OCI Preamble, Part I
People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations competitive advantage and value proposition is that we provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas producer with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always. We suggest it is no longer adequate to just own the oil & gas asset but also have access to the ERP software in the form of our Preliminary Specification which makes the oil & gas asset profitable. Setting the foundation for the industry to obtain the objective of profitable energy independence on the North American continent. People, Ideas & Objects propose to build this with Oracle, through Oracle Cloud ERP, and deliver to North American producers through our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service.
Adoption and integration of the Joint Operating Committee as one of the seven Organizational Constructs of People, Ideas & Objects and our user communities Preliminary Specification. It is the industry's legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, innovation and strategic framework. The Preliminary Specification moves the compliance and governance frameworks into alignment with the seven frameworks of the Joint Operating Committee enabling speed, innovativeness and profitability in the North American producer firms. The six other Organizational Constructs include specialization & the division of labor, markets, Intellectual Property, Information Technology, innovation and Professor Paul Romer’s “New Growth Theory.” Each of these establish a legal, cultural or structural component of understanding and knowledge for our software developers, our user community and their service provider organizations, to the producers, those that work in the industry and the service industry to operate within and adapt. Aligning these Organizational Constructs within our Preliminary Specifications ERP software provides a resonance with the law, principles of economics and opportunities, particularly from the use of Information Technology such as we have done in extending the conceptual model of Cloud Computing to be offering North American oil & gas producers with our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service.
In addition to the commercial focus of profitable production everywhere and always. People, Ideas & Objects et al provide an overall vision of how the North American producer will face their most difficult and challenging period towards 2050. The demand for capital will be high due to the need to establish and maintain profitable energy independence on the continent. To deal with the rebuilding, refurbishing and reclamation of the infrastructure. Ensuring our energy consumers maintain the most powerful and efficient economy through the abundant, affordable and reliable domestic oil & gas that is profitably produced. Ensuring they realize the full value proposition of the energy produced of 10 to 25 thousand man hours per barrel of oil equivalent. Setting out tomorrow, seeking to “muddle through” by “building balance sheets” and “putting cash in the ground” has turned out to be a financial catastrophe, hidden by specious accounting over the past decades. A financial failure has precipitated operational destruction throughout the secondary industries leading to a potential inability to meet the market's demands for energy.
Industry demands for capital to fuel this future is untenable for any and all sources of capital. Producers have a reputation of unreliability with the investment community. Financial statements continue to be distorted and reflect no capital structure to speak of. Have never been capable of generating the required profitability to generate the profits to meet their capital demands and possibly the most detrimental characteristic of all, have no propensity to make the necessary changes. Profitability is the only means of capital large enough to fuel the needs of this industry's future capital demands. Only the Preliminary Specification provides the necessary structural changes to generate the industry wide profitability.
These are the areas that provide the most significant value increases for the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas producers.
Specialization and the Division of Labor
Our focus on the areas of specialization and the division of labor and how these tools will move the producer firm to higher trajectories of productivity and performance, and therefore reduce the costs of exploration and production in the industry. The need to introduce new and innovative methods, business models and efficiency will be inherent in the culture of the industry, not something that should be resisted as People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification has been forcibly resisted for more than a decade. An elementary, yet highly effective example of specialization and division of labor is provided through this quotation from On Liberty by Thomas Paine.
In order to gain a clear and just idea of the design and end of government, let us suppose a small number of persons settled in some sequestered part of the earth, unconnected with the rest, they will then represent the first peopling of any country, or of the world. In this state of natural liberty, society will be their first thought. A thousand motives will excite them thereto, the strength of one man is so unequal to his wants, and his mind so unfitted for perpetual solitude, that he is soon obliged to seek assistance and relief of another, who in his turn requires the same. Four or five united would be able to raise a tolerable dwelling in the midst of a wilderness, but ONE man might labour out the common period of life without accomplishing anything; when he had felled his timber he could not remove it, nor erect it after it was removed; hunger in the meantime would urge him from his work, and every different want call him a different way. Disease, nay even misfortune would be death, for though neither might be mortal, yet either would disable him from living, and reduce him to a state in which he might rather be said to perish than to die.
What we do know is that today we stand on the shoulders of giants and benefit from a very sophisticated and complex specialization and division of labor. Today everyone in oil & gas has attained skills from education and training, and gained experience from years of working within their chosen field to conduct specialized work. To disrupt this in any fashion without a full understanding of the global aspects of how specialized this work has become would cause failure. At the same time, with the current corporate model proving to be unsustainable, the focus has been on cutting costs. Cutting too deep could have greater implications than what’s intended. The point is that today, to move to a higher level of specialization and division of labor will not be done, and can not be done, without significant and deliberate forethought. The principles of spontaneous order, serendipity and creative destruction have failed to provide any capacity increases in the past decades. We believe software is responsible, or more specifically, the lack of software development capabilities are responsible for constraining organizations. Oil & gas is at minimum a continental based economy. To organize this in a productive, profitable, specialized manner and divide the labor efficiently without the assistance of the Internet and deliberate forethought will limit our ability to progress.
