OCI Revised Organizational Constructs, Part III
Specialization and The Division of Labor
Without ERP software focused on delivering profitability everywhere and always there is no way in which to organize today’s society in a profitable direction. This is proven through the quality of the ERP systems used in oil & gas today and the systemic lack of profitability throughout the industry in what we refer to as the “modern day software bug.” We should note here that People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations target market for the Preliminary Specification is the North American based production profile. We are focused on providing an industry wide solution, that upon reading the Preliminary Specification in full, you may agree it demands participation from all producer firms. In the categories of the junior and startup oil & gas producers, the advantages we provide their organizations ensures they’ll prosper and grow. They’ll have distinct competitive advantages over the methods of organization provided under today’s business model. We also know that consolidated producers are not how the industry will survive. It will be the small and startup sectors of the industry that will rejuvenate the industry. It was discovered in our research that the level of innovation attributable to the small and medium sectors of an industry were as substantial as what the larger sectors contributed. Although the larger sectors contributed larger amounts in total spend it was no greater than the effect of what these other sectors contributed.
The producer organization that we define and support in the Preliminary Specification sets out to employ and deploy much higher levels of specialization and division of labor. We believe the overhead costs of the producers demand these be dealt with by making producer organizations more efficient through the application of an advanced, and continually advancing, specialization and division of labor. We also turn producers' overhead costs from a fixed, producer based, capacity and capability, into a variable, industry based, capacity and capability. The overheads variable behavior being based on a Joint Operating Committees ability to produce profitable production.
What the Preliminary Specification defines and supports is a reallocation of the producers administrative and accounting resources into the service providers who are headed by one of the People, Ideas & Objects user community members. Our user community and their service providers are independent businesses that are specialized on one administrative or accounting process and conduct that process on behalf of the entire North American oil & gas industry as their client base. Whereas if that Joint Operating Committee was producing for that month, under our decentralized production models price maker strategy, we can reasonably assume it’s profitable. Then the processes that are specifically administered by each of the service providers will be invoked and their associated billings for each process will be charged directly to the individual Joint Operating Committees. If the property is not profitable then the producer will shut-in the production and none of the service providers will receive any data from our task and transfer network and therefore no accounting or administrative processes will be conducted and subsequently no service provider billings will be rendered. The shut-in property therefore does not incur a profit or a loss, but a null operation. In either scenario overhead costs are covered in the current period through either profitable operations or the fact the cost behavior is variable under the Preliminary Specification, and as a result not incurred.
Producers today defer the recognition of overhead costs by capitalizing on average 85% of their overhead to property, plant and equipment and recognize them through depletion over the course of the subsequent decades. Leaving them looking for the cash necessary to pay next month's overhead costs as the current month's overhead costs are never included in the costs passed to the consumers. And hence the producers' past excessive demand for annual investor injections of financial resources. This error in basic cash management continues unaddressed today as overhead is where their executive compensation skeletons are hidden. The lack of transparency on these costs is due to the remaining uncapitalized overhead costs realized in the financial statements do not rise above the point of materiality.
There are many benefits for producers to begin operating in this manner. First they will reach their optimum profitability when losses are no longer diluting profitable properties. When all costs are variable, production will be profitable at 25%, 100% or at any level of their production profile. This also preserves their oil & gas reserves for a time when they can be produced profitably. Those reserves no longer have to carry the incremental costs of the losses that would otherwise have been incurred if they continued to produce unprofitably. The commodity markets will find the marginal price when the unprofitable production is removed from the marketplace. Increasing the value of all the producers' production. Keeping the commodity as reserves can be seen as an affordable means of storage as opposed to incurring the costs of production and storage or what may be sold unprofitably.
Producer officers and directors assert the Preliminary Specifications price maker strategy is collusion. If making independent business decisions at the property level, based on detailed, actual, factual, standard and objective accounting information that is determining profitability is collusion, then? Once they realized their collusion claims were moot they stated unequivocally that they could never shut-in any production, it would cause the formation to “fold over on itself” or other such excuses. That is until they ran the oil price down to negative $40 in April 2020. Refineries had to tell them they wouldn’t take anymore, forcing production to be shut-in. Upon resumption of the covid induced shut-in level of 25% of the global production profile, producers reported there was no reserve damage whatsoever. There stands today no justifiable reason not to implement the Preliminary Specification. Oil & gas commodities are price makers, not the price takers the producers assumed they were for all these decades. The one critical aspect of a price maker is that they will only bring on new production when it’s profitable. This method we’ve developed is detailed further in the Preliminary Specifications Preamble. It is a direct result of the reorganization through a hyperspecialization of these resources in the service providers noted above.
The question is asked regarding heavy oil production. These operations are not able to be shut-in as the process dictates constant production. Shut down and start up costs would be somewhat terminal to the operation. There is also the argument that they’re not operated in the same manner as a conventional or shale Joint Operating Committee. Including their ERP systems which are quite different from the oil & gas producers. The question therefore is why wouldn’t this preclude them from participating in the costs of the development of the Preliminary Specification? Their production profile is in excess of 4 mm boe / day and are therefore significant benefactors of the industry activities in ensuring that all production is produced profitably. People, Ideas & Objects' alternative question is why would the heavy oil producers be allowed to benefit in such a material way on a free ride basis.
