OCI Financial Marketplace, Part III
The “Marketplace Interface”
Just as in the Petroleum Lease and Resource Marketplace modules, the Financial Marketplace uses the "Marketplace Interface" to create a virtual instance of the existing oil & gas financial marketplace. This will emulate the banking and investment communities discussed in this module. Creating an environment where the marketplace capabilities in terms of banking and investment dealing are made available to producers and Joint Operating Committees.
(Please review the video below.)
See also this May 29, 2020 Wall Street Journal article.
Within the “Marketplace Interface” producers can engage banks to provide the medium of communication and transaction support currently available in two separate mediums. With a producer focused on their bank and their representatives, all banking documents will be available in the tabs / tiles that populate the computer screen. Items that are outstanding or at issue with the bank will also be populated in other tabs / tiles. They are a click away from the user's full attention. Users can resolve outstanding issues and transactions with the bank and move onto the next group.
While still at their desk, the next area of concern is the investment group they've been working to finance the producer firm. They've reviewed the firm and have some detailed questions for the producer to answer. Those representatives are included in the virtual meeting and recorded. It seems that the investment group wants to take the firm's offering on speculation. They would appreciate it if they increased the producers' offering by 30%. Such is the way for innovative and profitable producers.
The point of the “Marketplace Interface” is to provide a virtual environment that accelerates producer financial capabilities. If the producer and Joint Operating Committee are to pursue the oil & gas marketplace in the near future, the pace of their operations must accelerate. Demands for more energy will be substantial to attain energy independence. Commodity prices realized by producers will reflect this demand and reward enhanced innovation. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the producer has the capabilities within the financial community to finance this level of activity.
It would seem that the majority of banking and investment costs are fixed. That is there is almost nothing a producer can do to offset the costs associated with these services. And they are usually priced as a percentage of the transaction for loans and investments, or service fees based on banking practices that are global in terms of their competitive offering. Therefore the need to leverage these services appropriately to enhance shareholders' returns should be the key to optimizing the value.
Before we proceed any further we should note that the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification aligns the seven frameworks of the Joint Operating Committee with the compliance and governance frameworks of the hierarchy. This alignment includes the oil & gas industries financial framework as discussed in this Financial Marketplace. Having the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, innovation and strategic frameworks aligned with the compliance and governance frameworks permits the speed, accountability, innovativeness and profitability in the oil & gas industry.
Offsetting as much of the logistical and transaction related costs associated with banking and investment management to the banks and investment managers will enable this marketplace to operate more efficiently. Imputing that the division of labor and specialization will fall within the domain of bankers and investment managers. The fee for their services will be one charge for that service. From a paper “Where do Transactions Come From? A Network Design Perspective on the Firm Theory" by Harvard Professor Carliss Baldwin.
The user and Producer need to deploy knowledgeable in their own domains, but each needs only a little knowledge about the other's. If labor is divided between two domains and most task-relevant information hidden with each one, then only a few, relatively simple transfers of material, energy and information need to pass between the domains. p. 17
Placing a transaction - a shared definition, a means of counting, and a means of payment - at the completed transfer point allows the decentralized magic of the price system to go to work. p.22
By leveraging the marketplace in this manner, it helps to mitigate the increased logistical load on a producer. This is due to the many Joint Operating Committees undertaking their own banking and investment management needs. This leveraging, through the aid of Information Technology, makes this a minor irritant when compared to the benefits achieved when the financial framework is aligned with the other six frameworks of the Joint Operating Committee and the governance and compliance frameworks are also aligned. (Speed, Accountability, Innovativeness and Profitability vs. a minor logistical irritant.) Frederick von Hayek in “The Use of Knowledge in Society.”
The most significant fact about this system, is the economy of knowledge with which it operates, or how little the individual participants need to know in order to be able to take the right action. In abbreviated form, by a kind of symbol, only the most essential information is passed on... Frederick Hayek (1945).
We have noted how banking and investment dealers provided their services to oil & gas producers and Joint Operating Committees through what Professor Richard Langlois calls Transaction Cost Economics. The services were provided at a fixed service cost that was passed on to the producer / JOC as a transaction on completion of the service. The division of labor and specialization of the service was the responsibility of the bank or investment dealer. They were free to organize themselves in any fashion based on a competitive pricing of their services. We want to explore the “Marketplace Interface” a little further and how transaction costs will impact the marketplace for producers and JOC’s.
