OCI Revised Service Provider, Part I
Members of People, Ideas & Objects user community are licensed for a variety of rights and privileges in the development, implementation and operation of the Preliminary Specification. One of these includes the exclusive right to own and operate a service provider that will manage an individual process within the Preliminary Specifications software and deliver that to the oil & gas producers along with the services they will offer. The scope of the service providers, as a sub-industry, includes the administration and accounting domain of the North American oil & gas producers. Delivery of People, Ideas & Objects software with their services to the producers, combined with the role of their user community member leading the service provider, who has exclusive access to our software developers, gives these service providers an environment where they would be able to innovate and iteratively change their managed processes software and services to meet the producers changing conditions.
Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas is the sub-industry that we’re providing in this change. Taking the concept of Cloud Computing and applying it to these processes is appropriate as the same issues, opportunities, cost reductions and efficiency exist and are available through this reorganization. First the service providers are the key change in making all of the producers' costs variable, based on profitable production. Enabling them to shut-in any unprofitable production and ensuring that the industry remains profitable everywhere and always. Service providers are therefore the means to generate the critical elements of the Preliminary Specifications value proposition. Reducing the producer's individual overhead costs incurred. When each producer is tasked with building, maintaining and operating the exact same, non-competitive attributes of administrative and accounting capacity and capabilities, on an unshared and unshareable basis we have the secondary reason for a chronic lack of profitability in the industry. Specialization and the division of labor are able to more effectively deal with the complexity of these environments when they are also done on this shared basis. Our dual approach to the resolution of this loss of profitability will ensure that consumers are provided with the lowest possible costs available and continue to be provided with abundant, reliable energy.
An operational service provider will be responsible for the management of an individual process on behalf of the North American oil & gas industry. The dimension of the work would be breathtaking in terms of understanding the scope and scale of the work that is undertaken each month. Without getting into the details of a specific process, and speaking only of the generalities, I want to discuss the scope and scale, and the details of the “what,” “how” and “why” of a service provider in the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification.
Having as the process domain, the entire North American producer population to manage would be a difficult and challenging task to grasp initially. The approach to the process would be fundamentally different from that which is currently done in a junior oil & gas company or ExxonMobil. Even they don’t come close to that scale of the proposed volume of transactions of a service provider. Therefore the need to design the process within our user community from the basis of a new method of organization will have already been determined as a result of the service providers owners early participation in the People, Ideas & Objects user community. Our user communities research will have determined the level of specialization and division of labor for the people that need to be involved in each process and the tasks that will need to be done. Both individually and from a global perspective in terms of application functionality. Defining what the computers and what the people can each do best. As we've noted here many times before, computers are good at storing data and processing information. People are good at making decisions, collaborating, innovation, ideas, planning, creativity, design, leadership and problem solving to name only a few. This new specialization and division of labor between computers and people will be the base that a service provider will use in this new oil & gas environment. It will be one of the things that is used to enhance the service to ensure that the oil & gas producers continue to achieve the most profitable means of oil & gas operations. A new specialization and division of labor that will provide better services and lower costs to the producers and reveal new ways in which to do business that can add value to their organizations.
Participation in our user community will continue for the service provider principals as a result of People, Ideas & Objects establishing the software development and user community as permanent capabilities in the North American oil & gas industry. The need to make changes in the defined specialization and division of labor must be initiated in the software first and foremost. Society in general is now defined and supported, and constrained by the software systems that we use, particularly ERP software. Any change that we make in our organizations must first be made in the software. As the principal members of the service provider sub-industry our user community will continue to ensure there is the ability to affect the changes necessary through the People, Ideas & Objects software development capability and our user communities commitment and vision. This feedback from the service providers is one of the primary reasons that there will be constant development work being done on the systems and services provided by this sub-industry. All to the benefit of the oil & gas producers enhanced profitability based on the user communities charter.
