OCI Operations Management, Part IV
Petroleum Lease Marketplace
Petroleum Leases are the legal foundation of producers' and Joint Operating Committees land & asset base. And therefore a distinct element of their competitive advantage. As with our other two marketplace modules, participation within our virtual marketplace of Petroleum Leases is of interest to producers and Joint Operating Committees. Those people, vendors, governments and producers that operate within this marketplace are actively creating the data and information represented in the Petroleum Lease Marketplace module. Through the Operations Management module, the producer or Joint Operating Committee can engage in this marketplace to exercise their strategy and employ their competitive advantages. It is here that operations and participation within the marketplace can be enacted with the decisions and actions they deem necessary.
The module organizes unimpeachable, standardized, objective, business, operational and technical data into one location. This is for making decisions and taking appropriate actions. There are many sources of information both public and private scattered throughout producer organizations. The same data resides in disparate systems and accessibility is not always available as expected. This module is to eliminate redundant and / or incorrect data being produced. This is where the right people have access to the right information, with the right authority at the right time. This is at the right location and on the right device. To approach this from a system wide perspective of the industry, where each individual producer's makeup is fundamentally unique, with different systems, containing different information, serving different needs would be an impossibility. What is similar in this Operations Management module is that the data, information and systems needs of each producer are all consistent. This is not part of their distinct competitive advantage. Therefore to approach this from a rebuilding of the industry perspective as People, Ideas & Objects et al are. Standardization of data and information, but also systems becomes a possibility that would otherwise be unattainable and certainly untenable. A rebuilding that uses the industry's administrative and accounting resources on a shared and shareable basis. Where the costs to build this infrastructure are shared across the industry and standard, objective systems are available in return.
Which brings us to the larger question of what People, Ideas & Objects are doing? What is necessary to mitigate oil & gas issues? What is needed to resolve the high overhead costs of the industry? What is necessary to present a platform that the industry needs to rebuild itself into the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable industry it is supposed to be? Ensuring that North America achieves profitable energy independence everywhere and always. This is certainly not liable to be done based on what the systems approach has been in the past. And to further that point, what is operating within the industry today that can be considered valuable and worth saving? An industry that has destroyed itself. The arm’s length distance that we can maintain by making the Preliminary Specification is the necessary rebuilding of the industry into the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable industry that we need. It will be much simpler and quicker to do from a clean slate. Uncontaminated by its past failed culture and legacy of “muddle through.”
From my perspective active producer participation is not an option but there will be many who may choose not to participate. Whether that is individuals or producers they’ll have their reasons and we can’t please everyone. If they’re towards the end of their career or their firm is facing difficulties it would be understandable. What we’ve done is introduced mechanisms where everyone can participate and yield some monetary benefit as a result of their participation in this effort. From our Profitable Production Rights, our user community and their service provider organizations, producers attain far lower overheads through the sharing of administrative and accounting infrastructure through our Cloud Administrative & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service. Secondly, they’ll have our price maker strategy ensuring that the marginal cost of any production is covered. To produce only profitable oil & gas production, everywhere and always. Each of these has substantial monetary and value benefits to participating producers. Participating in benefits both the oil & gas and the Information Technology industries. Alternatively what reason will be provided to producer investors as to why a producer is not involved in enhancing organizational profitability? And what alternative investment are they proposing that provides a better return on investment?
Therefore the Operations Management module is the core of where a producer can manage and implement their distinct competitive advantages of their land & asset base and coordination of the markets of earth science & engineering resources. This demands that both feet be placed firmly in this future so that the sinking of the current industry doesn’t pull everything down with it. To hedge one's bets or to await the results of others' efforts may be possible. However, I think those producers that hedge may be left behind as the industry's trajectory accelerates. Those that hedge or wait may not comprehend the new dynamics, its next iteration or compete with those that participated.
To suggest that a wait and see strategy might be appropriate to determine if this initiative is successful is a mistake. There won’t be anything that will or could be tried again. Officers and directors of the producer firms have left it far too long for me to establish the Intellectual Property of the Preliminary Specification as the only viable option within the industry. After decades, 2023s natural gas prices have proven they have no alternative plans and no idea what it is they’re even doing. Any future initiative will need to avoid the Intellectual Property contained within the Preliminary Specification and its derivative works. Time has been consumed that could have been used more productively. All due to their “muddle through” and “do nothing” strategy and operating procedure.
