OCI Revised Organizational Constructs, Part I
People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification contains seven Organizational Constructs that are identified, supported and in a constructive manner, constrained by them. Incorporating these within ERP software allows users of our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and services to impute an understanding of the behavior and expectations of what is required by the producers and industry. Providing people within the industry with an understanding of “what, how and why” they’ll be able to use People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service providers to build value throughout the industry. In a decentralized environment, deferral of the operation away from the bureaucracy should not imply a loss of control. ERP software, and to a greater extent the Internet, become the means in which organizations are able to operate and achieve organizational performance trajectories that are superior to today’s. Our seven Organizational Constructs can be seen as both the enablers of that performance and the means in which to maintain the necessary control.
People, Ideas & Objects identified the lack of real profitability in the producers was to be felt across the industry but also with everyone involved across the greater oil & gas economy. Profitability is the largest source of financial support that an industry has access to. This is now well understood and appreciated throughout the greater oil & gas economy. The efforts of everyone whether that be time, energy or money have been wasted by the self interests of producer officers and directors. The capitalists focus on profits being earned by investors is therefore appropriate in any and all cases. When investors are satisfied, they are there to provide prosperity for all those associated within a profitable industry in the short and medium terms, and for the future. When they’re not satisfied, they are quickly able to leave, sending the ultimate message of disapproval of the activities being carried out. It is our belief that investors, as were others, were duped for several decades by specious accounting that did and continues to misrepresent the performance in the producer firms. Accounting and reporting that aggravated and hid the abysmal performance of the industry for a protracted period of time. Leading to the comprehensive exhaustion of value from the industry. What is represented today in the financial statements of the producers would not be something to be proud of. Producers' financial statements reflect they are in serious medium to long term financial jeopardy. And none of today's financial statements are representative, they are as specious as they’ve ever been. Built on the promises of “building balance sheets'' and the ridiculous notion of “putting cash in the ground.”
People, Ideas & Objects have been able to document the fact that chronic overproduction has been the source of a lack of real profitability throughout North American oil & gas since at least the July 1986 oil price collapse. Secondly, we noted that the Preliminary Specification published in August 2012, addresses overproduction specifically with a direct ERP software and services solution to this issue which generates profitability everywhere and always. Overproduction has been the systemic cause of the financial destruction in the industry for all but 6 of the past 36 years. Which dramatically contrasts the healthy compensation of the officers and directors over this same 36 year period. People, Ideas & Objects have also stated, repeatedly since May 2004, that software defines and supports organizations. Therefore any organizational change will have to be made in the ERP software first or the organization will regress to that which is defined in the current software that's used. The producers have used this knowledge to secure their franchise by not sponsoring any ERP software developments in the industry. Leaving them uncontested in their method and means of “governance.” Today we know that given the ultimatum of committing to the development of the Preliminary Specification, and therefore establishing an overall method of increased dynamism, innovativeness, accountability and profitability everywhere and always in North America. Producer officers and directors on August 31, 2021 chose to ignore the opportunity and stay the course.
It can go by any number of different descriptions. “Cut and run,” “bail” or “cut your losses.” The one consistency in all of these is the fact they define failure. Shale oil & gas has now been deemed a failure by the producer officers and directors. They’re getting out, selling properties and writing down those shale assets that alleged such promise in all of those investment offerings. It’s on to the real thing now with clean energy and they’re making the transition with the oil & gas revenues established by prior investors in an irresponsible and unauthorized fashion. Revenues that need to be used to rebuild the industry and prepare for what is unquestionably the most difficult future oil & gas has ever faced.
Our white paper published on July 4, 2019 entitled “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale” suggests a means and method in which the industry could turn shale profitable. Upon review the producers refused to consider the initiative. It is far easier to excuse this or that, blame others and create viable scapegoats as to why others have failed them then it is to act. Only nine months after our White Papers publication their chronic overproduction dropped the oil price to almost negative $40 and refiners forced them to shut-in production. An argument they made against the Preliminary Specification that shutting in production would damage the formation. An argument that has now been proven to be false with no formation damage realized anywhere. Within two years of our paper's publication; was it acceptable to declare that shale would never be commercial and to just walk away from the catastrophe they had created, to then venture off into the clean energy industry that has proven never to be profitable? A place where accountability and performance are secondary to saving the planet, or what could best be described as bureaucratic nirvana. Or do they have a plan to make clean energy profitable?
Why was it acceptable that officers and directors felt they could saunter off and forget about the serial failures they’ve created? Especially when there was a plan in place to make shale commercial. Who should hold them responsible and accountable? It should be the boards of directors. This behavior is unacceptable and reflects their history of walking away from all of their failures, not recognizing the need for profitability or understanding what is required to earn it. Oil & gas revenues will be needed to rebuild the industry from the damages that have been caused by these inactions. They’ll also be necessary to fund the future demands of the industry, not some far off unknown that producers have no basis of understanding about, capability, capacity or competitive advantage. Oil & gas’ diversion of revenues to clean energy is a fraud.
Summary of our Seven Constructs
We begin with a summary of the seven primary organizational structures in the Preliminary Specification that support the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas producers and industry. These define the “what, how and why” of the Preliminary Specification from the highest level of its architecture. But most of all adopts a serious approach to the business focused on profitability everywhere and always. What would commonly be considered the behavior and culture of a successful business.