In terms of how People, Ideas & Objects will determine the allocation of specific service provider licenses to which member of the user community. The user community members' contributions that are made during the development process will be the determining factor. No one is going to go through all the submissions and be able to allocate the appropriate license to the right individual. That would be a superhuman exercise and not possible. It is however well within the scope of what Artificial Intelligence is able to determine. The AI algorithm might review the Final Specification and determine the key attributes and the contributions made to the system and by whom. It might then be able to go back and determine the first mention of these key contributions and the individual who originated it. It might then review the sum of all of the users contributions, compare those with the other users and their areas of specific idea generation. Then apply the known processes under management within the Final Specification and award the licenses for the management of those processes to the highest and most valuable contributor of each individual process in terms of the ideas and contributions that were made. It sounds easy when I put it like this, however, we will have a budget set aside for the development of this algorithm the moment People, Ideas & Objects are funded. That way by the time we have to apply the AI to the situation it will be tested and the bugs worked out. The user community license provides each user community member with the exclusive right to manage the domain of a process as a service provider. There may be multiple owners of a service provider and user community members with interests in multiple service providers. These AI recommendations and the algorithms development will fall within the domain of our user communities responsibility.
It is on the basis of changing the relationship of how the producer accesses their administrative and accounting capabilities that we are able to enhance the profitability of North American producers. This will be done through the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production model. This model provides the capability of producers to implement a “price maker” strategy that will be a key competitive capability in this shale based era. This is enabled by the producer shutting in any unprofitable production. Reducing the amount of the commodity on the marketplace and therefore ensuring the commodity is valued at its marginal price. At the same time, during a period that any production is shut-in, the reserves are held for a time when they can be produced profitably. The producer will not incur any production or storage costs as the reserves provide a much lower cost alternative for them. The property records a null operation as there are no revenues, royalties, operating costs or overhead costs. The producer records the highest possible level of corporate profitability when unprofitable properties no longer dilute the profits of their profitable properties. The lack of overhead costs being incurred on shut-in production is a feature of dealing with the administrative and accounting capabilities through these service providers on an industry wide basis. When the property is shut-in a service provider will receive no data or information from the People, Ideas & Objects task and transfer network in the Preliminary Specification that will otherwise cause them to incur any administrative or accounting task or generate a billing to that Joint Operating Committee for their services that month, as no services were rendered.
The task and transfer network is a part of the Preliminary Specification that will be developed in a variety of different modules. It provides the high level automation that is necessary for the service providers to efficiently process the oil & gas producers operations. The task and transfer network provides for the automation of the processes and a key toolset of the service provider. Just as specialization, the division of labor, standardization, objectivity and cloud computing are key toolsets of the service providers in establishing and providing their Cloud Administration & Accounting service for Oil & Gas. It is the application of these tools, and others, that are the focus of the service providers in providing the oil & gas producers with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations. It is the service provider that resides at the point of discovery and conflict of the producer's administrative and accounting operations. It is there that they can improve and enhance the process through this substantial toolset that they have at their disposal. Key within that toolset is the People, Ideas & Objects software development capability and the service providers direct participation as a user community member. And it is in that way they can affect real change to ensure that their producer clients are provided with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations. Automation will be invoked at high levels to ensure that the most effective and efficient operations are provided to those producers participating in these developments. Relieving the administrative and accounting resources to pursue higher level value added opportunities. Reduction of costs in this sense is a worthwhile pursuit, not from the point of view of the reduction of the costs itself. Reduction of costs implies high levels of automation are in play. Automation does not just reduce cost directly it does so indirectly through the reduction of error. Reduction of errors reduces time. What admittedly is becoming a more critical resource as we proceed through this 21st century economy.