Overall our decentralized production models price maker strategy invokes a high level of production discipline within the North American oil & gas industry. Achieving maximum profitability can only be gained through the fact that unprofitable properties dilute corporate earnings. Therefore the need to ensure they are fulfilling their primary task of maximizing profitability becomes the predominant method of production discipline. In order to compete in the capital markets of the 21st century will be much different than what it was in prior years. With technology and other industries providing growth opportunities, for oil & gas companies to argue they are in a growth mode precludes them from that competition. They are a primary industry with commodities that are subject to the price maker principles of economics. This will also affect producer's capital allocation and capital discipline. Capital investments will only be made with the assumption or demand that they be immediately profitable, and why would they invest in them if they can’t achieve that criteria. This invokes a far different criteria as to what is done in the industry and we can cast the foolishness of “building balance sheets,” “putting cash in the ground” and the like to the scrap heap of history.
The producer's 2020 / 2021 consolidation route is contrary to every possible reality on the ground in the business world today. Concentration of the bureaucracy is not going to resolve what has afflicted the industry for the past four decades. Rebuilding as People, Ideas & Objects propose will involve a dynamic industry based on a decentralized, connected environment such as the Internet provides. Hierarchical strata of advanced paper shufflers is a future failure, best defined. To bring about an ERP system for the industry such as the Preliminary Specification provides; must consider the opportunity of what is commonly referred to as disintermediation and the tried and true specialization and division of labor principles.
However, bringing one of the most complex systems into one of the most complex industries into the environment of the small and startup producer is foolhardy to consider. How could that ever be a commercial software product? Or be provided to a commercially viable small, junior, intermediate and integrated oil & gas producer? And that is the fact of the issue. We need to ensure the future of the industry is in the hands of the oil & gas men and women who will knock down the barriers that stand in their way, just as so many have done before. The constraints and reality of just the regulatory, compliance and investment demands are real and an impediment to these needs. That is, if small and junior producers could not access the kind of systems necessary to operate in that capital environment, no matter their size, the capital markets will remain forever closed to them. An untenable barrier today that will be even greater in the near future. Effectively shutting the door on a large portion of the innovative nature of the industry.
Under the Preliminary Specification a startup or junior producer would no longer need to establish the point where they’ll have to generate the excess of $3 to $5 million of free cash flow necessary to offset the annual base overhead of the firm. For the administrative and accounting they’ll only be incurring the variable overhead costs of the service providers fees when and if used. The service providers are there to enhance the explicit knowledge contained in our software with their tacit knowledge they provide as their services. It is a variable cost, industry based capacity and capability available to the industry in the form of Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas. Not only are these overhead costs variable, but if they’re incurred that denotes profitable production, indicating these costs are covered, or the property is not producing and as a result not incurring any of these overhead costs. At the same time, due to specialization and the division of labor, all firms in the North American industry will be fully capable and have the administrative capacities available to deal with all of their needs through these service providers. And there are more attributes of our system that provide benefits for the new oil & gas industry People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations are building.
People, Ideas & Objects have identified new cost structures that will diminish the performance of the producers. These include the costs of:
- Recovering the past property, plant and equipment account balances, or as we describe them, the unrecognized capital cost of prior production. Whereas if recognized today and passed to the consumer it would provide incremental cash flow via our decentralized production models price maker strategy to provide dividends in compensation for the past excessive reliance on investors. And reduction of bank debt that predominantly supports the property, plant & equipment account.
- The refurbishment of the infrastructure as it stands today.
- The rebuilding and expansion of the infrastructure.
- And finally the looming and escalating reclamation costs of the industries past.
The producers have incurred each of these costs as a result of providing for the consumers energy needs. Without a means of passing these capital costs incurred in a capital intensive industry on to the consumers, such as the Preliminary Specification does, they will bankrupt the industry, or their investors under the officers and directors current and consolidated business model. These form the legacy of the producers in terms of the property, plant and equipment balances which we’ve determined are not transferable out of the corporation. Taking on the expansion of the infrastructure may be the largest of these costs, and I would suggest the greatest opportunity for all concerned in a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable primary oil & gas industry, and most specifically the secondary and tertiary industries.
The Preliminary Specification implements specialization and the division of labor across the producer firm and most particularly in the earth science and engineering capabilities and capacities of the producer firms and industry overall. We list this as the first step in our solution for the startup and junior producers. These capacities and capabilities are becoming increasingly burdensome to each of the producer firms due to their unshared and unshareable nature, but for different reasons from the administrative and accounting difficulties mentioned. The costs incurred to maintain these capabilities are growing as a result of the advancement of their science and technological development which demands further specializations be undertaken within each of the producer's capabilities, and critical competitive advantages. We believe that all producers have reached the point where the demands to maintain these capacities and capabilities have expanded beyond the usable population of these technical resources. Or will soon. With the retirement of the brain trust of the industry, and the universities not producing anywhere near the replacement number necessary, the increased deliverability and greater demand for the technical resources for each incremental barrel of oil produced a critical shortage will soon demand that these technical resources will become too rare, too costly and too unavailable to maintain, not to mention, unable to expand the deliverability of the North America based industry.
