OCI Financial Marketplace, Part I
Capital intensive industries like oil & gas have been hit hard by the financial crisis. Capital structures and commodity demand are the two factors causing significant management turbulence. Various issues that have gone unattended to by officers and directors are now causing serious difficulties in conducting normal operations. "Muddle through" believes that with time, economic performance will return to normal. With higher interest rates come higher expectations of performance, a possible recession, and there is no guarantee that commodity prices will rise. There is no real ability for producers to deal with any underlying changes in the business model because they are stuck in a business model that sees them producing at full capacity all the time. Compared to oil, natural gas prices have taken on a second, fundamental and structural repricing through their collapse in the first half of 2023.
The Preliminary Specification aims to provide the producer and Joint Operating Committee with an innovative and profitable business model. The Financial Marketplace module provides the means in which the capital structures are managed.
In the Financial Marketplace module, the primary point is that there are competing interests and motivations in the investing community and industry. And with different strategies being deployed by different partners within a Joint Operating Committee, is it any wonder that the financing of a project can ever fall into place. What the Financial Marketplace module proposes is that instead of the property being funded by several different company bankers, each taking a working interest share claim against the firm. Using the Financial Marketplace module, one bank or consortium of banks would fund the Joint Operating Committee on behalf of all partners. An alignment of bank financing with the legal, financial, operational decision-making, cultural, communication, strategic, innovation, compliance, and governance frameworks of innovative Joint Operating Committees.
Today, achieving that may be a worthwhile objective or opportunity. Due to the financial difficulties the oil & gas industry is experiencing since the 2008 crisis, the Financial Marketplace module attributes are still applicable. What's the reason? At least until 2030, capital demand will remain high, while supply will remain tight, and the most competitive producers will generate their own capital by passing the costs of capital on to the consumer. This is a reasonable approach in a capital intensive industry. The purpose of this module is to demonstrate that dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas producers and Joint Operating Committees can ensure their capital structures are more efficient than what could be achieved with any other system. And their capital structures are indeed competitive in North American capital markets.
A Certain Dissatisfaction
It's the Financial Marketplace module where I throw the cat among the pigeons and discuss bureaucracies' redundancy. When I reflect on past decades, I see the investment marketplace holds oil & gas producers' officers and directors in poor esteem too. Oil & gas investors and bankers are generally dissatisfied and disappointed. The fact of the matter is that with the run up in commodity prices there has been an even more significant run up in production, operations and overhead costs. Despite the price increases, producers officers and directors have not experienced any upside from the price increases. Officers and directors that have provided no upside on 400% commodity price increases cannot provide any upside on further price increases. And it is inevitable that significant financial losses will arise due to any commodity price declines. So there is much to be concerned about when it comes to the current state of affairs in the oil & gas industry management.
Nonetheless, the industry is moving through fundamental changes. One where the earth science and engineering resources needed to discover and produce the base commodities are under increasing demand from engineering and geological sciences. We therefore need to organize ourselves first and foremost for this upcoming challenge. And in today’s marketplace that begins with the development of the software that defines the producer and Joint Operating Committee organizations. Which is offered in the People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service providers organizations Preliminary Specification. The question should be asked at this critical time is, what the officers and directors plan is for the future?
The Financial Marketplace module provides a window for producers to deal with bankers within the Joint Operating Committee. Whether a producer chooses to have each participant maintain their own bank representative. Or, each Joint Operating Committee has one banker for all the producers represented on the Joint Operating Committee. This is a choice provided by the Financial Marketplace module.
Our discussion shows the critical role of the investor in the oil & gas industry's long-term health. To have them participate in the industry again, it will require them to be provided with more innovative tools and opportunities to invest in oil & gas. Earlier it was suggested that a working interest share might be a securitized investment. I think based on the past decades' history, it should be considered that the investment community would have some enhanced tools and interfaces to the producer. This would be done through the Financial Marketplace module of the People, Ideas & Objects ERP software application. After all, it's a marketplace.
The interfaces and tools I am thinking of are not of the statutory type required by various regulatory agencies. These are provided to the investor through the Compliance & Governance module of the People, Ideas & Objects application. The type of interface that I am thinking may be used in the Financial Marketplace module which is more of a marketing style interface. Where the producer markets their investment to the “financial marketplace" to secure future capital investments. Ways to initiate dialog, information transfer and discussion to start the relationship between the investor and the producer.