Producer officers and directors are well versed in developing viable scapegoats to justify not implementing the Preliminary Specification. Their most successful argument has been the price maker strategy is collusion. What has been standard business practice in all other industries since the time of the great depression is deemed to be collusion. The results of each property's operations for the month are presented to the producer in a complete set of actual, factual financial statements. This is enabled through the fact that service providers will be charging their costs of administration and accounting directly to the Joint Operating Committee. Monthly allocations for depletion on the basis that oil & gas needs to begin competing in today's capital markets. Determining which properties are profitable and shutting in any unprofitable ones. And begin to account for passing the profitable productions capital costs on to consumers. Why would anyone in any industry continue to produce any asset unprofitably? To refute the claims made in the Preliminary Specification producers have come up with many excuses and reasons why they can’t, won’t and will not ever proceed with the development, implementation and reorganization of the North American oil & gas industry on the basis of profitability everywhere and always. The destruction they’ve authored is now permanent and in 2022 we began to see that the rest of the global industry is active whereas North American producers seem to have been forgotten. However, North American based producers only wished their actions could be forgotten. It’s not that they’re being forgotten, it's that everyone remembers what they’ve done.
I raise this point as many of their arguments on the details regarding the Preliminary Specification could be valid, if we were not to consider them. These arguments are however specious on their face and in theory could potentially provide them with an endless supply of reasons not to do anything, which seems to form part of their overall “do nothing” business model. The Preliminary Specification is derivative of the research I conducted and the experience that I’ve gained in working in oil & gas. No one individual in the world has the wherewithal to make a pencil. The same I would assume is the case in oil & gas. That is why we are user community based, and our user community members are the principals behind each of the service providers. The same pencil analogy applies to each of the individual user community members, however collectively we aim to cover off the full spectrum of producers administration and accounting needs with the assistance of producers input. We’re offering the solution to the problem we’ve identified as a lack of a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable North American oil & gas industry. When producers fund People, Ideas & Objects they’ll have the appropriate motivation to participate by having put some skin in the game. And therefore prove to their shareholders and bankers that profitability is important to the industry. Then ensure that the efforts they make are what are needed to resolve oil & gas exploration & production related issues and opportunities. We are developing the Preliminary Specification, not a remake of the failure that we see today. Therefore it’s necessary for producers to bring us their issues, not their solutions.
We’ve seen this behavior throughout the producer population these past four decades in how they’ve worked with the service industry. Sitting high atop the industry on Caesar's throne and issuing their decrees to those with a simple thumbs up or down gesture. However when people are bringing solutions to the problems that they see in producers business it might be a better approach to show them the respect they deserve and see what it is they have. Share the producer's concerns and work together to have them solved. In an innovative industry the final solution is rarely found on the first iteration. It demands work, and most of all the hard work of solving problems that others are doing and bringing to producers about the issues and opportunities they see in the producers business. To continually cast them aside with a thumbs down is the kind of treatment that will eventually be shared with the producers in times such as 2022 when the industry is profitable, possibly, and they’re being offered nothing. Much in the same way that investors today only believe in producers' dividend checks. This will demand efforts and financial commitments by producers and it's here that the belief in the status quo is proven to be unjustified.
To call the service providers a sub-industry of the oil & gas industry is appropriate based on their scope and scale. Replacing the industries administrative and accounting capabilities which are housed within each individual producer involves many individuals. And in terms of costs it is estimated that the producers incur over $10 billion in G&A costs across North America that would be reallocated as revenues to the service providers. A significant change in the way in which the oil & gas industry is operated. Incremental value is generated based on the ability of the service providers to exercise real economic growth through the toolset of specialization and the division of labor. Providing enhanced performance throughput from the same $10+ billion in G&A costs. And unquantifiable savings as a result of building and sharing the costs of one non-competitive attribute of the industry based, variable cost, administrative and accounting capability and capacity instead of each producer involved in providing their own unshared and unshareable capability in-house.
