Revisions to the Budget and Implemention Part 9
Service Providers
The area in which we’ll see the greatest level of change in the industry is with the service providers which our user community members own and operate. They are the reallocation of the accounting and administrative resources of the producers after the Preliminary Specification is implemented that provides the decentralized production model. This is the critical change necessary to solve the industry's profitability issues, enabling the producers to produce oil & gas profitably everywhere and always, and turning the producers fixed overhead costs to variable, variable based on profitable production. The service providers deliver the People, Ideas & Objects et al Cloud Administration & Accounting for oil & gas service to the producers in a full service offering.
Our user community will determine the processes managed by their service provider organizations. Taking all of the processes within the industry and determining the appropriate manner in which they should be reorganized and managed in a standard, objective manner. Using a variety of different tools, but most particularly specialization, the division of labor and automation, they will be able to identify the optimal solutions and design the way a process should be managed in the industry under the Preliminary Specification. They’ll then work with our developers and develop the software on the basis of the processes that they’ve designed. A substantial portion of this User Budget is being allocated to this area as the number of service providers is substantial, their role in the industry is new, is without any prior organizational definition before this reorganization and has no software process definition. Each user community member will need to define the process under management by their service provider and ensure that the scope and scale of that service covers the entire North American producer population and domain of their processes responsibilities. Service providers will need to ensure comprehensive coverage from the global, industry wide perspective. Although the application for the specific process they develop, implement and operate will be of limited scope, managed through a microservice, the scale of their involvement in the industry will be substantial.
The revenue streams of the service providers will be a reallocation of the G&A expenditures that are currently incurred by today's oil & gas producers. These are estimated in the range of $40 to 60 billion per year for the North American producer marketplace. The majority of these costs will be carved out and used to establish the service provider's revenue base on a go forward basis. These revenues will be generated by the service providers when they assess the individual Joint Operating Committees for their process fees. The question becomes how does an individual position themselves to acquire the ability to manage processes in this new sub-industry? Please review the User Community and Service Provider sections of the wiki in order to determine the details of participation and possibly joining this community.
People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and service providers are exercising wholesale changes everywhere and on everything in the oil & gas industry, the service industry and creating the service provider sub-industry. The prototypical producer is changed and how people are engaged with them. It is this level of change that needs to be analyzed and designed by our user community with the resources in these User Budget Categories. It will be our users that determine the actual makeup and means of the industry when the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification goes operational in the industry.
We move on from our User Budget Categories to the Developer Budget Category. What we’ve done is assumed there is an hour to hour, dollar for dollar relationship between our user community members and software developers.
User community based software developments are the only worthwhile method of developing software in the 21st century. To assume that developers would understand the principles of their discipline and be able to determine the needs of the industry without user assistance is the impossible expectation that leads to failure. People, Ideas & Objects et al, and more specifically the greater oil & gas economy can not risk any form of continued failure.
People, Ideas & Objects as an organization was reorganized to focus on our competitive advantages of Intellectual Property, our user community and research as the three categories of our offering. As part of our Intellectual Properties development, software developments will be contracted out to Oracle Corporation for the purpose of speed of product delivery. For People, Ideas & Objects to contemplate assembling the team of developers capable of this scope and scale of application development would demand anywhere from 5 to 10 years. Subsequent time would be spent turning it into a high performing team. This time is unavailable to the oil & gas producers and greater oil & gas economy. Therefore the ability to contract this development to Oracle will cut the majority of this team assembly time down to zero and save the industry the continued losses during this period.
People, Ideas & Objects began our user community developments in March 2014 and have therefore offset much of the time that is necessary to communicate the conceptual model within the market, appeal to our targeted audience of those who aspire to the user community, actively identify and recruit them. These long lead times are necessary to cobble together a user community and to do so with a viable vision which are the two major stumbling blocks that impede their use in software developments today. We have been able to cut these time requirements down to what I would suggest is close to zero.