The whole acts as one market, not because any of its members survey the whole field, but because their limited individual fields of vision sufficiently overlap so that through many intermediaries the relevant information is communicated to all. ...The most significant fact about this system is the economy of knowledge with which it operates, or how little the individual participants need to know in order to be able to take the right action. In abbreviated form, by a kind of symbol, only the most essential information passed on and passed on only to those concerned. It is more than a metaphor to describe the price system as a kind of machinery for registering change, or a system of telecommunications which enables individual producers to watch merely the movement of a few pointers, as an engineer might watch the hands of a few dials, in order to adjust their activities to changes of which they may never know more that is reflected in the price movement. (Hayek 1945, pp. 526 - 527)
With producers maintaining relationships with every bank. This is as a result of banks financing all of the Joint Operating Committees partners in a property. And possibly the same situation occurs with multiple investment dealers. The need for the marketplace to deal with the logistical aspects of finances of each bank and investment house will be necessary. There is however not much of an issue with this method of handling finances. The majority if not all of the banking payments and receipts can and should be managed by People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification electronically. The need to print checks or make physical deposits occurred last century. Another thing that happened last century was the need to manage cash in various accounts. The Financial Marketplace module will provide an “Advanced Cash Management Interface” to enable appropriate cash management to a producer's cash resources.
Another aspect of this marketplace is the topic of discussion and the type of transaction that can be undertaken in the marketplace. With high volumes of activity anticipated in the oil & gas producers domain. (This is as a result of the volume of work needed for each barrel of oil equivalent produced and the associated increased demands on everyone's time. The work necessary for producers to rebuild the service industry, etc.) The amount of travel may be limited in the future with the reliance on the “Marketplace Interfaces” of the Preliminary Specification as a replacement for some of the face to face time done now. If a transaction can be done virtually, the “Marketplace Interface” would be worthwhile to build just for that purpose. Let alone the day-to-day transactions of paying bills and depositing money. People, Ideas & Objects calls our “Marketplace Interface” the ultimate collaborative environment.
The “Marketplace Interface,” Specialization and the Division of Labor
Discussing the capabilities that the producer firm or Joint Operating Committee acquires through the “Marketplace Interface” of the Financial Marketplace module. It is the full scope of the financial capabilities and money management that banking and investment dealers provide. These are acquired through the payment of a fee when necessary. These markets are “thick” and many standards support them. The costs of executing transactions are negligible, or in other words, ideal for the “Marketplace Interface.”
When we think in terms of the boundaries of firms and markets, there is little ambiguity as to which lies in which domain. Banking is banking and oil & gas is oil & gas. Would any producer attempt to provide bank services as a value-added process for its shareholders today? Why would it assume that it could provide a better lease rental payment process than one that can be done industry wide as in the “Marketplace Interface” of the Petroleum Lease Marketplace?
Just as in the Petroleum Lease Marketplace, where the marketplace infrastructure, standards and other market supporting institutions are currently in existence. The marketplace in the Petroleum Lease Marketplace needs to be created. However, here in the Financial Marketplace it already exists and only requires a virtual interface, the “Marketplace Interface,” built to emulate the marketplace. In the Petroleum Lease Marketplace the entrepreneurs need to establish service offerings and provide services to the producers and Joint Operating Committees. In contrast, in the Financial Marketplace that infrastructure, the banks and investment houses, already exist.
Acquiring the capabilities of a bank or a lease administrator through the marketplace is a choice that 21st century oil & gas producers need to make. The People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification assumes that producers and Joint Operating Committees are best served by markets. The producer and Joint Operating Committee are best left to focus on their land & asset base, and earth science & engineering capabilities as key competitive advantages. The majority of the processes that support those tasks can be provided by robust marketplaces.
This manner of operation is consistent with how innovative organizations operate in other industries. It is also wholly inconsistent with the current officers and directors thinking about the oil & gas industry today. Theirs is an attitude that will maintain command and control of all aspects of the oil & gas producer firm. This will ensure that they maintain their “power” for longer. If not for the Internet these ideas from People, Ideas & Objects would not be communicated to like-minded individuals. The officers and directors would be unchallenged. There are distinct advantages to relying on the marketplace for the administration of these administrative processes.
I think we have firmly established that by placing a virtual interface, the “Marketplace Interface” over the financial marketplace we could provide the capabilities of that market to the innovative oil & gas producers and Joint Operating Committees. Having this marketplace would provide access to the "skills, knowledge, experience and ideas" of the banking and investment communities. This would be in an administratively more efficient, effective and timely environment. This is a critical aspect of the innovative oil & gas producer and therefore a critical aspect of the Financial Marketplace module of the Preliminary Specification.
Oil & gas is a capital intensive industry. Access to capital is necessary and primary for producer's success. Without funding, unfortunately, it's just ideas. Unfortunately there are skills needed to access capital markets that are not evenly distributed. These “access” privileges are holdouts of the last century. It will be the strength of ideas and the potential of deals that will drive the motivation of investment dealers in the future. Therefore creating marketplaces where access is open to all parties may be how things will get done. Reliant on capabilities as opposed to who you know.
