User Community Vision Edits Part 4 of 5
Two items of discussion before the text of our User Community Vision. First we’ll be promoting our use of Twitter once again now that it’s been placed in responsible hands. That at times even this blog’s posts were deemed unacceptable shows the sewer of authoritarianism that overtook that firm.
Discussion in the industry has regressed once again to oil & gas being price takers. This is nothing but the sloppy and lazy thinking that bureaucrats want to pass off as fact for not doing anything. Organizational memory doesn’t exist beyond a fiscal quarter therefore the inability to recall negative $40 prices will probably be horrifying news to them once again. Price makers will only increase production when it’s profitable. North American oil & gas producers don’t have the ERP systems necessary to determine what property is profitable. If they deny this fact then ask them what was the actual overhead incurred at a property. Make sure it's the actual overhead and not overhead allowances. Second, ask them what’s the difference in overhead between the cost of accounting and administration of oil vs gas. Price makers do not have substitutes. Bureaucrats interpret substitutes to be; if they don’t produce others will, therefore substitution is everywhere. This is not what substitution means though. Does it mean that Elon Musk could make it to Mars if he replaced rocket fuel with hydro power? Or could we use wind energy to lubricate our crankcases? How about storing nuclear fuel rods in the convenience of a jerry can as you travel outdoors this weekend. And when you return from your weekend adventure you could make it back to the office in that new solar panel, or pine bark suit you just bought. Ridiculous but sometimes you have to spell it out to these bureaucrats.
Maybe what they’re really saying is they’re experts at industries involved with price taker characteristics. Since that’s the case their craft would best be plied in the bottled water industry. Then if they overproduced the price would still be what a bottle of water costs today, they’d just have more inventory. And if none of the water bottlers bottled water then we’d have to regress to soda or juice as substitutes. An inability to think is a featured attribute of the oil & gas bureaucrat. It’s good to know that in 2022 bureaucrats still command my respect.
Intellectual Property
Back in the late 1990s I was trying to determine what asset would be the most valuable in the future. I’d always put my efforts into software and was asking if that was adequate for the future or was there something more. While contemplating the next stage of this adventure I realized that Intellectual Property was the only real asset that would exist in the 21st century and the only real asset that would provide owners of any asset with any value. Today the economic environment that exists doesn’t offer anything of the type of reward that Intellectual Property does, in my opinion, and most particularly one that is inflation and or interest rate desensitized.
At People, Ideas & Objects we believe that in order to obtain gainful employment people will need to have some form of Intellectual Property in order to do their work, or to better define this, have the right to do their work. This can begin to be acquired through the education and experience one has obtained, however they’ll also have to have one of three levels of access to IP. The first is the outright ownership of the Intellectual Property which are commonly known as copyrights, trademarks, patents and to a lesser extent trade secrets. The second is a contractual arrangement where access to others Intellectual Property is licensed to the individual or firm they’re responsible for. And the last will be as an employee of the firm that either has the IP or is licensed to use the IP. These three tiers of IP are distributed throughout People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service providers in the following ways.
I myself am the beneficial owner of the underlying copyright of the Preliminary Specification and its derivative works. I have licensed People, Ideas & Objects to commercially develop the ERP application, communities and all its associated needs. Our user community members are direct license holders from People, Ideas & Objects, as either individuals or as representatives of their service providers and are licensed to prepare derivative works. They also sub-license on a run-time, read only basis the Intellectual Property that our user community member has licensed access to, which is unencumbered, to the staff they employ in their service provider organization.
Simple so far and here is where we ensure that this IP is held and developed in pristine condition. Our user community members are paid by People, Ideas & Objects for their contributions in the development of the Preliminary Specification and other derivative works such as the software code and binaries. It is in the process of this payment that we are purchasing the IP from each of our user community members in order to ensure that the entirety of it remains whole, and most importantly, available to our user community to prepare derivative works. If this was not done we would end up with an unworkable model due to the claims of individuals and trolls who would hold up the profitability of the oil & gas producers for their own monetary purposes. If it is that you have your own Intellectual Property and feel that it should be recognized then the market is available for you to do so.
