OCI, Request for Proposal, Part III
Organizational Constructs
Key to the Preliminary Specifications value proposition is its alignment to seven different Organizational Constructs that convey an understanding and common sense approach to how the Preliminary Specification operates. These Organizational Constructs consist of the Joint Operating Committee, encouraging and facilitating the expansion of Specialization and the Division of Labor. They also include Professor Paul Romer's non-rival costs, Intellectual Property, Innovation, Markets and Information Technology. Developers and users of the system will default to these constructs for process definitions, frameworks and methods. Therefore, they will be able to understand what should be done and the consequences of it. To enable all stakeholders in the greater oil & gas economy to focus on providing a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable producer.
Professor Richard Langlois believes business is in transition. What Adam Smith described as the “Invisible Hand” of the marketplace, Professor Alfred Chandler hypothesized the “visible hand of management” had replaced it in his 1977 book “The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business.” Professor Langlois wrote in his paper “The Vanishing Hand: The Changing Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism.” And features prominently in his June 2023 book “The Corporation and the Twentieth Century, The History of American Business Enterprise.” Within the paper and book of Professor Langlois is the discussion of market supporting institutions to enable the transition from managerial capitalism back to the dynamics of the marketplace. To suggest that this is a natural process that happens with no thought or influence is incorrect. These market-supporting institutions need to be in place for the transition to occur. These seven Organizational Constructs, and the seven frameworks of the Joint Operating Committee are market supporting institutions the Preliminary Specification has recognized and implemented in Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas.
In a related matter, I would argue managerial capitalism has waned across the economy and is the primary reason why it has become susceptible to disintermediation. Professor Langlois writes in his book.
For Chandler, the revolutionary change after 1840 was the newly abundant availability of coal as a powerful energy source. Coal made possible an unprecedented scale of production that slowly destroyed the small-scale market-based system and called forth the modern managerial enterprise. p. 3
To which I would add, 10 to 25 thousand man hours of mechanical leverage in each barrel of oil equivalent have contributed substantially to economic performance. It is therefore reasonable to ask, what contribution above and beyond the value realized from the enhanced mechanization of our economy was achieved by management? Are they claiming that the innovative developments since 1840 in the use of these three sources of energy were a result of management efficiency? If that is the case, why has their performance ceased to generate that value? Would it therefore be valid to claim the Soviet Union's hyper managerial system should have been more productive than ours?
The Joint Operating Committee
The first Organizational Construct that contributes to our value proposition is the Joint Operating Committee. This is the key organizational construct of a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas producer. The Joint Operating Committee is the industry's legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, innovation and strategic framework of the industry. When we move the compliance and governance frameworks of the producer firm away from the hierarchy and into alignment with the seven frameworks of the Joint Operating Committee, we’ll achieve increased organizational speed, innovation, and accountability among producers. Continuing on with the theme of “what, how and why” we do that, these are some of the advantages gained.
Adoption of the culture of the oil & gas industry in the form of the Joint Operating Committee is one of the fundamental changes in our ERP system. By doing so we’ve changed everything done in oil & gas administration and accounting and reconfigured it around what is unquestionably its cultural method of operation. Creating an opportunity to solve these issues and take this once in a lifetime opportunity to move back to the more natural flow of the oil & gas business. This is focused around the Joint Operating Committee's seven frameworks.
Our research taught us that when compliance and governance are aligned with operational decision-making, accountability results. This is intuitively understood. We believe this to be a source of conflict throughout the oil & gas industry. This creates an atmosphere and culture of unaccountable decision making. The contradiction occurs when operators assume the responsibility of managing the Joint Operating Committee. This is based on the need to have the requisite capabilities available to conduct the necessary field operations. The Joint Operating Committee holds operational decision-making authority. This is then delegated in the Operating Procedure to an operator based on voting by its producer participants. A threshold percentage is established for any decision to be passed. Let's assume 60% is the required percentage for approval and the operator has a 33% working interest. Decisions are then made on this basis, AFE’s are issued, funds are spent and the initiative fails. Who’s responsible and who needs to be accountable for the difficulties? We believe this to be the root cause of a related issue we identified in our discussion regarding Specialization and the Division of Labor. When producers have never been held accountable for the day-to-day individual field decisions during any period of their tenure at the producer, why would they then be held accountable for any decisions when they’ve assumed officer or director roles in the firm? Just “muddle through.” It is the industry culture developed over the past six decades that underpins this unaccountability. In its place a culture of excuses, blaming and the generation of what we call viable scapegoats is the product of this lack of accountability. To resolve this the Preliminary Specification aligns and implements the Compliance & Governance module to the operational decision making framework of the Joint Operating Committee. This is to establish an organizational culture of accountability for decisions.