By accessing the banking and investment community through the “Marketplace Interface” the innovative oil & gas producer and Joint Operating Committees acquire the financing and banking capabilities they need. Allowing them to focus on their key competitive advantages, their land & asset base, and earth science & engineering capabilities. The scope of what is required to succeed in their competitive advantage is broad enough. To expand it unnecessarily into other areas is incomprehensible in today’s business environment. From Professor Richard Langlois in “Capabilities and Governance: The Rebirth of Production in the Theory of Economic Organization.”
Either way it boils down to the same common-sense recognition, namely that individuals - and organizations - are necessarily limited in what they know how to do well. Indeed, the main interest of capabilities view is to understand what is distinctive about firms as unitary, historical organizations of co-operating individuals. p. 17
And that would include areas that are part of the Resource Marketplace module. No producer would own their own drilling rigs as part of their competitive advantage, yet some Canadian producers like Encana Corp. think that is part of their competitiveness. From Professor Langlois in his paper “Competition through Institutional Form: the Case of Cluster Tool Standards."
Industrial economists tend to think of competition as occurring between atomic units called "firms." Theorists of organization tend to think about the choice among various kinds of organizational structures - what Langlois and Robertson (1995) call "business institutions." But few have thought about the choice of business institution as a competitive weapon. p. 1
The “Marketplace Interface” in the Financial Marketplace module of the Preliminary Specification provides a window for the producer and Joint Operating Committee on the banking and investment communities. A virtual world where interactions and transactions are unlimited and undefined. Watching this video from Open Wonderland will provide an understanding of how the Marketplace Interface would operate.
(Please review the video below).
The “Marketplace Interface" and Modularity
What we’ve described so far in the Financial Marketplace is a comprehensive area where the banking and investment communities conduct all of their business with the producer firms and Joint Operating Committees. This would involve not only the day to day payment of bills but also the closing of a major financing. We have also discussed that this would enable the alignment of the seven Joint Operating Committee frameworks, including its financial framework. This would enable alignment with the firm's compliance and governance. The "Marketplace Interface" would be a place where people could get their financial “things” taken care of. From Professor Richard Langlois’ “Modularity in Technology, Organization and Society.”
What is new is the application of the idea of modularity not only to technological design but also to organizational design. Sanchez and Mahoney (1996) go so far as to assert that modularity in the design of products leads to - or at least ought to lead to modularity in the design of the organizations that produce such products. p. 1
Why are some (modular) social units governed by the architecture of the organization and some governed by the larger architecture of the market? p. 2
Professor Langlois has taught us that modularity depends on interdependence and standards. If we include compliance and governance within the standards definition. In addition, the Financial Marketplace with banking and investment capital standards will enable automation and innovation. Modular interdependency reduces the user's focus to just banking. If the user wants to find a P&NG lease, they refer to the Petroleum Lease Marketplace. The Financial Marketplace has nothing for them. Interdependency reduces the interactions between the elements within the modules to simplify the systems within each module. If everything was contained within one module the interdependency would be so high that the system would not function as effectively. Professor Richard Langlois' “Modularity in Technology, Organization and Society.”
In organizational and social systems - and perhaps even in mechanical ones as well - it is possible to think of interdependency and interaction among the parts as a matter of information transmission or communication. p. 5
Lastly Professor Langlois provides us with a clear understanding of what is required in a modular system design. These are some of the guiding principles I am using to write the Preliminary Specification.
An architecture specifies what modules will be part of the system and what their functions will be.
Interfaces describe in detail how the modules will interact, inc`luding how they fit together and communicate.
And standards test a modules conformity to design rules and measure the modules performance relative to other modules. p. 7
I now want to discuss the videos presented. Specifically the one posted below. It has the commentator highlighting the different buildings that he has built, and the terrain that he has set out in his virtual world. Here is how the “Marketplace Interface” will look. Banks or investment houses will set up a building and their people’s avatars will be able to set up demonstrations and marketing presentations for those who may be just walking around the various buildings within the “Marketplace Interface.” When they see something of interest they will be able to engage one of the bank or investment house representatives and begin a discussion of how they could help their producer firm or Joint Operating Committee. Once the relationship has begun the producer / JOC could return and have their needs met virtually by that firm represented in the “Marketplace Interface.”
(Please review the video below.)
The advantage of this is obvious to me, however, it may not be obvious to everyone. This is not technology for technology's sake. This is a marketplace for business purposes. A completely different situation from the current social media experiments which appear to have no business purposes behind the interactions. Within the “Marketplace Interface,” which is full of interactions, the People, Ideas & Objects ERP systems are available for use by parties within the virtual world. If they conduct a business transaction, it can be handled virtually. If they close a deal that can be facilitated virtually within the “Marketplace Interface," transaction management is what makes this video transform from a useless technological experiment to a potential for so much more.
