OCI Revised Organizational Constructs, Part V
People, Ideas & Objects et al need to be concerned about the startup to junior sector as much as any other classification within the industry. This is purely for the fact the industry’s rebuilding will be done on an innovative basis. Innovation is the basis of the Preliminary Specification. It enables People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service providers to achieve our two opposing objectives of providing oil & gas producers with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations everywhere and always, and providing consumers with the lowest possible cost of an abundant and reliable domestic energy supply. We do this with our decentralized production models price maker strategy that ensures all production is produced profitably. Including Exxon's, Shell’s and that startup oil & gas firm that began this morning. And to do so innovatively to ensure that the ever escalating costs of oil & gas remain affordable to consumers and the commodities production profile and reserves continue to expand. Achieving profitable, North American energy independence.
Enter two variables that were not available in prior decades and centuries. The cloud computing era with the maturation of the overall technological infrastructure that is best represented by the Internet. We are at the infancy of what the Internet can provide. And the second variable being the “service” aspect of our user communities service providers. It was discovered in our research that the level of innovation that is attributable to the small and medium sectors of an industry were as substantial as the larger sectors. Although the larger sectors contributed large amounts in terms of total spend it was no greater than the effect of what the other sectors contributed. People, Ideas & Objects et al provides our solution for all sectors of the North American oil & gas industry and for all producers. Professor Giovanni Dosi was one of the key sources of research that we used to determine the framework necessary for an innovative oil & gas industry. Innovation within a science and engineering based business is therefore an inherent part of both these demands for profitable operations and consumer affordability. Professor Dosi’s paper “Sources, Procedures, and Microeconomic Effects of Innovation” September 1988, discusses and asks what are “the sources of innovations opportunities, what are the roles of markets in allocating resources to the exploration of these opportunities”?
People, Ideas & Objects research in oil & gas focused on these points:
- The main characteristics of the innovation process.
- The factors that are conducive to or hinder the development of new processes of production and new products.
- The processes that determine the selection of particular innovations and their effects on industrial structures. (p. 1121).
There are two major issues identified by Professor Dosi:
- The first issue is the characterization in general of the innovative process.
- And second, the interpretation of the factors that account for observed differences in the modes of innovative search and in the rates of innovation between different sectors and firms, and over time. (p. 1121).
Professor Dosi then makes the statements that,
The search, development and adoption of new processes and products in market economies are the outcome of the interaction between:
Capabilities and stimuli generated with each firm and within the industry of which they compete. (p. 1121).
The purpose of People, Ideas & Objects research in oil & gas was to focus on the organizational capability and capacities of the firm. Specifically in the earth science and engineering disciplines. It was also emphasized that innovations are based on both the firm and the industry. Coordination of the capabilities and stimuli of both the firm and the industry would therefore need to be advanced through changes in the organizational structure of both.
- Broader causes external to the individual industries, such as the state of science in different branches, the facilities for the communication of knowledge, the supply of technical capabilities, skills, engineers, and so on; (p. 1121).
Additional issues include
the conditions controlling occupational and geo - graphical mobility and or consumer promptness / resistance to change, market conditions, financial facilities and capabilities and the criteria used to allocate funds. Microeconomic trends in the effects on changes in relative prices of inputs and outputs, including public policy. (regulations, tax codes, patent and trademark laws and public procurement.) (p. 1121)
As People, Ideas & Objects would suggest these define an organizational construct that innovation demands in order to either flounder or foster. As both an Organizational Construct in itself, and as we defined in the Joint Operating Committee, a framework of that key construct. What we can impute from this definition of innovation is that it is a defined and replicable process that can be established through organizational design. And this design must be part of the organization's ERP software that identifies and supports that organization and its industry, such as the Preliminary Specification is configured to do.
Our second source of primary research material regarding innovation came from Professor Richard N. Langlois. Throughout our review of his work we were able to determine the appropriate nature of the organizational design of the producer firm and the oil & gas industry itself. Selecting specific areas of the firm or market as to which the process and its management should fall under. Where the capabilities should reside. By fully implementing the Internet and using Professor Langlois research, which included Professor Carliss Baldwin determination of where exactly that transfer between firm and market should occur. We were able to design the appropriate software tools, such as our task and transfer system that will enable our user community to define which processes to undertake and manage in their service provider operations. Introducing enhanced efficiency in the manner in which the administration and accounting is conducted in oil & gas.
