OCI Preamble, Part VI
People, Ideas & Objects et al’s Value Proposition
What if ERP software in oil & gas was no longer seen as an overhead cost but as the business opportunity it is? Which is the perspective that oil & gas producers need to adopt to move their organizations on a higher performance trajectory. There will be no further development of any organization in any industry without software, and most particularly ERP software, defining and supporting an organization's capability to improve its performance. Otherwise we will continue to have the paradox in oil & gas where the status quo is satisfied with the status quo. Therefore, only the status quo will ever be delivered at the tragic costs oil & gas has realized.
People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model provides for the lowest cost of an ERP system in the industry. Distributing software development costs across the industry based on the producer's production profile, plus an element of profit as our fee structure. The industry will only pay for the one-time costs of ERP software development. A fundamentally more efficient value proposition than our competitors. Or each producer incurring costs individually. Our user community will implement Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and services in their service provider organizations. Realizing the substantial cost savings and associated benefits of the cloud computing paradigm.
Where the substantial fixed costs of building administrative and accounting capabilities and capacities within each and every producer organization are seen as a redundant, unshared, unshareable and costly exercise. One in which we believe a producer's overall overhead costs are the secondary reason for the lack of profitability. Turning these non-competitive attributes of the producer firms into the variable overhead costs of People, Ideas & Objects, our user communities and their service provider organizations, who manage a specific process and billing the Joint Operating Committee directly. Turning administrative and accounting capabilities, capacities and costs variable, based on profitability. Overhead of the producer firm and Joint Operating Committees will therefore only be incurred during production, which the Preliminary Specification makes profitable everywhere and always.
Our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service provides these services to all sectors of the oil & gas industry. From this morning's startup to Exxon and Shell. All producers need production discipline when the commodity produced is subject to price maker characteristics. Having the service providers provide our software and their services to all producers so that they can function at the same administrative and accounting capacity and capability. Through this standard and objective means across North America, all producers can interact more effectively. Reducing the heavy and disproportionate burden of overhead that startup and small producers have to carry to maintain the capabilities to function in oil & gas would allow all producers to compete based on their engineering and geological expertise.
People, Ideas & Objects provide this as we are not focused on traditional software company concerns. As a cloud computing, administration and accounting provider we are oriented and focused on the changing business of dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas, and the associated service industries. This highlights the different motivations of the software developer over the long term. In the People, Ideas & Objects case, we are providing permanent software development capabilities. We generate revenues based on industry changes producers communicate through our user community. Our motivation is based on continuous improvement of the software.
In the traditional software vendor’s case they are motivated by their code and customer base. The larger their code base, the more difficult it is to change, which coincidentally does not generate revenue. And the larger the customer base the more costly the changes to each customer. Coincidentally, these changes to customer software do not generate revenues.This paradoxically leads to an increased overhead burden due to their age and size as a firm. Traditional software developers have a contrast and conflict in the dynamic nature of the software itself in terms of its cost to the industry and developer motivation. In addition People, Ideas & Objects uses Oracle Cloud ERP which is the first Java-based ERP system. Therefore People, Ideas & Objects will be the first object oriented ERP system available in the North American oil & gas industry. Providing additional cost benefits over traditional procedural programming languages.
It’s not enough to own an oil & gas asset. Without access to ERP software in the form of the Preliminary Specification there is abundant evidence now that North American oil & gas assets will never be profitable. Regardless of the price of the commodity the officers and directors have failed to act in anyone's interest other than their own. Chronic overproduction continues with evidence in early 2023 of natural gas prices below $2.00. The level of destruction they’ve authored is unequaled in business history. We should note that this occurred while our alternative was offered to mitigate these damages. The faith, trust and goodwill built in prior generations has been destroyed and the industry remains in the hands of those who operate in such bad faith?
Now that there’s money on the table in the form of higher oil prices, actions need to be taken to deal with these individuals and their past destructive actions. We witnessed the foolish abandonment of oil & gas by officers and directors. Where they stated that shale would never be commercial and moved into clean energy. This trend is now reversed, what changed their minds? Why would they now act against what they stated were their 2021 investors' demands? The disingenuousness of these people's allegations of their investors' clean energy demands is captured in this flip-flop alone. The fact is investors want profits everywhere and always. That is all and will reward those who perform. Making up specious stories while you attempted to take oil & gas revenues with you, without authority, was the final straw. With management of this quality it's fair to ask what’s in store for 2024?