Arguments against this change are self-serving in nature. Suggesting People, Ideas & Objects software and services scope and scale is too broad yet the scope is well within their internal domain of what they can provide. Through the compliance requirements of the various government agencies, the sophistication of society that we find ourselves in and the needs of the oil & gas producers partners. The redundant, unshared and unshareable building of administrative and accounting requirements of an oil & gas producer are the secondary cause of the lack of real profitability in the oil & gas industry. Long ago these demands were instrumental in eliminating the startup and small oil & gas producers from commercial operations. The road to success for producers was their capacity to raise capital, not their geological or engineering capabilities. We’re not far from the point where these demands on all producers are exceeding the expectation of what overhead costs are reasonable. The high throughput production model, the business model industry is structured under, demands the producer to produce at capacity at all times in order to cover their fixed overheads. Production at capacity is leading to the many commodity price collapses we’ve seen since the first oil price collapse in July 1986 and are creating systemic losses that will lead to the demise of the industry at some point in the very near future. If overhead is not a material issue, why do they continue to destroy the commodity prices just to cover them off?
It is the lighter weight of the producer organizations under the Preliminary Specification that enables the desired characteristics of being dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable. Having the administrative and accounting provided by the service providers has left the C Suite executives, the engineering and earth science resources of the producer firm, the land, some legal and support staff. With this smaller footprint, no matter the size of the production profile, the producer firm is able to focus on their key competitive advantages of their land and asset base, and the coordination of the markets earth science and engineering capabilities. Having state of the art administrative and accounting service providers is what they’ll have on a variable service fee basis. Variable based on profitable production. Accessing this industry wide Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas capability and freeing each individual producer from the onerous and costly tasks of building the unshared and unshareable administrative and accounting capabilities they've created in-house.
This will enable the producers to be able to focus on their business of generating greater value for their shareholders. Why we need to focus on generating value and profitability for shareholders should be evident to everyone now that we've been witnessing the performance of the status quo establishment's interpretation of what is priority and the devastated North American oil & gas landscape that remains.
This Cloud Administrative & Accounting for Oil & Gas capability will accommodate changes in the way in which producers do their work. Through user community participation and the People, Ideas & Objects software development capabilities the service provider can enable change in the software and processes to increase the productivity and throughput of the producer firm. Changes made within the oil & gas producer itself, and changes to enhance the producers key competitive capabilities. These can be handled by the service provider to ensure that they’re adopted within the processes that producers use. Enabling a further specialization and division of labor within the earth science and engineering disciplines. Something that is suggested here as necessary in order to address the shortfalls in these critical resources over the mid to long term.
The world is a dangerous place to live not because of the people who are evil but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.
- Albert Einstein
The scope and scale of what it is that People, Ideas & Objects are undertaking here is comprehensive. That we would aspire to undertake this in the normal course would be unheard of. I don’t believe we’re in an environment where we’re anywhere near normal and what is accepted as normal today is unacceptable. There are serious consequences now as a result of what the producers have authored. Houston can barely make decisions as to which business they’re in. They were once the center of the global oil & gas industry, it’s difficult to suggest how they fit in today.
Time is now of the essence. Time is wasting and there are consequences of actions and inactions by good people that are having much greater implications than we’re realizing when they subsequently occur. As much as I belittle the status quo it’s obvious to everyone that inaction is in their DNA. We can't and should not expect anything from them. They’ll continue to deny People, Ideas & Objects the development resources necessary to proceed. However that is not a reason to sit and watch this tumble further downwards. There should be no doubt of the need to rebuild the industry in my opinion. It will be far easier to rebuild than trying to compromise and deal with today’s failed organizations and end up with something that will not work.
I have defined the market for our user community and their service provider organizations to fall within the domain of the North American oil & gas administration and accounting roles and responsibilities. Our objective is to provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas producers with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always. The areas covered by the service providers include the operational, exploration, land, IT and traditional areas of administration of the producers. And of course the accounting and regulatory processes associated with these. This is a data rich environment and the need to have these captured in an ERP system are paramount. Today’s process of feeding multiple systems with the same data is due to the fact that these systems bridge different domains and conflict between the various empires of the producer which is one of the key impediments to the lack of integration in the current systems. These have been implied and well understood with regard to our user community.