Reinstating Profitable Production Rights, Part III
Issues Involved with Profitable Production Rights Licenses
An Inconsistent Software Architecture to What’s "Approved"
People, Ideas & Objects are licensed as the commercial rights holders to the Intellectual Property that I’ve developed. It is the issue of Intellectual Property that is highest on the agenda for the status quo producer’s officers and directors. They’ve never accepted or recognized IP anywhere in the industry before and are hesitant to set a precedent that is counter to the manner in which they’ve operated. The issue of Intellectual Property is the means in which the software reflected in the Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas will be secured in terms of its value proposition and therefore its inherent asset value. And therefore how our value proposition is generated and as a consequence it’s the means that we have to generate revenue through the development of these Profitable Production Rights License products and their inherent value.
Our software architecture therefore falls under the category of a primary concern to the Profitable Production Rights Licensee in terms of securing the leverage for their value proposition which is wholly derivative of People, Ideas & Objects and its licensed Intellectual Property. The Preliminary Specifications seven Organizational Constructs includes Intellectual Property as one of the seven constructs. Please review that section in order to gain an understanding of the importance of IP in this community and the larger oil & gas industry.
What the status quo officers and directors of the producers are willing to accept and what is generally understood in the greater commercial marketplace in terms of software architecture is the following. That commercial ERP software applications as configured today. Should be provided to the marketplace through a number of published Application Programming Interfaces or API’s. The preference would be given to using open source software for its large community and free cost. Then the greater software development environment would have the opportunity to augment the software that is accessible through these API’s in new and innovative ways. Which sounds like an enhanced method in which to deliver software. And in an altruistic world that may be the case. What we need to do is understand the purpose behind the status quo’s desire and motivation to want to pursue this architecture. And compare that to what it is that People, Ideas & Objects are doing with our private API’s of proprietary software accessible only within our licensed domain.
By publishing an API for use as the status quo desires, People, Ideas & Objects in my opinion would be violating the terms and conditions of all of their licensees provisions. In summary our license grants them the rights to uphold, secure and prepare derivative works. By publishing an API we would allow the producer firms to access the software code without having to pay for it, or to be more specific, never pay for the underlying Intellectual Property and therefore render our value proposition moot. This is due to the fact that on May 6, 2021, the United States Supreme Court issued judgment for Google against Oracle in their litigation regarding Google’s unauthorized use of the Java Programming Language. Citing that use of a published API was “fair use” and not a violation of Oracle’s copyright.
Producers would however gladly pay for any and all of the “blind sleepwalking agents of whomever will feed them” to conduct software developments for them. We therefore can clearly see the motivation and argument of both sides of this finer point of the law. The status quo and People, Ideas & Objects are seeking to commercially secure what is rightfully People, Ideas & Objects value that is represented in the Intellectual Property developed in the Preliminary Specification and elsewhere. People, Ideas & Objects use that value to orchestrate productive change in the industry and to disintermediate the status quo. The motivation of the status quo is to stop that process and therefore manage the software development process in order to maintain their franchise for another generation. They will compensate those involved for their time incurred, however that is keeping a critical aspect of the industries future in the hands of “blind sleepwalking agents of whomever will feed them” doing only what is instructed of them by the producers officers and directors. We’ve chosen a different direction in terms of the health and prosperity of the oil & gas industry.
What potential Profitable Production Rights Licensees may take from this is that the makeup of my holdings are somewhat evenly distributed between Intellectual Property royalties, earnings from the revenues they generate and the fees I charge the producers for selling access to the Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service in the form of the Flexible Profitable Production Rights Licenses. I’m all in.
Yes definitely, and we’re actually quite proud of it. We’ve not had to commit to anything that is set in stone and therefore needs to be amended through extensive budgetary expenditure. We’ve maintained a flexibility and financial independence that maintains our ability to focus on the issues. People, Ideas & Objects are the financially unsupported, ostracized and vilified oil & gas ERP provider that has taken all the flak the status quo officers and directors could muster. And we gave as good as we got. We’re still standing and can claim to be the only solution to the industry's existential, organizational issues.
We are vaporware in the purest form however. Outside of the Preliminary Specification there is little other than our efforts and our results in terms of developing our user community. A process we began in the first quarter of 2014 and a process that demands significant time to organize. Potential user community members have had the 2012 publication of the Preliminary Specification to review and understand the larger vision of how oil & gas will operate. As has the larger oil & gas community. And to spend time in their chosen area of expertise to enhance and expand on the concepts there, determine what it is that they can do to enhance the industry. During the first quarter of 2014, the publication of our user community vision, potential members were also able to see how they’re able to affect the necessary changes in oil & gas. Having the tools of the exclusive license to prepare derivative works to the Intellectual Property, having the exclusive access to the People, Ideas & Objects software developers and budgetary control.
We keep the results of our user community confidential and away from the destructive and envious officers and directors of the producer firms to ensure these people remain safe in their current prosperous oil & gas positions. Working quietly and insidiously on both the future and the past.
Scope and Scale
The ominous nature of the Preliminary Specification has not been attempted in an ERP environment before. This is not a result of our ambition as much as the scale of the issue and the obstinate resolve over several decades by the producers’ officers and directors. Oil & gas is a critical part of how we’re able to enjoy our advanced standard of living in North America. Has that been put in jeopardy? It’s difficult to say at this point, however the prospect of what producer officers and directors will be able to resolve dynamically, innovatively, in an accountable manner and profitably is not probable based on their culture represented in “muddle along.”
