OCI Revisions to User Community Vision, Part I
People, Ideas & Objects User Community Vision
The lack of profitability has decimated the value that was created in the oil & gas business before the 1980s. The subsequent investment capital that was invested and all the revenues earned were fruitless when the business stands today without the ability to support commercial operations or meet the energy demands of consumers. This damage extends to the service industries capacities & capabilities. And includes the fact that the oil & gas and service industries capital structures are incapable of resurrecting commercial operations. People, Ideas & Objects have documented throughout the Preliminary Specification our remedy to the current lack of profitability. The source of our software product quality, oil & gas industry leadership and profitability is our user community and we have configured it in a manner that enables it to address the scope of this issue, to formulate the solution based on the Preliminary Specification and deliver that to the North American producer marketplace. Our user community is configured unlike any user community that has been created to develop ERP systems before. This is to ensure they succeed in their task and make the transition from today’s culture of failure, to one of a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas industry and producer. Where oil & gas production in North America is profitable in the real sense of the term, everywhere and always. Able to address the most challenging future we’ve faced before.
Quality ERP software is achieved through the direction and involvement of user driven software development. This has been proven and has become the foundation of the agile methodology of software development. The breadth of understanding contained within the administrative and accounting for oil & gas can only be obtained through the direct involvement of those who are familiar with the wants and needs of the process management, data, issues and opportunities. People, Ideas & Objects user community is configured to capture this understanding and define their needs for the software developers. To expect that our software developers who are specialized in their software skills will be able to comprehend the full understanding of the accounting and administration needs of the industry, without user involvement, is a foolish expectation of a by-gone era.
It is therefore People, Ideas & Objects obligation to ensure that this initiative is successful. The only method of developing quality software is through user community development and it is here that we’ve focused our efforts since March 2014. We have made our user community one of People, Ideas & Objects three competitive advantages consisting of Intellectual Property and research to round out the rest of our offering. Our user community is in fact our primary focus and our highest priority organizationally. It is the area of our offering in which we can effectively implement the level of organizational change, cultural change and product quality necessary.
One of the solutions proposed by the officers and directors of oil & gas producers is consolidation which occurred a few years ago. Centralized control of interactively complex systems are not effective and lead to failure. There needs to be decentralized control with the ad hoc capabilities of a market able to make the necessary changes as required. Interactive complexity is one of the difficulties that are plaguing producers today. The ability to deal with the issue as it arises through a structured hierarchy, with excessive regulatory oversight governing the producers actions and operational decision making authority being governed by the Joint Operating Committee has created paralysis and inaction.
By recognizing the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the producer firm we are defining and supporting the culture of the industry within the Preliminary Specification and eliminating this conflict. We believe the excessive regulatory requirements should be a consequence of action and not a factor in the decision making process. It is with this in mind that Oracle during their 2022 CloudWorld conference mentioned that once a feature is introduced into the software itself, it is very difficult to take the feature out. User community members will need to consider these aspects of software design and development. To ensure interactively complex systems are decentralized with the appropriate reporting, responsibility and authority being invoked without too much “noise” being created. Hence the critical nature and importance of our user community in these developments.
It is the configuration of our user community that makes it unique. We have licensed our user community members with the authority and responsibility of what is expected of them as an independent, decentralized resource. They’ll have the power necessary to affect the changes they need to make. They are, and will be for the long term, the ones that industry will turn to to resolve their ERP software related issues and opportunities. It will be our user community members who are authorized to make the necessary changes and only our user community members. The structure we have provided has three components which will enable them to build the appropriate oil & gas ERP software from the vision of the Preliminary Specification.
Only our user community is licensed to make changes and prepare derivative works to any underlying Intellectual Property of the Preliminary Specification.
People, Ideas & Objects licensed developers can only look to our user community for input. Our developers are blind, deaf and dumb to all others.
Our user community has their own budget. They are independent business people. Not "blind sleep walking agents of whomever will feed them."
Users are the only individuals and / or groups who have the power to make any changes to the Preliminary Specification and its derivative works. People, Ideas & Objects business model is based on a fundamentally different method on which to develop ERP software. Therefore our user community will always have the exclusive use of People, Ideas & Objects software development capabilities to affect the changes they need and want. Our user community members will be the only ones who can determine the configuration of the software. It will not be driven by the technical architecture, some business cycle or any other criteria. Their license to amend the underlying Intellectual Property is exclusive to our user community. Providing a single point of contact for producers to have their issues and opportunities resolved. Whom do they go to today? Enabling a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas industry.
