OCI Artificial Intelligence Module
With People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations we have a powerful combination of proposed capacities and capabilities available for the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas industry and producers. Assuming our budget is funded in the future. Which I can only conclude at this time will occur as long as the associated difficulties in oil & gas persist. And therefore I believe our funding is certain. When we add to this the incomprehensible list of capacities and capabilities of Oracle Corporation products and services. Add to these the models and markets built upon the Joint Operating Committee and six other Organizational Constructs of this Preliminary Specification. We will have a strong foundation to resolve industry issues. We will ensure that real profitability is earned everywhere and always throughout the North American oil & gas industry. What, if anything, is offered by officers and directors? And will the cost of their option be less than the trillions of dollars irretrievably lost so far?
'People, Ideas & Objects' identifies three distinct competitive advantages, namely our user community, Intellectual Property, and Research. These are how we earn our profits. We are a commercial operation and we will always be one as we’ve learned, just as everyone in oil & gas has, what real profitability is. Without real profitability there is nothing but waste and atrophy. To do anything in business the first question should be where does the money come from? It must come from a steady stream of profitability to support and sustain the operation. There is no other sustainable source of capital capable of doing so. Spending others' money is child’s play compared to developing and maintaining a profitable business. A culture of profitability has been lost through four decades of oil & gas management methods based on "muddle through."
Introduction to the Artificial Intelligence Module
Within the Preliminary Specification is the Security & Access Control module. This sets out the security and data access requirements for the oil & gas industry. Providing access to the right information at the right time to the right people with the right authority. This is at the right location and on the right device. Two other modules are the Performance Evaluation for the Joint Operating Committee and the Analytics & Statistics module for the producer firm. These modules are tools that build upon the basic data within the Preliminary Specification and Oracle applications. Organizing this data in an integrated manner and permitting two different perspectives of that same data, one from the point of view of the Joint Operating Committee, accessible by each of the authorized members of that property, and the other perspective from the producer firm providing their authorized users with access to their proprietary accounting and administrative data for subsequent analysis.
Recently we announced that People, Ideas & Objects would develop as part of the Preliminary Specification, our own data model. This is a core part of our Intellectual Property. Our data model will be tailored to our user communities' needs and accommodate Oracle ERP Cloud data models. In addition, another aspect of People, Ideas & Objects is the Technological Vision we set out on August 26, 2006 in this blog. It has four components that are in place today, and we feel they provide us with significant differentiation in our product and service offering and will provide real value to the oil & gas industry and producers, enhancing their profitability once implemented. These four technologies include Java, Wireless Networks, IPv6 and Asynchronous Process Management. We are wirelessly connected to both WiFi and cellular networks. Soon we’ll have space-based networks such as Elon Musk's SpaceX StarLink and Swarm networks. As a background, these four technologies enable the Internet of Things (IoT) in an industry based on earth sciences and applied engineering science. Where oil & gas chemical components are measured and monitored in terms of pressure and temperature. The capacity and capability to monitor and control an unlimited number of devices throughout the producer's domain. Java and IPv6 enable addressing capabilities to ensure that the device being sought to monitor and control is the precise device being accessed. Java is a highly secure typed language that doesn’t confuse itself about which variable is which, etc. IPv6 networks may appear to have not been implemented, but that is not the case. They are available through Oracle’s ERP Cloud offering. Since 4G or LTE, the cellular phone network is the most significant IPv6 implementation to date. Cellular phones such as Apple and Android devices are IPv6 based devices accessing network voice and data over an IPv6 network.
As a result, we will have the total historical and proprietary data for the producer firm in the Performance Evaluation and Analytics & Statistics modules. And the historical data of each Joint Operating Committee. Analytical tools to enhance the meaning of that data and generate the necessary ad-hoc information that the user may find of value based on their unique competitive advantages of their land and asset base, earth science and engineering capabilities. Although these will be used in ways that are unique and value-generating for each producer firm. In addition, they will be used by all members of the Joint Operating Committee. These will be a base infrastructure that’ll be prepared and provided to each producer on a continuous basis through the People, Ideas & Objects et al infrastructure defined in this Preliminary Specification.
The oil & gas industry lacks production discipline. Therefore it’s not a business and never will be a business without profitable business objectives as long as bureaucrats remain. Production discipline could be imposed by forming a North American cartel, (illegal) or government production mandates where no one is ever satisfied with their allocation. Or through implementation of the Preliminary Specification. Only the Preliminary Specifications method of production allocation, based on standard and objective “real” profitability will satisfy industry needs. A method that provides for a legal, fair and equitable production discipline. If the property continues to profit, it continues to produce. Otherwise why would you continue to produce if a properties loss reduces the overall profitability of the producer firm, effectively destroying the value of the properties reserves, adding the cost of the ongoing incremental losses to the costs of the reserves, incurring the costs of production and storage of surplus production instead of holding it as reserves and keeping the marginal, or unprofitable, production off the commodities market to ensure they’ll find their marginal prices. Marginal prices for all properties across the North American continent. Markets provide only one thing, and that is their price. If the price offered is profitable, produce. Bureaucrats refuse to listen to prices even when they're negative $40. They claim our method of production allocation is collusion. If making independent business decisions based on detailed, actual, factual accounting of individual properties' profitability is collusion, bureaucrats belong to the former Soviet Union.