There are a number of conditions that will need to be met in order to participate in People, Ideas & Objects user community. First we are seeking to provide the North American oil & gas producers with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations everywhere and always. That is our objective. We are not in any way providing producers with anything to do with clean energy. The revenues of our user community and their service providers are derived from the oil & gas production. Therefore the license precludes user community members and their service providers from operations outside of the oil & gas realm. It will also preclude them from working in any area other than the domain of oil & gas ERP systems of People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations. Our user community is our primary competitive advantage and is therefore not accessible to our competitors or others in the greater oil & gas, software industries or elsewhere. Our focus is exclusively on the ERP product licensed for the oil & gas producers to maximize profitability. Maximizing producer profitability is seen as an unending task.
We need to consider the possible contamination of this IP in a scenario that would disrupt this community. If a user community member or its service provider was using this IP, or augmenting their efforts with other software providers or vendors products from outside of our community. This would be a can of worms that would demand People, Ideas & Objects terminate our user community license in order to protect ourselves from any allegation or potential claim of contamination. In a world where Intellectual Property is the domain where all value is generated. In situations such as we have, where it’s not enough to own the oil & gas asset anymore, it’s also necessary to have access to the software and services that make the oil & gas asset profitable. The basis of this industry wide profitability is sourced from the Intellectual Property that is produced through this community. Value of this magnitude needs to be protected from the potential of incidental and minor actions that would appear to be non-consequential. However could be based on the actions of others outside the community who were looking to leverage the work of the community in a manner that was unproductive. Our safeguard here is to state the risk to the community of a participant that may innocently fall prey to these actions by advising them of the consequences in advance. That the loss of the license is something that could be communicated to our user community members staff within their service provider organization and those within that organization would be wise to the risk and consequences and ensure they and their service provider did not fall down that path. Sabotage by an employee is a different, criminal act that has its own remedies and would not fall under these provisions.
Membership in our user community will be maintained in the initial development period on the basis that it’s a privilege and not a right. We need to have an environment within the community where the performance of the community is maintained at the highest levels. If we have the solution for the greater oil & gas economy, a matter of opinion, then we have a commensurate obligation and hence the need to build a highly performative community. We therefore need to start by establishing the means in which our user community's performance is the overriding requirement. Methods will therefore be implemented to ensure that the lack of contributions, free riding, trolling etc are to be dealt with effectively. What I am suggesting is, that in either of these or other possible scenarios the licensing and management of the IP in the structure of this user community ensures that the community’s leadership can manage who contributes. If the community member is not able, free riding or implementing a value proposition inconsistent with the overall objective, our user community leadership, under the license provisions will have the means in which to terminate the license. The right to cull the herd will be a method that our user community will be able to ensure that quality and performance is achieved and obtained in each and every corner of the work they’re doing. Vetting is not always able to determine the best candidates. A successful implementation of the IP and software in the industry is necessary in order for our user community and their service provider organizations to succeed as organizations.
Those that contribute are compensated appropriately and will need to perform to ensure producers are able to rely on quality ERP systems. Members of the community themselves will be able to know reliably they will not have to tolerate the inappropriate behaviors and antics of those that haven’t fully participated. They’ll also not have to carry any “dead weight” with them. If you want to belong to a high performance community, these are the methods that have been used to establish other high performing organizations. Success must be obtained when the stakes are this high and the dependence is wholly upon this user community's performance. The mitigating strategy for our user community members is its part time participation. We are building upon the depth of industry knowledge necessary to ensure the full scope and scale of the application is conducted correctly and in innovative ways. There is an opportunity to determine if you qualify, can participate, if this arena is your calling where you're able to make a contribution and a difference. There are risks, and I have worked to ensure that none of these are incurred unnecessarily, however we should all agree the responsibility we have is substantial and the role our user community members have in this task is critical.
This is a challenging and difficult environment where the task appears to be impossible for many. And then it will attract exactly the kind of people that will perform in an environment such as this. One of People, Ideas & Objects first tasks is to establish the leadership group, which are full time positions. Then they’ll be able to take our user community members we have and recruit the many, many more that will be needed to cover the full needs of the applications scope and scale.
Those interested in joining our user community are People, Ideas & Objects priority and focus. The Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas industry with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence, everywhere and always. An industry where it will be less important who you know, but what you know and what you're capable of delivering, what the value proposition is that you’re offering? We know we can, and we know how to make money in this business. In addition, our software organizes the Intellectual Property of the exploration and production processes owned by the engineers and geologists. Enabling them to monetize their IP for a new oil & gas industry to begin with a means to be dynamic, innovative and performance oriented. Providing a new investment opportunity for those who see a bright future in the industry. A place where their administrative, accounting, exploration and production can be handled for the 21st century. People, Ideas & Objects. Please join our community on Twitter. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.