Our Preliminary Specifications 10th Year, Part III
Although the demand for natural gas in the summer of 2022 is high due to the heat wave in the southern states. Deliverability remains at record volumes and inventories are building in North America to the point where the prospect of freezing in the dark in northern states and provinces will not be an issue this winter. However pricing of natural gas will reflect some of the dynamics occurring in the global markets as a result of the European situation. This applies to both the oil & gas commodities markets. Europe will be struggling in terms of securing its energy for the winter. Their natural gas supply has been curtailed and we see their inventories deteriorating rapidly. (See the graph of European inventory projections under a variety of scenarios.) Recall last year, natural gas prices reacted strongly to the demand in the European market at that time, yet the inventory levels were still within the historical average. Whether that was a feature of demand destruction or LNG being diverted to Europe is unknown. Whatever mitigated their inventory drawdown in late January and February of 2022 is assumed to continue to be in play throughout this year. Therefore the situation in Europe will be difficult. What follows in terms of consequences for North America will be high prices as our inventory levels are potentially put in jeopardy for the long term. The question I would ask is, are we a year behind the events that are occurring in Europe? Much of the U.S. LNG deliveries to China are being diverted to Europe. Russia will no doubt fill the needs of China through the pipeline they commissioned a few years ago, which is now operating at only 20% and is massive in terms of its throughput. Shifting the prior European gas as best they can. LNG has not only made natural gas a commodity priced on a global basis this winter, it appears to be taking on characteristics of a fungible commodity.
What we’re about to face in the winter of 2023 could potentially be disastrous in both oil & gas commodities. The fact of the matter is that it's no one's fault. Assessing blame and pointing fingers from now on will be futile and counterproductive. At the same time it’s the producers responsibility to act. If consumers find producers to be “muddling through” with their “alleged” profitability through the roof, it will not go well for the producer population. What I see in terms of dealing with this potential issue, as is consistent with the “muddle through” philosophy, is nothing. If in the midst of this we see handsome stock options and bonuses declared for our good friends the maggots, celebrating the good job they’ve done, a unanimous declaration of victory that which bonuses would reflect, would ostracize them from polite society.
Then if we consider on the other hand what it is that producer firms can do… What if the service industry is in the condition that I’ve alleged through my writings these past years. There is a culture and history that producers have used and abused the service industry in both the boom and bust cycle. What motivation will lead an oil rig investor to invest in a new drilling rig when the last one they invested in was cut up for scrap metal because the producer wouldn’t pay their drilling invoice for another 15 months. Halliburton, Schlumberger and Baker Hughes are pursuing global deals as their priority. What will make them focus back on North America? Speaking of priorities the movement of field equipment and operators from all the shale formations to the Permian is occurring as we speak. Indicating that these overall service industry shortages may cause deliverability problems soon.
In terms of the engineering talent that was employed in oil & gas and was sent packing when the producer consolidated, rationalized, downsized or accommodated the virus / bust cycle. Producers turned their back on these people, what will motivate them to return to oil & gas now that the one good year out of six happens to need them. Will they just drop the new industry that adopted them after they were orphaned? This could apply to much of the talent throughout the oil & gas producer staff and particularly those in the field for the service industry. There’s a problem of monumental proportions that will demand hard work of the type they don’t do in their newly chosen industry after they were forced out and had to look for new careers.
Many are stating that the investors will have to get involved. Why? They didn’t sell out, they only stopped investing more. Producers are “profitable,” at least from the maggots perspective, and their cash balances should provide for the ability to do anything they need! This assumes their finances are in order and they can employ some kind of miracle rehabilitation of the damage they’ve caused to their firms. However, once again why would the producers investors put more money in?
Thankfully they’re the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas producers that they are. Sorry that’s not the culture of the industry. They’ll claim that but we all know different. They’re wholly incapable of acting. “Muddle through” is not a slogan, it's a culture that CEOs and Chairman preach in the morning and evening to their people all the way down to the receptionist, mail clerk and switchboard operator. Readers appreciate my creative license. This centralized, soviet style organization will watch out their windows as the days pass for the order to come down telling them to act. The fact of the matter is if you can take ownership of the problem, then you have the capability to solve the problem. Therefore the question has to be what is the status of the maggots ownership of this problem? How will they solve the problems that have manifested themselves over the past four decades during the next six months or sooner?