Second, our user community has the oil & gas industry's business model. Changes, (subject to appropriate change management processes) to the underlying Intellectual Property can be made by those within our user community to a model that allows the access to those that are licensed in our user community. Use of the Joint Operating Committee and the five other Organizational Constructs are a strong model that solves the administrative, accounting and operational issues and enables the producers to realize opportunities in the industry. This business model and its future development is in the hands of our user community. Included with user community member participation is the granting for development and operation of a service provider organization that is licensed for an exclusive process domain in which to manage on behalf of North American producers. The service providers are a reallocation of the administrative and accounting resources of the producers and are the critical change enabling much of the value proposition realized by producers from People, Ideas & Objects et al. Providing oil & gas producers with industry based, variable administrative and accounting costs, variable based on profitable production, capacity and capabilities.
If producers want to have elements of their organization included in the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification they will have to involve themselves with our user community. To attempt to define the risks, performance, responsibility and accountabilities within the parameters of a service level agreement would belittle the producer's demanding role in this development and their overall relationship with our user community. This will be what makes the People, Ideas & Objects user community so effective. It is how People, Ideas & Objects have chosen to build quality software. Our user community members are involved in the development on a part-time basis. They will individually generate revenues for the work they're doing as users. Their service provider organizations will be the primary source of their value generation. A preliminary total of $1.67 billion in the initial development phase has been budgeted exclusively to users by People, Ideas & Objects. We expect a number of approximately 3,000 users and their service provider organizations to be created to address the specifics of each process under the ERP softwares management. Our user community members will use their budget allocation to research, collaborate and determine the needs of the producers and industry then communicate, oversee and ensure the software is developed in the manner they demand. Individual users will be able to specialize in terms of their contribution to a specific area and process of which their expertise as user community participants provides. They're independent business people developing solutions for oil & gas, not employees of producers checking boxes off in the role of "user." Therefore comprehensive and dedicated involvement by industry and individual producers is necessary to ensure that their needs are understood and what it is they specifically require in our software and services. Ensuring that what is developed on the producer's behalf is accurate. Not in fact relegating a definition contained within a service level agreement, where the producer is seeking to delegate the responsibility and accountability on to the agent of the agreement.
Participation is imperative for producers if they want to proceed with the developments around the Preliminary Specification. Developments which include the decentralized production model, the Joint Operating Committee and other Organizational Constructs, three marketplaces and thirteen modules. And in turn achieve the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always. Non-participation in our user community would preclude producers from the benefits of the software, our user community and their service providers. But there's more. Non participation would also make it that producers' particular requirements, their distinctive way of administration, accounting and operations are not accommodated or considered. That none of the software is built for the situations that the company experiences and that the premier asset of theirs would not have the software to handle the particular nuances of how it needs to make money. Producer officers and directors will say they have all of this covered with their current administration, and we all know how profitable they've reported themselves to be.
There is also the fact that the producers' would not be participating with and interacting with our user community itself. I expect our user community to be dynamic and fast paced with significant iterations being made over the business model that uses the Joint Operating Committee etc. The non-participating producers' people won’t know what these changes are and they won’t know what the implications are to the assets of their firm. They weren't there when the decisions were made. As an analogy their producer firm has become a four year old that closed his eyes and covered their ears, screaming that they’re not listening. A very effective strategy. Shareholders will be wise to these actions and wonder why it is that their producer firms are not participating? Is the optimization of their profitability not an issue? Or is the company unaware of the technical progress that has occurred in the past 25 to 35 years? Investors will have questions and producers will need to provide answers.
One answer might be that it's best to sit out and see how things develop with People, Ideas & Objects et al. I believe sitting on the side lines will be the tragic choice for any producer. They should choose to be in or out and have their reasons for non-participation, but to sit on the fence will be the worst choice of all. When our user community iterates on the model after the first phase of development, the software will be quite advanced. More advanced than the producer organization can handle or understand if it did not participate earlier. Our user community and developers will never stop iterating on the model, the ability to catch up at that point may not exist. Once integrated into the participating producers, the subsequent software development will be bringing in new concepts and features on top of the features that were previously built that non-participating producers did not participate in, and therefore can’t understand or implement. Leaving them unable to make the transition. Permanently deprecating their performance standard and competitiveness.
What People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations are doing is disintermediating the oil & gas business. Ending the life of the obsolete business model and culture that no longer supports any of its users needs and has ceased to build value for any of its stakeholders and most particularly its shareholders. Disintermediation is necessary and timely, no industry will be immune. We have not scheduled the commencement of our software developments, however we have spent our time since the publication of the Preliminary Specification developing our user community. There are no large technical issues foreseen that need to be resolved. I believe everything that we need to build the Preliminary Specification can be done with today’s technological infrastructure. Going as far as to suggest here that we have no technical risk in People, Ideas & Objects business. Review of the many keynote addresses by Larry Ellison at his Oracle conferences reflect this. Although there are no large database issues to resolve, it hasn’t stopped Oracle from moving their technology forwards in significant ways that will make our job faster, better, smarter and higher in quality. I mention this as this technological infrastructure is what is enabling disintermediation of the industry.