The first Organizational Construct is the use of the Joint Operating Committee. Tying into the industry culture of the Joint Operating Committee and its seven frameworks enables an alignment between all aspects of the oil & gas exploration and production process. Creating a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas producer and industry when the hierarchies compliance and governance frameworks are moved into alignment with the Joint Operating Committees legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, innovation and strategic frameworks. The results are an organizational speed, innovativeness, accountability and profitability over today's base case.
Our second organizational construct is the implementation of Professor Paul Romer’s “New Growth Theory” around the implementation of “non-rival” goods. Oil & gas can generate real value through implementation of sharing and shareable infrastructure such as cloud computing provides and People, Ideas & Objects are doing by implementing Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas. Professor Romer’s theories are integral to our organization and we have captured this in our name which is representative and derivative of his theory.
A variable cost industry based administrative and accounting capacity and capability replaces the individual producer based capabilities whose infrastructures are individually replicated throughout each of the producer firms on an unshared and unshareable basis. Therefore substantially reducing the individual producers and overall costs of North American oil & gas exploration and production overhead.
Specialization and the division of labor make up the third organizational construct recognized in the Preliminary Specification. In terms of generating value, these were the only means western economies have been able to build value for the past 246 years. Turning the administrative and accounting capabilities and capacities into industry based variable costs, variable based on profitable production, which will enable these non competitive attributes of the producers to achieve three critical features over today’s business model.
The reorganization of the producers accounting and administrative resources into our user communities service provider organizations turns all of the producers costs variable based on profitable production. Which brings about the ability for producers to shut-in unprofitable properties and therefore maximize their corporate profitability.
Variable overhead costs are covered by profitable production or never incurred. Overhead costs are therefore recovered in the current period and a “cash float” is created to pay these ongoing costs. (Today’s capitalization of overhead does not replenish the cash incurred for the current overhead costs for decades. And, hence the need for the past chronic and annual demands on investors for more investment capital.)
The structure of People, Ideas & Objects software development capabilities, our user community and their service provider organizations provide producers with an iterative and incremental means to improve specialization and the division of labor consistently over the long term. Providing greater industry throughput from the same resource base.
Intellectual Property is the fourth Organizational Construct of the Preliminary Specification. It provides a legal framework that exists in North America that enables the rapid and effective development of the science and technology basis of the oil & gas industry. The brilliance of this American system is the root cause of their economic dominance. Using Intellectual Property which is part of the U.S. Constitution, seeks to educate, inform, allow others to stand on the shoulders of giants, to protect entrepreneurs and innovators work while they do the difficult tasks of developing the much needed solutions to the difficult issues industry face today. Another distinct benefit is it dramatically reduces the unnecessary costs of innovation by eliminating the “me too” and repeated organizational mistakes that are made when innovation is disorganized and unfocused.
The reason People, Ideas & Objects et al needs to be concerned about the startup to junior sector as much as any other classification is purely for the fact the industry’s rebuilding will be done on an innovative basis. Innovation is the basis of the Preliminary Specification. It enables People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service providers to achieve our two opposing objectives of providing oil & gas producers with the most profitable means of oil & gas production everywhere and always, and providing consumers with the lowest possible cost of an abundant energy supply. We do this with our decentralized production models price maker strategy that ensures all production is produced profitably. Including Exxon’s, Shell’s and that startup oil & gas firm that began this morning. And to do so innovatively to ensure that the ever escalating costs of oil & gas remain affordable to consumers and the commodities production profile and reserves continue to expand by achieving profitable, North American energy independence, everywhere and always.
The sixth Organizational Construct that we’re incorporating into the Preliminary Specification is markets with the three specific markets that are dominant in the oil & gas industry. These are the Petroleum Lease, Financial and Resource Marketplace modules. Each seeks to provide a virtual representation of the market that exists in the industry with the facilities of a fully enabled ERP system supporting the activities and actions of the producer firm and Joint Operating Committee. When we’re moving from a centralized to a decentralized method of organization through enhanced use of the Internet. The dependence of the firm shifts from its internal use to a much greater use of markets. To enable these market facilities within the Preliminary Specification is a capability that enhance the producer firm, Joint Operating Committees and industry.
The last Organizational construct of course is the Information Technologies themselves. People, Ideas & Objects are not offering the latest version of a new wizbang technology. We are focused on the business value of the oil & gas industry. And enabling that through the now mature technologies that have developed in the IT market space. The value we generate from IT is substantial and is noted here as a full Organizational Construct not only as a stand alone benefit but also as an enabler of the other six Organizational Constructs.
The specific value from the IT Organizational Construct that we’ll bring about is expanding the Cloud Computing paradigm. Bringing about an administrative and accounting capacity and capability through our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service. This eliminates the producer's high capital cost in terms of establishing the capability, with substantial technical difficulty and brings these down to a low variable cost incurred only when profitable production occurs. Extending the shared and shareable cost model throughout oil & gas administration and accounting.
From our point of view these are the approaches that we need to take to begin dealing with the serious nature of the difficulties in oil & gas. This is the approach that will yield the lower cost and higher quality innovative and profitable producers everywhere and always that we’re seeking. Setting a foundation for continuous iterative performance improvement.