In addition to this limited technical resource supply we also believe that the producer firms are at a point now where the costs of their scientific engineering and geology needs are growing beyond their commercial grasp. Nonetheless, a decidedly higher level of specialization and division of labor will be needed in the areas of earth science and engineering in order to increase its throughput from this resource. It is the unshared and unshareable makeup of these capabilities that we find the difficulties once again. Producers need these technical resources for a variety of just-in-time purposes, as operators, for their highly technical areas. If we assume that across the industry the utilization rate of these technical resources are at 75% due to organizational inefficiencies. Then by releasing that other 25% and deploying that unused and unusable capability more effectively we’ll have what I believe to be the second aspect of the solution of these pending and most certainly future difficulties. Achieving a minimum of a one third increase in the capacity with higher output from improved specialization and division of labor, providing us a good start to solving this difficulty. The question therefore arises what are the producers distinct competitive advantages. They are their land & asset base, and the coordination of the markets earth science & engineering resources.
People, Ideas & Objects et al have implemented a variety of changes within the Preliminary Specification. The first is to consider the producer firm from the time the Preliminary Specification is operational, to have two sources of continuing revenues. The oil & gas sales and the revenues earned by all of their earth science and engineering capacities and capabilities being deployed and employed in the form of a revenue generating capacity. Whether that be to one of the producers own Joint Operating Committees, or in the consulting of the individual to other producers / Joint Operating Committees, as a client, of which they may / may not have an interest in. Due to the specialization and division of labor demands producers will need to have chosen to specialize or acquire a specific capability on the basis of the distinct specializations and competitive advantages they hold or desire. These producer specialized technical revenues will then offset these engineering and geological costs incurred and will be directly charged to either their Joint Operating Committees or other producer clients who need to augment their needs with other specialized services.
In terms of an opportunity in this new oil & gas industry this second source of technical revenue may be seen as the initiation of the start up oil & gas producer firms' initial revenues. More than that they’ll be able to offset some of the additional costs of the head office burden that are not considered part of the Cloud Administrative & Accounting for Oil & Gas. And this will apply to all producers no matter their production profile. When producers are specializing on their distinct competitive advantages, and all producers including Exxon, Shell and Chevron will need to do so, the demand for outside technical resources will be required to augment their diverse needs. The ability to offset some of their engineering and earth science costs with direct revenues of a non oil & gas revenue source. And the ability to access only the administrative and accounting software and services they need when they need them works to defer much of that base load $3 - $5 million dollars of overhead that is an inhibiting factor to the startup and junior oil & gas producer success.
In a world where software has to define and support the organizations that exist. This is some of the “what, how and why” we’re able to provide North American oil & gas producers when the Preliminary Specification is delivered. The facility most responsible for this capability of making direct labor charges to the Joint Operating Committee is what we are implementing in the industry is our Work Order. Officers and directors may claim that charging labor directly is already available through the systems they use. Which is true they are able to allocate their labor costs to the field. However not with the necessary features of raising it to the point of making it a defined technical revenue stream of the firm. And the feature of making it a system that interacts throughout the industry. Allowing for the interactions between the resources they need and where they need them. Subject to the appropriate approvals and governance. Or enabling the second defined purpose of the Work Order system in order to enhance the industry wide innovativeness through the establishment of working groups etc. Our Work Order system is able to bill its costs at all times to either corporate overhead, Joint Operating Committees AFE or to a lease. Therefore the billable time of the individual engineer or geologist would be deployed within the producer 100% of the time they were working for the producer. And this is an inherent part of people beginning the establishment of their own producer firms which rely on their talents of their much needed earth science and engineering capacities and capabilities, not their skills in attracting capital.
Oracle CloudWorld 2022 Conference
It was during this conference where Oracle announced what I consider to be the next phase of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) evolution. My perception of what was announced is a new direction where the overall technological architecture is accepted as mature and capable to undertake this phase and that technology can begin to bring substantial value to clients through Oracle Cloud ERP. When I look at the overall landscape in business today I see many decades of iterative development work that can be done which is similar to what is now available for the North American based oil & gas producers by adopting the Preliminary Specification. It may be that we are beginning what will be considered the era where the promise of Information Technology is realized.
There is a specialization and division of labor between Oracle and People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations. Oracle is focused on building value for their clients through the development and implementation of generic business processes, applying the principles of specialization and the division of labor, standardization, objective process management and automation to. The Preliminary Specification focuses on these same methods to develop value for North American producers in the oil & gas business. Therefore the combined approach of Oracle and People, Ideas & Objects et al are covering off all aspects of the producer's business needs. Such that we state “It’s not enough to own the oil & gas asset anymore. It’s also necessary to have access to the software & services that make oil & gas profitable.” The significance of Oracle CloudWorld 2022 is that any operation in any business across the globe will need to operate on Oracle Cloud ERP or face the inability to compete or profit from their operation. I do not see a viable alternative available in the market.