People, Ideas & Objects spent the prior decade before August 2012 researching the “what, how and why” the industry and producer firm would need to operate when using the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct. It is here that sizable amounts of time, the time necessary to paint the overall vision that our user community is using and benefiting from, are being offset from the industry. To lose this time advantage by organizing and tuning a software development team for the better part of a decade seems too wasteful to contemplate. Particularly when it’s clear that Oracle have spent over $55 billion in their Oracle Cloud ERP offering which is a cornerstone of their organization. Their software development service has what we expect to be over 15,000 developers available in their consulting division and in excess of 50,000 developers in their organization in total. Together these three elements, the advanced nature of our user communities development, the overall vision of the Preliminary Specification, Oracle’s market leading tier 1 ERP system and consulting division, make for a formidable offering for producers in terms of capturing the value that People, Ideas & Objects have secured and are offering through this Budget and Implementation.
Budget Dollars
I would challenge producer directors and officers with the question of where would they invest their capital more effectively than with People, Ideas & Objects, our user community, their service providers on top of Oracle Cloud ERP with their software developers? Providing producers with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations and making effective their oil & gas assets by having access to the software and services that make those assets profitable. There is a specific ask by the investment community that the need for tier 1 ERP systems be implemented before they return. If you can’t support the need to invest, develop and implement the Preliminary Specification on Oracles tier 1 ERP system, to enhance your profitability then your investors will need to understand more than just the questions they’re asking regarding your past performance and accountability record. People, Ideas & Objects comment is premised on their exit in 2015 and expressed distaste for the bureaucratic means of management of oil & gas producers. Absolutely nothing has been done about the investor actions of withholding support, which is the most direct statement of dissatisfaction that investors can make. And these investor demands have been replaced by the “alleged” investor actions to turn the oil & gas producer into clean energy providers. Which is something that received immediate attention and crisis level action in transforming the business focus.
As significant as the damage and destruction that has been conducted by producers upon themselves. What they’ve been able to do to the service industry is much more significant. People, Ideas & Objects have chronicled the abuse leveled at the service industry by producers over the past decades. As difficult as it seems in oil & gas, the service industry is realizing far worse consequences in terms of the financial fallout of the cumulative effect of those producer actions. Griping about the cost increases and availability of the field operations is the method producers have chosen to deal with this issue. The reality is that defined long term remedial efforts will need to be taken by producers in order to rebuild the service industry before the capacity and capabilities are established at the level necessary for energy independence in North America.
In addition to the disgruntled investor and bankers of oil & gas producers and the service industry, there is now the disgruntled consumer. One who sees through the clean energy distraction and the risks that the chronic lack of producer performance has brought to them in today's market. If it is that the producer's officer or director left the scene to pursue the goal of saving the planet with the teenagers and congresswomen, then go. At least have the decency to put these industries back into a condition that they can survive and prosper by funding the Preliminary Specification. However, bureaucrats will have to leave the oil & gas revenues to the investors that built them, those revenues are theirs.
I’ll also mention the people who work in oil & gas but this applies to those that work in the service industry too. Everyone is tired of the boom / bust cycle. It doesn’t exist in other industries as it does in oil & gas. This is due to the fact that after the great depression we learned the consequences of overproduction. People realize there are better ways in which they can be employed to pay the mortgage and raise a family than to risk being laid off for 18 month cycles at a time. Will bureaucrats continue to be able to secure the best and brightest when their cyclical record of employment is as well known as it is now known? In an advanced science and applied science industry using pressures and temperatures on volatile commodities, is this the appropriate 21st century approach?
We see a new level of change taking place in North America. It appears to me that you can push people quite far in terms of what they’ll accept. Then the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back causes the people to roll back what was previously pushed upon them.
