Revisions to the Accounting Voucher Part 1
We now shift our attention to the Accounting Voucher module. The interactions between the Accounting Voucher and the Partnership Accounting modules of the Preliminary Specification are naturally quite significant. They both being accounting modules, it is natural that they have high levels of integration. The Accounting Voucher is unique in that it brings to the producer the ability to design transactions and specific accounting voucher templates such as the Material Balance Report. These are not innovations that the producer will use to become more innovative but are provided to ensure that the innovative producer's processes are actively defined and supported throughout the People, Ideas & Objects application modules. When the business is a science, as it is in oil & gas, it would be in the producer's interest to remain open and flexible in both its scientific and business approach. The Accounting Voucher and Partnership Accounting modules provide this organizational flexibility.
The manner in which these two modules operate is as follows. The Accounting Voucher captures the transactions. Partnership Accounting reports on the transactions. Accounting Vouchers remain open for one accounting period and are subject to the same closing process that’s familiar and traditional in the accounting world.
We noted in the Partnership Accounting module how our Work Order provided producers with the ability to form and participate in working groups. Providing flexibility in participating and accounting for these working groups. This flexibility is what is being sought after in the rest of the producer firm and Joint Operating Committee from these accounting modules. Elimination of the bureaucratic inertia that impedes these activities today makes these modules critical to a producer's innovation as much as the Research & Capabilities or Knowledge & Learning modules provide.
The People, Ideas & Objects Accounting Voucher module will provide the means for the application to “manage the disparate inter-dependencies of modularity theory and Transaction Cost Economics.” That is a summary application of Professor Baldwin's comments and theories. And therefore this Accounting Voucher is one of the key cross roads to all other modules in the People, Ideas & Objects application. What this means is it’s necessary for people to cease just processing transactions, by way of automation, and move toward the definition and design of transactions to optimize the business of the producer and Joint Operating Committees performance.
Vouchers, Open To All Within the Partnership
One of the implications of using the People, Ideas & Objects system is that each partner within each Joint Operating Committee will have authorized access to the pertinent Accounting Voucher during the time that a Voucher is either open or closed. Each of the producers involved in the Joint Operating Committee are therefore able to access the Accounting Voucher and have costs / revenues distributed to the other partners involved in the Joint Operating Committee based on the AFE or operations budget. This is one of the key differences that we discussed in the Petroleum Lease, and Resource Marketplace modules. Partners are all contributing to the joint account as equal participants with the role of “operator” being relegated to a thing of the past. (Note too of course, that each participant is able to charge their own account with their own 100% charges. These charges are to their private accounts and therefore not seen by any of the other participants.)
Cost control becomes an issue when everyone is able to charge freely to the joint account. A careful reading of the previous paragraph reflects that I didn’t state “charge freely." Cost control comes about as a result of the traditional budgetary control of AFE and the Work Order system that we’ve discussed in the Partnership Accounting module. Without pre-approval by the partnership nothing is able to be processed by the People, Ideas & Objects software applications. And as we’ve seen in the discussion of the Security & Access Control module, few will have the authorization to “charge freely” to the joint account in any form or fashion. With the traditional ability to charge to an AFE or Cost Center, and possibly during the development of the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification, our user community determines there’s a need to have a purchase order system, ensuring that an appropriate bidding and contracting process is in place, no unauthorized amount will be accepted in the system. There is also the fact that each voucher needs to be approved for payment before any money is expended and that approval would need to consider the budget authority of the Joint Operating Committee.
As one can envision these Joint Operating Committee - Accounting Vouchers can become large as they include the entire month's business of the property. Accountants would be frustrated at month-end trying to get these Vouchers closed if they had to seek approvals and close each of the transactions within the appropriate small window of time of their month end. Needless to say that each transaction within the Accounting Voucher is a small subset of the larger Accounting Voucher and can be dealt with as a stand alone individual item. Seeking its own approvals and authorizations that deal with just the domain of the specific transaction.
What is different in the People, Ideas & Objects Accounting Voucher system vs what exists today is the elimination of the designation of operator. The capabilities for each producer to house the state of the art earth science and engineering resources necessary to run all of their properties within one oil & gas firm is believed to be beyond the scope of what is possible in the future. Our solution in the Preliminary Specification is the further specialization and division of labor of the earth science and engineering capabilities of each producer firm and the pooling of these resources of the partnership within the Joint Operating Committee.
The Material Balance Report
The Material Balance Report is an Accounting Voucher that is unique and has the following characteristics. It is designed to provide automation to the production, revenue, royalties, marketing and other processes of the producer firms and Joint Operating Committees. It is this type of specialized use of an Accounting Voucher that our user community should consider applying to other situations when contributing to the Preliminary Specification.
What is proposed in People, Ideas & Objects Material Balance Report is that for an Accounting Voucher to close it must balance the financial debits and credits, but must also from a volumetric perspective material balance, system balance and partnership balance. Each of these volumetric perspectives are accessed through a different “mode” within the voucher to make the necessary changes to correct any volumetric imbalances or errors from that specific perspective.
The Joint Operating Committee is a thing that exists as a result of legal agreements and in the minds of oil men and women. It therefore doesn’t “own” anything or incur any costs. All of the charges to the joint account must clear in the month they’re incurred to the producers involved. It is the same situation for the volumetric information. The Joint Operating Committee "Accounting Voucher" balances to zero in terms of costs and volumes each month by clearing its charges to the partnership and royalty owners of the property. Clearings are done after the balance. That does not guarantee that the facility will remain in balance. Adjustments and amendments to the Accounting Voucher may occur. These may happen and they can be subsequently balanced and cleared to the partnership accounts in the same manner as before. And that is on an automated basis. The point of the exercise is that you have the business of the Joint Operating Committee captured in the Material Balance Report which is an integral part of the Accounting Voucher. Essentially all three are the same thing, the Joint Operating Committee, Accounting Voucher, and Material Balance Report. An integrity of reporting that is embedded within the accounting systems that are as rigid as debits must equal credits.
