hasn't the access control rights. By doing this, it is the Joint Operating Committee that determines who has what type of access control rights. An individual that operates in the oil and gas industry, who uses the People, Ideas & Objects application modules would then be granted the necessary access control rights through the Security & Access Control module to the many Joint Operating Committees that they may be authorized by.
In addition to the specific access control privileges People, Ideas & Objects provide two additional levels of security that offer the producer with additional control. The first is the Military Command & Control Metaphor (MCCM) that was developed in the Preliminary Specification and the Oracle technologies that are used to provide the high levels of security in which all of the modules are operated under. The MCCM provides a means for a Joint Operating Committee to implement a command and control structure over the people that are working within the operation. This span of control includes the service industry representatives when they are conducting some operation. The MCCM includes a definable structure, a Job Order system and a manner in which all operations are documented. Again this structure will span the multiple organizations that the people are represented from.
We have talked about the division of labor and specialization that is used to deal with the various issues in the oil and gas industry. How the producer firm is a highly focused earth science and engineering capable organization. That many of the other aspects of the firm or Joint Operating Committee is sourced from service providers who specialize and bill for their services. These people may also need access to the data and information of the producer or Joint Operating Committee and it is with Oracle technologies that we can provide them with the limited access that they require. With Oracle we can grant that limited access to just the one element of data that they need access too, if that is all that is required. We also have high levels of security and specific access privileges that enable the firms most sensitive strategic and planning data and information is kept secret and for only certain users. All of this information can be determined by reading the Security & Access Control module of the Preliminary Specification.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.