Innovation and profitability have been the focus of People, Ideas & Objects since the beginning of this initiative to resolve oil & gas issues. A result of accounting anomalies caused by the 1970s SEC changes and deliberate misinterpretation by the producer officers and directors. For example, the ceiling test is an outer limit of acceptability, not a target to be achieved annually. Where subsequent cultural changes throughout oil & gas led to such ridiculous notions as “building balance sheets'' and “putting cash in the ground.” The fault lies with the officers and directors as we’ve identified since People, Ideas & Objects began in August 2003. CEOs, CFOs, COOs, Directors and other officers are responsible. They control the resources necessary to deal with the issue. They have had the authority to do so and have avoided responsibility and accountability for their actions. They’ve run out of excuses, blaming others and viable scapegoats. They may not have run out, but what they say is seen as such.
- A brief example of their record to clarify their culpability. Each of these specific events is generally known and can be easily verified.
- Investors suspended support for producers in 2015 due to poor performance. Established producers have not raised further capital.
- Investors define specifically what they expect to see in terms of changes and these include the producer's use of a Tier 1 ERP provider. Of which Oracle Cloud ERP is the global leader in. However, their list does not include clean energy.
- Banks then began scaling back lines of credit and debt. Property sales provided cash for some capital programs until the collapse of property market values. Property market values were reestablished during “consolidation” when shares were exchanged at prior inflated property values, not the market values producers created by overselling.
- Officers and directors argued that the Preliminary Specification could not be implemented in 2017. Unworkable due to "shutting in any oil & gas production would damage the formations.”
- Producers began using the service industry to fund their capital programs by extending accounts payable policies for up to 18 months. This resulted in breaking the faith, trust or goodwill in the service industry. SLB and Haliburton left North America. In the past producers would never work with anyone of limited size or scale. Creating for themselves an additional impediment today when nothing is offered.
- On July 4, 2019 People, Ideas & Objects published our White Paper "Profitable North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale".
- Our White Paper was rejected by the producers who had done nothing about their organizations after many years of investors' demands for action.
- Within nine months of the producer's rejection of our White Paper, oil prices reached the negative $40 range and they were forced to shut-in production. 25% of global production was shut-in due to COVID.
- Upon resuming full production no producer reported any damage caused from being shut-in.
- Once oil prices recovered, officers and directors declared that shale would never be commercial.
- In 2021 they announced they were beginning the transition of their organization towards the clean energy industry.
Today we don’t know what business they're in as clean energy is now deemed too early to invest in. Since they declared clean energy too early and shale would never be commercial, what are they doing? What are we expecting from them after four decades of the consequences of overproduction and this recent history?
This is the quality and style of leadership that has and is now responsible for our economies' energy supply. A responsibility they’re unwilling to recognize much like their inability to comprehend the need to earn “real” profits these past four decades. Where will we go next with this bunch?
People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations have painted a viable and profitable vision of how to rebuild the oil & gas economy in North America from the ashes of what remains. We see the destruction, and much of what will happen in the next few years. Producer firms are comprehensive failures of tragic proportions. Not one of these officers and directors has accounted for their actions in the past few years.
Profitable Production Rights
People, Ideas & Objects has solved a funding paradox since we began. Our software development funding needs to be sourced from the oil & gas industry itself. Otherwise, the industry won’t respect it, or commit to it, and only look for alternatives when the opportunity arises. Only when they have some skin in the game can we begin to rebuild the broader oil & gas economy brick by brick, and stick by stick. In order to achieve this we’ve had to seek out those that have the authority and responsibility to decide which ERP provider to use. The producers, officers and directors.
In early 2023 we believe for many of the reasons stated above it is the officers and directors that have self selected and proven beyond any doubt that they are incapable of effective management. Therefore we have developed an alternative means of generating People, Ideas & Objects revenues which indirectly involves oil & gas production.
Profitable Production Rights allow participants to participate in both the oil & gas and Information Technology industries simultaneously. Based on the value propositions identified in this Preamble and available through development of the Preliminary Specification, leveraging these to their benefit. What the rights holder gets exclusive access to Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and services. This is built from the proceeds of Profitable Production Rights. People, Ideas & Objects have claimed that it’s not enough to own the oil & gas asset, it’s also necessary to have access to the software that makes the oil & gas asset profitable. As of early 2023 we believe the Preliminary Specification and the Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service is the only way a producer can operate profitably. Without a Profitable Production License there will be no other means to access these services to process one barrel of oil equivalent production. Oil & gas producers will need to acquire or license one Profitable Production Right for each barrel produced. These rights are detailed in their own section of the Preliminary Specification.