The next point is related to the accountability issue and to other issues around resource restrictions in the earth science & engineering resource supply. Professor Richard N. Langlois was an extensive source of primary research we used throughout the Preliminary Specification. His research is in industrial and innovation economics. He raises what he calls the agency issue or rights assignment problem in his working paper “Modularity in Organization and Technology”
The question then becomes: why are capabilities sometimes organized within firms, sometimes decentralized in markets, and sometimes coordinated by a myriad contractual and ownership arrangements like joint ventures, franchisees, and networks?
Explicitly echoing Hayek, Jensen and Meckling (1992, p.251) who point out that economic organization must solve two different kinds of problems: "the rights assignment problem (determining who should exercise a decision right) and the control or agency problem (how to ensure that self-interested decision agents exercise their rights in a way that contributes to the organizational objective)." There are basically two ways to ensure such a "collocation" of knowledge and decision making: "One is by moving the knowledge to those with the decision rights; the other is by moving the decision rights to those with the knowledge." (Jensen and Meckling 1992 p. 253). p. 27.
Oil & gas has a looming crisis in its ability to source the appropriate level of engineering and geological resources available to it. This is due to retirements, low numbers of graduates, each barrel of oil produced demands an increased level of science involved in its exploration and production. In addition, it demands high production throughput. People, Ideas & Objects therefore questioned whether each producer firm could continue to establish the full suite of their in-house earth science & engineering capabilities and capacities at the level necessary to meet all of their needs, just-in-time, on a go forward, commercial basis. This would be particularly difficult when the solution to the resource shortfall can only be resolved by a revised specialization and division of labor. All producers would be unable to commercially sustain the burden of a full suite of operator capacities and capabilities with such diverse scientific and engineering demands. This is after specialization and the division of labor. And therefore we concluded that the control or agency problem would need to be resolved on the basis of knowledge being transferred to where decision rights were held. It is specifically in the Research & Capabilities, Knowledge & Learning and Resource Marketplace, but also throughout all of the modules of the Preliminary Specification that we’ve moved the knowledge of each participating producer in a Joint Operating Committee into alignment with its operational decision rights. Where it is then possible to pool the available and specialized technical resources of the producer members of that Joint Operating Committee, or available in the specialized market.
A secondary point I would raise is the definition of capabilities. Professor Langlois defined modularity in his paper “Modularity in Organization, Technology and Society”.
This is the basic modularization of the market economy. It accords well with the modularization G. B. Richardson (1972) suggested in offering the concept of economic capabilities. By capabilities Richardson means "knowledge, experience, and skills" (1972, p. 888), a notion related to what Jensen and Meckling (1992) call "specific knowledge'' and to what Hayek (1945) called "knowledge of the particular circumstances of time and place." p. 27.
To which we've suggested that “ideas” be added to that list. Professor Carliss Baldwin also notes that “knowledge begets capability and capabilities beget action.”
What will become of the oil & gas earth science & engineering related capabilities and capacities now that officers and directors have committed their future to clean energy? Renouncing shale and casting it to the back of the bus where no one will see or hear from it again. Shale being the most advanced science the industry has ever seen or developed. Shale technologies will develop no further, atrophy or be cast adrift. I’ll reiterate that People, Ideas & Objects have a plan to make shale commercial in the energy independent North American market. This plan is the Preliminary Specification. Shale is a critical and highly necessary element of North America's energy independence.
Officers and directors of producer firms have to stop reading tea leaves about what investors want. Investors want profits everywhere and always, and that is all. With their contrived positioning of clean energy and environmental concerns I would ask what is it in oil & gas that will be the new frontier if it is not clean energy? Offshore, the Arctic, conventional, heavy oil, shale or any of the other areas producers previously renounced as commercially viable? It is this focus on clean energy that will do more damage to the industry and seal the fate of existing producers. What message is communicated to oil & gas investors or related service industries? Let’s assume the service industry is looking for capital for a driller to build a drilling rig. Their potential investor’s first question is "why? Producers aren’t focused on oil & gas, it's clean energy.”
In a related manner, if investors haven’t seen any effort by the officers and directors to make shale commercial, don’t see producers investing in their organizations' profitability or remediating any of the damages, what message does that send?
People, Ideas & Objects have repeatedly stated that each BOE provides 10,000 to 25,000 man hours of equivalent labor. This is 28 to 71 times the world's population. Producers' capitulation of shale resources should be seen as irresponsible when we understand that it's the world's most powerful economy that is the largest energy consumer. Why aren’t officers and directors seeking to make shale profitable and accountable by adopting the Preliminary Specification? It's for reasons like these that people elected to boards of directors are given such responsibilities. Selling energy consumers the immense value they gain from oil & gas and taking the political high ground away from government actors and environmental groups.