Profitable Production Rights
As with the service industry experience during COVID, producers have shown their understanding of business extends to the closest group to them that has money to cover their costs. At one point the service industry became the preferred choice and was hollowed out by producers not paying them for 18 months. SLB and Halliburton left the continent to pursue global opportunities. Domestic suppliers were relegated to cutting up their equipment for scrap metal and selling horsepower to other industries to pay their bills. Investment capital and banking are foreign concepts in the service industry as one could imagine. The producers' reputation has been sealed by this bureaucratic configuration. The need for capital in the service industry will have to be undertaken by them on the basis of "producers broke it, producers will need to fix it” out of the goodness of their hearts, philanthropically. This was the experience of ERP systems vendors in the early 1990s. And since then the oil & gas ERP industry has been unable to raise capital as we can't prove how earnings could come about with producers operating in the manner that they do.
People, Ideas & Objects have always sourced our revenues from oil & gas production. This has been a futile exercise that we’ve failed to overcome as we actively disintermediate the industry. The upside has been that we’ve proved that the industry has existential issues associated with the current organizational structure and management. And the only way forward is to stop using today's methods. The Preliminary Specification is the only oil & gas specific ERP application proposed to be built on a tier 1 provider, Oracle Cloud ERP. It is distributed to all producers through our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service. Therefore novel methods of funding need to be developed to finance the development of the Preliminary Specification to build it. Profitable Production Rights maintain the direct source of proceeds from oil & gas production.
We therefore developed the Profitable Production Right which provides its rights holder with the ability to license a producer with exclusive access to the People, Ideas & Objects et al Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service for one BOE/day. Profitable Production Rights hold exclusive access to these services as they finance and build the facility. We believe that the Preliminary Specification provides Profitable Production Rights holders with two advantages. To participate in the oil & gas and IT industries simultaneously by providing access to the Preliminary Specification. This is the only system that offers the means to produce oil & gas in North America profitably, everywhere and always. It’s not enough to own the oil & gas asset anymore, it's also necessary to have access to the software that makes the oil & gas asset profitable. Secondly we believe that as a result of our Intellectual Property and the market situation we are the only system alternative that has identified these issues and built a solution to them. Therefore, Profitable Production Rights gain a material value proposition in the form of a production right. This allows a producer to have the contracted boe / day processed through the Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service. Only Profitable Production Rights owners have access to the software and service. They can license, transfer, assign and market their Profitable Production Rights based on the market established for those rights. Rights holders will negotiate with producer firms their share of this value proposition.
It is therefore imperative that each producer in their Operations Management module has the means to secure the appropriate amount of Profitable Production Rights in order to manage their production profile. This will be part of the Petroleum Lease Marketplace section of the Operation Module as an element of that market.
Areas of Mutual Interest
Defining the producers' or Joint Operating Committees agreed to commitments in terms of their Areas of Mutual Interests in graphic form. A producer can monitor and control their land position with their working interest partners through the Petroleum Lease Marketplace. If an AMI is established in an area that is expanding they need to know what their obligations are and what the consequences of participation will be.
Bringing these to the attention of those with the roles, responsibilities and authority in the Operations Management module from the Petroleum Lease Marketplace module is appropriate. By maintaining operational control with high-quality, unimpeachable information on future obligations and opportunities, producers will not be subjected to unwanted consequences.
Lease posting, bidding, rentals etc.
What is the status of the Petroleum Leases held by producers? Although not an active part of the lease securing or management processes. Providing unimpeachable data and information about the producers' land holdings is necessary for a clear understanding of their competitive advantage.
Furthermore, access to public land information will be available to producers. Determine the land position of others, what are the posting and bidding positions of adjoining lands to the producer properties. In addition, what are the opportunities in areas of general interest for other producers?
Market Acquisitions and Divestitures
What would it take for our user community and their service provider organizations to build a market for all publicly announced properties and divestitures of firms and agents in the industry? To have this data and information organized as a single source of searchable information. This is where discovery, serendipity and spontaneous order would bring about new opportunities on top of what’s already available and conducted in the industry. As a shared resource the robustness of this service would be exceptional. What could be undertaken from a systems development point of view by one individual producer would not be worthwhile as the costs would outweigh the benefit and make the expenditure uneconomic. Spontaneous order and serendipity need to be restored to increase industry dynamic. When people find one another through sales and purchases that were previously unknown, more business and innovations will develop. New markets can be created and value generated innovatively.
Performance Management
To resolve many of the difficulties in oil & gas today. It is necessary to add financial performance based on the actual, factual accounting information of the property. This is in addition to the operational and technical data aggregated within this Operations Management module. Delivering it to decision makers within producer firms and Joint Operating Committees. To be able to rely on this information as the undisputed truth of the property's performance will add clarity and precision to industry decisions. With the implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT), as discussed earlier in this module, monitoring and controlling operations will be considerably more remote. Therefore, based on the decisions made from these three distinct sources of information, the producers will be able to become dynamic in ways that were never imagined before.