The “Marketplace Interface,” a Scenario
By way of a scenario I want to impart an understanding of how I see the Financial Marketplace module “Marketplace Interface” provides innovative oil & gas producers and Joint Operating Committees with banking and investment products and services.
As the Chairman of the Joint Operating Committee for an area where producers have a mutual interest with five other companies to explore shale gas. After many years of acquiring land and drilling to identify the scope of reserves, these companies have announced a major discovery of significant reserves. 80% of the participating companies voted to undertake bank financing through a general assignment of those reserves. This was to fund the gathering, compression and tie-in to a nearby gas plant. It was approved that these funds could be sourced from any bank that bids competitively for the business.
A specification and a detailed cost proposal have been developed to support the funds application. Two individuals from the other companies who have participated in the Joint Operating Committee will join in making the proposal to the banks. Arrangements are made to propose to 16 banks located in New York, London and Hong Kong next Tuesday through the “Marketplace Interface” of the Financial Marketplace module. Three of the banks have relationships with two of the producers represented in the proposal.
It quickly becomes evident that there are technical questions regarding shale gas and company B's financial situation. Calling upon the geologist for the project and the CFO of company B within the “Marketplace Interface” to answer these questions. This however causes an overrun of the time allotted and sends the other two participants to the next meeting. Eventually one producer satisfied bank A, and returned to the second meeting to find that the same questions had arisen. Contacting the CFO and geologist of company B again and asking them to edit video excerpts from the previous meetings' answers. They will include them in the proposal to satisfy bank B, and move on to bank C and so on.
Days later there are offers from 4 of the banks visited virtually. However, one of the banks' offers stands out from the other three banks, and is accepted by 80% of the Joint Operating Committee participants. The CFO’s, lawyers, accountants and bankers of all participating producers were informed of a closing two weeks away. The closing will be held within the “Marketplace Interface” of the Financial Marketplace module. Scheduling of the virtual signing of AFE’s for the project's commencement will be undertaken once closing is complete.
What this scenario shows is that the alignment of the financial framework with legal and operational decision-making frameworks of the Joint Operating Committee. The decision to leverage the property with debt is appropriate from a business perspective. This scenario also shows that leveraging the property can be done quickly and efficiently. Even though there are more people involved in the decision making process, because of the number of companies on the Joint Operating Committee, the time needed to deal with everything is compressed and exposure to the best deal was obtained with minimal administrative time incurred.
Another Scenario
We invoke the “Marketplace Interface” with the technologies provided to us by Open Wonderland. The open source Java toolkit that creates the collaborative environment we call the “Marketplace Interface.” Sitting on the Oracle Fusion Middleware layer, this toolkit provides our users with simultaneous interaction for the Resource, Petroleum Lease and Financial Marketplace modules. The “Marketplace Interface” simulates a market where buyers and sellers engage, buy, sell and trade products and services. It is the ultimate collaborative environment. The user will have the option to click to create a transaction, an AFE or another form of business. This is based on the interaction they simulate in the marketplace. This discussion details some of the activities within the Financial Marketplace module of the Preliminary Specification.
We fast forward a few years to where energy demand is very strong. Therefore the demand for capital in a capital intensive business is even more difficult. An important element of an innovative oil and gas producer's toolkit is promoting the performance and speed of the company's capabilities. What they want to do is engage the investment community in a discussion around its various elements. To do that they use the "Marketplace Interface" for selling / promoting oil & gas assets and the producer firm itself. It is here within the oil & gas property district that they’ve acquired some virtual real estate. This is to house the distribution of packages and promotion of their properties and company.
(Please review the video below.)
When they’ve engaged a qualified and interested buyer, they provide and execute a confidentiality agreement. Then begin the presentation of the package properties without leaving the marketplace interface or traveling anywhere. Next, an investor wants to know more about the team and its performance over the past three years and their current capabilities. All of this information can be easily compiled from within the “Marketplace Interface” as they are all part of the People, Ideas & Objects ERP system. Whether it be from Oracle Cloud ERP or the People, Ideas & Objects application modules themselves, all of these modular application features interact and operate as one.
Or maybe the shoe is on the other foot, and are in the market to acquire some properties. The ability to shop around the oil & gas property district in the “Marketplace Interface” provides the opportunity to find the right property with less time and cost involved. Producers from around the world are located in the district, allowing potential buyers to search globally and locally. Reviewing hundreds of reserve reports and evaluating formation porosity has its rewards. However, sometimes in a marketplace, it's something someone says that piques their interest in a property. Having this marketplace open on their desktop and available all day would open up a world of opportunity, serendipity and spontaneous order for the innovative oil & gas producer.