We provide the means to instill production discipline across North American oil & gas producers through our user communities service provider organizations. Service providers are a reallocation of existing producers' administrative and accounting resources into approximately 3,000 individual service provider companies. There the service provider will focus on one process and apply that process across the entire industry's data set. It will be at each service provider where the individual processes will be applied on a standard, objective, actual and factual basis across the industry. This will be done due to each of these processes being highly engineered by our user community during the development of the Preliminary Specification. They will also be continuously improved by our user community members to meet the requirements of the industry, regulators and all other stakeholders. As well as the needs of the producers and Joint Operating Committees. Therefore when the time comes to review the Joint Operating Committees' individual, complete and comprehensive financial statements for the month, a feature of the Preliminary Specification. And if they find that a property, for whatever reason, is no longer profitable they can confidently conclude the property needs to be shut-in. They’ll know that every other property in the industry has been assessed on the same objective, standard, detailed, actual and factual accounting basis and as a result each producer can accept that the accounting treatment they received on that property was no different in terms of being better, worse than any other property of theirs or other North American based producers. And therefore knowing that the producer's focus is to maximize profits everywhere and always, any unprofitable properties will only dilute their overall corporate profitability as well as collapse the commodity prices across their production profile, they will appreciate the value of this objective accounting information. They will be able to move the property to their inventory of shut-in properties where their earth science and engineering capabilities can be innovatively applied to rehabilitate the property in some manner to bring it back to profitability. All net positives for the producer and industry overall, but also for energy consumers who will benefit from an abundant supply at the lowest possible cost for their energy.
In summary, this infrastructure we’re building is to provide the North American oil & gas industry with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always. As mentioned, on top of this data we have two modules, the Performance Evaluation, and Analytics & Statistics modules that will provide enhanced tools to analyze this framework for their competitive advantage. Built on the detailed, actual and factual financial data of the operation. Not the operational or engineering data that has been modified or allocated and has no historical financial performance basis as is done today. Each producer has nowhere near the resources, capabilities or capacity to begin developing business process automation. Furthermore, the construction of such a facility would be redundant, counterproductive and wasteful. This is due to the specialization and demands of this environment. However, we know bureaucrats are more than capable of "muddling through" these technical changes. Deliberately maintaining poor quality ERP systems that produce specious accounting with obscure transparency and no accountability have fulfilled their purpose of bureaucratic nirvana.
Through our user community, producer firms will be able to enhance their ERP software. If they want or need changes to their existing systems, who do they turn to in today’s environment, who has authority at the producer, who has authority at the software vendor? In the Preliminary Specification people will only need to speak to the relevant user community member(s). Our users are the only people authorized to modify or prepare derivative works of the Preliminary Specifications Intellectual Property. Our developers are licensed to take directions only from our user community on what to develop. Our developers are otherwise blind, deaf and dumb to everyone else. Our user community members population is approximately the same as the number of service provider organizations they own and lead. They are focused on their area of expertise and are applying their specialization, division of labor, quality, automation, innovation, integration, leadership, issue identification and resolution, creativity, collaboration, ideas, design, planning, thinking, negotiating, compromising and using conflict and contradictions to get to the source of the issues as their key competitive advantages throughout their organization. User community members are the principles of service providers whose role is to provide tacit knowledge as a service. This is in addition to the explicit knowledge captured and delivered in the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specifications software.
Artificial Intelligence
Our user community and their service provider organizations are the intellectual framework of the oil & gas industry in terms of accounting and administration. It would be my hope, and my expectation that one day our user community would provide the industry with software and services that anticipate oil & gas business needs, issues and opportunities on a proactive basis. The Preliminary Specifications software would address industry concerns. Taking a leadership role in the development of administrative and financial systems in the industry. The use of this framework, as I described earlier, is a natural extension of what it could be doing, but most importantly, what it should be doing. Ensuring that oil & gas remains dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable everywhere and always.
The term 'AI' usually sounds ominous, describing the next solution to all problems. I generally agree with this and believe we should put it towards resolving the ominous Y2K issue. But seriously, Artificial Intelligence is advanced automation. Breaking a problem down to its simplest form that is definable and manageable in a reasonable scope can be determined through this tool. This will automate and accelerate human decision making and other higher level processes. Which is a valuable tool in the right hands, and with the appropriate base of data from a historical accounting point of view. If you Google “baby formula” be prepared to be inundated with ads for baby formula from local and online stores. This is a preliminary application of AI and we see the benefits in Google's quarterly profitability. AI is highly dependent on the quality of data. As far as we know, producers' financial information isn't worth the paper it’s written on. The first priority therefore must be the implementation of the Preliminary Specification to ensure that financial data is captured appropriately and in a usable manner. Providing the base level tools for analytical and statistical analysis as a foundation for this Artificial Intelligence module. There is a need to expand this by stating that the data, analytical and AI framework of the Preliminary Specification will be a necessity for the implementation and use of the Internet of Things (IoT). Creating a future architecture where the three can work together.