Partnership Accounting
There are two distinct modules based on accounting within the Preliminary Specification. Partnership Accounting and the Accounting Voucher are used to report for the producers and Joint Operating Committees, and to capture data and transactions. The two critical aspects that differentiate accounting between what is done today and what is proposed in the Preliminary Specification are that financial statements are provided for each and every Joint Operating Committee and overhead costs have been converted to variable instead of fixed. These financial statements are based on the actual costs of the property. They include an allocation of capital in the form of depletion that allows the property to compete for capital on the North American capital markets. Secondly, overhead is the actual overhead incurred by the property. There are no overhead allowances as the Preliminary Specification has converted the producers' fixed costs of accounting and administrative capacities and capabilities into the industries' variable costs of accounting and administrative capabilities and capacities. Variable based on profitable production. Providing the producer with the ability to shut-in any unprofitable production, as determined by the detailed financial statements for the property, which if it is shut-in it will incur a null operation, no profit but also no loss, to maximize their corporate profitability and achieve many other monetary benefits.
What may become obvious to many readers is that this is a different environment for accounting resources. We no longer just record transactions and report on them. If we refer back to the beginning of this module's description we find that the “pull of data” and “push of instruction” from the Internet of Things will have severe implications on oil & gas accounting. The volume of data will be unprecedented at any point in the industry's history. If we’re to obtain the benefits of automation and turn the computers to begin working for us then we’ll need to grasp this opportunity on a holistic scale and implement it broadly. Not everyone fits into this redefinition, however the future of the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas industry depends upon it.
This vision cannot emerge spontaneously. There is no such thing as spontaneous order in a world where software and global markets operate. The Information Technology infrastructure exists and businesses and industries must ensure that they implement and realize the benefits. Otherwise others who can operate in this environment will leverage the opportunity to their benefit. As a result of their obstinance, the producers' officers and directors have already lost all Intellectual Property rights related to the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification. We are the only ones capable of providing North American producers with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations. How else could anyone do so? It would take, as I did, a decade of research to figure out another method to do so. Whoever would have the additional difficulty of avoiding the Intellectual Property within the Preliminary Specification. The fun part comes when officers and directors' indifference persists for another dozen years or more. This is to make sure their investors have nothing left to lose.
Financial Statements
For purposes of the Operations Management module the producer will be able to view the makeup of their organization from any perspective they need. Having the ability to aggregate the specific Joint Operating Committees they desire to get a more holistic view of the larger asset to evaluate. These Financial Statements will enable the user to analyze the costs incurred against what’s planned and expected from their operational and technical sources of information. Reconciliation of these three sources of data and information may lead to previously unknown unknowns.
While marginal commodity prices may occur these financial statements would show the progression towards any unprofitable operations. It therefore provides a window for the Joint Operating Committees to determine when the threshold of potentially falling into a period of non-production due to the lack of commercial operations begins. As a result of the early foresight provided, those who may have to shut-in production will be able to examine their costs and determine with these modules three sources of data what a creative and appropriate plan might be for the property. To return it to profitable production by increasing its production, reducing its costs or enhancing its reserves. Limiting the time the property is shut-in and providing the time to more effectively plan and consider what may be the most effective method to return it to production.
Pro-forma Worksheet
Sketching out a what-if scenario based on the actual historical situation is the general purpose of any pro-forma worksheet. "What if we changed this” and would that make a material enough change to make the property commercially viable again? Will provide historical data that sets the scenario on a factual basis that will ensure that uncertainty is eliminated. The implication of any changes to the financial statements can be difficult to understand in the full scope of comprehensive operations. This is due to the pro-forma following the accounting methodology used in the preparation of the financial statements. The implementation of any pro-forma changes will follow and show the full implications of these accounting methods and therefore mitigate any surprises that the accounting world springs onto its users.
The Partnership Accounting module provides comprehensive accounting information. Whether it's Oracle Cloud ERP related information or People, Ideas & Objects' oil and gas integration. This information is available to authorized Operations Management module users. It is structured to provide the producer firm's performance and drilled down to the individual Joint Operating Committees or any combination of those. I hesitate to suggest that this information can be catered to in revised formats that meet any specific user's needs. That runs counter to its purpose. We strive to represent financial performance from the perspective of capital markets. Having ad-hoc reporting would be advantageous if it did not distort financial performance to make things appear better than they actually are. Therefore, Operations Management modules users must have their requirements addressed by our user community. This is to verify that they’ve implemented and prepared the software and services they wish to see, as well as to ensure that financial integrity is maintained in any ad-hoc reporting. In any scenario, capital markets will be the priority for the property's financial performance.