Secondly we have to consider the role of software in society today. If we intend to move to a higher level of specialization and division of labor. Then the software that we use, and particularly the ERP software, is going to have to define and support those changes. Therefore we’re not only going to have to deliberately plan the next level of specialization and division of labor, we will need to build the systems that define and support it first within the software, before the implementation of any changes or benefits will be seen. This is one of the defined benefits of having the software development capability of People, Ideas & Objects, its user community and their service provider organizations. To conduct any form of organizational change demands the software be changed first in order for it to support the revised process. Otherwise the organization will quickly regress back to the process that is defined in whatever software is used. What People, Ideas & Objects considers a modern day software bug.
Review of the Preliminary Specification shows there is a defined restructuring that takes place throughout the modules based on a higher level of specialization and division of labor of the industry. The oil & gas producer is a stripped down version of itself that has the C class executives, earth science and engineering resources, land, legal and minor support staff. And that’s it. The rest of the producer's administrative and accounting needs are provided by our user communities service provider organizations through our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service. Moving the industry from a reliance on the producer's fixed cost, administrative and accounting capabilities to a reliance on the industries variable cost, administrative and accounting capabilities. Variable based on profitable production. And each of these service provider organizations are focused on one process, or one element of a process, that is organized and specialized to manage that process across the industry.
For example, there may be a single royalty payment service provider organization that handles all of the industries Texas Railroad Commission royalty payments. Ensuring producers were always paying the lowest amount allowable of their royalty obligation. Where the cost of the royalties, and the incidental billing cost of the royalty service provider is billed directly to the appropriate Joint Operating Committee. Therefore eliminating the fixed nature of the operators administrative and accounting costs, and replacing them with the variable nature of the Joint Operating Committees administrative and accounting costs. As without profitable production the variable royalty payment process would not be invoked, no service would be rendered, no costs incurred and no service provider billing. This requires the termination of the use of fixed overhead allowances as the variable, actual, factual overhead cost will be known at each of the properties. Enabling an accurate accounting of the properties performance based on all of the actual variable costs of exploration and production.
There are many advantages of moving to a system or methodology such as the Preliminary Specification. Cost and efficiency are just some of the reasons. The costs associated with the royalty payment service providers organization would be a small percentage of what is incurred by the industry today. By focusing on the most efficient way to process the industry's royalty payments, and only royalty payments, that specific service provider would become specialized and reduce their time and effort in doing so, yet increase the quality of the service of administering these tasks to a small component of what the costs are today.
In Adam Smith’s pin factory, his research yielded a 240 fold increase in productivity from the specialization, division of labor and use of mechanical leverage that he made in the process of making pins. Having the royalty payment and other administrative and accounting processes in the industry subject to this type of analysis, complete with the software development capability and our user community of People, Ideas & Objects, similar results in productivity may be attained and continue to develop in terms of leveraging intellectual pursuits. All economic growth that has been achieved since 1776 is a result of the economic principles of specialization and the division of labor. The advancement of machinery employed in this process is how these changes continued to provide value to society. Today the application of software towards automation of our processes will yield similar benefits to what was realized in prior centuries from machinery.
When we consider the current corporate models attempts to provide the producers administrative and accounting needs for all that falls within their domain. And the understanding that is necessary to support those administrative and accounting tasks. The ability to build and maintain that capability and capacity is costing each and every oil & gas producer their profitability. What will come to be seen as an archaic business model will be the way in which the industry is operated today. It has to because it is unsustainable and a more effective and efficient business model based on higher definitions of specialization and division of labor will become the norm through the adoption of the Preliminary Specification. The industry's survival requires it. What we’re doing is moving from a reliance on each of the producers' fixed cost administrative and accounting capabilities to a reliance on the industries variable cost administrative and accounting capabilities. Eliminating the costs of each producer building, maintaining and incurring these non competitive capacities and capabilities in house. This is part of our shared and shareable model that we’re building on the conceptual model of Cloud Computing by providing what we are calling Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas. An example of our Organizational Constructs implementation of Professor Paul Romer’s non-rival costs.
Our Decentralized Production Model & Price Maker Strategy
When we consider the next aspect of this change, our decentralized production model, this assures that we offer the most profitable means of oil & gas operation, everywhere and always. What we've experienced over the past four decades in North American oil & gas is unique in all organizations and of all business history. Although we learned during the great depression the economic consequences of overproduction, and experienced its consequences in oil & gas since the 1980s, no one seems to have explained it to the North American producer. Oil & gas overproduction in North America has been systemic and chronic throughout the producer population and will continue to be without an effective means and method of production discipline being imposed. The history over this period is stark and clear. In the late 1970s the SEC imposed its Full Cost Accounting and associated Ceiling Test requirements on producers trading shares in the American market. These requirements allowed producers to record costs in property, plant and equipment as assets up to the limit of the present value of their independently evaluated petroleum reserves. This allowed an unnecessary flexibility in the financial statements that created distortions since that time. Simply, shifting the accounting from an evaluation of performance to one of value, hence the producer's foolish objective of “building balance sheets” etc came about. This is the mindset of our good friends, the producer officers and directors. What we know of business is that overreported asset valuations lead to commensurate amounts of overreported profitability. Leading investors to rush in to capture those profits and hence a process of overinvestment begins. Overinvestment in the productive capacity of the oil & gas producers leads to overproduction of commodities that are subject to the economic price maker principles and characteristics.