It is interesting to see that Oracle is undertaking a similar scope and scale in the U.S. healthcare system. Moving their proposed system from the current systems facility focus to one in which the patient is the primary focus. It is far more comprehensive in scope and scale than what we are attempting, in my opinion. Deals with even greater issues in the form of individual healthcare. And the U.S. current healthcare systems are nothing but isolated systems operating at each individual facility. Where patients are unable to aggregate their medical history from the disparate silos of independent healthcare providers.
Are People, Ideas & Objects and Oracle’s Healthcare initiatives just a fad in terms of what ERP systems may experiment with? Or are they the necessary response to the demand for systems and organizations to move to a higher level of capacity, capability and organizational performance in order for society to move forward? These questions will be answered from the success or failure of these initiatives. Unfortunately for oil & gas the time, lack of alternatives to the Preliminary Specification and sense of urgency demand that People, Ideas & Objects et al are successful. And this will only be resolved when we are all focused on rebuilding the industry on that basis. Where everyone involved in the industry has a part in making that success possible.
Assumes Oil & Gas Disintermediation is Necessary
To every industry, disintermediation is a necessity for the participants' survival. The ability of the structured hierarchy to survive and prosper in the future is beyond question as it is now functionally unable to perform at the level that society demands. New forms of organization centered around the Internet offer innovative means in which to apply principles of value generation that the status quo is incapable of ever being competitive with.
We can argue these points as to whether the oil & gas industry needs to be disintermediated. People, Ideas & Objects also assume that the current structure has failed comprehensively. This is not widely evident or shared, however concern is building that the response to any and all business issues is summarily ignored or “muddled through.”
Another constant that appears in the disintermediation process is the battle between those who seek to protect their status quo turf and those who seek to change. In North America, oil & gas producers' resistance is persistent to the point that their poor performance has damaged all aspects of the industry and associated sub-industries.
Taking the optimists side of the argument. People, Ideas & Objects consider this an opportunity not only from the disintermediation of the industry. The extent and comprehensive nature of the damage and destruction demands that significant remedial actions be taken to rebuild the service industries capacities and capabilities. To rebuild the producers internal capacities and capabilities in terms of their work-in-progress of the exploration and production process. To rebuild the trust, faith and integrity of the producers that will attract the investment community back to the industry. To ensure the industry and producers are provided with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations everywhere and always, and the consumer is offered an affordable, abundant and reliable source of energy. Therefore why would you rebuild the industry in the current failed method and not use the tools and methods that are available today that are proven to be successful?
Value Proposition
The premise of our extensive value proposition. Which is the value that both classes of Profitable Production Rights Licenses are leveraging. Is that the producer firms were never profitable and were never commercial due to their dependence on and destruction of outside capital for the past four decades. We have established that overreported assets lead to overreported profitability. Taking that as a given there is an insidious cancer that eats away at an industry over the long term when this issue has been evident. “Real” performance is never in question and therefore performance does not become a criteria of evaluation as “it is so easy to attain.” Therefore the performance of the organization begins to degrade to such a level that it is wholly dependent on outside capital for basic operations. Oil & gas’ culture has become the persistence that isn’t changing. And the industry is worthless as its present value is negative and demands capital for basic functioning due to the chronic lack of performance becoming a permanent, unchanging culture.
Unfortunately it is terminal. The culture is useless in a market economy and needs to be trashed in order to elevate performance to become the criteria in which it operates. There is not enough energy in the world that could fight this culture and overcome it in head to head battle. Thankfully for People, Ideas & Objects the oil & gas industry is self-selecting and we are prepared to rebuild it with the performance based culture of the Preliminary Specification. To ensure that the producers are provided with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always.
It is the differential between these two industry visions that are the value proposition that makes up what is being leveraged by the Profitable Production Rights Licenses. What we have stated consistently as a $25 - $45 trillion value over the course of the next 25 years. Composed of incremental profitability of $5 trillion. And the $20 to $40 trillion that the producers claim is necessary in terms of capital to rebuild, refurbish, reclamation and expand the productive capacity and infrastructure of the industry. An amount that is not necessary in the Preliminary Specification as the capital costs are recognized on a competitive basis to all other industries in North America. Cash that is generated internally, reinvesting that cash, only to recover it again and again to invest it again and again on a competitive basis to what other industries in North America are able to achieve. Where a capital intensive industry such as oil & gas is understood to have predominantly capital as its costs that are passed on to the consumers. Therefore instead of officers and directors strutting down main street talking about “building balance sheets'' and “putting cash in the ground” the Preliminary Specification “puts cash to work.”
Few would argue that People, Ideas & Objects cost structure would fall within the domain of $5 billion U.S. What is particularly troublesome for the status quo is to accept an equal amount of Intellectual Property royalties. And there are profits of an equal amount again. I’ve stated repeatedly that these last two categories are merely the appropriate allocation of what are considered reasonable software development margins. Margins of what are generally accepted and earned in the software industry today. If left to the producers officers and directors we would be working for the retirement of our cost plus $5 for our efforts. We may get a thank you but that would be questionable and unreasonable as far as they were concerned.
In consideration of the value proposition of the Preliminary Specification as identified. The costs of this initiative are incidental to the value generated. This is the justification that People, Ideas & Objects use to support our budget and the further detail regarding our justification is contained in our Organizational Constructs section. Where we describe how each of the seven Organizational Constructs incorporated in the Preliminary Specification generate value for producers and industry. We of course welcome the opportunity to compare the prospective value generated from the Preliminary Specification to the plans and specifications of the officers and directors. We haven’t had any calls for this and are unable to comprehend if there is a plan.