In terms of alignment with the industry's legal framework. The Joint Operating Committee is the representative organization for the partnership between producer firms on oil & gas properties. It is the standard method by which industry operates and all agreements and understandings are based on the work done through these joint ventures. It is rare that a producer firm has a 100% interest in a property. The diversity of producers in these holdings is necessary to mitigate financial risk and regulatory requirements that require specific land holdings etc to drill and produce. Current accounting systems report on Joint Operating Committee activities however People, Ideas & Objects et al have expanded the accounting and administration of these organizations to the level of stand alone reporting entities. Producing detailed, actual, factual financial statements each month for each Joint Operating Committee. Including detailed actual overhead costs. As a result, we can evaluate the property's performance based on its actual cost. This is what North American capital markets expect. By ensuring that each Joint Operating Committee remains profitable by not overproducing or engaging in unprofitable production based on low commodity prices.
It is through our user communities individually owned and independent service provider organizations that we enable many of the value-adding features of the Preliminary Specification. Service providers are the reorganization of producer administrative and accounting resources into process-focused organizations. Focusing on one process and managing it for the entire oil & gas industry. There may be one lease rental payment processor that ensures all lease rentals are paid on time. The lease rental is charged directly to the Joint Operating Committee in addition to the service provider fee. An ancillary benefit of this reorganization is that the process management conducted by the service providers is standardized and objective in nature. Objective in the sense that no one producer firm dominates the software development process definition. The objective of People, Ideas, & Objects is to identify through our user community and industry participation the full scope of processes management.
The need to have standardized accounting is necessary from the point of view of having industry rely on the accuracy of these methods. Objectivity is achieved because producing data and handling distinct circumstances is counterproductive in view of global dependence on data and process methods. Consider the process of balancing production data across the month, across a gas plant processing 1 bcf per day. Consideration of the specific location elements, regulations and needs of the property and industry as standard and having them captured in the software is necessary for this reason. By following this strict interpretation, when a property is reported as not profitable using Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas' standard and objective accounting, it will be clear that the property is not profitable. The producers in each of these Joint Operating Committees will understand it is in their financial interest to shut-in the property for the short term. They’ll know the property was assessed on the same basis, under the agreements in the Joint Operating Committee, as all the other oil & gas properties throughout the continent. They'll be satisfied with standard and objective accounting understanding. And be satisfied that the determination of profitability or loss was the same that was applied across the continent. Producers will understand the impact on their organizations' profitability of shutting-in unprofitable properties. Their influence on their innovative processes, determining and applying these standard and objective methods and governing themselves accordingly. To increase property performance and value by producing only profitable properties and by innovating within that framework and understanding.
Overhead in the form of service providers fees for administration and accounting services are charged directly to the Joint Operating Committee by each service provider. If a property has been shut-in then no data is produced and nothing flows through our task and transfer system to the service providers. No process management is conducted by them when properties are shut-in and hence no billings will be rendered to the Joint Operating Committee. There is no profit or loss associated with the property's operation. The Preliminary Specification makes all producer costs variable, based on profitable production.
The benefits of doing business in this manner are substantial.
- It enforces production discipline across the industry for the first time when producers learn that corporate profits are highest when only profitable properties are produced. Dilution of earnings from losses on properties will no longer occur.
- They’ll retain their reserves for a time when they can be produced profitably.
- Those reserves will not have to carry and recover the costs of any additional losses.
- Keeping the commodities as reserves instead of prematurely incurring the costs of production and storage.
- Commodity prices find the marginal cost when unprofitable production is removed from the market. Marginal prices are realized for all properties across North America.
- Producers argue this is collusion. However making independent business decisions at the Joint Operating Committee based on detailed, actual, factual, standard and objective accounting that determines profitability is not collusion.
- Markets provide one thing and only one thing, the market price.
- While properties are shut-in producers can innovatively work the property back to profitability.
- Is the only reasonable and fair means of production discipline. Capital discipline used by producers today is a very dull, ineffective instrument.
- Service providers overhead costs are incurred by the Joint Operating Committee, determining the cost of the property, which further defines the profitability threshold.
- Therefore overhead costs are captured from the consumer in the current period to establish a real cash float. Whereas today overhead is capitalized and the cash incurred is returned only after decades of depletion.
- Building, maintaining and managing administrative and accounting capacities and capabilities through service providers at the industry level eliminates the costs associated with each producer continuing to build, maintain and manage these capabilities in an unshared and unshareable manner.
It's no longer enough to own oil & gas assets. It’s also necessary to have access to ERP software in the form of the Preliminary Specification which makes oil & gas assets profitable. We are configuring an industry of successful producer and service industry organizations based on resolving issues that cause systemic failures. These unresolved issues dictate future difficulties. Non-participating producer boards of directors in this initiative will have told their shareholders they’ve opted out of an investment in their organizations' profitability, accountability and performance.