In terms of the cost of the budget to develop the Preliminary Specification, and this covers the developers and our user community, we have set it at $15 billion U.S. until the end of 2022. Inflation may cause future difficulties. Due to producer bureaucrats' lack of experience in terms of ERP software project completion, and the risk to all concerned if producers decided to cancel the funding mid-stream for the development of the Preliminary Specification, this money is paid upfront and in its entirety. The development costs of People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification are estimated to be one third of those revenues, I have Intellectual Property royalties of one third and we are a profitable operation with net margins of one third. We also believe that if oil & gas producers don’t have some skin in this game, they’ll have difficulty holding their interest in ensuring this project is successful. It's a lot of money and we share industries' concerns regarding the size and makeup of this budget. While at the same time ask where their concern has been regarding the size and makeup of the damage that has been caused by their management.
Producer bureaucrats have a legacy of viable scapegoats to place the blame on others for their responsibilities and inactions. It is this budget mechanism that I’m using to insulate myself from the blame, blaming and viable scapegoating exercise of this project's failure. I will have earned my compensation and will be insulated from that point of view. However, if they want to hang the failure of this initiative on one individual, an initiative that is dependent on so many from this point forward, then they’ll certainly have the failure that they probably desire in order to maintain their bureaucratic franchise. These are larger points of view and issues far greater than I’m able to deal with. I’m ensuring that the financial resources necessary to complete the project are in hand before anyone will have to commit to this project. Avoiding the wrath of the bureaucrats. Participation by the producers through the user community is mandatory to make this a successful initiative. Precluding the bureaucrats, specifically the officers and directors of these producers, from these developments and possibly their role in the producer is also mandatory.
People, Ideas & Objects proposed the development of the Preliminary Specification when it was completed in August 2012 after a full decade of research. It is an innovative solution to the age-old problem of overproduction in oil & gas. The issue of overproduction was discovered during the great depression and has been worked out of all industries but not oil & gas. Overproduction began in North American oil & gas in the late 1970s and was clearly evident with the initial commodity price collapse during the summer of 1986 in the global oil prices. Since that time there has been only one group that has prospered from their participation in the industry. The producer bureaucrats as represented exclusively by the officers and directors of those firms. The uncaring they’ve shown throughout this time has been testament to the methods and means of their administration throughout the past number of decades. “They’ll muddle through,” “we’re building balance sheets,” “you have to put cash in the ground” and “it’s a difficult business” have been their symphonic responses to any questions.
The facts still remain however that throughout this period when the Preliminary Specification was available, their ostracization of People, Ideas & Objects continued, and it is only these officers and directors who’ve had the authority, responsibility, accountability and financial resources to avoid the disaster identified in the Preliminary Specification and we’re all realizing today. Personal financial aggrandizement was the officer and directors first and only priority. A consequence that has put society in jeopardy when each barrel of oil generates up to 25,000 man hours of mechanical leverage. Making it evident to everyone the risk of what a lack of abundant, affordable energy will have on our economy and our way of life.
Producers have placed themselves in an untenable position. Action is needed. To implement a tier 1 ERP system that identifies and resolves these issues outside of the Preliminary Specification is not available as far as I am aware. If there is it will need to preclude any of the Intellectual Property contained here. It will need to show the legacy of its research and development of any of its Intellectual Property. Choices are therefore limited and producers' continued failure is no longer an option.
Those interested in joining our user community are People, Ideas & Objects priority and focus. The Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas industry with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence, everywhere and always. An industry where it will be less important who you know, but what you know and what you're capable of delivering, what the value proposition is that you’re offering? We know we can, and we know how, to make money in this business. In addition, our software organizes the Intellectual Property of the exploration and production processes owned by the engineers and geologists. Enabling them to monetize their IP for a new oil & gas industry to begin with a means to be dynamic, innovative and performance oriented. Providing a new investment opportunity for those who see a bright future in the industry. A place where their administrative, accounting, exploration and production can be handled for the 21st century. People, Ideas & Objects. Please join our community on Twitter @piobiz. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.