Alignment and its Benefits
The logistical implications of having relationships with many banks providing financing to one oil & gas firm by way of their participation in many Joint Operating Committees. To suggest that this would make the financial aspects of a producer firm better would be contrary to the reality of a system that provides these types of opportunities. Legal, financial reporting and logistical requirements would be more voluminous. It is fair to assume that the producer firm would need to maintain a banking relationship with most oil & gas bankers. That relationship would include loans, accounts and all bank services. Managing each loan's financial requirements would become difficult. Causing all kinds of administrative and management burdens that would otherwise not be incurred in today's systems.
All of these are done today, albeit on a smaller scale, in most companies. Adding a multiple of volume through automated systems such as what is discussed in the Preliminary Specification makes the prior discussion moot. What is not realized is that the Joint Operating Committee is the key organizational construct of an innovative and profitable oil & gas producer. By enabling the financial constraints of the property to be just the financial constraints of the property and the only financial constraints of the property. The participants in the Joint Operating Committee are free to deal with those financially motivated in dealing with the issues of that Joint Operating Committee. There are no more discussions about “them,” who never attend meetings anyway. When it comes time to make a decision, those with financial interests can make it.
It's not that decisions are taken in the Financial Marketplace module. What this module does is align the financial interests of the Joint Operating Committee so that the decision rights are in alignment with the operational decision making authority. The financial, legal and operational decision making authority resides in the Joint Operating Committee. The alignment of these interests provides the ability to decide on the most appropriate course of action possible. Currently, the muddling of these frameworks by general assignments to banks by each producer, and some nameless and faceless investors, limits the flexibility of the decision making authority of the engineers and earth scientists who are responsible for the property's performance. By focusing ownership and operating resources on the assets of the Joint Operating Committee, consensus can be achieved and decisions can be implemented.
Our discussion of the costs of administering high levels of banking due to using the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the innovative producer is a vital consideration in this discussion. We have two choices to deal with these potentially high administrative costs. We can hire a lot of people, or alternatively we can highly engineer ERP software that the industry will use to deal with the potentially greater administrative burden. A highly engineered software solution, backed by our user community driven software development capability. Such as proposed by People, Ideas & Objects would earn general consensus on how to deal with the issue.
Understanding the marketplace metaphor used in the Preliminary Specification and the discussion regarding bankers and investors, the Financial Marketplace Module would include, but not be limited to, the following.
Joint Operating Committee perspective.
- Banking deposit and payment processing.
- Account reconciliation and analysis.
- Short-term asset reconciliation and management.
- Dynamic working capital determinations.
- Short-term liabilities accounts and management.
- Long-term liabilities accounts and management.
From a producer's perspective.
- Banking deposit and payment processing.
- Account reconciliation and analysis.
- Short-term asset reconciliation and management.
- Dynamic working capital determinations and allocations.
- Short-term liabilities accounts and management.
- Long-term liabilities accounts and management.
- Shareholder equity accounts and management.
- Consolidated Joint Operating Committee working capital.
- Uncommitted consolidated Joint Operating Committee working capital.
People, Ideas & Objects are moving the hierarchy's compliance and governance frameworks into alignment with the Joint Operating Committees' legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, innovation and strategic frameworks. We are doing this to achieve increased speed, innovative capabilities, accountability and most importantly profitability. Speed is achieved by reducing financial constraints and time required for financing in oil & gas.
Speeding up the Process
In a capital intensive industry, financing is critical for producers. In an industry where innovation provides significant value add, and with escalating capital and operating costs, relationships with investors need to be of primary concern in the business. Speed will become a major criteria on how producers will be evaluated in the marketplace. If a producer is unable to perform in terms of competing, or participating at the speed of the marketplace, they will be quickly left behind. Reputation has permanence that is difficult to change. The speed at which they conduct their financing can give them a head start and provide them with the ability to participate at the speed of the marketplace. Maybe they can even set the pace for others to follow. The speed at which a producer can execute would be reflected in the Financial Marketplace module. Transparency in a marketplace is a two-way street. And it is here that the Financial Marketplace module will enable those producers with superior performance to attain a financial advantage.