It is this reason that has caused the repeated and systemic collapses of commodity prices throughout this past four decade period. The first commodity price collapse that we can document was during the summer of 1986 when $10 oil prices decimated the industry for the better part of a decade. This is counter to the cultural belief that oil & gas commodities are price takers. These definitions are from investopedia.com
Price maker
A price maker is a monopoly or a firm within monopolistic competition that has the power to influence the price it charges as the good it produces does not have perfect substitutes. A price maker that is a firm within monopolistic competition produces goods that are differentiated in some way from its competitors' products. This kind of price maker is also a profit-maximizer as it will increase output only as long as its marginal revenue is greater than its marginal cost, so in other words, as long as it's producing a profit.
Price taker
A price-taker is an individual or company that must accept prevailing prices in a market, lacking the market share to influence market price on its own. All economic participants are considered to be price-takers in a market of perfect competition, or one in which all companies sell an identical product, there are no barriers to entry or exit, every company has a relatively small market share, and all buyers have full information of the market. This holds true for producers and consumers of goods and services and for buyers and sellers in debt and equity markets.
As evidence supporting People, Ideas & Objects claim of price taker characteristics I make the following argument in our User Community Vision. Officers and directors interpret substitutes to be; if they don’t produce others will, therefore substitution is everywhere. This is not what substitution means. Does it mean that Elon Musk could make it to Mars if he replaced rocket fuel with a hydro dam? Or could we use wind energy to lubricate our crankcase? How about storing nuclear fuel rods in the convenience of a jerry can as you travel outdoors this weekend. And if you’d be able to return alive from your weekend adventure you might make it back to the office in that new solar panel, or pine bark suit you just bought. Alternatively, if bottled water ceased to be produced people would switch to soft drinks, tap water, juice or other substitutes. Any overproduction of bottled water would see inventories swell and the price remain the same, as would the price of the last bottle of water found anywhere in the world.
The connotation of the economic term price maker has caused producer officers and directors to conclude this is collusion. We argue otherwise when the Preliminary Specification uses the Joint Operating Committee and will produce detailed, actual, factual financial statements for each property. Producer firms will definitively know the “real” profitability of each of their properties. A task that is not done today and more importantly can not be done today. And therefore producers will independently decide to shut-in their unprofitable properties to ensure they attain the highest level of corporate profitability. Invoking the necessary industry wide production discipline. Saving their petroleum reserves for a time when they can be produced profitably. Keeping their production and inventory costs lower by not incurring the costs of unnecessarily producing and storing unprofitable production. Ensure their reserves don’t have to recover the incremental costs of their prior losses as additional earned profits. And most importantly ensure that the marginal production is removed from the commodity markets allowing them to find their marginal price.
While the property is shut-in the producer can apply their innovativeness, another Organization Construct of the Preliminary Specification, to return the property back to profitable production as soon as possible. People, Ideas & Objects and our user community are the appropriate business approach to the chronic and systemic overproduction of oil & gas and the persistent obtuseness of the producer officers and directors, not collusion. Profitable operations in a capitalist society do not necessarily denote collusion. Without “real” profitability there is only waste and deterioration as we’ve experienced these past decades. Without investors and bankers who were duped by these specious financial statements, there was no sustainable value generated, only destroyed.
The definition of collusion is provided by Wikipedia.
In the study of economics and market competition, collusion takes place within an industry when rival companies cooperate for their mutual benefit. Collusion most often takes place within the market structure of oligopoly, where the decision of a few firms to collude can significantly impact the market as a whole. Cartels are a special case of explicit collusion. Collusion which is overt, on the other hand, is known as tacit collusion, and is legal.
By definition then the Preliminary Specification price maker strategy may fall under the category of overt or tacit collusion. Which is legal. Each of the producer firms will be making independent business decisions of whether or not to produce at each and every one of the many properties that they own. Those decisions will be made on the actual, factual accounting that provides the information for that decision. The decision is to make a profit, if the property is shut-in due to unprofitability it will incur a null operation, no profit but also no loss. Achieved when the Preliminary Specification has made all of the producers costs variable based on profitable production. The decision to avoid a loss of corporate financial resources and assets, in the form of petroleum reserves, when producing an unprofitable property at a price that does not cover the marginal cost, in the long term perspective of marginal cost, (as per Wikipedia “analysis is segregated into short and long-run cases, so that, over the longest run, all costs become marginal,”) is a rational business decision, not collusion. This also provides, for the first time in the history of the industry, the ability for producers to indirectly control their overhead costs based on their profitable production profile.