March Business Report
[business report]
As reported last month, March was our first month of actively marketing the Genesys project. A target selection process was undertaken, with specific marketing deliverables and objectives being defined. We selected our target, Petro Canada, and began the slow process of revealing that bureaucracies capabilities. With three months of budgeted time remaining we should be able to complete our overall marketing objectives.
For the month of April specific tasks will include participation at Petro Canada's Annual General Meeting on the 25th. This will be one of the many highlights for the month of April. Other activities will be reported on as they occur and within the specific months business report.
Technical Architecture
I am extremely pleased to report that Genesys was accepted as a project in the incubator of This accelerates our developments by allowing us to join the community and access the resources of the Collabnet software and the large population of independent Java developers.
Licensing has also been finalized for the development of the code. Using the Sun Community Source License as the base, we have published the Genesys Community Source License and created a business model that will motivate the community of developers to join. I believe these were significant developments in the project. Recruiting of specific developers will begin when the funds have been secured.
There has been an increase in the amount of donations being sought. First we are half way through the first six months of 2006, and even though we have not been able to secure any funding, we are ahead of schedule. Secondly we have increased the budget to accommodate the securing of the code development as a paid project. The business model proposed sees the payment of the code by Genesys from the individual developers whom are contracted to write the technology. This will ensure that their are no residual intellectual property issues.
- Revenue to the end of March: $0.00
- Sun Grid The first thing we need is a home for the code. The grid provides everything we need in this instance, and the Grid that I selected was Sun's. At $1 per processor hour, a very affordable way to secure the resources we need. I think that our first years requirements would be amply satisfied with 10,000 hours of processing for the remainder of 2006 calendar year. Total requirement = $13,300
- Ingres Open Source database and part time DBA, Total requirements = $57,500.
- Collabnet. I would like to have a generous budget for this critical tool. Provides the code management, community process, project management and issue management. Budget includes tools, appropriate setup and consulting services. Total requirements = $34,500
- General and Administrative, first 6 months of operation Total requirements = $69,000
- Membership in W3C Total requirements = $9,500
- Project management and development = $300,000
- Total Capital and Operating budget, 2006... $484,000
- Sponsors, producers, and user contributions are accepted.
- Please recall that this community is and will be supported by the producers. Based on an annual $ assessment per barrel of oil. For 2006 the assessment was fixed at $1 per boe per day per year.
- A company such as Encana in Canada would therefore be expected to support the community to the tune of $700,000 for the 2006 calendar year.
- These Monthly Business Report budgets are being proposed on a pay as you go basis for 2006 to support the community and ensure the community develops in the manner that is expected.
- Your donations are greatly appreciated, no donations means minimal work is being done.