Our discussion of how one bank would finance all producers within a Joint Operating Committee. This is opposed to today’s method of producers having their own banker. Provides a focus for the bank unconstrained by other properties of the producers, or concerns other than the property at hand. We also discussed, with the technology and automation that is available today, that both the producers and the banks could automate most of the increased logistical banking requirements that this would cause. I also suggested that the disenchanted oil & gas investor might be better served by offering them the ability to invest directly in the property. This will give them the opportunity to circumvent officers and directors. Our standard and objective accounting is based on the Joint Operating Committee, a key organizational construct in the Preliminary Specifications. And these changes, made through the Financial Marketplace module, provide a focus for the alignment of financial interests with the Joint Operating Committee. This will enable us to achieve speed, innovation, accountability and profitability. The alternative is a bureaucracy that has not achieved any upside to 400% energy price increases.
The Financial Marketplace module is one of three People, Ideas & Objects marketplace modules. Which imputes a line of communication and transparency between the financial marketplace and the producer firm that is above and beyond the statutory compliance requirements. It therefore has to be authored by the senior people of the firm who know what they're authorized to state. Some of these current investors who have a direct investment interest in the Joint Operating Committee may source historical accounting data and information in the Partnership Accounting module. Future plans and investments, in the difficult situations discussed, could be published and promoted on the Financial Marketplace. This would meet the regulations requirements for full disclosure. Thereby giving no investor or group any unfair advantage in terms of the quality of information.
The marketplace offers the opportunity to establish significant and rich relationships with investors and bankers of all shapes and sizes. Make no mistake, capital attraction will be based on performance, for which there is no alternative. However, the speed and effort at which a producer raises the funds necessary to develop their assets depends on the quality of those assets. It also depends on the quality of their relationships with the investment community. The Financial Marketplace module helps establish a strong relationship with the investment community. It helps to raise the required capital, align stakeholders' interests and account for these investments. Therefore in a significant way increasing the speed at which producers can approach the oil & gas business.
Speed is Nothing Without Control
The first item of information a marketplace should tell a producer is what an acceptable rate of return is for an investment in oil & gas. This is the criteria all producers should use to evaluate their oil & gas investments. If the rate of return and capital allocation does not exceed the producers expected rate of return then the project should not proceed. There is no more relevant factor or information for producers. Producer discipline and methodology in capital allocation is how successful producers succeed. This is how the Financial Marketplace module incorporates the calculations of return on investment and capital allocation in the Preliminary Specification. What producers need to understand is that providing a return of capital over 20 years no longer qualifies as acceptable, if it ever did. Building balance sheets doesn't impress anyone.
First of all there is no more confidential, in my opinion, information than these calculations. Particularly, capital allocation can be a complex algorithm contained within multiple spreadsheets. Centralizing these calculations within the Financial Marketplace module would be opportune as it's managed by the Security & Access Control module and has general access to historical accounting data. Data elements would therefore be live and provide real time performance. It is important to remember that there is much more to decision making than just numbers. Management discussion, based on calculations, is sometimes important. As a result, robust features for discussion throughout the calculations of return on investment and capital allocation will be necessary. This might best be represented as a blackboard feature of the module.
There is more to the process than just blue sky thinking and numbers crunching. What I am suggesting here is that capital allocation is an art as well as a science. The process needs to be rigorous and thorough enough to ensure that every rock has been overturned and inspected. That process can and should be automated to the highest level in the Preliminary Specifications Financial Marketplace module. It is up to the individual producer to either follow the process or ignore it, just as they do the capital allocation process today. These facilities will be built within the module.
Astute readers will note the obvious contradiction inherent in the Financial Marketplace module. Doesn’t the speed we discussed contradict the deliberate pace of the capital allocation process outlined here? No, that means it shouldn’t, or they should be one and the same. Having the speed described earlier was desirable only if they had some measure of control. Control is achieved through capital allocation. These two forces, speed and control, are in the hands of the firm's management and are reflected in the assets' performance. The marketplace will see this performance and respond appropriately and that will be reflected in the Preliminary Specifications Financial Marketplace module.
Another contradiction might be suggested that with banks funding Joint Operating Committees on a semi-autonomous basis, this will interrupt the capital allocation process and affect the firm's return calculations. That is correct, however they will disrupt it in a positive way. Banks funding the Joint Operating Committee instead of taking general claims against the individual producers would be more motivated and aligned to develop the individual property. Since the producers are using borrowed money to invest in that Joint Operating Committee they are leveraging the producer's investment. An investment that previously yielded an acceptable return to the producer. Therefore the actual return to the producer would be leveraged to the point that it would most certainly exceed the producer's expected return. Leverage is used to benefit the firm unlike the method used today where interest rate increases reveal the chronic abuse of investors but also their bankers over these past decades.