Building on the other innovations that are rapidly providing value generation such as cloud computing. People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and service provider organizations are able to undertake this through the introduction of our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas. A service that turns the fixed producer overhead into a variable industry based overhead that can be provided to any producer no matter what their size or production profile. Enabling producers to shut-in unprofitable production, and therefore incur a null operation, and only produce profitable properties, maximizing shareholder value. A substantial portion of our published value proposition of $25.7 to $45.7 trillion over the next 25 years is attributable to introducing this production discipline to eliminate the damage and destruction caused by overproduction over these past decades.
The Preliminary Specification has captured this understanding of innovation and incorporated it within the culture of the industry we are rebuilding in these Organizational Constructs, and as part of the innovation framework of the Joint Operating Committee. Each of the fourteen modules of the Preliminary Specification are materially affected when we identify the Joint Operating Committee as the key Organizational Construct. That provided us with an opportunity to incorporate this understanding of innovation in the design and reorganization of the oil & gas producer firm and industry. These can be identified by several major processes of innovation within the Preliminary Specification. One of these ensures that failed innovations and experiments, and their underlying processes are not repeated by separate and distinct areas of the organization, each year. Attempting the same failed “ideas” repeatedly is not innovation. Another major process of innovation is to enhance the scientific basis of the producer firms and industry as a whole. Moving forward on the basis that an idea that would generate a dollar today will only produce ten cents tomorrow. We therefore must increase the volume of ideas generated and incorporated in our work processes to continue increasing our value. Various other processes of innovation have been incorporated throughout the Preliminary Specification based on the primary research conducted by Professors Giovanni Dosi and Richard N. Langlois. Enabling producers to earn the unquantifiable value that needs to occur throughout each of the producer firms and all tiers of the oil & gas industry in the decades to come.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
Continuing our discussion regarding the recent Oracle CloudWorld 2022 conference. The incremental and continuing value that producers need to generate through enhanced innovation can be facilitated through the development and implementation of the Preliminary Specification. Oracle’s products are the stand alone premier technologies in database, systems development and ERP systems and the base of the Preliminary Specification. Oracle is now partnering with service providers to enhance their products with a variety of service providers in order to bring about the innovation based benefits we have been discussing throughout the Preliminary Specification. Theirs will be in the domain of the generic business processes such as banking etc, or the non oil & gas specific processes that we handle through the 14 modules of the Preliminary Specification. Our proposed combination of Oracle Cloud ERP, People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations are designed to deliver the foundation in which the producers, the oil & gas industry and all the tertiary industries can succeed in the 21st century. Without these facilities and capabilities the question we would ask is how will industry “muddle through” so many of these issues and opportunities otherwise?
Since Oracle’s beginning they have pioneered the development of their technologies to be the premier tier 1 provider in all categories of their offerings. Oracle has been the critical and essential innovator in each of their products markets. They continue today with products such as Oracle Cloud ERP and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure that continue that heritage. Recently with the Oracle CloudWorld 2022 conference we saw a new direction beginning with their development of service providers to augment their products. These new products and services bring tremendous incremental value to the oil & gas users of these Oracle products. And are consistent with the work that People, Ideas & Objects have undertaken to complete on behalf of the North American producers.
Innovation throughout the business and industry specific process management, built upon the premier tier 1 Oracle products augments the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable nature of what is demanded of the North American oil & gas producers. This is not a static environment. It will be throughout our user community and their service providers that producers will be able to interact with all aspects of the business and industry specific process management. To make changes, to innovate and develop these further which is an inherent part of the People, Ideas & Objects and our user communities permanent software development capability. But there’s more.
With the producers configuration being oriented towards this innovation Organizational Construct. With the Joint Operating Committee Organizational Construct holding innovation as one of its seven frameworks. Not only oil & gas producers, but the entire oil & gas industry and its tertiary industries and supporting institutions will be culturally aligned and oriented through Oracle Cloud ERP and People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification towards innovation in the earth science and engineering disciplines. Providing the means to rebuild the industry in this configuration with the software that defines and supports these objectives. Where the industry's approach towards its next 25 years can be the most dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable of its history. A future that is unquestionably the most demanding, challenging and exciting in its history.