The world is a dangerous place to live not because of the people who are evil but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.
Albert Einstein
What the maggots will be learning in this process is that consumers will not concern themselves about the prices they’ll have to pay. They’ll be concerned about the availability of the commodities they need. They’ll be concerned about why their country is no longer energy independent. And they’ll be concerned that their oil & gas industry has become so incapable.
When it comes to deterring the difficult issues in the oil & gas industry, People, ideas & Objects have demonstrated their will in terms of the commitment and perseverance to take the fight to these bureaucrats. We have also demonstrated the requisite capabilities in terms of identifying the issues and offering solutions to those issues. Solutions that are now desperately needed and unfortunately the industry is in its eleventh hour and have no alternatives. We are ready, willing and capable of solving these issues in the mid-term. We have sought to mitigate the time required to deliver our product to the market and to do so successfully. With our user community and their service provider organizations configured on the basis of the ERP software defined in the Preliminary Specification we have taken ownership of this issue. Accordingly we’ll have the capability to resolve it. Being a proponent of the DFQ let me ask, would the producer firms be able to take ownership of the problem by adopting the Preliminary Specification?
We however operate in the domain of the administrative and accounting disciplines of the North American producer population. We have no understanding, resources and no capabilities to offer outside the domain of the administrative and accounting realm. What is necessary is the inclusion of all aspects of the industry, of which we have no focus or desire to be involved in as it is outside of our understanding. These too are critical issues. The question is what will the maggots do about this winter when the difficulties become acute. What is clear is that there’s no common interest between the maggots and the other constituents in the greater oil & gas economy. There are elements of faith and trust between the oil & gas producers and its consumers. However the leadership in these other areas outside of administration and accounting is not evident to me at this time and must also be involved.
What should be obvious, and should not have to be stated, is that whatever is stated by producers today will need to be brought forward in the time frame that is meaningful to the consumer. Actions will need to be undertaken successfully based on any claims that are made. Producers need to understand that consumers now understand the issues that People, Ideas & Objects have been working to remediate with our Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations. Consumers have seen the cliff they’ve unfortunately been placed at and are not going to accept any excuses, blaming or viable scapegoats as remedies. Action is being demanded and if it isn’t provided in a timely manner through the consumers expectation of legitimate energy independence this winter then I don’t understand what can be stated at this time to better represent the difficulty maggots have created for themselves.
It’s as if all that has been stated either correctly or incorrectly by the producer firms exists as bedrock, public domain assumptions. The litany of reasons that producers will be held to account by consumers will be the tragedy that maggots will forever regret. Here is just a small sample.
- We’re profitable at $30 stated the producers, so what’s the issue now asks the consumer?
- Shale is prolific, so what’s the issue now?
- The United States is energy independent, so what’s the issue now?
- We’re innovative, so what’s the issue now?
- Clean energy is our future, what were you thinking?
And so on. Calling the local painter to find out how to get out of accidentally painting yourself into a corner won’t provide any answers. Finding someone outside of People, Ideas & Objects et al to rescue you will be futile, trust me on that. If this seems too onerous to contemplate, then the easy way out will be for them to explain to all concerned why the situation has gotten so out of hand and how did they let it get there? Specifically, what was the motivation behind what will appear to everyone the damage and destruction caused by them? Why have they done what they’ve done? Was it just for their own personal benefit?
Those interested in joining our user community are People, Ideas & Objects priority and focus. The Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas industry with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence, everywhere and always. An industry where it will be less important who you know, but what you know and what you're capable of delivering, what the value proposition is that you’re offering? We know we can, and we know how to make money in this business. In addition, our software organizes the Intellectual Property of the exploration and production processes owned by the engineers and geologists. Enabling them to monetize their IP for a new oil & gas industry to begin with a means to be dynamic, innovative and performance oriented. Providing a new investment opportunity for those who see a bright future in the industry. A place where their administrative, accounting, exploration and production can be handled for the 21st century. People, Ideas & Objects. Please join our community on Twitter @piobiz. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.