It will be a new oil & gas industry. One that is limited by our user community's imagination. One based on the Preliminary Specification and developed further from there. This is the opportunity that we have in front of us, our user community has the power in the three critical criteria we've documented in their licensing and founding. A vision being that they are the only ones with the ability to make changes to the underlying Intellectual Property and the only people our developers concern themselves with. But let's not forget their budget too. No one is going to grant us approval to proceed. We will act in the best interests of providing the oil & gas producers with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always. Those are our limits.
To say that I’m looking forward to the future would be an understatement. The issues we identified many decades ago have manifested themselves into an industry that is worthless. The demand for cash to support the long term destruction of the industry continues and fewer sources of support are being realized each passing day. The time when serious action is required is upon the producer firms. I would suggest one of the dynamic changes as a result of the shale era will be that the leadership of the industry will not be sourced from the engineering and earth science disciplines. But form in the hands of those leaders that can make the industry profitable. The future oil & gas industry's leadership will therefore be regenerated and exercised through our user community. This will be the means in which the industry regenerates itself, profitably, not as an out of control spending machine. If that appeals to people then they should act, as actions based on individuals working in collaborative fashion, driven by an overall vision of real profitability such as the Preliminary Specifications is how we’ll solve this. However, do remember that the losing side is the most dangerous just before the collapse. Don't expose yourselves to them unnecessarily.
User Community Charter
Our user community seeks to find the right solution for the most profitable means of oil & gas operations everywhere and always. We’ve now seen what happens when profits are overlooked in the industry. What oil & gas is experiencing is unquestionably the most difficult issue they’ve ever faced. Our user communities collaborations are not to build consensus or compromise. On the contrary, we have many issues to resolve and some of the most complex that have ever been approached. The resolution of issues lies at the point of conflict and contradiction. It’ll be our user community's job to find those conflicting attributes and contradictions, and resolve them to build the industry software for the next generation, to lead and build the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable energy industry we now need in North America.
We have a history in North American oil & gas of a decided lack of profitability. We therefore have a basis of understanding why profits are so important and should always be the focus of everyone that’s involved in the industry. In Canada our former Prime Minister Stephen J. Harper, who’s background began with a Masters degree in Economics states in his book, Right Here, Right Now.
Of all the advice I want to convey here, this is the most important: a company must not lose sight of its central mission. The core value proposition of the commercial sector is its ability to make money by creating products, services, jobs and growth. Social contributions should not be diminished, but business must not go too far down the path of social affirmation. Profits need to be made. And provided that laws are obeyed and ethics practiced, profits are a good thing. Businesses that stray too far from this fundamental purpose will fail regardless of their image. The saying that “the business of the business is business” is ignored at one’s peril.
“Real” profitability as I am stating throughout these writings, is the accurate measure of the earned, incremental value generated by the business. Cash flow that the industry believed was all that mattered is nothing more than the return of the previously invested capital. The money that is needed throughout the greater oil & gas economy must now be generated through the real profitability and prosperity of the oil & gas producer firms. Without these real profits there is and will be no money for the actions and activities that need to be undertaken. Oil & gas is a primary industry where the revenues are earned due to the efforts of all the secondary and tertiary industry efforts. Service industry revenues do not exist outside of the oil & gas producers. Without profits we’ve seen capacities and capabilities decline and the industry ground down to the bureaucratic malaise we find today. Investors and bankers do not exist to fuel the activity of an industry except for the time during its formative years. Eventually a viable industry will benefit those who took the risk to establish the opportunity and those that made it real. Today in North American oil & gas we have an industry that is not profitable in the “real” sense. It has ruined the value that was developed by those that came before them and those that had been led to believe otherwise. An industry that has now degraded to the point where it’s unable to provide profitable operations or satisfy its customers demands. Profitability will be the only source of value that the industry will be able to use to generate its future. No one else trusts the current trustees historical performance record. Besides, other than profitability there is no other source of capital large enough to even begin to approach the needs of the industry.
It is therefore incumbent upon our user community to take the leadership role in establishing “real” profitability in North American oil & gas. I am frequently confronted by producer engineers and geologists who say that accounting has nothing to do with the industry's profitability. “There is no way accounting will make the basin profitable.” The fact that they have lost what former Prime Minister Harper states, “the business of the business, is business” is apparent and obvious. Although oil & gas is a complex and challenging science and technologically based business, it is a business and must be run as a business on the basis of “real” profits.