We now discuss the contracts regarding the petroleum products produced from a specific Joint Operating Committee. Contracts that would include marketing for gas, oil, natural gas liquids, or contracts for charges for gathering, processing etc. If a stream of product was flowing through a facility, then a contract for processing or sale would be attached to it. The ability to attach the contract to the stream would enable the Accounting Voucher to establish the associated accounting for the gathering or processing of charges / sales for that stream. These charges (invoices) or sales (receipts) are generated in automated fashion by the Preliminary Specification.
The Accounting Voucher is for lack of a better term a template that is built upon as time passes. Each month as the property changes, these changes are captured within each Accounting Voucher and the template is renewed each month with the accumulation of the properties history, the data from the Petroleum Lease Marketplace and other modules. If a new contract was added for the production from a new well, then that contract stream and the new well would be represented in the next and every month's Accounting Vouchers. The Accounting Voucher template documents the changes in the property over time. Providing the base for the subsequent automation of the business processes to be established, tested, debugged and deployed.
Critical to the “definition and design” of transactions is the fact that these transactions are balancing themselves out. If the debits and credits were not in balance at the end of the day, then the automation of the systems and the accountants would not be doing their jobs. The same could be said for the volumetric reporting. If in the Material Balance Reports was out of balance (call this material balance), or were not balancing the inputs and outputs to other Material Balance Reports (call this system balance), or the internal accounting of those volumes to the partners, royalty holders and others were out of balance (call this partnership balance) the accountants and systems would not be doing their jobs. Simply the process of closing the Accounting Voucher will need to consider not only the balancing of the debits and credits from a financial point of view. They will also need to ensure that the material, system and partnership volumes reported in the Material Balance Report are also in balance. Without these systems in balance, the Accounting Voucher will not clear or close.
This imposes another rather strict provision on the quality of the information that is accepted into the People, Ideas & Objects Accounting Voucher module. Precluding the acceptance of a voucher due to the inability to balance a volumetric requirement holds the system up for what is a common occurrence. What if the volumetric information is unavailable in a timely fashion? What if the information is part of the normal amendment process? Then we are left with the traditional accounting methods of dealing with these types of issues. An accrual of the volumes in order to achieve the balancing necessary should be able to be processed in the current month. Most production processes are amended for up to 90 days. These accruals would then be automatically reversed in the following accounting months Material Balance Report. What is different from existing systems is that we are enforcing the systems to volumetrically balance. Not just inputting key variables but imposing and enforcing the facts of what actually happened at the Joint Operating Committee, and if it is subject to a comprehensive Construction, Ownership and Operation agreement, what is agreed to be accounted for before the close of the Accounting Voucher. And by that I mean specifically, from the point of view of either dealing with the contractual arrangement as dictated by the governing agreements as the determining factor for the means of production allocation. Or if the agreement refers to the chemical composition as the basis of production allocation, both of these methods will be available in the Material Balance Report of the Accounting Voucher in an either, or and mixed environment.
The difference may be subtle but the implication is significant. Locking the volumetric balancing, over the long term, into the Accounting Voucher itself enforces the system to follow the volumes as produced and processed. Once this is achieved a certain level of unimpeachable integrity is achieved regarding the production data and the automation of detailed processes based on those volumes can begin and be assured to be based on the facts of the facilities and assets data and information captured in other modules. Any subsequent amendments will correct the record.
There are many aspects of this system's management of these processes that are unique and necessary. The reason they have not been undertaken has been the broad scope and scale of the development undertaken is comprehensive and beyond what the technology could have provided. It is certainly from a budgetary perspective beyond the scale of what any individual major producer would undertake as the value gained would not be there for the individual producer to incur the entire cost, and most certainly well beyond the standard approach of an oil & gas ERP software development solution provider. People, Ideas & Objects are aggregating the North American producers budgets to make these available through our ERP software and the service provider organizations. Turning the cost of oil & gas administration and accounting, which includes the ERP systems development, into a Cloud Administration & Accounting capability for North American based producers. Those with a comprehensive understanding of these processes will fully appreciate the points that I’m making and the implications involved. My understanding of these processes is comprehensive, I know it can be done and we’ll do this correctly. That this undertaking may be one of the most comprehensive features of the Preliminary Specification. Therefore it is done on the basis where the costs of development are shared and shareable, or non-rival, and driven by a user community vision such as we have. Therefore there is substantial value in terms of cost savings to each producer with untold value through application of the specific attributes of People, Ideas & Objects value proposition.
Those interested in joining our user community are People, Ideas & Objects priority and focus. The Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas industry with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence, everywhere and always. An industry where it will be less important who you know, but what you know and what you're capable of delivering, what the value proposition is that you’re offering? We know we can, and we know how to make money in this business. In addition, our software organizes the Intellectual Property of the exploration and production processes owned by the engineers and geologists. Enabling them to monetize their IP for a new oil & gas industry to begin with a means to be dynamic, innovative and performance oriented. Providing a new investment opportunity for those who see a bright future in the industry. A place where their administrative, accounting, exploration and production can be handled for the 21st century. People, Ideas & Objects. Please join our community on Twitter @piobiz. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.