Moving the Artificial Intelligence for ERP domain within the user community and service provider domain makes sense as a natural and necessary fit. My thinking on this began with the announcement by Mr. Thomas Siebel and his Artificial Intelligence firm C3.ai Inc. Thomas Siebel previously sold Siebel Systems to Oracle Corporation years ago. Siebel Systems is a Java server on which Oracle built Oracle Cloud ERP. C3.ai Inc's purpose is consistent with the ERP marketplace theme. Individual companies can spend vast amounts of money and time internally on ERP systems or Artificial Intelligence with no benefit. This wastes investment and unnecessary demand on critical AI and ERP resources. Mr. Siebel suggests that internal corporate AI initiatives fail 99% of the time. I would suggest that the level of destruction we’re witnessing in oil & gas today is due to bureaucrats' inability to understand their business. This is due to their deliberate atrophy of the ERP systems provider marketplace. If their ERP systems operated as they conceptually should, would the industry be where it is today?
Through the People, Ideas & Objects et al's Organizational Construct of Professor Paul Romer's New Growth Theory. We Will centralize industry resources into Artificial Intelligence-based ERP development. Software development demands are no longer a capability that can be attained in-house to ensure the full scope of the organization's needs are covered. AI is no exception. Therefore the Preliminary Specifications consolidation of the industries resources on one focused development in an objective, standard and compliant manner offers better functionality and capability at considerably less cost to each producer. Oracle has AI initiatives with their Oracle ERP Cloud, the base of our solution, and we will adopt those tools. We should consider including C3.ai as an additional opportunity to leverage value under our shared development costs. I believe that the addition of the AI module's capabilities is a natural extension of our user community and their service provider organizations. It is also an efficient use of industry AI resources. Enabling producers to focus on their key competitive advantages of their land and asset base, earth science and engineering capabilities and do so profitably. Investing time and energy to build ERP based AI capacity and capability once. Sharing the cost of development and this initiative's success across the industry.
But there's more, the demand on AI resources in terms of practitioners would be too high to ensure that any individual producer could attain any level of AI competency or competitive advantage in the industry for ERP-based AI. It would duplicate our user community's capability in this area and answer the question, why is there that 99% failure rate? In a highly risk oriented Information Technological environment, the ability to share risk and mitigate failure rates should appeal.
Yet producers would realize AI’s value based on their intuition and creative application of these business capabilities to their asset base. This ERP-based AI module does not distribute AI to each producer. We'll provide the organization and implementation of successful data integration with statistical and analytical tools and standard packaged Artificial Intelligence frameworks and algorithms. These will be valuable in oil & gas producers' ERP domain. It will therefore be incumbent upon the producers to take these tools, understand their operations and use them in their interpretation and application against their own proprietary data and business makeup.
One of the aspects of the Preliminary Specification is that the administrative and accounting burden of each producer is substantially reduced. This is due to the changes we’ll institute through our seven Organization Constructs. These changes are a result of the burden of producers' fixed, unshared and unshareable administrative and accounting capabilities being reallocated to the industry's variable and shared administrative and accounting capabilities. Variable based on profitable production. Another key attribute that we’re using to reduce administrative and accounting costs, yet increase the performance and quality of our offering is by using specialization and the division of labor to be distributed across our service providers. These two elements of the Preliminary Specification will enhance producers' cost performance. We believe that overhead costs are substantial, and are one of the secondary reasons for producers’ chronic unprofitability. Specialization increases the performance trajectory of service providers' administrative and accounting resources by increasing their capacity with the same or even fewer resources. We also apply this principle to software development. More importantly is the unshared nature of current bureaucratic and redundant spending. The same overhead costs are incurred within each siloed producer organization. The cost of developing and maintaining these capabilities is unnecessary in the cloud era because they are redundant in non-competitive areas of the firm. Producer firms do not have distinct competitive advantages in these areas. People, Ideas & Objects use Professor Paul Romer's "Endogenous Technical Change'' and non-rival goods. As represented in our application of the Cloud Computing paradigm in offering our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software & services.
A key difference between what People, Ideas & Objects have proposed is that the Artificial Intelligence module is properly constructed after business models, markets, architecture, infrastructure, functionality, organization and data are assembled. Officers and directors have been using Artificial Intelligence to enhance their thinking for years. It has provided no tangible results that we can see or know of. In fact it seems to People, Ideas & Objects that AI may have satisfactorily provided another viable scapegoat. This was to ensure investors knew bureaucrats were on the job. Except they have no usable data in the financial realm. Without that data being organized and managed appropriately what purpose is AI? Oracle has recently stated that IoT may increase firm data volumes fivefold by 2025. It may be a good time for the industry to pay attention to financial data and profits. Second, we consistently criticize producers for spending money on initiatives that they consider "the next great thing."